curtaincall no curtain call

we've come to the end of the chapter"The Peranakan Ball". it's been a joyous journey and a totallyenriching experience.
experience.. manifests itself in various ways. it ismulti-dimensional, can be subjective or objective, taken in yourpoint of view or mine.
in the most personal sense, i enjoyed myself tremendously and canonly be grateful for this opportunity to be on stage and to get intouch with a once-familiar theatrical performance.
i'm grateful.. and would like to extend this gratitude to all ofyou who gave me your support and love. thank you all.. somuch!

让我有新的尝试 丰富了在台上的经验
感激 也感谢每一位到现场来支持我的朋友
flowers from my 3 little ones..

from godpa.. love sent to me, all the way from UK

from Jeanius! thank you all! these flowers are lovely
21 jeaniuses bought the $118 tickets
just so they could sit at the front row to watch the musical
a very very big thank you Jeanius!

from my friend

both from hype records
thanks to my boss ken lim
also thanks to jonathan and my managers.. alison, minmin, andjiabao

more flowers.. thank you all so much
the flowers are very pretty and cheery, they're lovely

director - goh boon teck

we were running lines before our vocal warm up

with ann

my make up artiste - clarence
he took care of my make up for all 3 changes (you'll see)

he did such a wonderful job..
thank you so much clarence

youling jie (the lady on my right) did my 3 hair changes
thank you so much.. 辛苦了

你们准备了好多东西 让我很感动
你们好可爱 谢谢大家

the band
curtaincall no curtain call

thank you to cast, ensemble andcrew. it's been a pleasure working with all of you. not all couldmake it to the cast party after the performance, so i did not getthe chance to take a photo with some of them.

professional dancer and choreographer - jeffrey tan
someone i really respect
i love to watch him dance.. and i'm thrilled to have this chance towork with him

真的很可爱 好有心呢!

我会记住 也会珍惜

长话短说 崇庆为ivy策划了一个惊喜
那个惊喜就是在ivy不知情的情况下 我出现在她的面前

NETS - my latest endorsement
let me share more at a later time
8days cover
i love the bright colors and the cheery mood of this cover
the nyonya dumplings you see are real by the way!
it's been meticulously wrapped up in bright coloured ribbons
if you saw what effort went into the set up of the place, you wouldbe extremely impressed.
i was!


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公主殿下恋爱吧NO.7_雪莹紫音 小燕子变身雪莹公主

NO。7 贱人② “哇靠!世界上怎么会有那么丑的人呀!”花痴A “9494!还赶走王子们的红地毯!”花痴B “公主们都不敢走呢!这回有好戏看了!”草痴C 。。。。。。“喂!前面的丑女!滚开!敢走王子们

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