乒乓球比赛规则、裁判英语专业术语 乒乓球裁判规则


乒乓球比赛规则、裁判英语专业术语 乒乓球裁判规则

serve theball 发球

spin 旋转twiddle,twirl 倒板backhand drive反手抽球drive 抽球forehand 正手击球top-spin 上旋球under-spin,backspin 下旋球side-spin 侧旋球loop 弧圈球combine long drives with dropshots 长抽短吊defensive player防守型选手attacking player进攻型选手削球 chop搓球 push放高球 lob擦边球 Edge ball封挡block快攻,打回头,扣杀 drive counter, counter-drive, smash短吊 drop shot前冲弧圈球 accelerated loop反手削球 backhand chop反手抽球 backhand drive反手扣球 backhand smash反手直线球 back straight反手弧圈球 backhand loop drive进攻位置、攻击点、进攻时机attack point反手对攻 backhand attack and counter attack反手斜线球 back cross反手进攻打法 backhand attacking play反手连续攻球 backhand attacking rally发反手下旋球 backhand backspin service反手推挡 backhand block左推右攻、右推左攻 backhand block with forehand两面攻、左右开攻 attack on both sides以削球为主的战术 all cut挥拍的幅度 amplitude of swing反手斜线推挡 angled backhand block斜线球 angle shot调整拍形 angle the bat抽出角度来 angle the drive发球抢攻 attack after service进攻作用 attacking role进攻性发球 attacking service命中率 accuracy发球者占先 advantage server再平分 again2、乒乓球台与区域远台 back court中台 middle court近台 short court中线 center台角 corner of table网柱 pole全台 full court台的边缘 edge of table球台端线 front edge of table(球台)中区centre zone(球台)近网区net zone接球员的左半区 receiver's left half court接球员的右半区 receiver's right half court底线区 goal zone3、比赛规则、裁判等术语First 第一Second 第二Third 第三Fourth 第四Fifth 第五Let 重发球Fault 犯规Side 侧面Net 擦网Stop 停Time 时间到Toss 挑边(掷挑边器)Who will receive first?谁先接发球?Who will serve first?谁先发球?Serve 发球Receive 接发球Ends 方位Practice 练习Begin playing比赛开始Ready-Serve 准备---发球Change service换发球Change ends 交换方位Change receiver交换接发球员Point 得分Good service 合法发球Good return 合法还击Outside 出界Volley 拦击Obstruct 阻挡Double hit 连击Double bounce两跳Moved playing surface台面移动Free hand on table不执拍手扶台Touched net assembly触及球网装置Stamp foot 跺脚Wrong order 次序错了Edge ball 擦边球Broken ball 球破裂Expedite system轮换发球法Table 球台End line 端线Side line 边线Centre line 中线Right half-court右半区Playing surface比赛台面Top edge 上边缘Net 球网Post 支柱Support 支架Too high(low)太高(低)Ball 球junk 防弧圈胶皮rubber 胶皮Select 选择Racket 球拍Blade 拍身,底板Handle 拍柄Covering 覆盖物Pimpled rubber颗粒胶Sandwich rubber海绵胶Too thick 太厚Playing hall 比赛厅Surrounds 挡板Floor 地板Score indicator计分器Towel 毛巾Dark-colored 暗色Matt 无高度光泽Uniform 一致,均匀Height 高度Left 左Right 右Best of 3 games三局二胜Best of 5 games五局三胜Deciding game决胜局Match 场Strick 击球Racket hand 执拍手Free hand 不执拍手Upwards 向上Near vertically近乎垂直Palm of the hand手掌Stationary 静止Above 之上Below 之下Behind 之后Without spin 无旋转Over or around越过或绕过Continue 继续Server 发球员Receiver 接发球员Winner 胜者Loser 败者Visible 看得见Pair 一对(双打运动员)Player 运动员Captain 队长Coach 教练员Referee 裁判长Umpire 裁判员Deputy umpire副裁判员Report to referee报告裁判长场外指导 advice to players during play


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