Digital Juice MusicBOX Collection1- 3集全 完美支持Juicer3

Layered, customizable, royalty-free— music you can make your own every time you use it!
TheMusicBOXLibrary is a new concept in layeredproduction audio from Digital Juice. You will be familiar with theproprietary STX layered format these songs are delivered in, butunlike our retired StackTraxx library, which consisted of smallerthemed volumes, each collection in the MusicBOX library is a largeeclectic assortment of 100 all-new original songs.
Each song is available in several alternate versions, with up to10 tracks per song. Each song AND version in MusicBOX Collection 1also comes with custom edited standard length broadcast cuts of1:00, :30, :15 and :10 so you can quickly grab the length you need.To top it off, most of the songs contain some kind of vocalelement, which you have the option to include or keep silent. Withall of this, your options to customize and make each song fit yourproduction are nearly infinite.
We have also made it easier to find the music you need. The allnew Filter Mode search allows quick and easy song searches to helpyou find the perfect song or theme for your project.
Check out exactly what you get inthis MusicBOX Collection 1Click on a category below to enter the Gallery where you canlisten to each song as well as its alternate versions and broadcastcuts. These songs are loosely gathered into categories for browsingpurposes, but since many songs could fall into more than onecategory, when you filter and search in the Juicer, you will get amore accurate selection of tracks for your needs.
NOTE:If you are using Download Accelerator or Get Right, pleasedisable or the player will not work.
All tracks have been reduced in overall quality for demonstrationpurposes. Flash Player 6 or higher required.
NOTE:If you are using Download Accelerator or Get Right, pleasedisable or the player will not work.
All tracks have been reduced in overall quality for demonstrationpurposes. Flash Player 6 or higher required.
CompatibilityCompatible with any computer-basededitor with a DVD-ROM drive
MusicBOX Collection 3continues the popular layeredproduction audio concept from Digital Juice, offering you yetanother quality collection of music in the proprietary STX layeredformat. With 16 unique categories, this collection of 100 all-neworiginal songs includes even more variety with an eclectic mix ofhigh energy pop, powerful rock and dramatic motivational andcinematic music tracks, as well as all-new Country, Romantic, Urbanand RnB categories.
Each song is available in several alternate versions, with up to10 tracks per song. Each song AND version in MusicBOX Collection 3also comes with custom edited standard length broadcast cuts of1:00, :30, :15 and :10 so you can quickly grab the length you need.To top it off, most of the songs contain some kind of vocalelement, which you have the option to include or keep silent. Withall of this, your options to customize and make each song fit yourproduction are nearly infinite.
Finding the music you need is just as easy in this collection asin the previous MusicBOX Collections 1 & 2. Byusing the powerful Filter Mode you can perform quick and easy songsearches to find the perfect song or theme for your project.
Check out the variety in MusicBOXCollection 3's 16 categoriesClick on a category below to enter the Gallery where you canlisten to each song as well as its alternate versions and broadcastcuts. These songs are loosely gathered into categories for browsingpurposes, but since many songs could fall into more than onecategory, when you filter and search in the Juicer, you will get amore accurate selection of tracks for your needs.
NOTE:If you are using Download Accelerator or Get Right, pleasedisable or the player will not work.
All tracks have been reduced in overall quality for demonstrationpurposes. Flash Player 6 or higher required.
Digital JuiceMusicBOX Collection1- 3集全.zip