孕妇脚肿了怎么办 孕妇脚肿了怎么消肿































  延伸阅读:孕期静脉曲张预防及治疗  应对10大孕期症状有秘方


























怀孕症状各有不一样,有一些妈妈在怀孕之后会出现 腿肿,脚也肿,所有鞋都穿不上了,只能穿肥大的拖鞋。这种情况下妈妈应该怎么办呢?怀孕期间脚肿的原因是,由于怀孕中、后期,子宫胀大明显,压迫了下腔静脉,使下肢血液回流受阻,而产生下肢的轻微水肿现象。这个是正常现象,每个准妈妈都会有的,只是程度不同。















Pregnant women, swollen feet how todo?

TodayXiaobian discussion stage of pregnancy will encounter a problem,With the growth of the fetus, pregnant women, the waist and legshave to endure considerable gravity, the waist will be acid, theleg will be swollen, but thegeneral pregnant women are afraid of heat and likes to drink plentyof water, some pregnant women during pregnancy taste becomesheavier, eat salty, can also cause swollen feet, swollen feet thatpregnant women how to do it?

Swollenfeet during pregnancy can be divided into two kinds, one is normal,and the other is not normal, normal pregnancy legs, swollen feetcharacteristics in the lower limbs on both sides of the ankle, thedorsum of the foot and lower leg in front, there may be"concave edema, press with yourfingers at the press of a depression; rest for 6-8 hours, legs,swollen feet disappear.

Described to you todayis:

Swollenfeet how swelling of the way pregnant women, the cause of swollenfeet above normal

Undernormal circumstances, the non-disease factors leading to swollenfeet, pregnant women in the diet more attention, reducing saltintake, try to eat less salt and soy sauce, eat picklefoods. Pregnant women should payattention not to long standing or sedentary, sleep lateralposition, left lateral position for the best. Supine position will increase theoppression of the inferior vena cava, thereby increasingedema. Sleep to try tolower limbs, legs and feet is slightly padded with a cushion toreduce the venous return pressure on the legs and feet can ease theswelling phenomenon. Need to maintain regularmoderate activity during pregnancy, such as the slight movement ofgymnastics or take a walk, help blood circulation.

Xiaobianwas late swollen feet, only wearing her husband's slippers to work,the Xiaobian sister is a teacher, when you were pregnant school butalso stands daily, swollen feet, it is outrageous, my sister toldme two prescription Consumers swollen. Today to share toyou.

Therapeutic side: boiled red beanwater, 50 g Red Bean, add water, cook, diet eating beans can.

Therapeutic side:garlic stewed sinew meat, two of garlic, add a sinew meat, a littlesalt, if serious, do not salt the stew soup.

Aboveis: "Notes of pregnant women during pregnancy trip which" theentire contents of our mother in pregnant women pay attention tomatters of a more accurate understanding and grasp.

Pregnancy legs, swollenfeet, causes and countermeasures

Legs,swollen feet during pregnancy is very common, general, pregnancylegs, swollen feet can be divided into two kinds, one is normal,the other is not normal is not normal when the need for timelymedical treatment.

Characteristics of normalpregnancy legs, swollen feet

● in the lower limbson both sides of the ankle, the dorsum of the foot and lower leg infront of "pitting edema", after pressing with your fingers, pressin a depression;

● 6-8 hours after therest, the legs, swollen feet disappear.

Normal pregnancy the legs,swollen feet reasons

● increased blood volume

Afterpregnancy, the pregnant woman's blood volume with increasinggestational age, increasing to 32-34 weeks of pregnancy, reached apeak increase of about 35% more than before pregnancy increased byan average of 1500 ml.

● vascular permeabilitychanges

Due to increasedcirculating blood volume, cardiac output, blood volume willincrease. Thesame time, the increase in the number of systemic capillary bed,diameter enlargement, the result is that there will be more (anaverage increase of 25%) liquid "through capillary walls into thetissue space.

● The lower extremity venoushypertension

Becauseof pregnancy after a lot of blood from the fetus to live in uterineflow to the inferior vena cava, which will lead to inferior venacava pressure is increased; In addition, after 20 weeks gestation,the uterus will increase the oppression of the pelvic veins andinferior vena cava so that venous return is blocked, sothe lower limb venous pressure is increased further.

Please note thefollowing three changes in the normal changes of pregnancyoccur.

Reduce the countermeasures ofthe legs, swollen feet

●pregnancy should always be activities, such as the slight movementof gymnastics or take a walk, help blood circulation;

● To transform the body topull;

● take the side sleepposition, the left side of Collinson is the best in the supineposition will increase the oppression of the inferior vena cava,thereby increasing the edema;

● scraps slightly padded,and to facilitate blood circulation;

● Do not stand for longperiods;

● Always weartights in order to reduce the extent of varicose veins.

Furtherreading: pregnancy varicose veins prevention and treatment ofresponse to the 10 pregnancy symptoms secret

Abnormal pregnancycharacteristics of the legs, swollen feet

●edema of the scope of a larger, extended by the ankle and lower legabove knee, and even genitals, abdomen, upper limbs, facial;

● generally stay inbed for 6-8 hours, does not go away;

● accompanied by high bloodpressure or hematuria.

Abnormal pregnancy legs,swollen feet reasons

Abnormalpregnancy legs, swollen feet the root causes of pregnancy inducedhypertension, gestational hypertension can lead to pregnant women,kidney, heart function abnormalities.

Special Note

Therest eight hours after the legs, swollen feet still not subsided,or third trimester of pregnancy weight weekly increase of more than500 grams, it is necessary to guard against the occurrence ofgestational hypertension may promptly to the hospital to do acomprehensive inspection.

Why pregnant women, edema cannot be ignored

Pregnant women, longstanding or sedentary, lower extremity pitting edema, but stay inbed after subsided, which is the physiological phenomenon ofpregnancy. After the break edemanot subsided, and increase the trend to the body, by the foot orankle edema, which is the anomaly.

After pregnancy in suchcases should go to the hospital. Mustfirst consider whether systemic disease leading to edema,hypertension, diagnosis of pregnancy to identify, such ascardiogenic edema, nephrotic edema, malnutrition, edema.Pregnancy inducedhypertension is a particular disease occurring only duringpregnancy, and more disease, with the termination of pregnancyafter 20 weeks of gestation will heal. Course of the disease and more from light to heavy, edema isusually the first symptoms, the end of the lower limb, a seriousmove upwards, can also have high blood pressure and proteinuria,where blood pressure is higher than 17.3/12kPa (130/90mmHg) than the originalblood pressure increase 4/21CPa (30/15mmHg) are normal.Proteinuria containslarge amounts of protein in the urine of pregnant women, indicatingthat kidney function is subject to certain damage.The three symptoms can existindependently and can also be concurrent. PIH so that the mother organ ischemia, hypoxia, both maternal andfetal serious harm, pregnant women may be complicated by heartfailure, kidney failure, brain edema, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebralembolism and coagulation disorders. Serious complications and even cause maternaland fetal death. PIH can cause fetalintrauterine growth retardation, distress, stillbirth, prematurebirth, neonatal death rate was correspondingly increased.

Therefore,pregnant women should be identified and attention to early symptomsof pregnancy-induced hypertension, aware of its seriousness, activetreatment, to control the development of symptoms, and make themother during pregnancy and labor and fetal monitoring, and sailedthrough pregnancy and childbirth period.

When the pregnantwomen of the lower limbs and even swelling of the body, accompaniedby palpitations, shortness of breath, weakness, oliguria, and othersymptoms, the situation is not normal. Malnutrition, hypoalbuminemia, acommon cause of anemia and to gestosis all pregnant womenedema. When more severe edema,promptly go to the hospital for examination, diagnosis andtreatment, keeping in mind the dietary conditioning.

(1) eating an adequateamount of protein. Every day we must ensure thatthe ingestion of livestock, poultry, meat, fish, shrimp, eggs, milkand other animal foods and legumes. These foods are rich in quality protein.Anemia in pregnant womenevery week but also pay attention to eating 2 or 3 times liver ironsupplementation.

(2) eating a sufficientamount of fruits and vegetables. Vegetablesand fruits contain a variety of essential vitamins and traceelements, they can improve the body resistance, enhance metabolism,also has a detoxifying diuretic effects. Pregnant women should not forget that eatingvegetables and fruits.

Do not eat saltyfoods. Edema, eat light food, do noteat salty foods, especially pickles, to prevent edema.

(4) control of waterintake. Edema is moreserious for pregnant women should be proper control of waterintake.

Eat ornot eat hard to digest, and ease flatulence foods (such asdeep-fried sticky rice cake, sweet potatoes, onions, potatoes,etc.), so as not to cause bloating, poor blood return, increasededema.

Pregnantwomen, swollen feet, causes and simple approach:

Pregnancyswollen feet is a normal phenomenon, first of all depends on yourblood pressure Gaobu Gao is not caused by pregnancy-inducedhypertension syndrome.

Ifnot, there is no problem.

Youmeasure blood pressure and urine, not pregnancy-inducedhypertension, should be promptly calcium is recommended.

Sleepbefore the foot parts put two pillows, but also to pad up.This latter part of the foot edemahave a good relief.

Bestbedtime, soak your feet with warm water and then further massage,the Nie Yinie is the best.

Pregnantwomen, swollen feet, causes and simple approach:

Pregnancysymptoms vary, as some of the mother after pregnancy leg swelling,swollen feet, all shoes to wear on, can only wear slippershypertrophy. In this case themother should be how to do it? Duringpregnancy swollen feet, due to pregnancy, post-uterine swellingobvious oppression of the inferior vena cava, lower limb bloodcirculation disrupted, while a slight edema of the lowerlimb. This isnormal, every expectant mother would have, to varyingdegrees.


(1)rest. Engaged inprolonged standing, sedentary work, edema situation.Mothers best forone hour, rest for 10 to 15 minutes, a change of posture, andactivities about the legs.

(2)raise the legs. Before going to sleep (or during the lunch break) elevation of thelegs 15 to 20 minutes, you can play to accelerate the blood flowback to reduce the role of pressure within the vein, not only torelieve edema during pregnancy, can also prevent the occurrence ofvaricose veins and other diseases.

Ifthe abdomen fall or enlargement, you can buy a prop cummerbundgently lift up, to relieve stress.

(4)consumption of low-salt meal. Pregnant bodyto regulate the salt content, the function of water has fallen, soin everyday life to try to control salt intake, daily intake of 6gbelow.

(5)the left side of sleep. Take the left sidelying sleep, to avoid compression of the lower extremity venous,and reduce the resistance of the blood return, and can also reducethe pressure on the heart.

Themajority of pregnant women during pregnancy swollen feet, swollenfeet that pregnant women how to do it?

Pregnantswollen feet how to do it? First, to ensure that eating an adequate amountof protein. Every day we must ensure thatthe ingestion of livestock, poultry, meat, fish, shrimp, eggs, milkand other animal foods and legumes. These foods are rich in quality protein.Anemia in pregnant womenevery week but also pay attention to eating 2 or 3 times liver ironsupplementation.

Againstpregnant swollen feet followed by eating a sufficient amount offruits and vegetables. Vegetablesand fruits contain a variety of essential vitamins and traceelements, they can improve the body resistance, enhance metabolism,also has a detoxifying diuretic effects. Pregnant women should not forget that eatingvegetables and fruits.

Tosolve pregnant Jiaozhong how to do the third step, do not eat saltyfood. Edema, eat light food, do noteat salty foods, especially pickles, to prevent edema.

Solvepregnant Jiaozhong how to do the fourth step, the control of waterintake. Edema is moreserious for pregnant women should be proper control of waterintake.

Solvepregnant Jiaozhong how to do the fifth step, eat or not eat hard todigest, and ease flatulence foods (such as deep-fried sticky ricecake, sweet potatoes, onions, potatoes, etc.), so as not to causebloating, poor blood return, adding to edema.

Mustfirst find out if the problem of pregnant women, swollen feet,swollen feet is how matter, physiological Jiaozhong well above fivesteps, I believe to a certain extent to solve the many familieswondering how to do for pregnant women, swollenfeet.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101013/159556.html


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