ApacheMinaCumulativeProtocolDecoder内部函数说明 apache mina

public void decode(IoSessionsession,                   IoBufferin,                   ProtocolDecoderOutputout)            throws Exception
ApacheMinaCumulativeProtocolDecoder内部函数说明 apache mina
Cumulates content of in into internal buffer and forwards decoding request to doDecode(IoSession, IoBuffer, ProtocolDecoderOutput). doDecode() is invoked repeatedly until it returns false and the cumulative buffer is compacted after decoding ends.
IllegalStateException- if your doDecode() returned true not consumingthe cumulative buffer.
Exception - ifthe read data violated protocol specification
说明:decode函数将IoBuffer in对象中的内容累积添加到 内部的buffer上,并调用doDecode方法。,如果doDecode方法返回false且内部累积buffer中的数据再次可用时,doDecode方法会被再次调用,直到doDecode方法返回true;

protected abstract boolean doDecode(IoSessionsession, IoBufferin, ProtocolDecoderOutputout) throws Exception
Implement this method to consume the specified cumulativebuffer and decode its content into message(s).
in - the cumulative buffer
true if and only if there's more to decode in thebuffer and you want to have doDecode method invoked again.Return false if remaining data is not enough to decode,then this method will be invoked again when more data iscumulated.
Exception - ifcannot decode in.


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【函数】 <整型>MessageBox(<字符串> Text,<字符串> Title,<整型> nType);【函数说明】 弹出一个消息框。【语法】参数:Text <字符串>,消息框的正文;Title <字符串>,消息框的标题;nType <整型>,消息框的类型。返回值:<整型>,用户

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