OvertheWay中英歌词 on the way over

Over the Way


The sunshine’s come阳光在田野洒落
the flowers dance along the river鲜花开满河岸
the mountain山坡
It’s cold in the stream
I jump in and swim跳入清凉的溪水,
being a dreamer如在梦中

saying nothing in words此时无声胜有声

Approaching to a child就像一个无忧无虑的孩童
ignoring the crowd远离了人群
I hear my heart beats倾听自己的心声
it’s so real如此真切
Nameless song不知名的曲子
I’ve sung it over the way一路歌颂

OvertheWay中英歌词 on the way over
And maybe I’ll be alone就这样一个人
to be on the tramp with the moon海阔天空

So you empty the roads空旷的马路
leading the craft for truth指引前行

Ya ye ya ye ya ye ya

Cause I don’t have wings to fly没有飞翔的翅膀
so freely like birds in the sky也可以像空中的飞鸟
I’ll have to let go of mind只要放飞心灵
to soar in the wind and smile就可以露出笑容

Ya ye ya ye ya ye ya

Approaching to a child就像一个无忧无虑的孩童
ignoring the crowd远离了人群
I hear my heart beats倾听自己的心声
it’s so real如此真切
Nameless song不知名的曲子
I’ve sung it over the way一路歌颂


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101013/158993.html



By the time you hear this I will have already spiralled up你听到这首歌的时候我已盘旋上升I would never do nothing to let you cowards fuck my world up我不会袖手旁观允许你们这些懦夫搅乱我的世界If I was you, I would du

JLSProud中英歌词 proudofyou歌词

试看地址http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzUxMDc0NDIw.htmlWhen my strength was gone, and I just gave up onlife疲惫不堪时 我对生活心灰意冷In my darkest place you were my guide当我一蹶不振时 是你为我指明方向And you to

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