We’ve all experienced it at one time or another: that awful, heavyfeeling of being far too tired. It makes us grumpy, lazy, irritableand generally unhappy with everything and everyone aroundus.
How many of you think that you can “catch up” on missedsleep?
How many of you think it’s natural to feel tired every singleday?
The number of sleep deprived Brits has risen by 50% over the pastyear, with nearly 6 in 10 people now getting less than 7 hourssleep a night.
Feeling exhausted is so common that it has its own acronym, TATT,which stands for “tired all the time.” If you think this describeshow you feel, follow these proven tips to feel better.
精疲力尽的现象非常常见,以至于有了专门的缩写TATT,意思是“总是感到疲倦”(tired all thetime)。如果你觉得你就是这样的感觉,遵循下面经证实有效的建议,让自己感觉更好一些。
1. Unwind & de-stress.
“Most of the time, fatigue is linked with mood and the accumulationof lots of little stresses in life.”
—Dr Rupal Shah, London GP.
Stress can be the cause of many medical problems, but it’s alwayseasier said than done to unwind and forget about life’s littleannoyances.
Everyone has their own way of relaxing: a good old cuppa; a trip tothe spa; a chill-out in front of the TV. But if you’re looking forsome proven ways to reduce stress, here are three:
Buy a plant. Seriously—researchers have found that simply beingaround plants can induce your relax response. One Washington StateUniversity study found that a group of stressed out people whoentered a room full of plants had a four-point drop in their bloodpressure.
Go for a short walk. A walk will help to clear your head and boostendorphins, helping to reduce stress hormones.
Laugh. Go on, I dare you—you’ll feel better instantly! Laughteractivates your body’s stress response, then quickly cools it down,leaving you feeling relaxed.
2. Get some sun.
Just fifteen minutes in the sun increases your vitamin D levels,which, along with vitamin B is responsible for fighting fatigue. Acommon symptom of vitamin D deficiency is feeling tired, moody,achey and stressed. So now that you have the perfect excuse, getoutside in the sunshine (if you can find any!).
3. AVOID caffeine.
You might be reaching for the coffee with the view that itwill wake you up a bit, but read this first!
Sure, caffeine can give you a bit of a boost in the short term, butyou could drink over eight cups and still feel sluggish.
And the side effects of caffeine consumption? Headaches,irritability and dehydration. When you’re already feeling crappyand tired, the last thing you want is to feel worse!
Instead, try an energy-boosting food, like almonds, oranges,salmon, spinach, or blueberries.
4. Have a power nap.
There are numerous benefits of napping, including improvedalertness, learning, memory and performance.
The benefits of a quick power-nap at work have proved to be sogood, that companies such as Google and The Huffington Post haveinstalled designated sleeping zones in their offices!
However, author of Take a Nap! Change your Life says that nappingfor more than 20 minutes will make you feel even WORSE, so makesure you set your alarm!
5. Switch off.
A huge 8 out of 10 of us keep our mobile phones turned onovernight, and according to Ofcom, around half of us use our phonesas an alarm clock too.
But experts are concerned that using phones and other electronicsbefore bed are causing us problems with our sleep. Research hasshown that the bright light emitted from electronics andsmartphones seriously messes with our sleep behaviors.
Their advice is to cut back on TV, computer and mobile phone timeafter 8 p.m.
Perhaps it’s time to read that book gaining dust in thecorner?
6. Eat healthier.
It’s been said many times before, but the foods that we eat (ordon’t eat) have a huge influence on our health.
You can easily sleep better by making a few changes to yourdiet:
Peanuts. If you have difficulty falling asleep, eat more peanuts ornatural peanut butter. A rich source of niacin, peanuts help toincrease the release of serotonin (which makes ussleepy).
Cherries. Cherries are one of the few natural foods to containmelatonin (which controls our body clock). One study found thatdrinking tart cherry juice resulted in improved sleep quality andduration.
Dark Chocolate. Dark chocolate helps to relax your body and mind.But make sure you stick to dark, as milk chocolate containstyrosine, which converts into dopamine and acts as astimulant.
Avoid: Alcohol. Any kind of alcohol is bad for your sleep. Onestudy found that mixing a single glass of vodka with caffeine-freesoda at bedtime increased the amount of time women spent awakeduring the night by 15 minutes.
7. Work out…
Too much time spent sedentary drains your fuel tank.
I know, I know—when you’re feeling tired, the last thing you wantto do is be active and move about.
But you’ll be amazed at how better it makes you feel!
According to a recent study in Medicine & Science in Sports& Exercise, women who get 150 minutes of moderate exercise perweek report less fatigue and more energy that those whodon’t.
8. …But not too much.
On the flip side, you can have too much of a good thing. Excessivephysical activity can leave you pushing your body, resulting infeelings of tiredness.
Try to find the balance between activity and rest.