![大学生英语竞赛翻译_amychi200 丘成桐大学生数学竞赛](http://img.413yy.cn/images/31101031/31084640t019bd85f69e6ee1834.jpg)
It is now the world’s most successful onlinebusiness and its users consider themselves part of a distinctcommunity.
The site has a number of features which made itattractive to potential users: fast service, search capability, lowcosts for users, tools for comparing prices of books, andpersonalization in the form of customer-written bookreview.
Children who often talk with their parents are happier than thosewho don’t, according to a new research/study.
The manager had to resign (from his post) on account of poorhealth.
No longer did he feel depressed, but happy and hopeful.
I would rather watch TV at home, if you don’t mind.
He could hardly earn his own living, let alone support hisfamily.
He found this an appealing idea since he’d alreadygot into the habit of speed-reading stories to his son.
Honore realized he had become so anxious to rushthrough this nightly ritual that he’d rather read seven or eveneight stories in less time than it would take a normal person toread one.
1.他们摆好会议的坐椅,每排十把椅子。(in row of)
They set out the chairs for the meeting in rows of ten.
2.工厂由于未能遵守政府的安全条例而被关闭了。(comply with)
The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safetyregulations.
3.考试题保密,以防作弊。(keep secret)
The test questions are kept secret (so as) to preventcheating.
4.历史再次证明:中国和其他国家需要更多的文化交流。(once again)
History once again proves that China and other countries need more cultural exchanges.
5.科学家不应把想象力让诗人独占了。(exclusive useof)
Scientists should not allow poets the exclusive use ofimagination.
Universities are facing cuts of more than£900m over the next three years, and fear worse is still tocome.
It has taken more than 800 years to create one ofthe world’s greatest education systems and it looks like it willtake just six months to bring it to its knees.
It said reports suggested that as many as 30universities might not survive in their current form even ifminimal funding cuts were introduced.
Nicolas Sarkozy has just announced an investmentof 11 billion euros in higher education in France, stating he wants“the best universities in the world”.
The article calls for ministers to considerreversing proposed cuts and for assurances that no further cutswill be imposed.
Easy to remember, the name Haibao coincides with its blue color andis a typical lucky name inthe Chinese tradition.
Previous World Expo mascots not only represented the theme of eachExpo, but also embodied the culture and spirit of the host countries andcities.
World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China, is a global event that is hostedby China and the city of Shanghai.
The mascot for the World Expo 2010, in Shanghai, China, should bedifferent from the mascots of previous World Expos and other major internationalevents in its theme manifestation and image design.
The design concept should be clear and unique and coincide with thetheme, and should be easy for the public tounderstand.
The concept of personal branding has been aroundfor more than a decade, but the Internet and social networking havemade it easier than ever to sell the brand “you”.
The basic idea of personal branding is to promoteyourself as having certain values, skills or expertise——yourbrand——so that if someone needs that expertise, they’ll come to youfirst.
While many people are still uncomfortable with theidea of marketing themselves as a commodity, others see it as partof the changing world of work.
We’re living in an age when corporate businessesdon’t care about you as an individual any more——you’re just anemployee number.
Next, give yourself a short and long-term plan ofwhere you want to be, what job you want to have, and how you wantpeople to perceive you.
Teaching is successful only when students are ableto relate what they learn to real life.
Getting students whose level of Chinese isextremely low to read a short essay is difficult, let alone gettingthem to read a book.
We can also get students to share their thoughtsin comic books, which will provide them with an opportunity totrain their speaking skills, and will also get other studentsinterested.
If students were forced to read books according tothe preference of teachers, they would likely end up hating theChinese language even more.
As expected, within a week, some students hadfinished reading the novel, which had three volumes, and werehappily talking about the story.
Through her work, she observed that successfulpeople spent a lot more time reading than they did watchingtelevision.
Although we had no money, between the covers ofthose books, I could go anywhere, do anything and beanybody.
I realized my mother was a financial genius to beable to keep a roof over our heads and any kind of food on thetable, much less buy clothes.
I also realized that immediate gratificationwasn’t going to get me anywhere. Success required intellectualpreparation.
My story is really my mother’s story——a woman withlittle formal education or worldly goods who used her position as aparent to change the lives of many people around theglobe.
1. 本产品的特点是设计独特、质量高、容量大。
The product is characterized by a unique design, high quality and alarge capacity.
2. 应当坚定不移地执行“计划生育”的基本国策。
Efforts should be made to firmly carry out the basic state policyof family planning.
3. 要解决问题,还需作系统而周密的调查研究,这就是分析的过程。
In order to solve the problem, a systematic and thoroughinvestigation is necessary. This is the process of analysis.
4. 的确,散文比诗容易些,但也需下番功夫,才能写好。
Itis true that prose is easier to write than verse. However, writingprose well still requireseffort.
5. 天气热得大家只好呆在有空调的屋子里。
Itwas such a hot day that we could do nothing but stay in theair-conditioned house.
Young men who have reason to fear that they willbe killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought thatthey have been cheated of the best things that life has tooffer.
But in an old man who has known human joys andsorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, thefear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.
可是老年人已经饱尝了人间的甘苦,一切能做的都做了,如果怕死,就有点儿可怜又可鄙。The best way toovercome it——so at least it seems to me——is to make your interestsgradually wider and more impersonal. until bit by bit the walls ofego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in theuniversal life.
克服怕死的最好办法 -- 至少在我看来是这样 -- 就是逐渐使自己的兴趣更加广泛,逐渐摆脱个人狭小的圈子,直到自我的围墙一点一点地倒塌下来,自己的生活慢慢地和整个宇宙的生活融合在一起。
The man who, in old age, can see life in this way,will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he caresfor will continue.
I should wish to die while still at work, knowingthat others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content inthe thought that what was possible has been done.
1. 通常,美国文学这门课在一个学年内学完。(spread over)
Generally speaking, the course in AmericanLiterature is spread over one academic year.
2. 充分利用课内时间意味着课外少花时间。(make full use of)
Making full use of time in class means spendingless time working after class.
3. 如果你的声音小得没有人听得见,你怎么与别人交流呢?(too...to)
How can you communicate with anyone if your voiceis too low to be heard?
4. 不少专家指责那位作家因为他的书里有大量剽窃的内容。(criticize,plagiarism)
Many experts criticized the author because hisbook was full of plagiarisms.
5. 我已参加过“托福”和“研究生入学考试”,成绩分别为615分和2034分。(take)
I have taken the TOEFL, and GRE test. My scoreson/ of the two tests were 615 and 2034 respectively.
To them, I’m just Mom——too impossiblyold-fashioned and ordinary to understand the winds of theirtimes.
A marriage certificate won’t solve all yourproblems, but until you have the guarantee of one, you can’t beginthe struggle to forge yourselves into one unit against theworld——the ultimate goal.
Loving someone doesn’t mean your goals are alwaysidentical. But if you want something, then your mate wants it foryou too.
And so in my sleepless hours, Robby and Johanna, Iwish for you that moment when you look up and find someone watchingyou as if you were a candle——as if you were the only light in aworld of darkness.
It is not easy to learn English well, but if you persist, you willsucceed in the end.
She also began a program that promises a college scholarship toevery student who graduates from high school in her hometown.
3.即使他们得到提升,薪水仍可能比做同样工作的男人少。(even if, lessthan)
Even if they are promoted, their salary may still be less than thatof a man doing the same job.
Recently a team of British scientists declaredthat the common housefly is the most talented aerodynamicist on theplanet, superior to any bird, bat, or bee.
They can hover in one spot, hustle through the airto another location, and then race back to their original hoveringpoint precisely.
Imagine if you didn’t utter an opinion until youhad read hundreds of books, magazines, newspaper articles, andblogs, and then issued a statement based on a few basicnotions.
Given that flies have evolved for hundreds ofmillions years (and that they were the first animals to take to theair), we shouldn’t be surprised that they’re such goodfliers.
1.文章呼吁对外语教学中的文化干扰问题给予更多关注。(call for)
The article calls for more attention to be given to the culturalinterference in foreign language teaching.
This Chinese movie star once said that he would rather be thoughtof as an everyman than a celebrity.
3.司令官对他的军队讲到,在任何情况下都不允许敌人跨国国境。(under nocircumstances)
The commandant told his army that under no circumstances should theenemy cross the frontier.
While many current Hollywood depictions ofmarriage may be overly pessimistic, statistics in America arealarming: each year half as many Americans get divorced asmarry.
They should mutually agree on the length of theseparation——three to six months is average——and both must continueto work on their own problems during that time, either with orwithout a counselor.
During their period of trial separation couplesshould not pursue each other at all, either to fight or toreconcile, but should agree in advance on what kind of contact theywill have.
Some therapists advice their clients to agree notto talk to each other about their relationship during theseencounters and to use the time apart to reflect on their own livesand see what they can change about themselves.
If both are unsure about the future of themarriage, it can provide a timeout, during which they can see whatlife would be like without the other.
1.目前世界上还存在着种族歧视、政治冲突和国家间的领土纠纷。(there be)
At present there is still racial discrimination, politicalconflicts and territorial disputes between nations in theworld.
In fact, the gap between children and their parents is not so wideas we expect.
It is a pity that many people have not realized the importance oftime.
He proceeded to tell us about what he saw and heardabroad.
Many colleges and universities have enlarged their enrollments inorder that more young people can receive higher education.
In the last few years the conventional wisdom hasbeen that the advent of the new media will hasten the demise ofprint, and that the culture of print will soon be a thing of thepast.
A number of recent developments suggest that newmedia may actually be the salvation of old media, and couldpreserve and extend the best aspects of the printculture.
More than a third of their revenue comes fromclassified advertising, which readily lends itself to searchableWeb sites.
The Web sites, meanwhile, have become a way tobroaden and deepen Newspapers’ content as a potential source ofrevenue, as home pages attract new advertisers andsubscribers.
By 1999, nearly half of those registered readersreported that they had never purchased a paper copy of the Times,which means that the online version was introducing the brand to anentirely new group.
1. 老师应该像对待自己的孩子一样去对待学生。
A teacher is supposed to treat his students as ifthey were his own children.
2. 不是我们说什么而是我们做什么才是重要的。
It is not what we say but what we do thatmatters.
3. 我们怎么高地估计现代科学的价值也不过分。
We can not estimate the value of modern sciencetoo much.
4. 正如植物没有阳光不能生长一样,人没有食物不能生存。
Man can no morelive without food than plants cangrow without sunshine.
5. 在任何情况下,我们都不应该忘记控制人口的重要性。
Under no circumstances should we forget theimportance of birth control.
Business is becoming more international andsecretaries will increasingly need international communicationskills.
Vicky Collins will focus on this in the first partof her seminar, and prove that communication across language andcultural barriers is easier than most British secretariesimagine.
Collins explains: “The business cultures of somecountries offer more potential pitfalls than others. The wrongmessage can be conveyed as easily by body language as by the spokenword.”
It is quite possible that, as such, secretariesmay well find themselves liaising between the English-speakingworld and a non-English speaking company.”
Such an approach also requires no knowledge ofirregular verbs or complicated tenses. Even a handful of suchphrases can increase confidence and make the experience,
Applied linguistics and language teaching are not identical butshare many common interests..
Music is your own experience, your thoughts, yourwisdom.
There are many theories as to how and why horses and humans havedeveloped such a special relationship over the ages.
It’s studied that the risk of heart attacks was 17 per cent higherin the winter than in the summer, when they wereleast frequent.
Data was obtained from 50 men and women aged between 16 and 65, whorespondedto a questionnaire in a face-to-face interview in the shoppingcenter.
Under its beefburger guise, it was the first ofthe new range of “convenience” foods which were about to make theworld a better place and begin the liberation of women from thedrudgery of home-cooking and housework.
True, there were those who rebelled against it,but to most the hamburger was a reflection of the national loveaffair with Americana (美国文化).
By the end of the Eighties it had grown to such asize that every day 28 million global citizens ate there and theBig Mac became omnipresent.
McDonald’s stormed the world, but its successesalso drew upon it in the Nineties the criticisms which were leveledat that era.
Food experts began to see the world’s changingculinary tastes as a symbol of what is wrong with the newconsumerism.
Culture is everything. Culture is the way we dress, the way wewalk, the way we tie our ties.
Health experts have warned that the incidents of diseases relatedto eating and drinking too much has risen inrecent years, especially during holiday seasons when people tend toeat and drink more but take less exercise.
Time is a versatile performer. It flies, marches on, and heals allwounds.
If you have great talents, industry will improve them; if you havebut moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency.
The stage production of The Sound of Music is to be performed forthe first time in the Austrian capital, 40years after the film was released.
1. 创造性的思考需要一种能够使你产生想法并且灵活地运用知识和经验的态度。
Creative thinking requires an attitude that allowsyou to search for ideas and manipulate your knowledge andexperience.
2. 基因是细胞最基本的组成部分,由父母遗传给子女,它们可能和人类的行为有某些关系。
Genes, the basic parts of cells which are passeddown from parents to children, may have something to do with humanbehavior.
3. 当两个人设法交流却没能准确地表达出各自的想法,或者错误地以为自己已经领悟了对方的意思时,通常误解就产生了。
Misunderstanding often happens when two people tryto communicate but fail to say exactly what they mean orincorrectly assume that they understand what the other hassaid.
4. 今天左撇子越来越被社会所接受,在某些体育项目上左撇子甚至被认为是占有优势的。
Today, left-handedness is becoming more and moreacceptable in society, and is even considered advantageous in somesports.
5. 我们的生活如此依赖各种交通工具,以至于我们无法想象没有交通工具我们的生活会怎样。
Our lives are so dependent on various kinds oftransportation that we cannot imagine life without them.
1. 一位英国犯罪学家警告说,新技术可能增加而不是解决偷窃和诈骗的问题。
New technology could increase rather than solvethe problem of theft and fraud, a British criminologistwarned.
2. 只要坚持得足够长久,想做任何事都做得到。
We can do anything we want to do, if we stick toit long enough.
3. 一项新的研究发现使用手机与头部长瘤没有联系。
New research has found no link between the use ofcell phones and tumors in the head.
4. 她们刚跑到门口,贝茨太太便已打开了门,姐妹俩匆匆跑进屋里。
By the time they reached the door, Mrs. Bates hadopened it and the two sisters hurried inside
5. 把自己的邮箱地址给出去的确很时髦,但是如果您想控制邮箱容量的话,随意分发就不甚明智。
It’s very fashionable to hand out your emailaddress, but it would not be sensible to hand it out at random ifyou want to control the email volume you have.
1. 学校定了一条规则,开始上课时学生要起立。
The school made it a rule that the students shouldstand up when class begins.
2. 在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。
Great changes have taken place in my home town inthe past ten years.
3. 十五岁他就成为有名的钢琴家了。
At the age of fifteen, he became a famouspianist.
4. 不同的人对同样的问题有不同的看法,所以解决的办法也不同。
Different people have different views to the sameproblem, therefore have different solutions.
5. 决策者往往是公司业务发展的关键。
Decision makers tend to be the key to thedevelopment of company’s business.
1. 他的所见所感对他来说将会是全新的,一度会新颖的让人惊奇。
His every perception will come to him with a newfreshness and, for a time, seem startlingly original.
2. 在某种程度上,他的成功是由于幸运。
In part, his success is due to goodluck.
3. 由于管理不善,他的公司垮台了。
Because of bad management, his companycollapsed.
4. 水污染使居民们很容易患病。
Water pollution causes the residents vulnerable todisease.
5. 不论她说什么,我也不相信她被辞退了的消息。
Despite what she says, I don’t believe the newsthat she was fired.
1. 现代音乐很注意观众和听众的参与。
Modern music attaches great importance to theparticipation of the audiences and listeners.
2. 这次争吵是由误会引起的。
The quarrel originated frommisunderstanding.
3. 为了你的健康,你不该承担太繁重的工作。
For the sake of your health, you shouldn’t take ontoo heavy work.
4. 在关键时刻,我们应该有能力面对一切困难。
We should be capable of facing with alldifficulties at critical moments.
5. 学校应该把学生的全面发展作为自己的目标。
Schools should set the student’s full/ all-rounddevelopment as their own objectives.
1. 上百万的美国人夜里睡不着觉,躺着数羔羊、喝杯烈酒或吞个药片,希望这会使他们产生困意。
Millions of Americans lie awake at night countingsheep or have a stiff[1] drinkor pop a pill, hoping it will make them sleepy.
2. 几乎有1/3的成年人存在睡眠障碍,而且大约10%的人有白天功能减退的症状,这些症状表明他们确实患上了失眠症。
Almost a third of adults have trouble sleeping,and about 10 percent have symptoms of daytime impairment thatsignal true insomnia.
3. 该专家小组呼吁对失眠症进行广泛研究,指出如果科学家们了解了失眠的潜在原因,他们可能会发现更好的治疗方法。
The panel called for a broad range of researchinto insomnia, noting that if scientists understood its underlyingcauses, they could develop better treatment.
4. 很多,但不是所有的失眠症被认为伴随着其他健康问题产生,从关节炎、抑郁症到心血管疾病。
Most, but not all, insomnia is thought toaccompany other health problems, from arthritis and depression tocardio-vascular disease.
5. 撇开其他疾病不说,失眠的可能性随着年龄的增加而增加,而且在妇女中更加普遍,尤其是50岁以后。
Other diseases aside, the risk of insomnia seemsto increase with age and to be more common among women, especiallyafter they are fifty.
1. 但我的事现在搞得满城风雨人人皆知了。
But there had been too much publicity about mycase./ But my case has become the talk of town now.
2. 陌生感会随着时间而消失 The strangeness willwear off with time.
There’s never been a day in his life that/when hedidn’t improve in some way.
3. 我甚至没有同他说话,当然更谈不上跟他谈你的问题了。
I didn’t even speak to him, much less discuss yourproblem with him.
4. 一切会在六点准备好,也许会差几分钟。 It’ll be ready at six, giveor take a few minutes.
A couple of days had passed before the passengership put into Dalian port.
5. 她整天瞎逛,不务正业,看来要一辈子成为父母的负担了。
She is always fooling around. It seems that she isgoing to hang about her parents’ neck for the rest of herlife.
6. 由于非他力所能及的情况,他读了四年书就不得不工作养家了。
Due to circumstances over which he had no control,he only had four years of schooling and had to work to support hisfamily.
7. 要是没有人认领这把丢失的雨伞,拾伞人就可以把它拿走。
Adherence to the principle of one China is thebasis and premise for peaceful reunification.
If no one claims the lost umbrella, the person whofound it can keep it.
8. 成功的教学必须让学生把所学的知识与现实生活联系起来。
Teaching is successful only when students are ableto relate what they learn to real life.
9. “海宝”的名字朗朗上口,与其身体的色彩呼应,符合中国民俗的吉祥称谓原则。
Easy to remember, the name Haibao coincides withits blue color and is a typical lucky name in the Chinesetradition.
10. 居住在地球村里的人民在文化交流与冲突中和睦相处,彼此尊重,共求发展。
People in the global village experience culturalexchanges and clashes, seeking common development in a harmoniousand mutually respectful relationship.
11. 解决台湾问题,关系全中国人民的感情,关系中国的主权和领土完整,关系中国的发展。
The Taiwan issue bears on the national pride ofthe entire Chinese people, and the sovereignty, territorialintegrity and development of China.
12. 我们应该加快步伐建立社会保障体系。
We should step up efforts to establish a socialsecurity system.
13. 我们要深刻认识反腐败工作的长期性、艰巨性和复杂性
It is essential to have a profound understandingof the long-term, arduous and complex nature of the work againstcorruption.
14. 启动市场,扩大消费是增加有效需求的关键环节。
The key to increasing effective demand is thestimulation of markets and expansion of consumption.
15. 本公司生产地毯美丽大方,光彩夺目,富丽堂皇。
Carpets made in our company are beautiful andmagnificent.
16. 西部大开发陆续展开,战略构想开始实施。
The large-scale development program for thewestern region was unfolded and the implementation of strategicconcepts concerning western development was begun.
小冲突发展成为全面对抗 minor clashes develop into all-outconfrontation
将短篇小说扩充为长篇小说 develop a short story into a full-scalenovel
墙壁上开始出现大裂缝 Large cracks havebegun to develop in the wall of the house.
Does the teacher ever include catch question inexamination papers?
The house for sale is verycheap;there must be a catchin it somewhere.
The catch was now being hauled in.捕获的鱼现在已被拖进来了。
The catch on the door is broken.门上的门扣坏了。
He unfastened the lock catch of a box.他打开箱子的锁扣。
account for
The hilly area accounts for a third of thecountry’s cultivated land.
They accounted for twenty enemysoldiers. 他们打死了二十个敌军士兵。
……足以证明这一点as... attest
effectively protect women’s rights againstinfringement
契合主题coincide with the theme 主题表现theme manifestation
造型设计 image design
带来机遇与挑战 present opportunitiesand challenges
全方位对外开放格局基本形成 the pattern ofall-round opening has basically taken shape.
通讯事业迅猛发展telecommunications has advanced by leaps and bounds
利用外资形势好转 utilization offoreign capital took a turn for the better.
努力提高利用外资水平 We need to makebetter use of foreign funds.
平等协商consultation on the basis of equality
加强经济技术交流与合作step up their economic and technical exchanges andcooperation
进口幅度大幅度增加 Import volumeincreased by a big margin
忙个不停have one’s hands full
美中不足 a fly in the ointment
1. His speech was Irish throughout, versatile,witty, and occasionally pointed.
2. He was struck by her powerful profile, her richblack hair falling freely onto her shoulders, the intensity of herdark eyes.
3. All the ones we have seen here have four-starabilities with five-star ambitions.
4. American parents struggle in a competitiveworld where sheer cunning and falsehood are often rewarded andrespected.
5. Their minds are constantly bombarded withdifferent elements of reality that compete for theirattention.
6. Biofeedback teaches patients to controlnormally involuntary body function such as heart rate by providingreal-time monitoring of such responses.
7. Generally it is necessary to touch the fish intwo places, completing the circuit, in order to receive ashock.
8. The discovery of the Antarctic not only provedto be one of the most interesting of all geographical adventures,but created what might be called “the heroic age of Antarcticexploration”.
9. Plans are already on foot to set up permanentbases on the shores of this continent, and what so few years agowas regarded as a “dead continent” now promises to be a most activecenter of human life and endeavor.
10. The concept of personal branding has beenaround for more than a decade.
11. While many people are still uncomfortable withthe idea of marketing themselves as a commodity, others see it aspart of the changing world of work.
The match was put on the airs lastnight. 那场比赛于昨晚播出。
He put onairs at the meeting yesterday morning. 他昨晚上午在会上装腔作势。
Executives must be able to handle a change inbroad segment of industry, society, and government.
The government strongly wish(es) the billpassed. 政府强烈希望该议案能通过。
Poverty is a stranger to industry. 勤劳的人不会穷。
After receiving high praise from the audience, theactress has her head turned.
I’m now a little under the weather.我现在有点不舒服。
I wish peace could be saved at the eleventhhour. 我希望在最后一刻挽救和平。
He is above bribery. 他从不行贿受赂。
His parents are dead against the trip. 他的父母坚决反对这次旅行。(dead: completely)
All the engineers could do was bridge it, and thatwas a hell of a job. But bridge it they did, and only intwenty-four hours.
It is these cultural common denominators uponwhich we can build understanding, respect and communication.就是基于这些文化的共同特征,我们才能增进理解、尊重和交流。
The present should never be chained to customswhich have lost their usefulness.
He doesn’t teach because teaching is easy forhim.
It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行。
Mock Test
1. 传统的日本画可能算是例外,但不要忘了,它是深受中国文化影响的。
Traditional Japanese fine art may be the onlyexception, but it has to be remembered that it has been heavilyinfluenced by the Chinese culture.
2. 它们不仅是绘画的工具,也是画家艺术追求的象征。
They are seen not only as tools for drawingpictures, but also as a collective symbol of artisticpursuit.
3. 当时全国的优秀画家都云集宫廷画院,并采用与朝廷命官同样的方法,按照其各自在绘画方面的成就排序。
The country’s best painters were grouped in theimperial academy of paintings, where they were ranked the same wayas official according to their artistic accomplishments.
4. 他们喜欢在画的题材里加入不同的象征意义。
They like to give meaning to the objects theypaint.
5. 画山水不需要进行长期的技巧训练,这完全取决于画家的个性和修养。
It doesn’t take a lot of training to paintlandscapes, which all depends on the painter’s personality andability.
6. 一份最近的议会报告指责政府和食品工业导致肥胖患者增多。交通部门被指责在促进步行和骑车设施的发展方面做得不够,而且屈从于代表汽车使用者的机动车组织的压力。
A recent parliamentary report blames thegovernment and the food industry for the growth in obesity. TheDepartment of Transport is blamed for not doing enough to promotefacilities for pedestrians and cyclists while submitting topressure from motoring organizations representing carusers.
7. 食品工业被指控向学生兜售垃圾食品,在减少熟食中糖、脂肪和盐含量方面做得不够。
The food industry is blamed for promoting junkfood to school children and not doing enough to cut down on sugar,fats and salt in prepared foods.
8. 受到目前艾特金斯低碳水化合物饮食潮流的刺激,食品工业已经有所反应,但是它要努力保护一个庞大的市场,而且如果要避开日益增多的规定,它需要做的事情还很多。
The industry stung by the current popularity ofthe Atkins low-carbohydrate diet, has begun to respond, but it istrying to protect a huge market and will need to do considerablymore if it is to ward off increased regulation.
9. 有趣的是,日式烹饪在英国很流行。
Interestingly, Japanese cuisine has become highlypopular in Britain.
10. 但是英国人还需要做许多事情来解决与狂饮文化有关的酗酒问题——包括暴力和破坏行为。有节制的酒类消费,只要不和驾驶行为搭伙,就是无害的并可能是有益的。
But Britain has to do more to tackle the problemsof alcoholism associated with the binge drinking culture—includingviolence and vandalism. Limited consumption of alcohol, as long asit is not combined with driving, is harmless and possiblybeneficial.
11. 最近的一项民意测验显示:美国一半的青少年认为他们与父母的交流不好,而且造成这种隔阂的一个首要原因是有不理想的倾听行为。
A recent poll indicated that half the teenagers inthe United States believe that communication between them and theirparents is poor and further that one of the prime causes of thisgap is deficient listening behavior.
12. 一个典型的例子是,一位母亲认为她女儿有严重的听力问题。她对此深信无疑,于是就带着女儿去听觉病矫治专家那儿检查她的耳朵。
As a case in point, one parent believed that herdaughter had a severe hearing problem. She was so convinced thatshe took her to an audiologist to have her ear tested.
13. 离婚率上升的一个首要原因是夫妻间不能有效地交流。他们彼此充耳不闻。两人对对方发出的确切信息都毫无反应。
A leading cause of the rising divorce rate is thefailure of husbands and wives to interact effectively. They don’tlisten to each other. Neither person responds to the actual messagesent by the other.
14. 因为这些人认为他们不需要倾听选民的意见。实际上,有时我们的政治家们似乎连自己的声音都不听。
Because they don’t believe that they listen tothem. In fact, it seems that sometimes our politicians don’t evenlisten to themselves.
15. 令该新闻助理大吃一惊而使听众感到有趣的是,当蒙图亚起来说话时,他读的不是演讲稿而是那份新闻稿。
When he rose to speak to the horror of the pressaide and the amusement of his audience, Montoya began reading thepress release, not his speech.
16. 早退休给退休金的融资带来了难以承受的负担。没有什么简单的解决方案,但推迟退休(年龄)可能有所帮助。
Early retirement places an unsustainable burden onpension financing. There is no easy solution, but delayingretirement could help.
17. 早退休可能看起来是个值得追求的个人目标,但对于社会来说却是昂贵的,它使当前的公共养老金系统难以持久。
Early retirement may seem like a worthy individualgoal, but it is a socially expensive one, and makes the presentpublic pension system difficult to sustain for long.
18. 未来50年,经合组织国家的低出生率和预期寿命的增加将使这一老年依赖率提高大约一倍。
In the next 50 years, low fertility rates andrising life expectancy in OECD countries will cause this old-agedependency rate to roughly double in size.
19. 行动是必需的,但仅仅试图减少公共养老金的慷慨度或增加系统内私有养老金的作用,尽管是必要的,但在应对这种依赖挑战方面仍是不够的。
Action is needed, but simply aiming to reduce thegenerosity of public pensions, or trying to augment the role ofprivately funded pensions within the system, though necessarysteps, may be insufficient to deal with the dependencychallenge.
20. 当然,他们是这么想的,如果现在我们更加健康了、工作对体力的要求降低了、失业率也降低了,那么(工作)出席率可能也该重新上升了。
Surely, the thinking goes, if we are healthier nowand jobs are physically less strenuous and unemployment is down,then perhaps the present rate should rise anew.
[1](only before noun) strong;containing a lot of alcohol烈性的: a stiff whisky 烈性威士忌