追加工程 指在附件B中述及的按工程修改单修改的全部修理工程(包括委修方在签约后受有关规范要求的任何改变)。
AdditionalWorks means all work, If any, in addition to or modification of theSpecification Works (including any changes required by changes inthe rules of the Owners’ regulatory bodies after the date of theContract), which are to be described on a Work Variation Formattached as Annex B hereto.
完工 指工程的完成。Completion meansthe completion of the Works.
合同周期 指双方当事人之间同意的、在表框6述及的为履行工程单中的追加工程和/或其经修正的删减工程和/或依照第八条(中断)所需的周期(起始于交船后的第一个工作日)。
ContractPeriod means the period (commencing on the first working day afterthe date of delivery ) agreed between the Parties as stated in Box 6 for the performance off the Specification as may be amendedas a consequence of Additional Works and/or Reductions and /orpursuant to Clause 8 (Disruptions.)
合同价格 指表框10中的修理工作单经双方同意的价格,该价格可根据加减账工程之间的价格差异进行调整。
ContractPrice means the agreed price for the Specification Works as statedin Box10, as may be adjusted by the value of any Additional Worksless any Reductions.
承修方 指表框3中述及的公司。
Contractors means the company stated in Box3.
承修方船厂 指表框5中述及的承修方作业场所。
Contractors’ Yard means the premises of the Contractorstated in Box 5.
交船 指承修方船厂或经双方当事人同意的其他场所由委修方向承修方交付承修船舶。
Deliverymeans delivery of the Vessel to the Contractors at the Contractor’sYard or elsewhere as may have been agreed between theParties.
委修方 指表框2中述及的船东。Owners means the Owner stated in Box 2.
双方当事人 指委修方和承修方。Parties meansthe Owners and the Contractors.
还船 指在承修方船厂或经双方当事人同意的其他处所向委修方交还承修船舶。
Redeliverymeans redelivery of the Vessel to the Owners at the Contractors’Yard or elsewhere as may have been agreed between theParties.
减少 指由工程变更单记载的全部删减工程项目。
Reductionsmeans all deletions, if any, to the Specification Works, which areto be recorded on a Work Variation Form.
修理工程单 指在本合同项下按附件A中述及的应完成的工程项目。
Specification Works means the work to be carried out underthis Contract described in the Specification attached as Annex Ahereto.
分包方 指为承修方完成承修工程而提供的相关材料或设备,或提供通讯和继续的所有单位。
Sub-contractors means all persons engaged by theContractors to do work, supply materials or equipment, or provideaccommodation or services in connection with the Works.
价格表 指本合同项下附件C经双方同意的费率标准。
Tariffmeans the rates agreed, if any, in Annex C attachedhereto.
船舶 指表框4和表框7中述及的承修船舶。
Vesselmeans the vessel described in Boxes 4 and 7.
工程 指计划修理工程项目中的承修工程和/或加减账工程。
Worksmeans the Specification Works, and/or Reductions.
(a)工程的履行 performance ofworks
TheContractors shall perform the Works in accordance with theprovisions of this Contract, the requirements of the Parties’regulatory bodies, and to the reasonable satisfaction of theOwners;
The Worksshall be performed in accordance with best local practice andunless otherwise agreed, within normal working hours. Any overtimecarried out by the Contractors to complete the Works within theContract Period shall be for their account, but any overtimecarried out at the Owners’ written request shall be subject toextra cost as stated in Box11.
TheContractors shall make all reasonable endeavours to performAdditional Works as requested bye the Owners and recorded in theWork Variation Form. The Contractors shall, wherever possible,perform Additional Works within the Contract Period stated in Box6.However, where the Parties agree that Additional Works will extend,or Reductions shorten, the Contract Period, the increase ordecrease in duration shall be recorded on Work Variation Form andthe Redelivery Termination Date will automatically be extended orshortened by the same period.
In the event of Additional Works or Reductions,the Contract Price shall be adjusted be adjusted by agreementbetween the Parties and recorded on a Work Variation Form. Wherethe Parties agree to Reductions, the Owners shall be credited withthe equivalent of the cost saved as a result of suchReductions [see also Clause 5(a)(Price) ].
Should any of the specified materials or equipmentnot be available at the time required for use in the Vessel, theContractors shall have the right to use other suitable materials orequipment of equivalent standard in replacement thereof, subject tothe agreement of the Classification Society and Owners, thelatter’s Consent not to be unreasonably withheld.
(b)承修方的分包权利Contractors’ right to sub-contract
Subject to the Owners’ right to object onreasonable grounds, the Contractors shall have the right to employsub-contractors to perform any works provide that the Contractorsremain responsible for all of their sub-contractors’actions. In theevent of such a sub-contract the Contractors shall remain liablefor the due performance of their obligations under this‘Contract.
(c)认可和证书Approvals and Certificates
The Contractors shall be responsible for obtainingand maintaining all necessary approval and certificates ofwhatsoever nature relating to the Works as required by theContractors’ regulatory bodies. The Owners shall provide anyreasonable assistance that may be required in thisrespect.
The Owners shall be responsible for obtaining andmaintaining any approvals or certificates relating to the Vesseland the Works as required by the Owner’ regulatory bodies. TheContractors shall provide any reasonable assistance that may berequired in this respect.
(1) 委修方工程的监管应由表框12中所述及的委修方代表或委修方书面通知承修方的被指定人员来完成。在承修工程期间委修方至少有一名代表常驻在承修方船厂。委修方代表应被授权处理与委修方利益和合同有关的一切事宜,包括但不限于对计划、图纸、计算书和文件等的认可,并同意和签署工程变更单和发票。
The Supervision of the Works shall be carried outby the Owners’ Representative (s) as stated in Box 12 or such otherperson(s)as the )Owners may from time to time appoint and notify tothe Contractors in writing.
The Owners shall have at least one representativepresent at the Contractors Yard throughout the Works.
The Owners’ Representative (s) shall be authorizedto act on behalf of the Owners in respect of all matters relatingto the Contract, including but not limited to the approval ofplans, drawing, calculations, and documents, and agreeing andsigning Work Variation Forms and invoices.
The Owners’ Representative (s) shall at all timesprovide reasonable assistance to facilitate timely and efficientcompletion of the Works.
The Vessel’s Master shall be the Owners’Representative unless stated otherwise in Box 12.
The Contractors shall, at their own expense,provide the Owners’ Representative (s) with reasonable officeaccommodation and facilities (including communication facilities)as the Owners may reasonably require, provided the Owners shallbear the costs of all such communication expenses.
The Contractors shall grant the Owners’representative(s) reasonable access to the Contractors’ workshopswhenever work on the Vessel or parts of the Vessel is being carriedout and shall ensure such reasonable access to any other promisesor site where work is being carried out in connection with theVessel.
Owners’ Work Subject to prior written agreementwith the Contractors, whose consent shall not be unreasonablywithheld, the Owners, or the Master and crew, or any sub-contractoremployed or engaged by the Owners, shall be entitled to carry outthe Owners’ own work on the Vessel, provided the Owners remainresponsible for all of the actions and such work does not interferewith or delay the Works.
第四条 交船、还船和船舶的交接
The vesselshall be delivered at a safe place nominated by the Contractors onthe Delivery Date stated in Box 8, Safely afloat and, unlessotherwise agreed, gas free and /or inserted, free of cargo, slops,sludge, dirty ballast and of any substances in the structure of theVessel in way of the Works which are dangerous or harmful tohealth.
The Ownersshall keep the Contractors promptly advised of any changes to theVessel’s Delivery Date.
A Protocolof Delivery shall be signed by the Parties hereto confirming thetime of Delivery.
If, forany reason, the Vessel is not delivered to the Contractors on orbefore 1500 hours local time on the Cancellation Date stated inBox9, the Contractors shall have the right, exercisable no laterthan 1799 hours local time the same day, to cancel this Contractand to recover any costs and expenses which they have reasonablyincurred in the performance of the Contract up to the date ofcancellation(including sums payable to Sub-contractors providedthey were incurred with the Owners’ prior written agreement) to theextent that such sums are not otherwise excluded under thisContract, and thereafter the Parties’ obligations under thisContract shall be at an end.
If, forany reason, the Contractors fail to commence the Works inaccordance with the Specification within 48 hours of the date onwhich the Vessel is delivered in the condition stipulated in Clause4(a)(1)(Delivery),the Owners shall have the right to cancel thisContract within 24 hours, whereupon the Owners shall be entitled todemand immediate redelivery of the Vessel without compensation tothe Contractors, and to recover (A)any sums already paid to the Contractors together with interestat the rat stated in Box 17, and (B) all other expenses which theOwners have reasonably incurred in connection with this Contract,to the extent that those sums are not otherwise excluded under thisContract, but in any event excluding the Owners’ Yard, andthereafter the Parties’ obligations under this Contract shall be atan end.
(b)还船 Redelivery
Redelivery of the Vessel to the Owners shall takeplace within the Contract Period.
Without prejudiceto Clause 7(Guarantee), such inspections, tests and/or trials asare necessary for the purpose of determining whether the Vessel atRedelivery complies with the terms of this Contract shall becarried out prior to Redelivery in the presence of the Owners’Representative(s). The Contractors shall keep the Owners advised ofprogress and the expected dates of Redelivery andCompletion.
Defectsand defaults in the performance of the Works, shall be listed in aprotocol prepared by the Parties. The Contractors shall at theircost rectify any such defects and defaults before Redelivery,unless the Owners can agree that completion of certain of the Workscan take place after Redelivery.
Withoutprejudice to the provisions of Clause 7(Guarantee), at the date ofRedelivery a Protocol of Redelivery and Acceptance shall be signedbetween the Parties which shall identify anyWorks to be completed after Redelivery.
价格 (a) Price
TheContract Price as stated in Box 10, covers all items in theSpecification Works for which a fixed price has beenagreed.
Where afixed price has not been quoted for any item in the SpecificationWorks and/or Additional Works, the price shall be calculated byreference to the agreed Tariff, or if there is no agreed Tariff,reasonable rates applying in the location of the Contractors’Yard.
Thecontract Price shall be payable by the Owners free of all taxes,bank charges, exchange control regulations and in the currencystated in Box 10, in accordance with the payment terms agreed inBox 14 or, if no such terms are agreed, at Redelivery.
Any partof the Contract Price due between Redelivery and Completion shallbe payable in accordance with the payment terms agreed in box 14or, in the absence of such agreement, upon Completion.
If thepayment terms agreed in Box 14 require interim payments prior toRedelivery and the Owners fail to pay any such sums on the datesagreed, the Owners shall pay interest at the rate stated in Box 17on such outstanding sums. In the event that such sums(together withaccrued interest )are not paid within 3 working days of their duedate, the Contractors shall have the right to suspend work on thisContract without thereby incurring liability to the Owners untilpayment of outstanding sums(including accrued interest). TheContractors shall also have the right to recover from the ownersall direct and indirect costs arising from such suspension of workto the extent not otherwise contractually excluded.
If thepayment terms agreed in Box 14 require payments to be made afterredelivery and the Owners fail to make any such payments, theOwners shall pay interest at the rate stated in Box 17 and, failingpayment of such outstanding sums (together with accrued interest)within 3 working days of their due date, any other paymentinstallments agreed to be payable at any later date shall becomedue immediately.
(a)船舶产权 Title toVessel
Title tothe vessel shall remain at all times with the Owners.
Except asprovided in Clause 5(c) (3), the Contractors shall not permit norsuffer any lien to be created on the Vessel as a consequence oftheir work or that of the Sub-contractors.
TheContractors shall be entitled to exercise a lien on the Vessel forall sums due to the Contractors on or before Redelivery.
第六条 损害清算、责任和赔偿 Liquidateddamages, Liabilities and Indemnities
(a)损害清算 LiquidatedDamages
In theevent that Redelivery is delayed beyond the Contract Period, theContractors accept liability for liquidated damages in the sumsstated in Box 16 for each day of delay, subject to any maximumamount stated in Box 16, and subject always to the Contractors’total Liability as stated in Box 15(a).
(1)灭失或损害责任 Liability forLoss or Damage
TheContractors shall only be liable to the Owners under this Contractwhen proven loss or damage has been caused by the negligence, grossnegligence or willful default of the Contractors or that of thosefor whom they are responsible.
Except inthe event of prior cancellation or termination the Contractors’liabilities arising out of or in connection with this Contract ofwhatsoever nature and howsoever arising shall cease upon Redeliveryor, if later, Completion, except as provided in Clause7(Guarantee)and Clause 11(e) (Intellectual Property).
The Ownersshall only be liable to the Contractors under this Contract whenproven loss or damage has been caused by the negligence, grossnegligence or willful default of the Owners or that of those forwhom they are responsible.
Any tests,trials or movements of the Vessel shall be at the Owners’ sole riskand responsibility, and the Contractors shall not be under anyliability whatsoever to the Owners for any loss, damage or expenseresulting from such tests, trials or movements, unless caused bythe intervention, act or omission of the Contractors.
Except asprovided in Clause 6(a) (Liquidated Damages), in no circumstancesshall either party’s liability to the other party include any sumin respect of loss of hire, profit, use or business, or any similardirect, indirect or consequential loss, damage or expense arisingout of or in connection with this Contract.
(2)死亡或人身伤害的责任Liability for Death or Personal Injury
Each partyaccepts responsibility and liability for the death or personalinjury of its own personnel, and the personnel of those entitiesfor whom they are responsible under this Contract, irrespective ofthe cause of death or personal injury, and whether or not caused bythe negligence or gross negligence of the other party, or thoseentities for whom the other party are responsible under thisContract. Each party further agrees to indemnify and hold harmlessthe other party, as regards both liability and legal costs, in theevent that the aforesaid personnel or their dependants pursueclaims for death or personal injury against the party who is notresponsible for them under this Contract
(3)第三方当事人Third Parties
Each partyagrees to indemnify the other party against all claims made againstthe other party by third parties (being those individuals andentities for whom neither party is responsible under this Contract)in any way related to this Contract, where such claims are causedby, or to the extent that they are contributed to by theindemnifying party’s negligence, gross negligence or willfuldefault or that of those for whom it is responsible under the termsof this Contract.
Theindemnifying party shall bear the expense of investigations anddefences of all claims against which the other party is indemnifiedunder sub-clause (1)above and all lawsuits arising therefromincluding the legal costs of the indemnified party.
(4)合同限制Contractual Limitation
Except asProvided in Clause 7(Guarantee), the Contractors’ liability arisingout of or in connection with this Contract shall be limited to theContractors’ Total Liability as stated in Box 15(a).
TheOwners’ liability arising out of or in connection with thisContract shall be limited to the Owners’ Total Liability as statedin Box 15(b).
(5)雇员、服务人员、代理人和分包方 Employees, Servants, Agents and Sub-contractors
Thelimitations on each party’s liability in this Clause 6(b)(Liabilities)shall also apply to the liability of those for whomthat party is responsible under this Contract. Each party furtheragrees that it will no, and will ensure that those for whom it isresponsible., do not, circumvent the aforesaid limitations andallocation of responsibility by taking legal proceedings againstthe employees, servants or agents of the other party, and to thisextent each party shall be deemed to be acting as agent or trusteeon behalf of and for the benefit of all such persons.
(c)限制 Limitation
Nothingherein contained shall affect any right that the Parties may haveto limit their liability under any statutory enactment for the timebeing in force.
Theguarantee shall apply to the Works performed and materials suppliedby the Contractors and, for the avoidance of doubt, by theSub-contractors.
Pursuantto the guarantee, the Contractors shall be responsible forrepairing defedcts in materials, equipment and workmanship existingat the time of Redelivery or, if later, Completion, provided alwaysthat notice of complaint in respect of such defects is received inwriting by the Contractors within the number of months stated inBox 13 from the date of Completion.
If thedefect has led to damage to the Vessel or any part thereof, therepair obligation shall extend to repair or renewal of the Vessel’spart(s) that have been damaged as a direct consequence of thedefect.
In caseswhere the Contractors are liable for defects as provided in thisClause 7, the Owners shall be entitled to have the work and thereplacements carried out at any yard or workshop, other than theContractors’ if, in the reasonable opinion of the Owners, such workand the replacements need to be effected promptly and it is notpracticable or cost effective for the Owners to bring the Vessel tothe Contractors’ Yard. The Contractors’ liability in such casesshall solely be to pay directly or reimburse the actual costincurred for such work and the replacements provided always thatbefore committing the Vessel to another yard or workshop the Ownersshall:
Notify the Contractors of their intentionto do so and request such assistance as the Contractor may be ableto offer in order to minimize the cost;
Use reasonable endeavours to ensure thatthe cost does not exceed the cost of having the same work carriedout at the Contractors’ Yard.
In any theVessel shall be taken at the Owners’ cost and responsibility to theplace elected, ready in all respects for the guarantee work to becommenced.
Whenrepairs or renewals are performed by the Contractors pursuant tothis Clause 7, the Contractors shall guarantee such repairs orrenewals on the same terms as this Clause 7.
第八条 中断 Diruptions
TheContract Period shall be extended when any of the following eventscause delay to the Contractors, performance of the Works, providedalways that the Contractors shall have complied with clause8(b)hereunder and shall have made all reasonable efforts to avoid orminimize the effects such events may have on the performance of theWorks:
(A)不可抗力事件Force Majeure events
(1)天灾;acts of God;
Any Government requisition, control,intervention, requirement or interference;
anycircumstances arising out of war, threatened act of war or warlikeoperations, acts of terrorists or the consequencesthereof;
Earthquakes, landslides, floods or othe4rextraordinary weather conditions;
Strikes,lockouts or other industrial action, but only if of a generalnature and not limited to the Contractors and/or theSub-contractors;
Fire, accident,explosion(whether in the Contractors, Yard or elsewhere) exceptwhere caused by the proven negligence of the Contractors and/orSub-contractors.
(B)其他事件Other events
Failure ofthe Owners and/or Owners’ regulatory bodies to review/approvetechnical information within a reasonable time;
Suspension of theWorks pursuant to Clause 5(b)(3)(payment);
Failure ofthe Owners to deliver the Vessel in the condition stipulated inClause 4(a)(1)(delivery);
Breach ofClause 3(a)(2)(Owners; Representatives);
Disruptionof the Works in breach of Clause 3(b)(Owners’ Work);
Latedelivery of any items to be supplied by the Owners.
TheContractors shall notify the Owners in writing within 2 workingdays of the occurrence of any event of delay, on account of whichthe Contractors assert that they are entitled to claim an extensionof the Contract Period. A failure to so notify shall bar theContractors from claiming any extension to the Contract Period. TheContractors shall also advise the Owners in writing (A) within 2working says of the ending of any event notified under this clausethat the event has ended, and (B) as soon as reasonably possibleafter (A), the length of extension of the Contract Period claimedby the Contractors.
第九条 终止Termination
(a)承修方违约Contractors’ Default
The Ownersshall be entitled to terminate the Contract by notice in writing tothe Contractors in the event that:
TheContractors are deemed insolvent pursuant to Clause9(a)(Insolvency) or:
Withoutlawful excuse, the Contractors (A) fail to perform the Works or anysubstantial part of them for a running period of at least 5 days,provided that thereafter the Owners give the Contractors at least 2days written notice of their intention to terminate under thisClause 9(a), and within that period the Contractors fail to remedytheir breach, or (B) clearly indicate their intention not toperform the Contract; or
TheContractors fail to redeliver the Vessel in the condition requiredby the Contract by the Redelivery Termination Date stated in Box19(if any), as may be adjusted pursuant to Clauses2(a)(3)(Other events);or
There isdamage to the Vessel in the course of the Works for which theContractors are liable under the terms of the Contract and thereasonable estimated cost of repairing such damage exceeds theContractors’ Total Liability. Thereupon the Owners shall be obligedto pay any part of the Contract Price that relates to the Worksperformed up to the date of termination. However, the Owners shallbe entitled to set-off against which payment
(A) anysums payable pursuant to Clause 6(a), and (B) any losses and/orclaims not otherwise excluded which they may suffer by reason ofthe termination. To the extent that (A) and (B) exceed theContractors’ Total Liability, the Owners shall be discharged fromtheir obligation to pay an equivalent sum out of any unpaid part ofthe Contract Price. Thereafter, notwithstanding the provisions ofClause 5 (c)(3), the Owners shall have the right to remove theVessel from the Contractors’ Yard without hindrance or interferenceby the Contractors or those for whom they areresponsible.
(b)委修方违约Owners’ Default
TheContractors shall be entitled to terminate the Contract by noticein writing to the Owners in the event that:
The Ownersare deemed insolvent pursuant to Clause9©(deemed Insolvency); or
Withoutlawful excuse, the Owners(A) fail to pay any sums due under theContract for a period of 5 days provided that thereafter theContractors give the Owners at least 2 days written notice of theirintention to terminate under this clause 9(b), and within thatperiod Owners fail to remedy the breach, or (B) clearly indicatetheir intention not to perform the Contract; or
There isdamage to the Contractors’ property in the course of the Works forwhich the Owners are liable under the terms of the Contract and thereasonably estimated cost of repairing the damage exceeds theOwners’ Total Liability.
Thereuponthe Contractors shall be entitled to recover any unpaid part of theContract Price that relates to the Works perform up to the date oftermination, together with(A) any losses they may suffer, orliability to Sub-contractors and others they may incur, by reasonof the termination except as otherwise excluded, and(B), pendingpayment of (A), their reasonable costs of accommodating the Vessel,but(A) and (B) being subject always to Owners’ TotalLiability.
(b)被认定破产 DeemedInsolvency
Eitherparty shall be deemed insolvent(the Insolvent Party) if it(A) makesany voluntary arrangement with its creditors or becomes subject toan administration order or gore into liquidation (otherwise thanfor the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction); or (B) anencumbrance takes possession of, or a receiver is appointed inrespect of any of the Insolvent Party’s property or assets; or (C)the other party reasonably apprehends that any of the eventsmentioned in (A) or (B) above is about to occur in relation to theInsolvent Party and, after notification to the Insolvent Party isnot reasonably satisfied as to its continuing creditworthinessan/or not provided with suitable guarantees.
第十条 保险Insurance
(a)承修方保险Contractors’ Insurances
TheContractors shall effect and maintain, at not cost to the Owners,ship repairers liability insurance providing coverage for such lossand damage for which the Contractors may be held liable to theOwners under this Contract and shall, at the Owners’ request, makeimmediately available to the Owners copies of insurance policies toprovide evidence an details of cover.
(b)委修方保险Owners’ Insurances
The Ownersshall effect and maintain, at no cost to the Contractors,Protection and Indemnity Insurance, Hull and Machinery Insuranceand War Risks Insurance and providing full coverage for such lossand damage for which the Owners may be held liable to theContractors under this Contract and shall, at the Contractors’request make immediately available to the Contractors copies ofinsurance policies to provide evidence and details of thecover.
第十一条 杂项条款 Sundry Provisions
Neitherparty shall have the right to assign this Contract or any rightsthereunder to a third party without the written consent of theother party, which consent shall not be unreasonablywithheld.
If byreason of any enactment or judgment any provision of this Contractshall be deemed or held to be illegal, Void or unenforceable inwhole or in part, all other provisions of this Contract shall beunaffected thereby and shall remain in full force andeffect.
(c)弃权 No Waiver
No failureor forbearance of either of the Parties to exercise any of theirrights or remedies under this Contract shall constitute a waiverthereof or prevent the Parties from subsequently exercising anysuch rights or remedies in full.
(d)合同的完整性Entire Agreement
ThisContract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties andno promise, undertaking, representation, warranty or statement byeither party prior to the date of this Contract shall affect theContract nor shall any modification of this Contract be of anyeffect unless in writing signed by or on behalf of theParties.
(e)知识产权Intellectual Property
TheContractors have ownership of drawings, casting patterns, dataregarding weights and volumes, information regarding prices and anyother data which it has prepared or produced in connection withthis Contract. The Owners may at all times use the same insubsequent work on the Vessel or sister vessels. Subject to paymentof the copying expenses, the Owners may require the Contractors tosupply copies of this material. The Contractors may not make any ofthis material available to third parties without the prior writtenconsent of the Owners, such consent not to be unreasonably withheldwhere disclosure is necessary for the completion of theWorks.
The Ownersshall ensure that the manufacturing and/or supplying supplied todrawings, models or other instructions supplied by them shall notinfringe any trade mark, patent or similar rights of third parties.Should claims nevertheless be made against the Contractors in thisrespect the Owners shall keep the Contractors of such claims,including any legal costs incurred by them in connectiontherewith.
Except asprovided for in Clause 11 (e)(2), the Contractors hereby agree toindemnify the Owners against the cost to the Owners of any claims,including legal costs incurred by the Owners in connectiontherewith based on any alleged infringement of trademarks, patentsor any other protected right, arising out of or in any way relatedto the Contractors’ performance of the Works.
(f)废旧材料Scrap Materials
Scrapmetal materials removed from the Vessel pursuant to the Works shallbecome the Contractors’ property except for propellers, tailshaftsand heavy machinery parts.
第十二条 争议解决条款 DisputeResolution Clause
ThisContract shall be governed by and construed in accordance withEnglish law and any dispute arising out of or in connection withthis Contract shall be referred to arbitration in Landon inaccordance with the Arbitration Act 1996 or any statutorymodification or reenactment thereof save to the extent necessary togive effect to the provisions of this Clause.
Thearbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the LondonMaritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA) Terms current at the timewhen the arbitration proceedings are commenced.
Thereference shall be three arbitrators. A party wishing to refer adispute to arbitration shall appoint its arbitrator and send noticeof such appointment in writing to the other party requiring theother party to appoint its own arbitrator within 14 calendar daysof that notice and stating that it will appoint its arbitrator assole arbitrator unless the other party appoints its own arbitratorand gives notice that it has done so within the 14 days specified.If the other party does not appoint its own arbitrator and givenotice that it has done so within the 14 days specified, the partyreferring a dispute to arbitration may, without the requirement ofany further prior notice to the other party, appoint its arbitratoras sole arbitrator and shall advise the other party accordingly.The award of a sole arbitrator shall be binding on both parties asif he had been appointed by agreement.
Nothingherein shall prevent the parties agreeing in writing to vary theseprovisions to provide for the appointment of a solearbitrator.
In caseswhere neither the claim nor any counterclaim exceeds the sum of US$50,000 (or such other sum as the parties may agree) the arbitrationshall be conducted in accordance with the LMAA Small ClaimsProcedure Current at the time when the arbitration proceedings arecommenced.
ThisContract shall be governed by and construed in accordance withTitle 9 of the United States Code and the Maritime Law of theUnited States and any dispute arsing out of or in Connection withthis Contract shall be referred to three persons at New York, oneto be appointed by each of the Parties hereto, and the third by thetwo so chosen; their decision or that of final two of them shall befinal, and for the purposes of enforcing any award, judgment may beentered on an award by any court of competent jurisdiction. Theproceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of theSociety of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc.
In caseswhere neither the claim nor any counterclaim exceeds the sum of US$50,000 (or such other sum as the parties may agree) the arbitrationshall be conducted in accordance with the shortened ArbitrationProcedure of the Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc. Current atthe time when the arbitration proceedings are commenced.
This Contract shall be governed by andconstrued in accordance with the laws of the place mutual agreed bythe parties and any dispute arising out of or in connection withthis Contract shall be referred to arbitration at a mutually agreedplace, subject to the procedures applicable there.
Notwithstanding 12(a)、(b)or(c)above, the parties may agree at anytime to refer to mediation any difference and/or dispute arisingout of or in connection with this Contract.
In the case of a dispute in respect ofwhich arbitration has been commenced under 12(a)、(b)or(c)above, the following shallapply:
Either party may at any time and from timeto time elect to refer the dispute or part of the dispute tomediation by service on the other party of a written notice(theMediation Notice ) calling on the other party to agree tomediation.
The other party shall thereupon within 14calendar days of receipt of the Mediation Notice confirm that theyagree to mediation, in which case the parties shall thereafteragree a mediator within a further 14 calendar days, failing whichon the application of either party a mediator will be appointedpromptly by the Arbitration Tribunal (the Tribunal) or such personas the Tribunal may designate for that purpose. The mediation shallbe conducted in such place and in accordance with such procedureand on such terms as the parties may agree or, in the event ofdisagreement, ads may be set by the mediator.
If the other party does not agree tomediated, that fact may be brought to the attention of the Tribunaland may be taken into account by the Tribunal when allocating thecosts of the arbitration as between the parties.
The mediation shall not affect the rightof either party to seek such relief or take such steps as itconsiders necessary to protect its interest.
Either party may advise the Tribunal thatthey have agreed to mediation. The arbitration procedure shallcontinue during the conduct of the mediation but the Tribunal maytake the mediation timetable into account when setting thetimetable for steps in the arbitration.
Unless otherwise agreed or specified inthe mediation terms, each party shall bear its own costs incurredin the mediation and parties shall share equally the mediator’scosts and expenses.
The mediation process shall be withoutprejudice and confidential and no information or documentsdisclosed during it shall be revealed to the Tribunal except to theextent that they are discloseable under the law and proceduregoverning the arbitration.
(Note: The parties should be aware thatthe mediation process may not necessarily interrupt timelimits.)
If Box 18 in Part 1 is not appropriatelyfilled in, clause 12(a)of this Clause shall apply. Clause12(d)shall apply in all cases.
Clauses 12(a)、(b)or(c)are alternatives; indicatealternative agreed in Box 18.
第十三条 通知条款 Notices Clause
All notices given by either party or theiragents to the other party or their agents in accordance with theprovisions of this Contract shall be in writing.
For thepurposes of this Contract, “in writing “shall mean any method oflegible communication. A notice may be given by any effective meansincluding, but not limited to, cable, telex, fax, e-mail,registered or recorded mail, or by personal service.