2014年4月5日雅思写作真题:Anincreasing number of people change their career and places ofresidence several times during their life. Is this a positive ornegative development?
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It is commonthese days that many people constantly find new jobs and move tonew places in their whole life. Personally I believe this trend canbring benefits as well as challenges for people.
There are certain advantages for changing careerwhen people find the area their interest lies in. As many youngpeople may acquire a position which is not their really passion butsimply for surviving after they graduate from colleges, it isunavoidable for them to switch jobs andtrydifferent fields before they find the right one. An engineer, forinstance, might find his work too tedious and learns baking in hisspare time and finally becomes a remarkable baker. By doing theirdream job, peoplebecome more motivated andefficient; therefore theycan easily have a senseof achievement andsatisfaction. Besides, due tothe job movement, many people settle down in a new place, which isa brand new experience for them. They will make new friends, learnlocal customs and traditions and thereforebroadentheirhorizon by being exposed to a newenvironment. More often than not, the new place will be better thantheir old residence in terms of public transport and resources likemedical care and education and quality of neighborhood.
Despite allthe benefits, risks and challenges might occur when people changetheir career or places to live. First, too frequent job-hoppingexperiences can be considered as lack of stability and loyalty inmany HR's eyes. Second, people might find it extremely difficult toadapt to a new environment, which easily leads to loneliness andfrustration. For example, many new immigrants who could notovercome the languagebarrier might be challengedin every aspect of life in the new environment. Besides, constantlymoving from one place to another is very costly andtime-consuming.
In my point ofview, If people have a inside motivation to change career, thischange will definitely benefit their future development and it isalways essential for people to adapt to new changes, since changeoccurs anytime and everywhere.(ByAmy)