你的孩子其实不是你的孩子-纪伯伦 纪伯伦你的孩子原文

你的孩子其实不是你的孩子-纪伯伦 纪伯伦你的孩子原文
On ChildrenKahlil Gibran
Your children are not yourchildren.They are the sons and daughtersof Life's longing for itself.They come through you but notfrom you,And though they are with youyet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love butnot your thoughts,For they have their ownthoughts.You may house their bodies butnot their souls,For their souls dwell in thehouse of tomorrow,which you cannot visit, noteven in your dreams.You may strive to be likethem,but seek not to make them likeyou.For life goes not backward nortarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from whichyour childrenas living arrows are sentforth.The archer sees the mark uponthe path of the infinite,and He bends you with Hismightthat His arrows may go swiftand far.Let your bending in thearcher's hand be for gladness;For even as He loves the arrowthat flies,so He loves also the bow thatis stable.

Marianna, Kahlil's Sister.Painting by Kahlil GibranYour children are not yourchildren.They are the sons and daughtersof Life's longing for itself.They come through you but notfrom you,And though they are with youyet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love butnot your thoughts,For they have their ownthoughts.You may house their bodies butnot their souls,For their souls dwell in thehouse of tomorrow,which you cannot visit, noteven in your dreams.You may strive to be likethem,but seek not to make them likeyou.For life goes not backward nortarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from whichyour childrenas living arrows are sentforth.The archer sees the mark uponthe path of the infinite,and He bends you with Hismightthat His arrows may go swiftand far.Let your bending in thearcher's hand be for gladness;For even as He loves the arrowthat flies,so He loves also the bow thatis stable.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101013/154667.html




哥不是收破烂的,做不到让你随喊随 收破烂喊话录音

1.哥不是收破烂的,做不到让你随喊随到2.我不是草船,你的贱别往我这发。3.你的矮是终身的,我的胖却是暂时的 。6.別在无聊的时候來找我,不然显得我是多余的.7.国家,为什么没有拿你的脸皮去研究防弹衣呢?9.鹅鹅鹅,曲项用刀割,拔毛加瓢水,点火

转载 《其实我是爱你的》读后感 挫折其实没什么读后感

艾米老师的这本《其实我是爱你的》是一本写给婚恋男女的真爱圣经原文地址:《其实我是爱你的》读后感作者:Young《其实我是爱你的》读后感  ——爱的能力和爱的对象   作者:asalways   读完《其实我是爱你的》,在皆大欢喜的结

斯拉夫人的起源 中国人其实不是黄种人


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