有关“保证...”类的英文词汇 保证书 英文

assure [ [5 FU[ ]v. 向... 保证
—Iassure you they' ll be perfectly safe with us.
—Let me assure you that it was notintentional.我向你保证,那不是故意的。
* assurance [[5FU[r[ns] n. 保证
—Dcspite my repeat assurance Rob still looked very nervous.
—Progress is the activity of today and the assuranceof tomorrow!
* to give sb's assurance向某人保证
—I give you my assurance that the work will be done verysoon.
1. to answer for sth.[5 B:ns[ fC] 保证...
—I will answer for it that he will accomplish thetask.我保证他能完成这项任务。
2. to commit sb. to sth. [k[5 mIt ](美;指作出承诺方式的)保证
—I shall commit to hersuccess.我保证她取得成功。
有关“保证...”类的英文词汇 保证书 英文
—My agent has already committad me to anappearance.我们代理人已保证我会出场。
3. ensure [In5 FU[ ] v. (英)保证;确保
—All the necessary steps had been taken to ensure theirsafety.
—This medicine will ensure you a good night'ssleep.这药保证能让你好好睡一觉。
—Careful planning and hard work ensured oursuccess.
4. guarantee [9gAr[n5 tI: ] v.保证
—We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in fogyweather.
* to guarantee against 保证不...;
—The makers guarantee this special glass againstbreakage!
* gurantee from 保证不...;
—Can it guarantee against flat?能保证不漏气吗?
* guarantee n. 保证
—Our product comes with a 100% satisfactionguarantee.我们的产品有100%满意保证。
* to give sb. a guarantee 保证
—Can you give me a guarantee that the work will be finish on time?
5. to give sb. one's word 向...保证
—I give you my word that I willreturn.我向你保证我会回来的。
6. insure [In5 FU[ ]v. (美;指用一切办法来)保证
—I' ll insure yousuccess.我保证你成功。
—Measures must be taken to insure trafficsafety.必须采取措施保证交通安全。
7. pledge [5 pledV ]v. 保证
—They have pledged to fight any changes to the abortionlaws.
* pledge n. 保证
—I' ve give a pledge never to reveal thesecret.我保证绝不泄密。
8. promise [5 prCmIs ]v. 保证
—I promise to behave betterhenceforth.我保证从今以后要表现得好一些。
* (to be) as promised正如保证过的
—Here you are —one new watch aspromised.给你一块保证过给你的新手表。
* I can promiseyou(口)我向你保证
—You won't regret it, I promiseyou.我向你保证,你会满意的。
9. security [sI5 kjU[rItI ] n.保证
—A man's own good -breeding is his best security against otherpeople's ill manners.
10. seal [5 sI:l ] n. (尤指已加盖封印的方式来)保证
—They sealed their cooperation by an agreement.他们以协议书的方式保证其合作的成功。
—The manaher gave a seal of finishing the plan ontime.经理保证按时完成计划。
11. to make sure [5 meik FU[ ]保证
—We need to make sure our user interfaces provide answers to bothof these questions.
* You can be sure. (常用句型) 我保证...
—You can be sure you'll be a famous rnoviestar. 我保证你一定会成为著名的电影明星。
—you can be sure that the currency will be made available to honourthe debts.
12. swear [5 swZ[ ] v. (不用于进行时态;过去式swore [5 swC:];过去分词sworn [5 swC:n ] ;尤指对自己承诺的)保证
—He says he was there all the time, but I swear I never sawhim.
* not to swear to sth. 不能保证某事属实
—I think it was Sue I saw, but I wouldn't swear toit.
13. undertake [Qnd[5 teik ] v. ( 过去式undertook [ Qnd[5 tUk ];过去分词undertaken [Qn
—He undertook to finish the job byFriday.他保证在周五以前完成那个工作。
* undertaking [9QUd[5 teikIN ]n. 保证
—Will you give me an undertaking not to see him again?你肯向我保证,再也不见他吗?
* to give aundertaking保证
—She gave a solemn undertaking to respect theirdecision.她郑重地保证尊重他们的决定。
14. vouch [5 vautF ] v.保证
— I' ve read this report carefully and I can vouch for itstruthfulness.
—He vouched that she was really with him at thetime.他保证当时她确实和他在一起。
15. warrant [5 wCr[nt ] v. (尤用于被动语态)保证...为真品或正品
—This material is warranted to bepuresilk. 这种料子保证是纯丝的。
—While this isn' t mychange, it warrants aword.这不是我改的,我保证。
* I ' ll warrant(you)我向你保证
—The trouble osnt overyet, I'Uwarrant you.
* warranty [5 wCr[ntI ] n. 保证
—Would you care to answer my question on the warranty?
1.Believe you me [bI5 lI:v] 我向你保证
—Believe you me, the government woit meddle with the taxsystem.
2. certify [5 s[:tIfai ] v. 保证
—I certify that this timesheet is complete and accurately reflectsmy time and effort.
3. engage [In5 geidV ] v.保证
—We engage that the bill will be duly paid byus.我们保证我们将及时付款。
4. to give one's faith [5 gIv 5 feiW ]保证
—He gave his faith that he would come on the appointedday.
5. (to be ) on one's oath [5 [UW ](用以强调本人所言属实)我保证
—I didn't tell anyone, on myoath.我保证我没有告诉任何人。
6. reassurance [rI:[5FU[r[ns ]n. 再次保证
—She won't believe it in spite of all ourressurancee.
相关词汇链接: vouch v. 担保


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表达“喜欢”类的英文词汇 表达随时随地的词汇

like [5 laik ] v.(一般不用进行时)喜欢;喜爱— Most children likemusic.多数儿童喜欢音乐。— I like swimming, playing tennis, and things like that.我爱好游泳,打网球等诸如此类的运动。— I like to read inbed.我喜欢躺在



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