因为很久以前我也给我的iphone4安装过siri那个时候还能用,效果还不错可是现在却不能用了,一打开就会显示"siri could not downloadrequired information from the server"即siri不能从服务器下载所需要的信息。
最后告诉大伙一个好消息: Yesyou read it right. The hackers is about to install / enable Siri toiPhone 4. For who don't follow Apple's iPhone 4S event, the companyhas announced the Siri voice recognition which is an awesome andkiller new feature for iPhone 4S. Siri is considered as a point ofsale for the newly iPhone 4S.
EnableSiri on iPhone 4 - Who is the assigned team ?
Thewell known iPhone hacker iH8sn0w with John Heaton is now wroking onthis project. They are now working hard to enable / install Siri oniPhone 4. You can see how Siri will look like on iPhone 4 - ClickHere
Enable/ Install Siri on iPhone 4 - What's the Progress So Far ?
Thehacker have significant moves on enabling siri on iPhone 4. Thehackers have successfully installed Siri on iPod Touch 4G but itisn't fully functioning as you see in the abovescreenshot.
黑客们已经在siri的iphone4移植的工作中取得了很大的进展。这些黑客已经成功的在ipodtouch4(这个不用翻译吧?!)上安装了siri, 但是就像上(下)面看到的图片那样,并不是所有功能都能使用。
Wesuccessfully enabled Siri, but it seems out it is compiled to onlywork on the 4[s], and thus, cannot be used(yet).
Wehighly expect that the hackers will get more stable results whenApple release the final version of iOS 5 by October 12.

WhatiH8sn0w said about this task :
It’sdefinitely not just a plist value that you have to change in orderto get Siri. Thus far, it has required a lot of searching anddigging. After sending all the known information to John, I’mbeginning to find that it is much harder than expected. We’re usingan iPod touch 4G now but our aim is to port it to all devices thatApple won’t support. At this point, we’re unsure of whether Sirirequires certain hardware components or not. At this point, wecan’t say but are still trying. After buying the iPhone 4S myself,I will be looking to see if there are any new files that are notavailable on the current iOS 5 version. This might be our stoppingpoint.
iH8sn0w 关于这项工作的看法: 为了得到Siri的功能,并不是像仅仅改变函数中参数列表的顺序那样简单。到目前为止,我们需要不断地寻找和研究。将所有已知的信息发给John后,我开始认识到这可能比之前预期的要难的多。我们现在利用的是ipodtouch4,但是我们的目标是所有苹果不支持的设备。此时,我们并不确定Siri是否需要特定的硬件支持。现在我们只能说我们正在努力。在我买了4s之后,我将看看是否有一些新的文件并不在当前的ios5版本中。这可能就是我们的终点。