2500万美元国际性转基因生物与农药安全性研究在伦敦启动 农业转基因生物目录


The World’s Largest Study on GMO and Pesticide Safety was launchedby Factor GMOin London, UK on Tuesday. FactorGMO’s preparatory phase started in early 2014. The full experimentwill begin in 2015 and will last 2-3 years, with interim resultsbeing published at regular intervals during that time. The studywill test a herbicide-tolerant GM maize and realistic levels of theglyphosate herbicide it is engineered to be grown with a total ofover 6000 rats. Factor GMO will study GM soybean varieties if extra funding is madeavailable. The three arms of the experiment will enable vital questions to beanswered, such as: Is the GM food (or its associated pesticide)toxic to organ systems over the long-term? Does the GM food (or itsassociated pesticide) cause cancer? Does the GM food (or itsassociated pesticide) reduce fertility or cause birth defects? Isthe mixture of chemicals present in ‘Roundup’ herbicide more orless toxic than its active ingredient glyphosate? The study willtake place at undisclosed locations in Russia and WesternEurope. The scientists involved in Factor GMO come from a ‘neutral’background, in that they have no connection to the biotech industryor the anti-GMO movement, a factor that will add credibility to theresults. The 3 scientists on the study review board from USA, Italyand Russia are internationally respected experts in theirfields. The close to $25 million in funding needed for this project hasbeen/is being sourced from around the world. Factor GMO will not accept funds from theindustry that manufactures GM crops and/or their associatedpesticides. Funding from all other sources will be accepted. Thefunders of Factor GMO will have no influence on the design,results, or publication of the study.

$ 25 Million GMO and Pesticide Safety Study Launched inLondon



Posted, translated by Chen I-wan(cheniwan@cei.gov.cn)


"GM technology & mankind safety" researchexpert

Former National Youth Federation Committee Member during80s




PostedonNov11 2014 - 5:50pmbySustainablePulse

The World’s LargestStudy on GMO and Pesticide Safety was launched by Factor GMO inLondon, UK on Tuesday.


The ‘Factor GMO’ studywill investigate the health effects of a genetically modified (GMO)crop that has been in our food and animal feed supplies for manyyears. It will answer the question: Is this GMO food and associatedpesticide safe for human health?

Farmers, retailers, governments, scientists and consumers have beeninvolved in a heated international debate since GM foods wereintroduced in 1994. However, there has never been a scientificstudy that is comprehensive enough to give them a clear answerregarding the safety for human health of any one GM food – untilnow.


‘Factor GMO’ will also add valuable data of unprecedented power toenable regulators, governments and the general public of everycountry to answer the question: Is the GM food and associatedpesticide tested safe at real-world levels of consumption andexposure?



Factor GMO’s preparatoryphase started in early 2014. The full experiment will begin in 2015and will last 2-3 years, with interim results being published atregular intervals during that time.

The study will test aherbicide-tolerant GM maize and realistic levels of theglyphosate

herbicide it isengineered to be grown with a total of over 6000 rats.


Factor GMO will studyother GM Maize varieties and GM soybean varieties if extra fundingis made available.



The study will takeplace at undisclosed locations in Russia and Western Europe. Theexact locations of the study must be kept secret for securityreasons as we want to avoid any outside interference that couldcompromise the day-to-day running of the experiments and/or thefinal results.


Laboratory animals(rats) will be fed certain GM foods and pesticides according to aprotocol whose scale, rigour and range of measurements will meetand exceed current international standards for testing the toxicityof GM foods, pesticides, and other chemicals.

The experiment uses morerigorous approaches to investigate the fundamental question of thesafety of GM foods and pesticides than are currently required byregulators. It will provide sufficient data to say with confidencewhether the real world levels of consumption of the GM food orexposure to its associated pesticide are safe.


The three arms of theexperiment will enable vital questions to be answered, suchas:

Is the GM food (or itsassociated pesticide) toxic to organ systems over thelong-term?

Does the GM food (or itsassociated pesticide) cause cancer?

Does the GM food (or itsassociated pesticide) reduce fertility or cause birthdefects?

Is the mixture ofchemicals present in ‘Roundup’ herbicide more or less toxic thanits active ingredient glyphosate?


The scientists involvedin Factor GMO come from a ‘neutral’ background, in that they haveno connection to the biotech industry or the anti-GMO movement, afactor that will add credibility to the results.

The 3 scientists on thestudy review board are internationally respected experts in theirfields:



Dr. Bruce Blumberg –University of California, Irvine (U.S.A)
布鲁斯•布隆伯格 -- 加州大学Irvine分校(美国)

Professor, Developmental& Cell Biology, School of Biological Sciences


Professor,Pharmaceutical Sciences

Professor, BiomedicalEngineering @ The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
教授,生物医药工程 @ Henry Samueli工程学院

PH.D., University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles


“The Factor GMO studyhas the potential to provide invaluable information on the healtheffects of a commercialized, herbicide-resistant GM food and itsassociated herbicide. The cultivation of herbicide resistant cropsis widespread in the US, and the use of the herbicides to whichthese crops are resistant has increased many-fold in the decadessince they were introduced. There is a notable lack of published,peer-reviewed data on their safety, as well as data on the safetyof the increased use of herbicides with which they are grown. TheFactor GMO study could be very useful in reducing the uncertaintyabout the safety of these products.”

The Blumberg laboratoryis broadly interested in the study of gene regulation andintercellular signaling during embryonic development andphysiology. Current research focuses on the role of nuclear hormonereceptors in development, physiology and disease. Particularinterests include patterning of the vertebrate nervous system, thedifferential effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) onlaboratory model organisms compared with humans, interactionsbetween xenobiotic metabolism, inflammation, and cancer, and therole of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals on thedevelopment of obesity and diabetes.

Dr. Blumberg’s researchinterests include molecular embryology, molecular biology,developmental biology, functional genomics, endocrinology,pharmacology and high-throughput screening.

Dr.Oxana O. Sinitsyna -Professor, Dr. Sc. in Medicine (Russia)

Deputy Director forScience at the Federal State Organization “A. N. Sysin ResearchInstitute of Human Ecology and Environmental Health” of theMinistry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Head of the Laboratoryof Ecologo-Hygienic Assessment and Prediction of Chemicals’Toxicity

Academician for theRussian Academy of Natural Sciences


“The scale and format ofthis research project will allow us to create a really objectiveand comprehensive data set on the mechanics of the impacts of a GMOdiet on the health of living organisms over the long term. From ascientific point of view the ‘Factor GMO’ project is highlyambitious, which makes it very interesting, for both the public andfor the scientists involved.

“The evaluation ofallergenic and immunotoxic effects are accompanied by thepossibility of evaluating general toxicity and carcinogeniclong-term effects (not just 90 days, but long-term over 2-3 years)of the use of appropriate GMO diets. In addition, there has neverbeen comprehensive research investigating the effects of a GM foodon reproductive function. The protocol of the ‘Factor GMO’ projectincludes the assessment of the impacts of a GM food on 5generations, not only 2, as is suggested in the OECD*recommendations. Due to the uniqueness of the project, it’s aspecial honour and responsibility for me to represent Russia on theFactor GMO review board. With my international colleagues, we willmake every effort to ensure a comprehensive research experimentwith an impeccable reputation.”

* The Organisation forEconomic Cooperation and Development, which sets protocols forindustry safety studies on chemicals.

Dr.Sinitsyna’s main areas of researchinclude:
2500万美元国际性转基因生物与农药安全性研究在伦敦启动 农业转基因生物目录

• Elaboration ofregional regulation systems for chemicals in the environmentalobjects based on the tolerable daily intake (TDI), taking intoaccount the effects of complex exposure and differences in toxicityin different ways and methods of intoxication;

• Improvement ofcriteria and methods of studying the combined action of substancesat levels lower than the maximum allowable concentration(MAC);
• 改进对于低于最大允许浓度(MAC)水平的物质共同作用进行研究的标准和方法;

• Elaboration ofscientific foundations for fundamental and applied problems ofenvironmental health, in particular, water hygiene and sanitaryprotection of water bodies
• 环境健康基础性与应用问题,特别是饮水卫生以及水体卫生保护,科学基础的细化

• Elaboration ofprinciples, criteria and methods of sanitary-epidemiologicalassessment of substances' safety, water treatment and disinfectionmethods, including a new physicochemical technology of photodynamicwater disinfection method.
• 物质安全性、水处理与消毒方法的卫生-流行病学评估原则、标准与方法,包括一种新的光动力水消毒方法,的精细化。

Dr. Fiorella Belpoggi –on the Review Board as a Fellow of the Collegium Ramazzini(Italy)
法瑞拉•贝勒坡基博士 --作为Ramazzini执行管理委员会研究员参加审查理事会(意大利)


“The concern overgenetically modified (GM) crops is largely due to the fact thatplant breeders can construct synthetic DNA sequences and insertthese into crop genomes, effectively adding new traits to theplant. This raises enormous possibilities for developing benignproducts, but equally it has the potential to create products withunwanted traits and side-effects. The animal feeding studiesperformed up to now to study GM-related risks for consumers vary intest diet, length, and type of animal used, making the resultsdifficult to compare and interpret. Most are too short to detectpotential long-term effects. The proposed integrated rat-feedingstudy will investigate a wide range of possible health effects inconsistent experimental conditions. The long-term study design willreveal any effects that take time to show up. The Factor GMO studycould provide the detailed data needed for a scientificevidenced-based risk assessment of possible human health hazardsfrom the GM crop and its associated pesticide.”

Fiorella Belpoggi, PhD,FIATP, is the Director and Chief of Pathology of the Cesare MaltoniCancer Research Centre of the Ramazzini Institute (Bentivoglio,Italy), where she has been working since 1981. Since 2010 she isalso Director of the European Experimental Laboratory, where GLPstudies are performed. Her research interests include long-termstudies with particular regard to energy (fuels, gamma radiation,electromagnetic fields).

Dr.Belpoggi holds adegree in Biological Sciences from the University of Bologna, Italy(1975); she completed a three-year postgraduate training at theInstitute of Human Pathological Anatomy and Histology of theFaculty of Medicine of the University of Bologna, Italy (1976-1980)which qualified her to enter the Italian National Register ofDoctors in Biological Sciences. As a Visiting Scientist she alsocompleted post-doctoral studies on the classification of humanlymphomas/leukemias at the Pathology Institute of Kiel, Germany(1980), and on the relation between cervical cancer and papillomavirus in women at the International Agency for Research on Cancerin Lyon, France (1987). In 1992 she was nominated as a Fellow ofthe Collegium Ramazzini and currently serves as a member of theExecutive Council.

Dr.Belpoggi has authoredmore than 100 publications and is a Professor of Industrial andEnvironmental Carcinogenesis at the University of Turin, Italy. Sherepresented the Ramazzini Institute on the Faculty Council ofVeterinary Sciences at the University of Padua, Italy and managesthe Institute’s institutional relationship with the U.S. NationalToxicology Program. Dr.Belpoggi was the 2007 recipient of theRamazzini Award, conferred each year by the Mayor of Carpi, Italyto scientists deemed by the Collegium Ramazzini to have madeoutstanding contributions to furthering the aims of BernardinoRamazzini in safeguarding public health. Dr.Belpoggi was selectedfor different honors in Italy in recognition for her work indefense of environmental and occupational health. She is a Fellowof the International Academy of Toxicologic Pathology.


The Russiannon-government organization National Association for Genetic Safety(NAGS) is the initiator and coordinator of the Factor GMOexperiment. However, NAGS has no involvement in designing thestudy, in the day-to-day running of the experiment, or in thegathering, interpretation, or publication of the scientificresults. These aspects have been and will continue to be decidedand controlled by the independent scientists.

The neutral scientificreview board showed interest in the comprehensive study, after theidea for such a study was introduced online by NAGS. Following afull introduction by the members of the scientific review boardregarding their work experience and expertise, NAGS supported theidea of them taking full control of the Factor GMO scientificprocess.

The evaluation ofcorrect protocols and the selection of scientists to work directlyon the experimental phase of the study is under the completecontrol of the neutral scientific review board. NAGS has not hadany involvement in this process.

NAGS was formed in 2004as a non-governmental, non-profit organization based in Moscow,Russia. NAGS’s aim is to contribute the protection of biologicaland genetic safety of humankind and the environment, and to promotesustainable development.

NAGS has always promotedthe idea of comprehensive safety studies on GMOs and theirassociated pesticides and has therefore taken on the role ofcoordinating the funding and security for the Factor GMOstudy.

Elena Sharoykina,initiator of the project ‘Factor GMO’, director and co-founder ofNAGS:


Comprehensive scientificsafety studies on GMOs and their related pesticides are longoverdue. All previous studies caused controversy for variousreasons: choice of animal, insufficient statistics, duration oftests, research parameters, and researchers’ connections to theanti-GMO movement or the biotech industry. ‘Factor GMO’ is intendedto remedy the situation. The project organizers have considered allof the points of disagreement and distrust surrounding thissubject. Factor GMO has in its arsenal a scientific protocol drawnup with all the necessary standards, an international scientificteam of leading professionals with a neutral background,independent funding, and perhaps most importantly, fulltransparency. Food is the main source of energy for all livingbeings, and its safety is the key to their health and well-being,as well as to sustainable development. In order to preventirreversible consequences, humankind must ensure the total safetyof GM crops and their associated pesticides before they are plantedeven more widely.


The funding process willbe totally transparent and a full list of funders will be providedat the start of the experimental phase in 2015. We will not waitfor the results to be published before publishing the full list offunders as many scientific studies do.

Up to this stage privateindividuals from across Russia and the EU have put forward theirfunds to support the project (names to be disclosed next year). Wecannot disclose the exact amount of funds collected until now dueto contractual agreements with the funders, however we can say thata high % of the total needed has been secured, allowing us to startthe experimental phase in Spring 2015.

The close to $25 millionin funding needed for this project has been/is being sourced fromaround the world.

Factor GMO will notaccept funds from the industry that manufactures GM crops and/ortheir associated pesticides. Funding from all other sources will beaccepted.

The funders of FactorGMO will have no influence on the design, results, or publicationof the study.

For details on the study please contact NAGS and visit the website:



Nadya Novoselova (forRussian and English): novoselova@factorgmo.com Tel: +7 910 468-17-32
娜嘉•诺沃斯洛娃(俄文与英文):novoselova@factorgmo.com Tel: +7 910468-17-32

Ivan Lambert (forEnglish first language): ivanlambert@factorgmo.com


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101013/150526.html



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