
But the Facebook chief executive also revealed an unexpectedblue note: His wife had three miscarriages in trying to have achild.
"Most people don't discuss miscarriages because you worry yourproblems will distance you or reflect upon you - as if you'redefective or did something to cause this. So you struggle on yourown," Zuckerberg wrote.
"We hope that sharing our experience will give more people thesame hope we felt and will help more people feel comfortablesharing their stories as well," he wrote.
马上学:马扎直言自己和妻子的过往经历,希望可以鼓励到大家。上文中的defective表示“有缺陷的、不完善的”,表达类似含义的词汇还包括flawed等。例:Theyare flawed and innocent. (他们有缺陷,又天真无邪。)
Priscilla is the child of a Chinese-Vietnamese father whoarrived in America with his family in the Seventies after spendingtime in a refugee camp. Later her father, Dennis Chan, raisedenough money to open a Chinese restaurant, where he worked grueling18-hour days as he dreamt of his first-born daughter living theAmerican dream. Priscilla was raised largely by her grandmother asher mother Yvonne also worked long hours at the Taste of Asia inBoston.
She first met Zuckerberg while waiting in line for the bathroomat a Harvard fraternity party. In their courtship days, it wasreported that she had laid out strict rules for Mark. A minimum of100 minutes of alone time (definitely not at Facebook) and one datenight every week topped that list.
马上学:Courtship表示的是“求爱期、恋爱期”,恋爱契约可以用lovecontract表示。例:They signed a "love contract" to ensure that theywouldn't separate and harm their ownpopularity.(他们签订恋爱契约,确保不会分手或者损害各自的名气。)
1. 普莉希拉表示,她很适应马扎标志性的帽衫,比起穿着,她更担心他的一日三餐。
"I'm pro-hoodie. He wears a fresh hoodie every day so thatpretty much meets my lowest barrier for him," she said. "I'm moreconcerned that he eats regularly." Chan said Zuckerberg sometimesgets so excited about his work that he forgets to eat —and thenlater complains about feeling sick and having a headache.
2. 除了粤语和英语,普莉希拉表示自己还会西班牙语。
Chan learned Spanish after realizing that so many of herpatients spoke Spanish: "You can be a better provider and reallyconnect better with individuals if you can speak their language,and so I started studying Spanish in college, and get lots ofpractice in my work."
3. 两人有一只匈牙利牧羊犬。当然,作为脸书总裁的宠物,它有自己的脸书主页,180万的粉丝。
He has four legs, his own Facebook page (that has 1.8 millionfollowers), and a lot of hair. "We have Beast, our Hungarian sheepdog and he is so talented. He's so smart," Chan said, braggingabout her pet's herding prowess. "We've been told that he's quitegifted."
4. 尽管马扎腰缠万贯,但是两人一直十分的低调简朴,结婚前租住在公寓里。
Zuckerberg had lived in Palo Alto, California almostcontinuously since he moved Facebook to Silicon Valley straightfrom his Harvard dorm room in 2004. Despite the great success ofthe site, the New York dentist's son had always lived in rentedhouses and Priscilla moved in with him before they got married.
Zuckerberg and his wife announced a $120 million commitment tosupport efforts to improve education for underserved communities inthe Bay Area. Helping improve the quality of public education inthis country is something they both really care about.