
译文:神的恨恶(wù) The hatred of God
2.我知道你们一次又一次听电视传道人讲道。多少次我听到 (那些) 传道人站在讲台上讲:“神不是发怒的神”。
圣经说神是一位发怒的神,而你应当屈膝下拜,赞美祂是这样的神。祂不仅是发怒的神,祂也是一位会恨恶 (wù)的神。圣经并没有说:“神恨恶(wù)罪孽,却爱罪人”。圣经乃说,神恨恶罪人。看看诗篇第五篇,只要看一下。诗篇5:5“狂傲人不能站在你眼前,凡作孽的都是你所恨恶的”
4.你说,保罗弟兄,但约翰福音3:16呢,它在圣经里面啊: “神爱世人…”。
The hatred of God-Paul Washer & TimConway
1. Now some ofyou will walk out of here tonight shocked yourself: “I had neverheard anything like that!” you say: “it was mean speared at all sorts of things” but I can assure you, ifyou would only read old books you would find out this is whatpreachers have always said. They don't say it anymore because theywant big churches.
Now let me talk for a moment aboutsomething that will be quite offensive to you. I want to talk for amoment about the hatred of God.
2. Now I knowyou heard these evangelists over and over again on television. Howmany times do I hear evangelist get up in the pulpit saying: “Godis not an angry God". OK, let's just see, go with me the Psalms7:11 “God is a righteous Judge, and a God who has indignation everyday.” In some of your translations: “a God who is angry every day".The Bible says that God is an angry God, and you ought to fall downon your knees and praise that He is. Not only is He an angry God,Heis a God who hates.
The Bible does not say, that Godhates the sin and loves the sinner. The Bible says that God hatesthe sinner.
Look at Psalms 5, just look at itfor a moment. Psalms 5:5, “The boastful shall not stand before Youreyes. You hate all who do iniquity”. And in another translation:You hate all who do wrong.
3. Now you knowthat wonderful statement that goes something like this: God lovesthe sinner and hates the sin. Just look at this text, is that whatit teaches? It was not it teaches. I am sorry. I know it is prettything to say let's go to the back of contemporary Christian T-shirtbut it was not the Scripture teach. It does not say herethat God'shatred is manifested towards the wicked deed; it says that God's hatred ismanifested towards the one who commits it.
4. You say:Brother Paul, but what about John 3:16, it is in the book: “God soloved the world…” yes, it is in the book, but so is Psalms 5. ButGod is merciful and a loving God. What about that? Yes, that's trueand we are going to talk about it but you can't understand it untilyou understand the full consol of God. God is love but this loving God hates;God is merciful but he is angry. You see, you just can't just takeone side of the coin. Not just one part of the story, and that'sthe problem today.
5. Because youneed to realize the Bible says for all have sinned and cut shortthe glory of God, and you have no idea what that means. That wewere born radically depraved and God-hating, that we would have neversought God, never come to God, we have rebelled against God andbroken every law…it is not just the issue that you have sinned, theissue is you've done anything but sin. The Bible says in theprophets that even our greatest works are like filthy rags beforeGod, and because of that, you know what we deserve? –The Wrath ofGod! --The holy hatred of God.
You say, no—wait a minute…Goddoesn't hate anybody, God islove.No! My friends, you need understand something.Jesus Christ taught, the prophets taught, the apostles taught--this: that apart from the grace of God revealed in Jesus Christour lord the only thing left for you is the wrath, the fierce angerof God, because of your rebellion and your sin. When I speak in theuniversities they always quick to point out: no! God can't hatebecause God is love. And I tell you, God must hate because God islove. You see, I love children therefore I hate abortion. If I lovethat which is holy, I must hate that which is unholy. God is a holyGod that something that the Americans have forgotten.
6. God loves allthat is right, all that is true, all that is good, all thatis virtuous. But scripture after scripture after scripturein the Bible tells us that his hatred is manifest againstwickedness.
7.Someone has done a study of God's hatred in theword of God. They examine 33 texts and you can do this yourselfconcerning the hatred of God. Do you know that only twelve of thosetexts describe God as hating the sin—twelve; twenty-one describeGod as hating the sinner. The Psalm says: his soul hates thewicked; he hates all evil-doers.
8.Now do not be mistaken God's hatred is not likeours, it is not a self-centered, egotistical selfish hatred; it isthe reaction of a Holy God against men who are vile. Or who you arespeaking of, every man who is ever born a son of Adam. You need tounderstand just what do you think the wrath of God is: someinpersonal thing that flies out from behind the throne of God?—itis God.
9. You come to atext like John 3:36, the wrath of God abides upon youALREADY, if you are not a believer inJesus Christ. ALREADY!! That doesn't mean that God goes around withaperpetualsmiling upon you. It means what is says. His wrath is upon you.Here are those of us in this place right now who sit here asrelatives. God hates YOU. God's wrath, God's indignation, God'sanger is directedto you. And you know what…you are provoked God more than some whohas lived past generations in England and China, or central Africa,because you have far more light and God's hatred towards you isstirred, his indignation is stirred far more than those who werethere. And the only thing that keeps you out of hell right now, theONLY thing is God's will to keep you there: God's forbearance; there is nothing else; There is nopromise.
10.You know allthose passages prepared to meet that God. God is Holy and He cannotlook upon iniquities; His eyes are too pure that the wrath of Godis revealed against all unrighteousness. You and your sin beenencountered by a Holy God, there is only one response:WRATH!
11.God says inEzekiel 8:18, “Therefore I will act in wrath. My eye will notspare, nor will I have pity. And though they cry in my ears with aloud voice, I will not hear them.” He will hate you with a perfecthatred; He will hate you and He will have you. That is the fiercemisery of hell. The text we read says that those in hell that theyare going to be tormented, where?—In the presence of the holyangels and of The Lamb.
12. Let me giveyou another example: heaven is heaven because God is there, well,that was mostly… that is true. But then the counter is not true;hell is hell because God is not there, that's not what's thescripture teaches. Hell is the Wrath of Almighty God! It is hisperfect justice revealed against man throughouteternity.
13. The mostfearful things about hell is not the total absence of God. Theabsence of all His blessings, Yes. Can youimagine forever more with not any joy, no morecomfort, but God is going to be there, won’t the fearful thingsabout God : “It is a fearful thing to fall intothe hands of the living God” -Hebrews10:31 He is a consumingfire: “God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:29. And when He setsHis face against you, He will trample you out in the wine presserof His wrath and it is forever. Jonathan Edwards, he said: OhAlmighty God will inflict wrath without any pity. When God beholdsthe unspeakable, he says “ineffable”, extremity of your case and sees your tormentto be so vastly disproportion to your strength, and sees how your poor soul iscrushed and sinks down a world into an infinitely gloom, you willhave no compassion upon you . He will not forbearance theexecutions of his wrath or in the least whitens His hand, therewill be no moderation, no mercy, you will have no regards to yourwelfare. Now be it all careful you should suffer too much, in anyother sense that only you shall not suffer beyond what strictjustice requires. Nothing shall be withheld, because it is so hardfor you to bear. This is no Game! If you are not certain, ifsomething rings true in your conscience that “I am in great dangerthis”. Christ stands ready to pardon. This is aday of mercy. This is a day of grace. Today the voice of Christbegs you: Come!Come onto me! You who were laborheavily, I will give you rest for your souls. Come! Today it'sCome, it's come. Come or you will be depart,depart, depart…
14. But God'slove is in such a character that it is even able to love and showlove in demonstrate love toward the objects of His wrath. It is asthough, with one hand God id holding back His justice against thisworld, and with another hand He is pleading for man to come. Butone day, both hands will be dropped. You know that, don’tyou?
15. Look, lookto Christ. Whatever sin you have to leave behind, He says it isbetter to go blind than to go with two eyes into that eternal fire.You may have some friends, you may have somebody to put crush onyou, children, you hanging around with friends that laugh at you ifyou did this, don’t let anybody be responsible for damning yoursoul. There is too much in the State.
16. The wrath ofGod… “Ah, I just don't believe that.” what just you believe reallydoesn't matter. What the Scripture teach. There is the wrath of Godand it is the result of Him being righteous and Holy and evenloving and good. Can God be loving and not move against wickedness? No! CanGod be good and be apathetictoward evil? AbsolutelyNOT!