EnglishRiddles英语谜语 riddles for kids


There is a place, where Thursday comes before Wednesday.
Where is it

I am not an artist with pencil and pen,
But I make portraits of women and men
Of all the people that I ever see,
Come, tell me truly,
What can I be
The answer to yesterday's riddle: In the dictionary

Two little brothers
Live near each other.
One lives on one side,
The other on the other side.
They hear what you say.
But they don't see each other.
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Mirror/Camera

What's white when it's dirty
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Ears

It's so weak
That a little wind can move it.
It's so strong
That you can cut it with a knife and leave no trace.
What is it
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Blackboard

What gets wetter the more it dries
The answer to yesterday's riddle:Water

Which letter is the most useful to a deaf woman
The answer to yesterday's riddle:Towel

Ten plus ten equals ten.
Take ten from ten, you have twenty.
When the weather is cold there are ten.
When it's warm there are twenty.
The answer to yesterday's riddle: The lette "A", because it can make herhear.

It doesn't seem to be there when you look at it.
But you do feel it when you touch it.
It's glossy like ice but it doesn't melt.
It's clear like water but it doesn't flow.
The answer to yesterday's riddle: A pair of glaves

When you fill me up, I still look empty.
What am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Glass

The word is very strange. After you take off the whole away, itstill has some left.What is the word
The answer to yesterday's riddle:Balloon

I have a piece for your ear,
And a piece for your mouth.
You sometimes hear me ringing.
You can speak to your friend,
Although you're alone.
What am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle:Balloon

I have six legs.
I have two wings.
I was once a caterpillar.
I'm not a bird,
But I can fly.
What am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle:The telephone

In another three years Tom will be three times as old as he wasthree years ago.
How old is Tom now
The answer to yesterday's riddle:Butterfly

It's coming. It is always coming, but it never arrives.
What is it
The answer to yesterday's riddle: He is six now.

What are we all doing at the same time
The answer to yesterday's riddle:Tomorrow

Take off my skin, I won't cry. But you will.
What am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle: We are all growing old at the same time.

Take an auxiliary verb, an article and a drink and spell ananimal.
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Onion

Take an insect, an exclamation, and an algebraical unknown andspell a chest.
The answer to yesterday's riddle:Rat

What hands never hold anything
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Box

Two dogs are before one dog. Two dogs are after one dog. One dog isin the middle.
How many dogs are there
The answer to yesterday's riddle: The hands of a clock.

Use me well and I am everybody;
Scratch my back and I am nobody.
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Three

What falls on the water and never gets wet
The answer to yesterday's riddle: MIRROR
What word contains seven letters
The first two letters stand for a man.
The first three letters for a woman.
The first four for a great man.
And the whole for a great woman.
The answer to yesterday's riddle: SHADOW
It has a mouth but never eats with it.
The answer to yesterday's riddle:HEROINE
What has a bed but never sleeps in it
The answer to yesterday's riddle: RIVER
What stands in the middle of the world
The answer to yesterday's riddle:RIVER
What has no head, no arms, no legs and still goes from place toplace
The answer to the previous riddle:R
Two sisters, fair and bright.
They always run, but never meet.
The answer to yesterday's riddle:SHIP/WATER/WIND
Two little boats without any sails
With ten passengers on board.
They do not go on the river or sea,
But travel on dry land.
In the day the boats pass to and fro,
But at night they are both empty.
The answer to yesterday's riddle: THE SUN ANDTHE MOON
Without a voice I speak to you. I am small and light. I expressother's thoughts. Sometimes I bring you happiness and sometimessadness. What am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle: A PAIR OFSHOES
I'm grey and brown.
I live up in a tree.
My ears are short.
My tail is long and curls up over my back.
I like nuts to eat.
Who am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle: ALETTER
The outside is shell.
The inside is meat.
It grows on a tree.
And is good to eat.
The answer to yesterday's riddle:SQUIRREL
Your summer guest is here again;
He brings the wind but not the rain.
He flaps his wings but makes no flight,
And never eats a single bite.
The answer to yesterday's riddle: NUTS
They go up and down, but they never move.
What are they
The answer to yesterday's riddle: ELECTRICFAN
What walks all the time but never leaves its place
The answer to yesterday's riddle: STAIRS
What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers
The answer to yesterday's riddle:CLOCK ORWATCH
What has teeth, but never uses them for eating
The answer to yesterday's riddle:DOORBELL
What goes up but never comes down
The answer to yesterday's riddle: COMB
What letter refers to yourself
The answer to yesterday's riddle:YOURAGE.
What comes twice in a moment, once in a minute and never in ahundred years
The answer to yesterday's riddle: I
What begins with T, ends with T, and is full of T
The answer to yesterday's riddle: M
What has 18 legs and catches flies
The answer to yesterday's riddle:TEAPOT
What question can you never answer "yes" to
The answer to yesterday's riddle: A BASEBALLTEAM
I have ears but I can't hear.
What am I (The answer is not people.)
The answer to yesterday's riddle: ARE YOUASLEEP
I have hands and a face, but I can't touch or smile.
What am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle: CORN
You can't catch his body,
You can't see his shadow;
When strong, he shakes the house,
When weak, the window.
The answer to yesterday's riddle: A WATCH OR ACLOCK
I'm red and hairy,
I'm round and sweet,
I have a large stone in my middle.
I'm not a woman,
I'm not a man.
What am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle: WIND
How can you change a lady into a boy
The answer to yesterday's answer:HEDGEHOG
EnglishRiddles英语谜语 riddles for kids
I have eyes, but I can't see.
What am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle: TO TAKE AWAYTHE LETTER 'Y' IN THE WORD 'LADY'.
I have eyes, but no mouth.
What am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle: POTATO
I have teeth, but no mouth.
What am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle:NEEDLE.
What thing is known by both the buyer and seller but not known bythe user
The answer to yesterday's riddle:COMB
I have a mouth, but no teeth.
What am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle:COFFIN/BIER
I have arms but no hands.
What am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle:RIVER
What has a face but can't eat
The answer to yesterday's riddle:ARMCHAIR.
What has a head but can't think
The answer to yesterday's riddle:A WATCH OR ACLOCK.
What has four legs but can't run
The answer to yesterday's riddle:CABBAGE
What has two legs but can't walk
The answer to yesterday's riddle:TABLE ORCHAIR
What has an eye, but no head
The answer to yesterday's riddle: PANTS
Unequal in degree, alike in size.
The answer to yesterday's riddle: NEEDLE
A round black basket
With silver candles in it.
Empty in the day time,
Full in the evening.
The answer to yesterday's riddle:STAIRS
What is always behind time
The answer to yesterday's riddle:SKY.
What is like a quarrel
The answer to yesterday's riddle:THE BACK OF AWATCH OR A CLOCK.
What letter is like a false friend
The answer to yesterday's riddle:A CROSSWORDPUZZLE.
What letter is like an island
The answer to yesterday's riddle:P
What part of a clock is always old
The answer to yesterday's riddle:T.
What letter is a question
The answer to yesterday's riddle: THE SECONDHAND.
Which letter is like twelve o'clock
The answer to yesterday's riddle:Y.
What is in the middle of the night
The answer to yesterday's riddle:A
What letter is a drink
The answer to yesterday's riddle:G
You can hold me, but you can't catch me.
What am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle: T.
What letter is a large body of water
The answer to yesterday's riddle: BREATH.
The answer to yesterday's riddle: C.
What letter is an exclamation of surprise
The answer to yesterday's riddle: IUNDERSTAND.
The answer to yesterday's riddle: O.
What letter is neither I nor he
The answer to yesterday's riddle: READ BETWEENTHE LINES.
What letter is an insect
The answer to yesterday's riddle:U.
My uncle hasn't slept for many days, but he isn't tired atall.
What's his secret
The answer to yesterday's riddle: B.
The more there is, the less you can see. What is it
The answer to yesterday's riddle: HE SLEEPS ATNIGHT.
If two's company, three's a crowd. What's four and five
The answer to yesterday's riddle:DARKNESS/FOG.
Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe
The answer to yesterday's riddle:NINE.
What bird can fly both in the sky and under the ground
The answer to yesterday's riddle:THEY AREAFRAID OF BECONING HOT DOGS.
How can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it
I have a neck, but no head. I have two arms, but no hands.
What am I
The answer to the riddle on April, 3nd:TAKE A LONGER ROPE AND COMPARE WITH IT.
What has to be broken before it can be used
The answer to yesterday's riddle: SHIRT.
Why does Tom throw butter out of the window
The answer to yesterday's riddle:EGG.
What goes up when the rain comes down
The answer to yesterday's riddle:BECAUSE HEWANTED TO SEE THE 'BUTTERFLY'.
I was carried into a dark room and set on fire. I wept, and then myhead was cut off.
What am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle:UMBRELLA.
What letter is a vegetable
The answer to yesterday's riddle:CANDLE.
What month do soldiers hate
The answer to yesterday's riddle:P.
What's the end of the world
The answer to yesterday's riddle:MARCH.
What's even harder to catch if you run faster
The answer to the riddle the day beforeyesterday: D.
What kind of room has no windows or doors
The answer to yesterday's riddle: YOURBREATH.
What are the two that you can't have for breakfast
The answer to yesterday's riddle:MUSHROOM.
Why do the birds fly to the south before winter
The answer to yesterday's riddle: LUNCH ORSUPPER.
Why does the conductor cut a hole in your ticket
The answer to yesterday's riddle: BECAUSE IT'STOO FAR FOR THEM TO WALK.
When will water stop running downhill
The answer to yesterday's riddle:TO LET YOU GETTHROUGH.
Why does Mary throw her clock out of the window
The answer to yesterday's riddle: WHEN ITREACHES THE FOOT OF THE HILL.
Why is a dog's tail like the heart of a tree
The answer to yesterday's riddle:BECAUSE SHEWANTS TO SEE TIME- FLY.
At what time of day was Adam created
The answer to yesterday's riddle:BECAUSE IT ISFARTHEST FROM THE BARK.
Why is a drawn tooth like a thing that is forgotten
The answer to yesterday's riddle:A LITTLEBEFORE EVE.
What is the easiest way to keep water out of the house
The answer to yesterday's riddle:BECAUSE IT ISOUT OF THE HEAD.
What paradox may often be found in a flower garden
The answer to yesterday's riddle: OMIT TO PAYYOUR WATER BILL.
Why are you like an excellent judge when listening to someonebeating a drum
The answer to yesterday's riddle: A WHITEPINK(石竹).
When may a man be said to have breakfast before he gets up
The answer to yesterday's riddle: BECAUSE YOULISTEN TO THE BOTH SIDES.
What is the proper length for a young lady to wear her dress
The answer to yesterday's riddle: WHEN HE TAKESA ROLL IN BED.
注解:take a roll
Why is it vulgar to sing and play by yourself
The answer to yesterday's riddle: A LITTLEABOVE HER FEET.
When is a silver cup most likely to run
The answer to yesterday's riddle: BECAUSE IT'SSO LOW (SOLO).
I'd like to make use of the oppotunity here to wish all ofus:
May 8
Why did the mutty kid throw a glass of water out of thewindow
The answer to the riddle of April 30:WHEN IT'S CHASED.
May 9
What can you break without touching it
The answer to yesterday's riddle: BECAUSE HEWANTED TO SEE A WATERFALL.
May 10
Why should you leave your watch home when you take anairplane
The answer to yesterday's riddle: YOURPROMISE.
May 11
If a man were born in Greece, raised in Spain, came to America, anddied in Britain, what is he
The answer to yesterday's riddle: BECAUSE TIMEFLIES ANYWHERE.
May 12
Who dares sit before the Queen with his hat on
The answer to yesterday's riddle: A DEADMAN.
May 13
When does a man feel girlish
The answer to yesterday's riddle: HERCOACHMAN.
May 14
Which Englishman wore the largest shoes
The answer to yesterday's riddle: WHEN HE MAKESHIS MAIDEN SPEECH.
May 15
Why do cows wear cowbells
The answer to yesterday's riddle: THE ONE WITHTHE BIGGEST FEET.
May 16
What is the hardest part of learning to skate
The answer to yesterday's riddle:BECAUSE THEIRHORN'S DON'T WORK.
May 17
What gets wetter the more it dries
The answer to yesterday's riddle: THEICE.
May 18
Why can't the passengers sleep in a train
The answer to yesterday's riddle: ATOWEL.
May 19
Which travels faster, heat or cold
The answer to yesterday's riddle: BECAUSE THETRAIN RUNS OVER SLEEPERS.
May 20
Why is a crow a brave bird
The answer to yesterday's riddle: HEAT. BECAUSEYOU CATCH COLD EASILY.
May 21
Why is a large coat like a banana skin
The answer to yesterday's riddle: IT NEVERSHOWS A WHITE FEATHER.
Note: to show a white feather表现怯弱
May 22
What is worse than finding a worm in the apple you're eating
The answer to yesterday's riddle: BOTH ARE EASYTO SLIP ON.
May 23
What runs around all day and lies under the bed at night with itstongue hanging out
The answer to yesterday's riddle: FINDING HALFA WORM.
May 24
What do lawyers do when they die
The answer to yesterday's riddle: SHOE.
May 25
What three letters are the thieves most afraid of
The answer to yesterday's riddle: LIESTILL.
May 26
How do you talk when you are not clever
The answer to yesterday's riddle: I C U.
May 27
What's the thickest book in the library
The answer to yesterday's riddle: TALKSTUPIDLY.
May 28
Who will you go to if you have a toothache
The answer to yesterday's riddle: THE BOOK WITHTHE MOST PAGES.
May 29
What do you call 12 p.m.
The answer to yesterday's riddle: THEDENTIST.
May 30
What's the most expensive book in the bookstore
The answer to yesterday's riddle:MIDNIGHT.
May 31
Why do we buy clothes
The answer to yesterday's riddle: THE BOOK YOUPAY THE MOST.
June 1
In what game do you hit a ball and run
The answer to yesterday's riddle: BECAUSE YOUCAN NOT GET THEM FOR NOTHING.
By the way Happy Children's Day to you all!
June 2
What do we call 'flying saucers' from another world
The answer to yesterday's riddle:BASEBALL.
June 3
What are the strongest days in a week
The answer to yesterday's riddle: UFO.
June 4
How many cents make one nickel
The answer to yesterday's riddle: SATURDAY ANDSUNDAY.
June 5
What word is always pronounced wrong
The answer to yesterday's riddle: FIVE.
June 6
When does a chair dislike you
The answer to yesterday's riddle: WRONG.
June 7
What breaks but never falls, and what falls but never breaks
The answer to yesterday's riddle: WHEN IT CAN'TBEAR YOU.
June 8
Why is a restless man in bed like a lawyer
June 9
When do rabbits have sixteen legs
Why should you never marry a tennis player
July 9
What goes up and never goes down
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Because lovemeans nothing to them(注释:在网球比赛中love表示"零分")
July 10
What is the cheapest way to see the world
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Age
July 11
Why shouldn't you cry if a cow slips on the ice
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Buy anatlas
July 13
At night they come,Without being fetched;
And by day they are lost,Without being stolen
July 14
As round as an apple, As deep as a pail; It never cries out, Tillit's caught by the tail.
The answer to yesterday's riddle:Stars
July 15
My sides are firmly laced about,Yet nothing is within;You'll thinkmy head is strange indeed,Being nothing else but skin.
The answer to yesterday's riddle:A bell
July 16
What starts with T,ends with T and full of T
The answer to yesterday's riddle: A drum
July 17
What do dogs and trees have in common
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Ateapot
July 18
Who makes it, has no need of it. Who buys it, has no use for it.Who uses it can neither see nor feel it.
The answer to yesterday's riddle: BARK
July 19
where do smart dogs refuse to shop
The answer to yesterday's riddle: coffin
July 20
What's every baby's motto
The answer to yesterday's riddle: At fleamarkets,聪明的狗不愿长跳蚤,自然不愿去有跳蚤的市场.
July 21
Why is an empty purse always the same
The answer to yesterday's riddle: If at firstyou don't succeed, cry, cry again.(注释:由谚语"If at first you don'tsucceed, try, try again"杜撰而来.)
July 22
I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers withoutwater. What am I
The answer to yesterday's riddle: There is nochange in it.(注解:change有"零钱"和"变化"两层含义)
July 23
What kind of dog can jump higher than a building
The answer to yesterday's riddle: a map
July 24
Why are girls afraid of the letter C
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Any dog-- abuilding can't jump!
July 25
Why is the letter E so important
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Because itmakes fat fact!
July 26
What can pierce(刺透) one's ears without a hole
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Because it isthe beginning of everything
July 27
Why is the letter E so sad
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Noise
July 28
How do you feel today
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Because it'salways out of cash and always in debt.
July 29
ship can contain only fifty persons. Now there is alreadyforty-nine persons in it.
At this time,a pregnant woman comes on and boards the ship. Theship sinks. Why
The answer to yesterday's riddle: With my hands,of course!
July 30
An old woman has lived in one-story house before. Her body is veryshort. Afterwards, she moves into a big building and lives in theninth story.
However, when she comes back home each time, she always takes anelevator to the sixth story and gets off, then she walks to theninth story. Why
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Because is apigboat(潜水艇嘛
July 31
Two wrongs don't make a right, but what do two rights make
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Because shewas too short to press the ninth button.(她太矮了不能按到第九层的按钮.)
August 1
What's the poorest bank in the world
The answer to yesterday's riddle: The firstaeroplane. ( two rights: the two brothers, Orville Wright andWilbur Wright )
August 2
How do you know policemen are strong
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Everyone knowthat,so I don't need tell you-all
August 3
If two swallows are sitting on a twig and you wish to get the twigwithout disturbing the swallows,what shall you do
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Because theycan hold up traffic with just one hand!
August 4
Why is tennis so noisy
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Wait till theswallows fly away.Right
August 5
What animal eats with its tail
The answer to yesterday's Riddle: Because everyplayer raises
August 10
What makes more noise than a pig caught under a fence
The answer to four day before's riddle: All animals.No one takes off its tail while eating.
August 12
Will liars be honest after they die
The answer to yesterday's riddle:Two or morepigs.
August 13
Why can a bride hide nothing
The answer to yesterday's riddle:No, theywon't. They lie still after they die
August 14
What is the difference between the North Pole and the SouthPole
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Becausesomeone will give her away. (因为有人会揭发她.Give away揭发,在婚礼上把新娘交给新郎)
August 15
What driver doesn't have a license
The answer to yesterday's riddle: A wholeworld. (整个世界. a world of difference 天壤之别)
August 16
Here is a very old English puzzle.If you can work out what itmeans,then it
is true!I C U R Y Y 4 M E ____ .
The answer to yesterday's riddle::screwdriver(螺丝起子)
August 17
Why does time fly
The answer to yesterday's riddle:I see you aretoo wise for me
August 18
Mike, the truck driver ,came to a stop.The bridge over the road isto low,and he couldn't driver his truck under it. Mike thought "Mylarry is only 5cm too tall.Must i really turn round and go back "hethought about it some more;then he smiled .A few minutes later ,hepast the bridge and on his way again .
what did he do
The answer to yesterday's riddle: To get awayfrom all those who are trying to kill it.
August 19
What has a bed but never sleeps, a mouth but never speaks
The answer to yesterday's riddle:
He let a little air out of the tires.(他把车胎的气放了一些.)
August 20
A person, round the scarf that eight meters grow, over the 8 meterwide river, is she how past
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Ariver河流
August 21
What job will make people look up to you
The answer to yesterday's riddle: she is towalk past!Because can round the scarf of eight meters it is thusclear that the day has cold many times!The inside of the river isalso affirmative is jelly up of!So she walks through to go todirectly all right!!
August 22
If you were given the choice of how to die,What manner of deathwould you choose
The answer to yesterday's riddle:
Window-washing on high-rise(给高层建筑物擦窗户的工作,人们自然要仰看你了)
August 23
The answer to yesterday's riddle:
I would choose to die of old age.我愿意老死.
August 24
What's the largest room in the world
The answer to yesterday's riddle:
When it's ajar.
August 25
I have a tree in my hand.What kind of tree is it
The answer to yesterday's riddle:
The room for improvement.
August 26
If the green house is on the right side of the road,and the redhouse is on the left side of the road,where is the whitehouse
The answer to yesterday's riddle: It's apalm.是你的手掌.
August 27
What is heavier in summer than in winter
The answer to yesterday's riddle:
The White House is In Washington,D. C.
August 28
What fruit is never found singly
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Traffic tothe beach.
August 29
what two words have the most letters
The answer to yesterday's riddle:
pear,跟pair同音,而pair是一对的意思,所以pear is never found singly.
August 30
When do people have two mouth
The answer to yesterday's riddle: PostOffice.
August 31
When is coffee like the surface of the earth
The answer to yesterday's riddle: When there'stwo of them 有两个人时!
The answer to yesterday's riddle:
When it's ground.被碾成粉末时.
(ground 是 "grind V.碾粹" 的过去分词形式,意思是"磨碎的",同时ground本身又有"地面"的意思.所以Whenit's ground. 透过这个词的双关意思,我们可以理解成"它是地面"的意思,那是不是就是和地球表面相似啦~~ )
September 2
What do you have that you can not lend to others
The answer to yesterday's riddle:Bee,昨天SINDY姐姐出的题目也太幼稚了
September 4
Why shouldn't you lose your temper
The answer to yesterday's riddle: Yourshadow
September 5
今日谜题:What's put on the table, cut, but never eaten
另外昨日谜题 的答案是:Because no one else wants it.你猜对了吗
September 6
今日谜题:What is the largest ant in the world
另外昨日谜题 的答案是:A deck of cards.因为表示洗牌的短语是cut the cards. 你猜对了吗
另外,cut flower插花虽不是标准答案,却也十分巧妙,值得鼓励哦!
September 7
9月7日谜题:Why don't you take the bus home
9月6日每日一猜 谜底:elephant.
September 8
今日谜题:What fruit is never found singly
昨日谜题答案:it's to big for me to take it home! 你猜对了吗
September 9
今日谜题:What nation is one that has come to an end
昨日谜题的答案是:A pear(pair).你答对了吗
September 10
今日谜题:Why is the letter A like a flower
September 11
今日谜题:Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad
昨日谜题的答案是:Because a "B" comes after it! 你答对了吗
September 12
今日谜题:When is a ship falling in love with someone
昨日谜题的答案是:Mother is closer,because father is "farther".
September 13
今日谜题:What's the difference between an old penny and a newdime
昨日谜题的答案是:When it seeks a mate.mate即有"大副"的意思,又有"伴侣"的意思.你猜对了吗
September 14
9月14日谜题:What is it that everybody gives but few take
昨日谜题 的答案是:Nine cents
September 15
9月15日谜题:Why is it that every man's trousers are too short
September 18
9月18日谜题:Why is it useless to send a telegram to Washingtontoday
9月15日谜底是:Because his legs always stick out twofeet.因为男人的脚总是在裤子外边,所以所有的裤子都短
September 19
9月19日谜题:Why does a man who has just shaved look like a wildanimal
9月18日的谜题是:Why is it useless to send a telegram to Washingtontoday
9月18日谜底是:Because Washington isdead.Washington既指美国首都,又可指美国首任总统.
September 20
9月20日谜题:I am something that can run but can't walk.What am I
9月19日谜底是:Because he has a bear face.bear有熊的意思,但与bare(光秃的)同音.
September 21
9月21日谜题:How can you change a lady into a boy
9月20日谜底是:Water.谜题里的run作"流,淌"解.The water is running.水在流动.
September 22
9月22日谜题:What is a sea that is good and safe
9月21日谜底是:You take away the letter "y",and a "lad"appears.
September 24
今日谜题:When is a house not on land nor on water
The answer is :
When it's on fire.
当一所房子既不在陆地上,又不在水中的时候,它会在哪儿呢 它肯定不会在空中的,所以答案说它在火里.也就是它着火了.onfire的意思是"着火".
September 25
今日谜题:What do people do in a clock factory
The answer is: They make faces all day.
September 26
今日谜题:When is a window like a star
September 27
Why are your legs like cows
昨天的答案是:When it is a skylight.
September 28
How can you make a slow horse fast
The answer of yesterday's riddle is(昨天的谜底是):
besause they have calves.
calves:小牛;小腿; calf有小腿,小牛的意思,calves是calf的复数形式,当然就是your legs are likecows.
September 29
Iam something that has four legs and only one foot,What am I
The answer of yesterday's riddle is(28日的谜底是):
Don't give him anything to eat for a while.
September 30
Why is a crow the bravest bird in the world
The answer of yesterday's riddle is(29日的谜底是):
A bed.
October 1st
Today's riddle:
What do every couple have in common
October 2nd
Yesterday's riddle: What do everycouple have in common
Answer:They're married on the same day.他们是同一天结婚的.
Today's riddle:
Why are grandpa's false teeth like stars
October 3rd
Yesterday's riddle: Why aregrandpa's false teeth like stars
Answer:They both come out at night.它们都是晚上才出来.
Today's riddle: Why do dogsbark
October 4th
Yesterday's riddle: Why do dogsbark
Answer:They don't know how to talk.因为它们不会说话.
Today's riddle: Why did thechicken cross the road
October 5th
Yesterday's riddle:Why did thechicken cross the road
Answer:To get to the other side.(因为它们要去另外一边)
Today's riddle:What month dosoldiers hate
October 6th
Yesterday's riddle:What month dosoldiers hate
Answer:March 三月 /行军 (除了大写表示三月外还有参军,行军的意思)
Today's riddle:What's toomuch for one, just rignt for two, but nothing at all forthree
October 7th
Yesterday's riddle:What's toomuch for one, just rignt for two, but nothing at all forthree
Today's riddle:What has asoft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but never speaks
October 9th
October 7th's riddle:
What has a soft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but neverspeaks
Today's riddle:
What do you call a man with a car on his head
October 9th
Why is the camel so easily angered
October 10th
What is it that gives light to the world although it is blackitself
October 11th
Why is your nose in the middle of your face
October 12th
When should any pig be able to write
谜底是:Because it is a scenter. scenter是嗅觉器官,与center(中央)同音.
爱动脑筋的你,答对了么 悬赏分即刻送出,请继续参与!
October 13th
If you call a sheep's tail a leg,how many legs will he have
谜底是:When it has been turned into a pen.猪什么时候变成一支笔呢是被关进猪栏的时候.这里pen做"钢笔"或者"猪栏"解.
October 14th
When does a farmer act with cruelty to his corn
谜底是:He'll still have only four
October 15th
What part of watch will always give you a cool drink
谜底是:when he pulls its ear. ear:耳朵;穗
October 16th
What nation is dreaded by schoolboys
谜底: Spring
October 17th
What is it that we never borrow but often return
October 18th
What is it that falls often but never gets hurt
10月17日 谜底是:Thanks.这个题目确实比较简单,什么东西是我们从来不向别人借但是却经常回报给别人的
October 19th
What is it that we have in December but that we don't have in anyother month
10月18谜底是:Snow.这个题目也比较简单,什么东西经常落下来却还没有受伤呢雪花确实是个不错的答案.冬天就要到了,东北的词友已经穿了秋衣秋裤了吧 祝你们早日看到晶莹的雪花.
October 20th
What does the garden say when it laughs
10月19 谜底是:Letter D.
October 21st
What bird is essential to eating
10月20 谜底是:Hoe,hoe,hoe.
October 22nd
What part of watch will always give you a cool drink
10月21 谜底是:swallow.
October 23
What person tried to make you smile most of the time
10月22 谜底是:Spring.
October 24
What runs,but does not walk;Has a tongue,but can't talk
10月23 谜底是:Photographer.
October 25
What is deep as a house,And round as a cup,And all the king'shorses,Can't draw it up
10月24 谜底是:A wagon.wagon是四轮马车.也许词友会问,难道马车有舌头马车当然没有舌头,因为tongue还有另外一个意思"车辕".什么东西会跑不会走,有舌头(车辕)不能说 答案是四轮马车.
October 26
Why is the figure 9 like a peacock
10月25 谜底是:A well.
解释:1,draw it up 可理解为"把它拉上来",也可理解为"把它喝光"
2,well [wel] n. 井
October 27
I am something that has a head and a tail,but no body.What amI
10月26 谜底是:Because without a tail it is nothing(0).
October 28
Can 11 and 2 make 1
谜底是:A penny
解释:通常head指"头",tail指"尾巴",body指"身体".但head又可指"钱的正面",tail指"钱的背面",如:Headsor tails (通过掷硬币来决定事物)你猜正面还是反面
October 29
If I were in the sun and you were out of it,what would the sunbecome
谜底是:Eleven o'clock plus two is one o'clock.
解释:plus prep. 加,加上.
October 30
What is it that is always coming but never arrives
谜底是:sin n. 罪恶.
October 31
What is it that we never borrow but often return
November 1
Why is a tailor a very fine lover
November 2
What country is good for skaters
谜底:Bebause he is an expert at pressing a suit.
解释:tailor 裁缝;lover(指男性)情人;press 熨平,坚持;suit 请求,求婚,一套衣服; press a suit可作"熨衣服"解,又可作"苦苦求婚"解.
November 3
What flower resembles the rising sun
解释:1.skater 滑冰者;iceland 冰岛[欧洲]
November 4
What bird is letter
昨日 谜底:morning glory.
November 5
今日谜题:What letter is a body of water
昨日 谜底:jay(松鸦)
November 7
I know a word of letters three. Add two, and fewer there willbe.
November 8
What is the smallest bridge in the world
November 9
What's got a wave but no sea
谜底:the bridge of a nose.
November 10
What kind of bell doesn't ring
November 11
What horse never goes out in the day time
November 12
It happens once in a minute, twice in a week, and once in a yearWhat is it
谜底:A night mare.
November 13
What 7 letter word becomes longer when the third letter isremoved
November 14
What is a commonly used word that ends in T, contains the lettersVEN and starts with IN
November 15
What has 10 legs and drools
November 16
Why should dieters avoid the letter C
November 17
What question can never be answered by "yes"
谜底:Because it makes fat a faCt.
AS round as an apple,
As deep as a pail;
It never cries out,
Till it's caught by the tail.
昨日 谜底: Are you asleep (你睡着了吗 )
November 20
What clothing is always sad
谜底:Are you asleep
November 21
If you stand with your back to the north and face south,what wouldbe on your left hand
谜底:Blue jeans(蓝色牛仔服).
November 22
How can a cat go into a cellar with four feet and come out witheight
November 23
What is it that everyone in the world is doing at the sametime
猫从地窖里钻出来,怎么有了8条腿呢 因为它捉了只老鼠叼在嘴里.
谜底:It catches a mouse.
November 24
What makes fish the smartest animal in the world
谜底:Growing old.
November 27
What has four wings and can't fly,no legs but can go
谜底:No one can pull its leg(没人能够愚弄它).
November 28
I am something that has teeth,but can't eat.what am I
November 30
I am the mother of thousand wear a crown at birth.Those who wish toknow my destiny must open me up after my death.what am I
谜底:A doorbell(梳子)
December 1
I have a little house,which I live in all alone,Withoutdoors,without windows,And if I want to go out,I have to breakthrough the wall.
Pomegranate 也就是石榴 译文
想知道我的秘密吗 你得把我采摘下来,剥开我才能知道
December 4
Neither a plane nor a bird am I.Though you will see me in thesky,Full of water,yet not the sea or a river,what can I be
December 7
It has cities,bur no houses;It has forests,but no trees;It hasrivers,but no water.What is it
December 8
What goes up and down stairs without moving
12月7日 谜底:
昨天的答案又是比较简单:有城无房,有林无树,有河无水,我是什么 当然是地图啦.
December 14
What is it that nobody wants but nobody wants to lose
December 15
What animal eats with its tail
上一次的答案:没有人想要又没有人想要输的是"A lawsuit (官司)"!
December 16
Thirty-two white horses on a red hill
some go and some stay still
上一次的答案:"All animals"!No animal takes off its tail wheneating.
December 18
How can you make a slow horse fast
上一次的答案:"Teeth"!32 white teeth as the horses and the red gum as ahill.
December 19
What is heavier in summer than in winter
上一次的答案:"Don't give it anything to eat for a while"!This is because'fast' has two meanings, one is that something/somebody moves fast,another is to eat no food. 你答对了吗
December 20
Why is the letter T like an island
上一次的答案:"Traffic to the beach"!
December 21
What is the difference between a man and a banana peel
上一次的答案:Because the letter "t" is in the middle of "water"!因为 t在单词water的中间 岛屿也在水的中间.
December 22
When are people smartest
上一次的答案:Sometimes a man throws a banana peel in the gutter, andsometimes a banana peel throws a man in the gutter. 有时人把香蕉皮甩进水沟里,有时香蕉皮让人摔进水沟里.
December 23
Can you explain what is free speech
上一次的答案:When it's sunny, because everything's brighter then!
The words "smart" and "bright" have he same meaning as clever andintelligent.
December 25
What has 4 legs, 4 ears, 1 tail, 2 bottoms, 4 eyes, 2 noses and 2mouths
上一次的答案:You're talking on someone else's phone.
December 27
If the green house is on the right side of the road, and the redhouse is on the left side of the road, where is the whitehouse
上一次的答案:Santa Claus on a reindeer. 圣诞老人和驯鹿.
December 2

I am something that always weighs the same, whether I am larger orsmaller.
12月27日 谜底
上一次的答案:In Washington, D.C.
December 29
Why is the bride unhappy on her wedding day
上一次的答案:A hole. A hold can be wide and large, but it can never bemeasured by weight.
December 30
What kind of water is the most deceitful
上一次的答案:"Because she didn't marry the best man." The best man can bethe excellent person, it can also mean the male attendant of thebridegroom at a wedding. Best man 在英文中有伴郎的意思.


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英语谜语Whatgetslarger,themoreyoutakeaway? take away english

1.Whatgets larger,the more you take away?什么东西你拿走越多,反而越大?  2.What goes on four legs in the morning,on two at noon,and onthree in the evening?什么走路开始用四条腿,后来用两条腿,最后用三条腿?  3.What do we get


商务英语--价格谈判1. Please accept our thanks for thetrouble you have taken.有劳贵方,不胜感激。2. We are obliged to thank you for your kind attention in thismatter. 不胜感激贵方对此事的关照。3. We

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