Howtobeoptimistic张辿遐 howtobesingle

How to be optimistic

Optimism, as I think, is veryimportant. It provides a kind of upward and positive power to helpus live and succeed. Besides, it helps the body’s immune systemfunction actively, which can strengthen our resistance and protectus from diseases.

Since optimism is sobeneficial, how can we be optimistic? The first thing is that weshould learn to accept things. Not all of the things in our lifeare perfect. If we demand everything to be perfect, how difficultwould it be? And when we find that there are too many imperfectthings, how despaired would we be? There is a saying that summon upcourage to change what you can change and calmly accept theremaining. That is exactly what we should do. Just thinking aboutthe people whose lives are destroyed by a terrible earthquake, theycan do nothing but to accept it and then move on. Because this islife, full of troubles and things we cannot change. Only if weaccept it, can we find that it is not thatdespairing.

Another thing we can do to beoptimistic is to make full use of psychological suggestion.Psychological suggestion is powerful but always ignored. However,it is not difficult to find that people who think something good isgoing to happen will feel excited while people who think somethingbad is going to happen will feel anxious. And people who think theworld is bad and there is no hope will be depressed while peoplewho love the world and think the future is always hopeful will behappy. That is the power of psychological suggestion. If we want tobe optimistic, it is necessary for us to think optimistically. Forexample, every time when I caught a cold and had to lie in bed, Iwould tell myself that my cells were fighting against the flu virusand surely they would win at last. But the psychologicalsuggestions are not always helpful, the point is whether we believewhat we have told to ourselves or not. It is useless for one totell himself to be perfect if he does not believe that he can be.Instead, he can say something like perfect is good but everyonemakes mistakes. So we just need to give ourselves some optimisticpsychological suggestions and keep telling, and at last it willaffect us and make us optimistic.

Just like many other things,it needs practice to keep optimistic. No matter when and where, nomatter what problem we confront, we should always try to beoptimistic and make it part of us so that we can live a happylife.


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