Winner/Loser loser

The Winner is always part ofthe answer;

The Loser is always part ofthe problem.

The Winner always has aprogram;

The Loser always has anexcuse.

The Winner says, "Let me do itfor you";

The Loser says, "That is notmy job."

The Winner sees an answer forevery problem;

The Loser sees a problem forevery answer.

The Winner says, "It may bedifficult but it is possible";

The Loser says, "It may bepossible but it is too difficult."

When a Winner makes a mistake,he says, "I was wrong";

When a Loser makes a mistake,he says, "It wasn't my fault."

Winner/Loser loser

A Winner makescommitments;

A Loser makespromises.

Winners havedreams;

Losers haveschemes.

Winners say, "I must dosomething";

Losers say, "Something must bedone."

Winners are a part of theteam;

Losers are apart from theteam.

Winners see thegain;

Losers see thepain.

Winners seepossibilities;

Losers seeproblems.

Winners believe inwin-win;

Losers believe for them to winsomeone has to lose.

Winners see thepotential;

Losers see thepast.

Winners are like athermostat;

Losers are likethermometers.

Winners choose what theysay;

Losers say what theychoose.

Winners use hard arguments butsoft words;

Losers use soft arguments buthard words.

Winners stand firm on valuesbut compromise on petty things;

Losers stand firm on pettythings but compromise on values.

Winners follow the philosophyof empathy: "Don't do to others what you would notwant them to do to you";

Losers follow the philosophy,"Do it to others before they do it to you."

Winners make ithappen;

Losers let ithappen.

Winners plan and prepare towin.

The key word ispreparation.


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