缅甸民主之声年度人物-桑鲁甘茂将军 缅甸昂山将军

Gen. Gun Maw Sumlat (PHOTO: Neils Huby/DVB)


DVB Person of the Year 2013: Gen.Gun Maw
By DVB 31 December 2013








DVB readers have spoken, and their voice was loud andclear: the Burmese Person of the Year for 2013 is Gen. Gun MawSumlat, the vice-chief of staff of the Kachin Independence Army(KIA).

We offered a selection of the biggest news-makers of the pastyear and asked readers to vote for one – their favourite, theirmost respected or simply the person they thought was the mostprolific.

A total of 20,662 readers of DVB’s Burmese andEnglish websites voted. The result was that Gen. Gun Maw won with68 percent of votes cast; some 13,892 readers voted for the KIApeace negotiator.

Second was outspoken Buddhist monk, U Wirathu, with4,787 votes; third was Dr. Cynthia Maung with 475 votes; and fourthwas activist Naw Ohn Hla with 349.

Other votes: Zaw Zaw (230); Phwe Phwe (196); Than ThanHtwe (195); Moe Set Wine (116); Ye Htut (110); Irene Zin Mar Myint(44); and others (268).

DVB would like to thank its readers for theiroverwhelming support. Gen. Gun Maw will now receive a certificateand an engraved trophy from DVB to commemorate thisoccasion.

Gen. Gun Maw Sumlat, vice-chief of staff of KachinIndependence Army

Hundreds of well-wishers wearing traditional Kachin costumeswelcomed the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) Vice Chief of StaffMaj-Gen Gun Maw Sumlat when he arrived in Myitkyina, the Kachinstate capital, in October to negotiate peace with a Burmesegovernment delegation which until then had drasticallyunderestimated his influence.

When hostilities between Burmese government forces and the KIAintensified in Mansi Township in November, Gun Maw bravely paid ahistoric visit to Rangoon where he met with media, spoke at theKachin Baptist Church, schmoozed with Kachin celebrities andgenerally charmed each and every political and business figure whomet him.

Media-savvy but humble, Gun Maw exudes a deep sense ofintegrity. He says he views peace as a process, unlike the Burmese government which definespeace by the number of agreements it signs.

附件候选名单WHO ISBURMA’S PERSON OF THE YEAR?DVB has compiled a list of 10 of the biggestnews-makers in Burma in 2013. We want you, our readers, to vote forthe person you consider to be Burma’s Person of the Year. (But youcan only vote once) The results of “DVB Burmese of the Year” willbe announced on 31 December.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101013/146417.html


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