Allot,allocate,distribute,Characteristic,feature allot allocate
One-child families are allotted the same amount of housing land andprivate plot as 2-child families.
He allots himself an hour a day for exercises.
We have been allotted 500 sq. m. for the exhibition.
the districts of Czechoslovakia allocated to Germany by the MunichAgreement.
The municipality has allocated a sum of money for the constructionof the bridge.
One-child urban families are allocated the same housing space as2-child families...
Take the system of "to each according to his work" as the mainmethod of allocating income while complementing it with other formsof distribution.
... the central government...decided to allocate an investment of240 million yuan which was placed under the company''scontrol
Management, administration, and allocation of labor force werehighly centralized under the commune system.
to distribute handbills
to distribute profits among employees owned by landlords were taken over and redistributed to 300million peasants
The fund has been distributed in the best interests of those inneed of relief.
We distribute this kind of tractors throughout the thirdworld.
Distribute, allot,allocate三个词都可以和“一笔款”连用,但distribute表示分配给“若干人”,而allot和allocate还可表示分配“给某个人专用”。
Characteristic, feature:
a characteristic of Western/Chinese civilization
women''s physiological characteristics
The nationalities in China have all retained their special nationalcharacteristics.
the geographical features of the region
Her dancing eyes are her most attractive features.
An important feature of our work is students'' involvement.
The most outstanding national feature is thelanguage.
大肠杆菌的gff文件 鸡大肠杆菌一、gff文件中重要的feature我们主要需要:gene、CDS、region、exon、tRNA、rRNA、ncRNA。在细菌里一般重
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神与古代中国GodinAncientChina) godin session
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搭建bugfree平台 发表于 2010-7-24 9:49:20 免费微商城搭建平台
搭建bugfree平台发表于 2010-7-24 9:49:20研发人员主要的三个角色: PM (Program Manager)、 Dev (Developer)、 Tester 。PM来定义需求、书写出来每个功能特性 (Feature)的设计文档(Spec),Dev写代码来实现这个Spec,Tester来测试 Dev做
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