Criesinadistancepk.Alwaysonline hadacrie

朋友传了首歌Cries in adistance,林俊杰的,听着还蛮好听的。偶尔听到了他的中文版,觉得也不错。贴上来,大家一起分享一下。最近猪妈脑子老是时不时的蓝一下屏,没有太多的至理名言了,只能拿别人的东西来忽悠一下大家了。不过,听说最近一段时间继本山大叔的卖拐以后市面上流行忽悠,所以猪妈在这里无伤大雅的忽悠一下应该也无妨。



Always online –林俊杰


遥远两端爱挂在天空飞风停了也无所谓只因为你曾说 everthing will beok

准备好了 three twoone i'm always online和你one to one爱开始扩散我们连接了穿越天空银河

开始倒数 three twoone 想出我的孤单 moreand more既是深刻爱亮了爱笑了 i'm alwaysonline


遥远两端爱挂在天空飞风停了也无所谓只因为你曾说everthing will be ok

准备好了 three twoone i'm always online和你one to one爱开始扩散我们连接了穿越天空银河

wu oh oh ~~ wu ohoh~ 开始倒数 threetwo one 想出我的孤单more and more既是深刻爱亮了爱笑了 i'm alwaysonline

ho~~ three twoone 准备好了 threetwo one i'm always online和你one toone 爱开始扩散我们连接了穿越天空银河

开始倒数 three twoone 想出我的孤单 moreand more既是深刻(孤单)爱亮了爱笑了 i'm alwaysonline爱亮了爱笑了 i'm alwaysonline

Cries in a distance --林俊杰

Cries in a distance Can't stopthe tremble I'm just awaiting myturn Hiding will never Save me foreverThe guns gonna get me forsure

Dear God I pray why won't you be my friendCome to me and take myhand Like mama would say Everything will beokay

All I hear is 3 2 1 The scream from theguns And then 1by1 No one gets torun Someone's dad or mom Sister, brother and sonNo…no…

All I feel is 1 2 3 My tearsstart to bleed Smell of roses on myfeet Ifeel sore… I fall… I call… Icrawl…

Cries in a distance Can'tstop the tremble I'm just awaiting myturn Hiding will never Save meforever The guns gonna get me forsure

Dear God I pray why won't you be my friendCome to me and take myhand Like mama would say Everythingwill be okay

All I hear is 3 2 1The scream from thegunsAnd then 1by1 No one gets torun Someone's dad or mom Sister,brother and son No…no…

All I feel is 1 2 3 Mytears start to bleed Smell of roses on myfeet Ifeel sore… I fall… I call… Icrawl…

All I hear is 3 2 1The scream from the gunsAnd then 1by1 No one gets torun Someone's dad or momSister, brother andson

All I feel is 1 2 3 Mytears start to bleed Smell of roses on myfeet I feel sore… I fall… I call…I crawl…I feel sore…I fall… I call…I crawl…


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