英译李白的《早发白帝城》 早发白帝城 李白诗意

英译李白的《早发白帝城》 早发白帝城 李白诗意

Set off from White EmperorTown at Morn
---Li Bai
---Translated by 许景城(Peter Cooper Xu)

From White EmperorTown in rosy clouds I leave at morn,
Down for Jiang Ling thousand miles away I reach in a day.
Along the Yangzi River comes the continuous apes'moan;

Unawares, mywherry's flown o'er lofty mountains in briskway.

1.White EmperorTown: A town located on the top of Mount White Emperor inChongqing, China.
2.Jiang Ling: A county of Hu BeiProvince.




Leaving white Emperor City at Dawn

At dawn amid colored clouds I leftWhite Emperor City:

A thousand miles to Chiang Ling I wasthere in a day!

Chattering monkeys on the cliffs, noend to their bawling.

So the light boat slipped past theten thousand mountains.


Sailing Down to Chiang Ling

In the morning I leave Po Ti perchedin the clouds.

The thousand Li to Chiang—lingare compressed to a day,

Before the wailing of the apes onboth banks ceases,

The light boat has left behindunending mountains.


Early Departure from White King City

At dawn we leave White King, itsclouds all colored,

For passage to Kiang-ling in one suncircuit:

While both banks gibbons cry callsstill unceasing.

Our light boat has gone by many foldmountains.



Good bye to the city high in the rosyclouds of dawn.

Homeward, out the gorges, outtoday!

Let the apes wail. Goon.

Out shoots my boat. The serriedmountains are all behind.


Going out of White Emperor City

In the morning goingout

of White Emperor City, itWas

as if we wentonclouds;

from there to Kianglingis

one thousand li, but in oneday

the racing watersbrought

me down; from bothbanks

we heard the cry ofmonkeys

as my fragile boatswept

past a maze ofmountains.


Leaving the White Emperor Town at Dawn

Leaving at dawn the White Emperorcrowned with cloud.

I’ve sailed a thousand miles throughcanyons in a day.

With monkeys’ sad adieus the riverbanks are loud:

My skiff has left ten thousand mountains faraway.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101012/142617.html


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