各国菌种保藏中心 国家菌种保藏中心

ACM: Australian Collection of Microorganisms, Australia
ATCC: American Type CultureCollection, USA
BCC: BIOTECCulture Collection, Thailand
BCCM: Belgian Co-ordinatedCollections of Micro-organisms, Belgium - LMBP Plasmid and cDNACollection - LMG BacteriaCollection - IHEM Biomedical Fungi& Yeasts Collection - MUCL (Agro)industrialFungi & Yeasts Collection
BCRC: BioresourcesCollection and Research Center, Taiwan
CABI: CABI Bioscience, UK
CABRI: Common Access toBiological Resources and Information
CAIM: Collection of AquaticImportant Microorganisms, Mexico
CBS: Centraalbureau voorSchimmelcultures, the Netherlands
CCAP: Culture Collectionof Algae and Protozoa, UK
CCM: Czech Collection ofMicroorganisms, the Czech Republic
CCUG: Culture Collection,University of Göteborg, Sweden
CECT: Spanish TypeCulture Collection, Spain
CFBP:Collection Française des Bactéries Phytopathogènes, France
CGMCC: ChinaGeneral Microbiological Culture Collection Center, China
CNCTC: CzechNational Collection of Type Cultures, the Czech Republic
CRBIP (CIP, PCC,UMIP): Biological Resource Center of the Pasteur Institute,France
DSMZ: German Collection ofMicroorganisms and Cell Cultures, Germany
FGSC: Fungal GeneticsStock Center, USA
HAMBI:Culture Collection of Department of Applied Chemistry andMicrobiology, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University ofHelsinki, Finland
HUT:HUT Culture Collection, Department of Molecular Biotechnology,Hiroshima University, Japan
ICMP: International Collection of Micro-organisms from Plants,New Zealand
JSCC: Japan Siciety forCulture Collections (in Japanese) - JSCC StrainDatabase
KACC: KoreanAgricultural Culture Collection, Republic of Korea
KCTC: KoreanCollection for Type Cultures, Republic of Korea
MAFF:Microorganisms Section of the NIAS (National Institute ofAgrobiological Sciences) Genebank, Japan
MCC-NIES:Microbial Culture Collection at National Institute forEnvironmental Studies, Japan
MTCC: Microbial TypeCulture Collection & Gene Bank, India
NBIMCC: National Bank forIndustrial Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, Bulgaria
NBRC: NITEBiological Resource Center, Department of Biotechnology, NationalInstitute of Technology and Evaluation, Japan
各国菌种保藏中心 国家菌种保藏中心
NCIMB: National Collectionsof Industrial, Food and Marine Bacteria, UK
NCPPB: National Collection ofPlant Pathogenic Bacteria, UK
NCTC: National Collection ofType Cultures, UK
NCYC: National Collection ofYeast Cultures, UK
NRRL: AgriculturalResearch Service (ARS) Culture Collection, US Department ofAgriculture, USA
PCC:Pasteur Culture Collection of Cyanobacteria, France
PCM: PolishCollection of Microorganisms, Poland
UAMH:University of Alberta Microfungus Collection and Herbarium,Canada
UKNCC: United KingdomNational Culture Collection, UK
USFCC: US Federation for CultureCollections, USA
VKM: All-Russian Collection ofMicroorganisms, Russia
VTCC: Vietnam TypeCulture Collection, Vietnam
VTT:Technical Research Center of Finland (VTT) Culture Collection,Finland
WDCM: WFCC-MIRCENWorld Data Centre for Microorganisms
WFCC: WorldFederation for Culture Collections


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101012/142312.html


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