by Michel·de·Montaigne
Plutarch says somewhere that he does not find so greata difference betwixt beast and beast as he does betwixt man andman; which he says in reference to the internal qualities andperfections of the soul. And, in truth, I find so vast a distancebetwixt Epaminondas, according to my judgment of him, and some thatI know, who are yet men of good sense, that I could willinglyenhance upon Plutarch, and say that there is more differencebetwixt such and such a man than there is betwixt such a man andsuch a beast,and that there are as many and innumerable degrees ofmind as there are cubits betwixt this and heaven.
But as touching the estimate of men, 'tis strangethat, ourselves excepted, no other creature is esteemed beyond itsproper qualities; we commend a horse for his strength and surenessof foot, and not for his rich caparison; a greyhound for his speedof heels, not for his fine collar; a hawk for her wing, not for hergesses and bells. Why, in like manner, do we not value a man forwhat is properly his own? He has a great train, a beautiful palace,so much credit, so many thousand pounds a year: all these are abouthim, but not in him. You will not buy a pig in a poke: if youcheapen a horse, you will see him stripped of his housing-cloths,you will see him naked and open to your eye; or if he be clothed,as they anciently were wont to present them to princes to sell,'tis only on the less important parts, that you may not so muchconsider the beauty of his colour or the breadth of his crupper, asprincipally to examine his legs, eyes, and feet, which are themembers of greatest use.
why, in giving your estimate of a man, do you prizehim wrapped and muffled up in clothes? He then discovers nothing toyou but such parts as are not in the least his own, and concealsthose by which alone one may rightly judge of his value. 'Tis theprice of the blade that you inquire into, not of the scabbard: youwould not peradventure bid a farthing for him, if you saw himstripped. You are to judge him by himself and not by what he wears;and, as one of the ancients very pleasantly said: "Do you know whyyou repute him tall? You reckon withal the height of his pattens."The pedestal is no part of the statue. Measure him without hisstilts; let him lay aside his revenues and his titles; let himpresent himself in his shirt. Then examine if his body be sound andsprightly, active and disposed to perform its functions. What soulhas he? Is she beautiful, capable, and happily provided of all herfaculties? Is she rich of what is her own, or of what she hasborrowed? Has fortune no hand in the affair? Can she, withoutwinking, stand the lightning of swords? Is she indifferent whetherher life expire by the mouth or through the throat? Is she settled,even and content? This is what is to be examined, and by that youare to judge of the vast differences betwixt man and man. Ishe:
The wise man, self-governed, whom neither poverty, nordeath,
nor chains affright: who has the strength to resist hisappetites
and to contemn honours: who is wholly self-contained: whomno
external objects affect: whom fortune assails in vain.

such a man is five hundred cubits above kingdoms andduchies; he is an absolute monarch in and to himself:
The wise man is the master of his own fortune
what remains for him to covet or desire?
Do we not see that human nature asks no more for itselfthan
that, free from bodily pain, it may exercise its mindagreeably,
exempt from care and fear.
Compare with such a one the common rabble of mankind,stupid and mean-spirited, servile, instable, and continuallyfloating with the tempest of various passions, that tosses andtumbles them to and fro, and all depending upon others, and youwill find a greater distance than betwixt heaven and earth; and yetthe blindness of common usage is such that we make little or noaccount of it; whereas if we consider a peasant and a king, anobleman and a vassal, a magistrate and a private man, a rich manand a poor, there appears a vast disparity, though they differ nomore, as a man may say, than in their breeches.
贺拉斯(Quintus Horatius Flaccus,公元前65—前8),古罗马诗人、批评家,其美学思想见于写给皮索父子的诗体长信《诗艺》。
卢克莱修(Carus Lucretius,约前99~前55),古罗马哲学家。