vxworks命令 python 性能测试

1.4.1 任务管理

sp( ) 用缺省参数创建一个任务(priority="100" 返回值为任务ID,或错误)(taskSpawn)

sps( ) 创建一个任务,并挂起它

tr( ) 恢复一个挂起的任务(与taskResume相同)

ts( ) 挂起一个任务 (与taskSuspend相同)

td( ) 删除一个任务 (与taskDelete相同)

period( ) 创建一个周期调用函数的任务

repeat( ) 创建一个重复调用函数的任务

taskIdDefault( ) 设置并报告当前缺省的任务ID。

1.4.2 任务状态信息

i( ) 显示系统信息,包括当前任务明、状态等(重复查询目标机,有时可能显示不一致)

iStrict( ) 类似于i( ),但只查询目标机一次

ti( ) 显示任务的TCB信息 (例如:ti tWdbTask)

w( ) 显示所有挂起任务的详细信息。.

tw( ) 显示某挂起任务的详细信息。(例如: tw tLogTask)

checkState( ) 显示一个任务的使用堆栈的总结,没有定义任务时显示所有

tt( ) 显示堆栈记录

taskIdFigure( ) 报告任务的ID,以及名称

1.4.3 系统信息

devs( ) 列出目标机系统上的所有设备

lkup( ) List symbols from symbol table

lkAddr( ) List symbols whose values are near a specified value

d( ) 显示目标机内存

l( ) Disassemble and display a specific nuber of instructions

printError( ) 给出最近的错误值

version() 显示VxWorks版本

cd( ) 改变宿主机工作目录(不影响目标机)

ls( ) 列出宿主机工作目录下的文件

pwd( ) 显示宿主机当前工作目录

help( ) 显示Shell命令的帮助

h( ) 显示最近输入的20个命令

shellHistory( ) 设置或显示Shell命令

shellPromptSet( )改变C解释器Shell 提示

printLogo( ) 显示Tornado Shell 登陆

1.4.4 系统修改和调试

ld( ) 加载一个对象模块到目标机,并动态连接到run-time

( 例如:ld 1,0,"/Tornado/target/proj/project0/simntgnu/multitasktest.o"

或ld() < / Tornado/target/proj/project0/simntgnu/multitasktest.o


unld( ) 从目标机内存中删除动态连接的对象模块 例:unld (“windDemo.o”)

m( ) Modify memory in Width(byte,short,long)starting at adr.

MRegs( ) 为特定的任务改变寄存器的值

b( ) 设置或修改断点 例:b (wdCreate)

bh( ) 设置硬件断点

s( ) 单步跟踪到下一条指令

so( ) 单步跟踪,但跳过子程序

c( ) 从断点处继续

cret( ) 继续执行,直到当前的子程序返回

bdall( ) 删除所有断点

bd( ) 删除一个断点

reboot( ) 重新启动targe server

bootChange( ) 改变boot参数保存值

sysSuspend( ) 如果目标机代理支持,进入系统模式

sysResume( ) 如果目标机代理支持,从系统模式返回到任务模式

agentModeShow( ) 显示代理模式(系统模式 或 任务模式)

sysStatusShow( )显示系统上下文(suspend 或 running 系统模式下使用)

quit( ) or exit( )

^H Delete character (<backspace>)

Ctrl-Break Terminate a directly called function.

^C Copy

^V Paste

^w 函数原型

^d 补全命令

<esc> Enter vi-like line editing mode.

Key Description

<esc> Enter line editing mode from input mode.

Ctrl-U Clear line and enter normal input mode.

In line editing mode, some useful commans are:

k Backwards through history buffer

j Forward through history buffer

h Move cursor to the left

l Move cursor to the right

a Append after cursor1

A Append at end of line1

i Insert before cursor1

I Insert at beginning of line1

Rc Replace current character with character c

x Delete current character

dd Delete entire line

nG> Go to history line n.

/string Search for strin

VxWorks Command Cheat Sheet

Ligo Livingston Observatory - Chethan Parameswariah: Jan 5, 2004

Task Management Related commands

sp (entryPt, args)Spawn a task with default parameters

sps (entryPt, args)Spawn a task and leave it suspended

td (taskName or Id)Delete a task

ts (taskName or Id)Suspend a task

tr (taskName or Id)Resume a suspended task

Task Information Commands

checkStack (taskName or Id)Show stack usage for the task

Example: checkStack "showtime" or checkStack 0x19c8f1

i Display synopsis of all tasks

ti (taskName)Show detailed infofrom TCB (Task Control Block)

tt (taskName)Show stack trace

tw (taskName)Find info about the object the task is pending on

System Information/Modification Commands

devsList all devices known on the target

lkup "symbol" List vxWorks symbols from the system symbol table

d (hex_address)Display memory

m (hex_address)Modify memory

printErrno(n)Describe the most recent error status value with n=0 being latest

h |size| Display command history default size is 20

help Display summary of commands

cd "dir" Change directory

pwd Present working directory

ls list the directory

CTRL+X or rebootReboot the processor

ld < filename Load a file

unld < "moduleName" Unload file

bootChange Modify the saved boot parameters

logout Log out of the target

Object Information Commands

taskShowList info about the tasks from TCB

seqShowList info about the sequencers(EPICS state programs at LIGO) running on the target

semShowShow info about semaphore

moduleShowShow info about loaded modules (object files/programs)
vxworks命令 python 性能测试

Memory Information Commands

memShowDisplay allocated/free memory

memPartShowShow memory partition

semShowShow info about semaphore

****************************** END ****************************


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101012/140717.html


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