VietnamSnapshots-2010 snapshots

I came back from my backpackingtrip to Vietnam a few days ago. I have taken more than one thousandphotos in Vietnam, but I don't have time to select and edit thephotos yet. I will go on a business trip again tomorrow.

Here are just a few photos from mytrip. A glimpse.

Vietnam is naorrow and long. Youshould allow about two weeks for an across-the-country tour inVietnam.

I traveled across Vietnam on SihnTourist sleeping bus. It's quite convenient to backpack in Vietnam.Sinh Tourist buses are well run and quite clean. Actually, they arecleaner than most of the sleeping buses in China. Passengers arerequired to take off their shoes when they get on the bus, and willbe given a plastic bag for their shoes.

Look! George Clooney! When I pointed out he looked likeGeorge Clooney, everyone on the bus agreeed with me.

On Sihn Tourist (Sihn Cafe)sleeping bus to Ha Noi.

I spottedaGeorge Clooney look-alike on the bus.There's a George Clooney look-alikecontest in the US.I wonder ifIcan get a prize for spotting aGeorge Clooneylook-alike.

I met a lovely lady who is alsocalled Yvonne. She has visted 60 countries. Hopefully, myfootprints will span 60 countries as well.

FYI, those are my sexy feet.

Yellow sand dunes, MuiNe

Lobsters are quite cheap in NhaTrang.

With Chinese backpackers in NhaTrang, Vietnam

VietnamSnapshots-2010 snapshots


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