欧美浪漫怀旧金曲歌词及介绍 欧美经典怀旧金曲下载


1、Unchained Melody歌词

这首歌曲是由The Righteous Brothers(正义兄弟)一个二人组合深情演绎的,后来因电影《人鬼情未了》而流行的著名歌曲,是一代人的青春记忆。唯一遗憾的就是The Righteous Brothers没有像这首歌曲一样走红,乃至今时今日在各个角落都经常会听到这首歌曲。 这首歌曲,无论你听不听得懂他们究竟在唱些具体的什么,也不看那个相拥做陶的电影画面,但那种如老唱片悠然旋转的沉醉感却肯定还是能打动你的心,正义兄弟的演唱忽而平静如水、忽而如泣如诉、忽而山呼海啸、忽而声嘶力竭,在感情随兴的起伏中完成了绝世的经典。 artist/band: rimes leann

lyrics for song: unchained melody

lyrics for album: greatest hits

oh my love

my darling

i’ve hungered for your touch

a long lonely time

as time goes by so slowly

and time can do so much

are you still mine?

i need your love

i need your love

god speed your love

to me

lonely rivers flow

to the sea

to the sea

to the open arms

of the sea

lonely rivers sigh "wait for me, wait for me"

i’ll be coming home wait for me.

oh my love

my darling

i’ve hungered for your touch

a long lonely time

and i know that time goes by so slowly

and time can do so much

are you still mine?

i need your love

i need your love

god speed your love

to me




'm a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩!

In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里!

It's not a big big thing if U leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。

But I do do feel.但我确实感到。

That I too too will miss U much.我将会非常想念你!

Miss U much ! 太过想念你了!

I can see the first leaf falling.我能看见第一片落叶。

It's all yellow & nice.是那样黄也那么的美。

It's so very cold outside.外面是那么的冷。

Like the way I'm feeling inside.就象我内心的感受。

I'm a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩!

In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里!

It's not a big big thing if U leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。

But I do do feel.但我确实感到。

That I too too will miss U much.我将会非常想念你!

Miss U much ! 太过想念你了!

Outside it's now raining.现在外面正在下雨。

And tears are falling from my eyes.而我的眼睛也在流泪。

I'm a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩!

In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里!

It's not a big big thing if U leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。

But I do do feel.但我确实感到。

That I too too will miss U much.我将会非常想念你!

Miss U much ! 太过想念你了!

I have Ur arms around me ooooh like fire.我原来是躺在你如火炉般温暖的怀抱里的。

But when I open my eyes.但当我醒来张开眼睛。

U're gone ! 你却已经走了!

I'm a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩!

In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里!

It's not a big big thing if U leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。

But I do do feel.但我确实感到。

That I too too will miss U much.我将会非常想念你!

Miss U much ! 太过想念你了!

I'm a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩!

In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里!

It's not a big big thing if U leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。

But I do feel I will miss U much ! 但我确实觉得我将会非常想念你!

Miss U much ! 太过想念你了!

3、The Sound Of Silence歌词

这首歌是Paul Simon(保罗·西蒙)在1964年写的,他与 Art Garfunkel(阿特·加芬克尔)所合唱。歌曲透过描写一种关于大众沉浸在沉默(盲目、压制等象征)之中的梦幻(Vision),来批判社会只知道盲目崇拜物质偶像(Neon god they made),不知道也不敢正视社会的真实面(例如地下铁与廉价公寓中的穷人)。沉默变成了一种声音(sound of silence)让大众以为一切都还是正常。Paul Simon在美国社会正经历如越战、反种族歧视等社会动乱的年代写这首歌,应该是希望社会能够突破这些盲目与不合理的压抑,而找到出路。

提到《The Sound of Silence》(寂静之声)就不能不说《Scarborough Fair》(斯卡布罗集市),它取材于苏格兰民歌的《斯卡布罗集市》诞生于美国越战时期,同时也是电影《毕业生》的插曲之一,从歌词中可以看出歌曲存在着一定的反战情绪。旋律柔和飘渺的《斯卡布罗集市》,是一首乡村民谣韵味浓郁的歌曲,带着淡淡的忧愁,仿佛是一阵清风,夹杂着野草野花的苦寒轻香,在大地上缓缓掠过,如一幅印象派的风景画。一直喜欢保罗·西蒙与阿特·加非凯尔在歌中那种幽怨的浅吟低唱,忧郁空灵的曲调让人迷醉,原来歌声也能把伤感的心灵诠释的如此完美。


hello darkness my old friend.

i've come to talk with you again.

because a vision softly creeping

left its seeds while i was sleeping.

and the vision that was planted in my brain

still remains with the sound of silence

in restless dreams i walk alone

narrow streets of cobble stone

beneath the hallo of a street lamp,

i turned my collar to the cold and damp

when my eyes were stabbled by the flash of a neon light

that split the night

and touched the sound of silence

and in the naked night i saw ten thousand people may be more

people talking without speaking hearing without listening

people writing songs that voices never share

and no one dare disturb the sound of silence

"fool" said i "you do not know

silence like a cancer grows

hear my words that i might teach you

take my arms that i might reach you

but my words like silent rain-drops fell

and echo-ed in the wells of silence

and the people bow and prayed

to the neon god they made

and the sign flash out its warning

in the words that it was forming

and the sings said "the words of the prophers are

written the subway walls and tenement halls"

and whispered in the sounds of silence

4、yesterday once more



卡伦·卡朋特(Karen Carpenter)及其兄理查德·卡朋特(Richard Capenters)出生于美国康涅狄格州,理查德是位很有才华的艺人,演唱、弹琴、制作及歌曲创作均可胜任,与其妹组建乐队后,甘为配角为妹妹写歌,伴奏。他们自幼就拥有良好的音乐环境。1969年,他们带着自录的音乐走遍洛杉矶,终于在A&M唱片公司,他们迎来了成功的曙光。 1969年11月15日,首张专辑《CLOSE TO YOU》发行,专辑中的同名歌曲瞬即荣登排行榜首。从此,卡朋特兄妹演唱组的事业蒸蒸日上,不断有佳作问世。但好景不长,卡伦因慢性厌食和神经过敏于1983年2月4日死在深爱她的父母怀中。她死时只有三十二岁。木匠乐队也到此终结。但卡伦·卡朋特那清新、健康的旋律,略带忧郁的中音,亲切自然的演唱却永远让我们难以忘怀。

when i was young i'd listen to the radio

waiting for my favorite songs

when they played i'd sing along,

it make me smile.

those were such happy times and not so long ago

how i wondered where they'd gone.

but they're back again just like a long lost friend

all the songs i love so well.

every shalala every wo'wo still shines.

every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine

when they get to the part where he's breaking her heart

it can really make me cry just like before.

it's yesterday once more.

(shoobie do lang lang)

looking back on how it was in years gone by

and the good times that had makes today seem rather sad,

so much has changed.

it was songs of love that i would sing to them

and i'd memorise each word.

those old melodies still sound so good to me

as they melt the years away

every shalala every wo'wo still shines

every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting

to sing so fine

all my best memorise come back clearly to me

some can even make me cry just like before.

it's yesterday once more.

(shoobie do lang lang)

every shalala every wo'wo still shines.

every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine

every shalala every wo'wo still shines.

every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine

5、don't cry for me argentina----madonna

evita - movie version

don't cry for me argentina


it won't be easy, you'll think it strange

when i try to explain how i feel

that i still need your love after all that i've done

you won't believe me

all you will see is a girl you once knew

although she's dressed up to the nines

at sixes and sevens with you

i had to let it happen, i had to change

couldn't stay all my life down that hill

looking out of the window, staying out of the sun

so i chose freedom

running around trying everything new

but nothing impressed me at all

i never expected it to

don't cry for me argentina

the truth is i never left you

all through my wild days

my mad existence

i kept my promise

don't keep your distance

and as for fortune, and as for fame

i never invited them in

though it seemed to the world they were all i desired

they are illusions

they're not the solutions they promised to be

the answer was here all the time

i love you and hope you love me

don't cry for me argentina......

don't cry for me argentina

the truth is i never left you

all through my wild days

my mad existence

i kept my promise

don't keep your distance

have i said too much? there's nothing more i can think

of to say to you

欧美浪漫怀旧金曲歌词及介绍 欧美经典怀旧金曲下载
but all you have to do is look at me to know that every

word is true


听Matthew Lien(马修·连恩)的作品《Bressanone》,顿时着迷于其空灵的声音和旋律,此曲来自他的一张名为《狼》的专辑,该曲集中展示了他的音乐风格,和谐、空灵、舒缓,娓娓而来又挥挥而去。《Bressanon》发布的背景是,当时加拿大要推出一个保护驯鹿而有计划地猎杀狼的计划,多位环保音乐家联合起来,出了这张专辑以此来对这一事件进行反思。专辑中收入此曲应该是希望将歌曲中的意境带给我们,在其间的旋律中体会心灵与自然的交接。

here i stand in bressanone

with the stars up in the sky

are they shining over brenner

and upon the other side

you would be a sweet surrender

i must go the other way

and my train will carry me onward

though my heart would surely stay

wo my heart would surely stay

now the clouds are flying by me

and the moon is the rise

i have left stars behind me

they were disamondsin your skies

you would be a sweet surrender

i must go the other way

and my train will carry me onward

though my heart would surely stay

wo my heart would surely stay

7、Pretty boy---M2M

I lie awake at night See things in black and white

I’ve only got you inside my mind You know you have made me blind

I lie awake and pray

That you will look my way I have all this longing in my heart

I knew it right from the start

Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you Like I never ever loved no one before you

Pretty pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me too

Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you

Oh my pretty pretty boy I do Let me inside

Make me stay right beside you

I used to write your name And put it in a frame

And sometime I think I hear you call Right from my bedroom wall

You stay a little while

And touch me with your smile And what can I say to make you mine

To reach out for you in time

Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you Like I never ever loved no one before you

Pretty pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me too

Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you

Oh my pretty pretty boy I do Let me inside

Make me stay right beside you

BRIDGE Oh pretty boy

Say you love me too

Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you Like I never ever loved no one before you

Pretty pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me too

Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you

Oh my pretty pretty boy I do Let me inside

Make me stay right beside you

I lie awake at night

See things in black and white

I''ve only got you inside my mind

You know you have made me blind

I lie awake and pray

That you will look my way

I have all this longing in my heart

I knew it right from the start

Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you

Like I never ever loved no one before you

Pretty pretty boy of mine

Just tell me you love me too

Oh my pretty pretty boy

I need you

Oh my pretty pretty boy I do

Let me inside

Make me stay right beside you

I used to write your name

And put it in a frame

And sometime I think I hear you call

Right from my bedroom wall

You stay a little while

And touch me with your smile

And what can I say to make you mine

To reach out for you in time

Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you

Like I never ever loved no one before you

Pretty pretty boy of mine

Just tell me you love me too

Oh my pretty pretty boy

I need you

Oh my pretty pretty boy I do

Let me inside

Make me stay right beside you


Oh pretty boy

Say you love me too

Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you

Like I never ever loved no one before you

Pretty pretty boy of mine

Just tell me you love me too

Oh my pretty pretty boy

I need you

Oh my pretty pretty boy I do

Let me inside

Make me stay right beside you

My name is Ilin我的名字叫伊莲(法语歌词)


Hélène, je m'appelle Hélène伊莲娜,我叫伊莲娜

je suis une fille我是一个女孩

comme les autres就像其他女孩一样


j'ai mes joies, mes peines我有我的欢乐和痛苦

elles font ma vie这就是我的生活

comme la votre就像您的一样

je voudrais trouver l'amour我在找寻我的爱情

simplement trouver l'amour只不过是想找到爱情

Hélène, je m'appelle Hélène伊莲娜,我叫伊莲娜

je suis une fille我是一个女孩

comme les autres就像其他女孩一样


si mes nuits sont pleines 如果每夜

de reves de poemes都能有诗歌和美梦相伴

je n'ai rien d'autres我会别无所求

je voudrais trouver l'amour我在找寻我的爱情

simplement trouver l'amour只不过是想找到爱情

Et même

Si j'ai ma photo Dans tous les journaux

Chaque semaine就算是每周的报纸上都有我的照片

Personne Ne m'attend le soir(可是)夜里却没有人在等我

Quand je rentre tard当我晚归的时候

Personne ne fait battre mon coeur没有人能够让我有心跳的感觉

Lorsque s'eteignent les projecteurs当舞台上的灯光熄灭

Hélène, je m'appelle Hélène伊莲娜,我叫伊莲娜

je suis une fille我是一个女孩

comme les autres就像其他女孩一样

je voudrais trouver l'amour我在找寻我的爱情

simplement trouver l'amour只不过是想找到爱情

Et même

quand à la télévous me regardez就算你们在电视上看到的我

sourire et chanter 欢歌笑语

personne ne m'attends le soir(可是)夜里却没有人在等我

quand je rentre tard当我晚归的时候

personne ne fait battre mon coeur没有人能够让我有心跳的感觉

lorsque s'éteignent les projecteurs当舞台上的灯光熄灭

Hélène, je m'appelle Hélène伊莲娜,我叫伊莲娜

je suis une fille我是一个女孩

comme les autres就像其他女孩一样

Hélène 伊莲娜

Et toutes mes peines

trouveront l'oubli Un jour ou l'autre总有一天,我会忘却所有的伤痛

quand je trouverais l'amour什么时候我才能找到我的爱情……

quand je trouverais l'amour

quand je trouverais l'amour

quand je trouverais l'amour

9、scarborough fair-------Sarah Brightman

一首永恒经典的老歌!也叫《毕业歌》现在转来它的相关资料,让我们一起来怀旧吧:) 《Scarborough Fair》是美国六十年代最受大学生欢迎的电影、1968年奥斯卡获奖片《毕业生》(达斯汀·霍夫曼主演,其成名作)中的主题曲,原唱歌手:Paul Simon (保罗·西蒙)和Art Garfunkel(加芬克尔),作词:Paul Simon - Art Garfunkel,作曲:Paul Simon - Art Garfunke。我也收藏有莎拉·布莱曼翻唱的。片中的另一首歌曲《寂静之声》也很出名,想大家也是听过的。

are you going to scarborough fair

parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme

remeber me to one who lives there

she once was a true love of mine

tell her to make me a cambric shirt

(on the side of a hill in the deep forest green)

parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme

(tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown)

without to seams nor needle work

(blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain)

then she'll be a true love of mine

(sleeps unaware of the clarion call)

tell her to find me an acre of land

(on the side of a hill asprinkling of leaves)

parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme

(washes the grave with silvery tears)

between the salt water and the sea strand

(a soldier cleans and polishes a gun)

then she'll be a true love of mine

tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather

(war bellows blazing in scarlet battalions)

parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme

(generals order their soldiers to kill)

and gather it all in a bunch of heather

(and to fight for a cause they've long ago forgotten)

then she'll be a true love of mine

are you going to scarborough fair

parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme

remeber me to one who lives there

she once was a true love of mine

10、Kiss Kiss-------Sweetpea


































11、No Way I Can Hide(梁朝伟一天一点爱恋)

It was raining then on the day we met

It's your face I just can't forget

Standing close to me

Looking in my eyes

Something I've not seen before

Something in your eyes

That smile on your face

making me feel so warm inside

Moving close to me I could feel the heat

Something I've not known before

There's no way I can hide

The way you make me feel

When I turn around to find you

can't beleive you left me without a word

There's no way I can hide

The way you make me feel

How I wish you are here beside me

because I wanna feel you again

It was raining then on the day we met

It's your face I just can't forget

Standing close to me

Looking in my eyes

Something I've not seen before

Something in your eyes

That smile on your face

making me feel so warm inside

Moving close to me I could feel the heat

Something I've not known before

There's no way I can hide

The way you make me feel

When I turn around to find you

can't beleive you left me without a word

There's no way I can hide

The way you make me feel

How I wish you are here beside me

because I wanna feel you again

There's no way I can hide

The way you make me feel

When I turn around to find you

can't beleive you left me without a word

There's no way I can hide

The way you make me feel

How I wish you are here beside me

because I wanna feel you again

12、rhrhm of the rain

歌手:The Cascades(瀑布合唱团)

The Cascades 瀑布合唱团

歌名:Rhythm Of The Rain(雨的旋律)


 Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain,

Telling me just what a fool I've been.

I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain,

And let me be alone again.

The only girl I care about has gone away.

Looking for a brand new start

But little does she know that when she left that day.

Along with her she took my heart.

Rain, please tell me, now does that seem fair

For her to steal my heart away when she don't care

I can't love another, when my heart's somewhere far away.

The only girl I've care about has gone away.

Looking for a brand new start

But little does she know that when she left that day.

Along with her she took my heart.

Rain, won't you tell her that I love her so

Please ask the sun to set her heart a glow

Rain in her heart and let the love we knew start to grow.

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain,

Telling me just what a fool I've been.

I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain,

And let me be alone again.

Ooh listen to the falling rain...


听那淅淅沥沥的雨声,它好像在说,我是个傻瓜。 我真希望雨停下来。 让我无望地哭泣, 让我再次孤身单影。

我唯一在乎的姑娘已经离去, 去寻找她的新生活。 然而,她不知道, 当她离去的那天, 也将我的心带走。

雨呀,请告诉我,那样公平吗?她偷走了我的心, 居然毫不在乎。 我无法再爱别人, 我的心已远远漂向异地。

雨呀,你就不能告诉她 我多么地爱她, 请让太阳燃起她心中的爱苗, 让雨滋润她的心田。 让我们爱情之花重新盛开。

哦,听那雨声, 噼哩啪啦。


The Cascades(瀑布合唱团)来自加州圣地亚哥的这支乐队,是由擅长作曲以及吉他的主唱约翰甘莫 (John Gummoe)领军的,他在1950年代末期结识了另外四位乐手,由于彼此十分投缘,决定共同组团。他们以类似「屋顶歌手合唱团」(The Rooftop Singers)的流畅抒情曲风,在许多私人的宴会上演出,逐渐打响名声。有一天晚上,他们正在某家俱乐部表演的时候,有一家唱片公司的星探正好在场,立刻决定跟他们签约。

1962年底,唱片公司把他们带到好莱坞的录音室,帮他们录制第一张单曲「Second Chance」,虽然并不成功,但是他们的第二张单曲,也就是「Rhythm of the Rain 」, 却得到了爆炸性的成功,在流行榜上获得了第三名,同时更勇夺抒情歌曲排行榜的冠军。

只可惜,他们的运气显然不是很好(或许应该说是生不逢辰吧),接下来的 「Shy Girl」和「The Last Leaf」虽然也还算很受欢迎,却无法再创同样的高峰,加上披头带来的英国摇滚入侵狂潮,他们的唱片竟然被认为「太美国」而遭到了消费者的冷落,尽管他们继续努力,却依然改变不了过气的命运,团员们先后打了退堂鼓,甚至连负责创作大部分歌曲的约翰甘莫也宣告退出,到了1969年,只剩下萨克斯风手还是原始的团员,当然也就更加的没有东山再起的机会了。不过,虽然他们只有一首真正畅销的歌曲,这首 「Rhythm of the Rain」却成了流行音乐史上最令人难忘的经典之一,不但翻唱的人难以数计,更平均每隔几年就要再流行一次,最近的一次是丹佛格伯(Dan Fogelberg)在1990年推出的版本。而在我国,它也被翻译成国语歌曲「雨的旋律」,同样也是三十多年以来始终大受欢迎。

13、Blue - ALL RISE (Guilty Live Tour)蓝色组合

Your honour please,

Gotta believe me what I say,

What I will tell,

Happened just the other day.

I must confess,

Cause I've had about enough,

I need your help,

Gotta make this here thing stop.

Baby I swear I'll tell the truth,

About all the things you used to do,

And if you thought you had me fooled.

I'm telling you now, objection overruled.

One for the money and the, free rides,

It's two for the lie that you, denied,

All rise, All rise.

Three for the calls that you've, been making,

It's four all the times you've been faking,

All rise, All rise.

You're on the stand,

With your back against the wall,

Nowhere to run,

And nobody you can call. (oh no)

I just can't wait,

Now the case is open wide,

You'll try to pray,

But the jury will decide.

Baby I swear I'll tell the truth,

About all the things you used to do,

And if you thought you had me fooled,

I'm telling you now, objection overruled.

Oh baby.

One for the money and the, free rides,

It's two for the lie that you, denied,

All rise, All rise.

Three for the calls that you've, been making,

It's four all the times you've been faking,

All rise, All rise.

So step back,

Cos you don't know this cat.

I know deep down that,

You don't want me to react.

I'll lay low,

Leaving all my options open,

The decision of the jury,

Has not been spoken.

Step in my house,

You find that your stuff has gone,

But in reality,

To whom does the stuff belong.

I bring you into court,

To preach my order,

Any you know that,

You overstepped the border.

One for the money and the, free rides,

It's two for the lie that you, denied,

All rise, All rise.

Three for the calls that you've, been making,

It's four all the times you've been faking,

All rise, All rise.

What you say,(One for the money and the, free rides)

Games you play,(It's two for the lie that you, denied)

What you've done.(All rise, All rise)

What you say,(Three for the calls that you've, been making)

Games you play,(It's four all the times you've been faking)

What you've done,(All rise, All rise)

When you're gone

One for the money and the, free rides,

It's two for the lie that you, denied,

All rise, All rise.

Three for the calls that you've, been making,

It's four all the times you've been faking,

All rise, All rise.

I rest my case


魂断蓝桥主题曲《Auld lang syne》(友谊地久天长英文版) 原唱是leo sayer 但是基本找不到的 而且原唱并不怎么好听。Auld Lang Syne是一首非常出名的诗歌,原文是苏格兰文,直译做英文是"old long since"或"times gone by",意思大概是逝去已久的日子。Auld Lang Syne是十八世纪苏格兰诗人罗伯特彭斯(Robert Burns)根据当地父老口传录下的。这首诗后来被谱了乐曲,除了原苏格兰文外,这首歌亦被多国谱上当地语言,在中国各地普遍称为《友谊地久天长》。人们通常可以哼出歌曲的旋律,但大部份人只可唱出歌词的一小段。




auld lang syne是苏格兰方言,相当于现代标准英语的“old long since”,即“昔日”之意。它源出于苏格兰杰出的民族诗人Robert Burns的一首同名抒情诗“友谊地久天长”,后经谱曲,大家应该不会陌生,正是影片《魂断蓝桥》的主题曲。这支曲子歌颂了人与人之间真挚的情感,常在离别之时演唱。

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

And never brought to mind?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot

And days of auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,

For auld lang syne,

We'll take a cup o' kindness yet

For auld lang syne.

Boney M.

We twa hae run aboot the braes

And pou'd the gowans fine;

We've wander'd mony a weary foot

Sin' auld lang syne.

We two hae paidled i' the burn,

Frae mornin' sun till dine;

But seas between us braid hae roar'd

Sin' auld lang syne.

And here's a hand, my trusty friend,

And gie's a hand o' thine;

We'll take a cup o' kindness yet

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

And never brought to mind?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot

And days of auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,

For auld lang syne,

We'll take a cup o' kindness yet

For auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my dear,

For auld lang syne,

We'll take a cup o' kindness yet

For auld lang syne.

15、when a women loves a man---西城男孩(westlife)

When the stars are in her eyes

And the sun is in her smile

The only moment in a life

That happens the same time

Is when a woman loves a man

She'll be a mother and a child

Sacrifice her days and nights

And no other will exsist

She'll put her life in every kiss

When a woman loves a man

And you'll be amazed at when you're stumbling

She'll fight for you

And won't let you give in

She'll do all that she can

When a woman loves a man

A soothing breeze always blows

Somebody understands another soul

It's like the planets have aligned

Every sentence has a rhyme

When a woman loves a man

Oh, you'll be amazed how when

You're needing it

She'll fight for you

From the begining to the end

And she'll do all that she can

When a woman loves a man

It's the greatest gift of all

Knowing tht unconditionally

She'll catch you when you fall

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Oooohh, yeah

When a woman loves a man

When the stars are in her eyes

And the sun is in her smile

She'll be a mother and a child

But all at the same time

When a woman loves a man

She'll be your air,

She'll bring you life

She'll make me sacrifice

When a woman loves a man

16、Right Here Waiting(此情可待)---Richard Marx

Richard Marx是一个集作曲、填词、演唱和音乐制作于一身的摇滚才子。他特别热衷于巡回演出。曾先后在美国、加拿大、日本等地巡回演出。Richard Marx深知在全球性的演出中,会大大促进乐迷与自己的直接交流,他深信,这种影响将是深远的。 在中国,Richard Marx也是一个相当响亮的名字,《Right Here Waiting》、《安琪丽娅》和《留住今夜》等歌曲深受中国歌迷的喜爱。在东南亚一带,Richard Marx的抒情歌 曲更是大受欢迎。《此情可待》曾在新加坡获得三张白金唱片的荣誉地位。 Richard Marx的大部分歌曲都是摇滚风格的。他自己表示,摇滚乐才是他的真正兴趣所在。

Oceans apart day after day

And I slowly go insane

I hear your voice on the line

But it doesn't stop the pain

If I see you next to never

How can we say forever

Wherever you go

Whatever you do

I will be right here waiting for you

Whatever it takes

Or how my heart breaks

I will be right here waiting for you

I took for granted, all the times

That I thought would last somehow

I hear the laughter, I taste the tears

Oh, can't you see it baby

But I can't get near you now

You've got me goin, crazy

Wherever you go

Whatever you do

I will be right here waiting for you

Whatever it takes

Or how my heart breaks

I will be right here waiting for you

I wonder how we can survive

This romance

But in the end if I'm with you

I'll take the chance

Oh, can't you see it baby

You've got me goin, crazy

Wherever you go

Whatever you do

I will be right here waiting for you

Whatever it takes

Or how my heart breaks

I will be right here waiting for you

Waiting for you

17、I Will Always Love You ------Whitney Houston

:《I Will Always Love You》最初是由美国著名乡村女歌手桃丽•芭顿(Dolly Parton)在1973年创作的,并在一年后发行。据她透露,她创作这首歌是献给她以前的搭档兼顾问Porter Wagoner。这首歌一经发行立刻获得成功,并荣登全美乡村单曲榜第一,不过却在流行歌曲榜单上表现平平。桃丽•芭顿在1982年对其进行重新编曲使其成为电影《The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas》的插曲,并再次获得全美乡村单曲第一的桂冠,这也是她成为有史以来第一位凭借同一首歌曲两次登顶该榜的歌手。

1992年,美国著名黑人女歌手惠特尼•休斯顿(Whitney Houston)与凯文•科斯特纳(Kevin Costner)联袂主演电影《保镖》,正在寻找适合的电影主题曲。一开始惠特尼•休斯顿选中的是摩城传奇Jimmy Ruffin的歌曲What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted,但却该曲已被电影《Fried Green Tomatoes》所使用。后来凯文•科斯特纳推荐惠特尼•休斯顿使用她的多年老友Linda Ronstadt在 1975的翻唱版本《I Will Always Love You》,于是惠特尼•休斯顿对该版本进行了重新编曲,使它的风格更接近美国黑人灵乐歌谣,并使其成为电影《保镖》的主题曲。尽管她的唱片公司不喜欢这样的一个阿卡贝拉型(A cappella)的开头音乐,但所幸的是两人都坚持这样的处理。

惠特尼•休斯顿版本的《I Will Always Love You》在全世界范围内获得了巨大的成功,唱片总共卖出了超过1200万张。这首歌在美国有线电视台VH1评选的25年来最伟大的100首歌曲中排名第八,最伟大的100首情歌中排名第一。

I will always love you 《保镖》主题曲

If I should stay,

I would only be in your way.

So I'll go, but I know

I'll think of you ev'ry step of the way.

And I will always love you.

I will always love you.

You, my darling you. Hmm.

Bittersweet memories

that is all I'm taking with me.

So, goodbye. Please, don't cry.

We both know I'm not what you, you need.

And I will always love you.

I will always love you.

(Instrumental solo)

I hope life treats you kind

And I hope you have all you've dreamed of.

And I wish to you, joy and happiness.

But above all this, I wish you love.

And I will always love you.

I will always love you.

I will always love you.

I will always love you.

I will always love you.

I, I will always love you.

You, darling, I love you.

Ooh, I'll always, I'll always love you.

18、Hotel Califomia----(加州旅馆)Eagles

昨天上网重听了老鹰乐队的《加州旅馆》,简直太好听了!本人一直非常非常滴喜欢,首先吸引我的是那清脆动听的吉他前奏,现场观众的呼叫声也是很抓人,随后听到鼓手兼主唱DonHenley声线沙哑颓废,完美地诠释了疲惫的旅人经过长期漂泊渴望休憩,当发现身处非地后又急于逃离的心态,更深深的打动了我。又百度了一下歌词的意思,真是不看不知道,一看吓了几大跳,噢,完全颠覆了本人对此歌曲的美好印象.(《加州旅馆》自面世开始,立即就引来很多的质疑与批 评。尽管谁也不敢夸口说自己的理解是正解版本,但歌词中 明显的吸毒、邪教等暗示还是引起道德卫士的不满, 并且在美国数州中受到宗教团体的杯葛。不过,<<加州旅馆>> 歌曲中那成经典的吉他旋律、诡异莫名的歌词内容、感人心 弦的悲世情怀,使得这首〈加州旅馆〉神秘永远,成为最爱。)括号里的文字为网上下载.虽然歌词诡异,但这首歌的前奏和尾奏太好听了,还有吉它的演奏和歌手的演唱,简直太太太棒了.在 网上还看到喜欢这首歌的人可真不少,甚至为喜欢这首歌的人组成一个QQ群.<<Hotel Califomia>>MyLove.


on a dark desert highway,行驶在昏黑的荒漠公路上,

cool wind in my hair.凉风吹过我的头发.

warm smell of colitas,温馨的大麻香,

rising up through the air.弥漫在空气中.

up ahead in the distance,抬头遥望远方,

i saw a shimmering light.我看到微弱的灯光.

my head grew heavy my sight grew dim.我的头越来越沉,视线也变得模糊.

i had 2 stop 4 the night.我不得不停下来过夜.

there she stood in the doorway;她站在门口那儿招呼我

i heard the mission bell.我听到远处教堂的钟声.

and i was thinking 2 myself,我在心里对自己说

this could b heaven or this could b hell .这里可能是天堂也可能是地狱.

then she lit up a candle,然后她点燃了蜡烛,

and she showed me the way.给我引路.

there were voices down the corridor.沿着走廊传来阵阵说话声.

i thought i heard them say...我想我听到他们在说……

welcome to the hotel california!欢迎来到加州旅馆!

such a lovely place!如此美丽的地方!

such a lovely face!多么可爱的的面容!!

plenty of room at the hotel california!加州旅馆有充足的房间!

any time of year,u can find it here!一年的任何时候,你都能在这找到房间.

her mind is tiffany-twisted,她的心为珠宝所扭曲,

she got the mercedes bends.她拥有豪华奔驰车.

she got a lot of pretty,pretty boys.她有许多漂亮的小伙子.

that she calls friends.她称之为朋友.

how they dance in the courtyard,他们在庭院里翩翩起舞,

sweet summer sweat.夏日的香汗伶俐.

some dance to remember!有些舞是为了回忆!

some dance to forget!而有些舞是为了忘却!

so i called up the captain,于是我叫来领班,

please bring me my wine. 请给我来些酒.

he said we haven t had that spirit here,他说我们这不供应烈酒 since nineteen sixty nine. 从1969年起.

and still those voices are calling from far away.远处仍然传来他们的话语.

wake u up in the middle of the night.在半夜把你吵醒.

just 2 hear them say...只听到他们在说……

welcome to the hotel california!欢迎到加州旅馆来!

such a lovely place!如此美丽的地方!

such a lovely face!多么可爱的的面容!

they livin it up at the hotel california.他们在加州旅馆尽情狂欢.

what a nice surprise,好得令人吃惊,

bring your alibis.使你有来到这的借口.

mirrors on the ceiling,天花板上镶嵌着的镜子,

the pink champagne on ice.冰镇着的粉色香槟

and she said we are all just prisoners here-她说我们都是这的囚徒

-of our own device .但是是我们自愿的.

and in the master s chambers.在主人的卧房里.

they gathered 4 the feast.他们为宴会聚在一起.

they stabbed it with their steely knives.他们彼此间用钢刀相互砍杀.

but they just can t kill the beast.但他们甚至不能杀死野兽!

last thing i remember,我所记得的最后一件事

i was running 4 the door.是我跑向门口.

i had 2 find the passage back,我必须找到来时的路,

to the place i was before.回到我过去的地方.

relax ,said the night man,守夜人说放宽心,

we are programmed to receive.我们只是照常接待

u can checkout any time u like.你想什么时候结帐都可以.

but u can never leave! 但你永远无法离去!


1、 Bye Bye Bye 再见/超级男孩
























































2、Brown Eyes---天命真女(美三人女子组合)

in your brown eyes

i walked away

in your brown eyes

couldn't stay

in your brown eyes

you watch her go

turn the record on

and wonder what went wrong (what went wrong)

if everything was everything but everything is over

everything could be everything if only we were older

guess its just a silly song about you

and how i lost you

and your brown eyes

in your brown eyes

i was feelin low

cause the brown eyes

and you never know

got some brown eyes

but a soft face

i knew that it was wrong

so baby..turn the record on

play that song

if everything was everything but everything is over

everything could be everything if only we were older

guess its just a silly song about you

and how i lost you

and your brown eyes

everything was everything,but baby its the last show

everything could be everything but its time to say goodbye so

get your last fix, and your last hit

grab your old bow with your new tricks

i mean its no surprise i got lost

in your brown eyes..

in your brown eyes..

brooown brooown...eyes

brown eyes

brooown brooown...eyes

got some broown eyes

brooown brooown...eyes

brown eyes

3、Sex bomb(情色炸弹) ----------歌手:Tom Jones feat. Mousse T

Aw, Aw baby, Yeah, ooh Yeah, huh, listen to this

Spy on me baby use satellite

Infrared to see me move through the night

Aim gonna fire shoot me right

I'm gonna like the way you fight

And I love the way you fight

Now you found the secret code

I use to wash away my lonely blues well

So I can't deny or lie cause you're a

only one who make me fly

(You know what you are? You are..)

Sexbomb sexbomb you're a sexbomb uh, huh

You can give it to me when I need to come along give it to me

Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb

And baby you can turn me on baby you can turn me on

You know what you're doing to me don't you. ha ha,

I know you do

No don't get me wrong ain't gonna do you no harm no

This bomb's made for lovin' and you can shoot it far

I'm your main target come and help me ignite ow

Love struck holding you tight hold me tight darlin'

(Hold me tight..)

Make me explode although you know the route

to go to sex me slow slow baby

And yes I must react to claims of those who say

that you are not all that huh, huh, huh

Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb

You can give it to me when I need to come along

Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb

And baby you can turn me on turn me on darlin'

Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb sexbomb

You can give it to me when I need to come along

Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb

And baby you can turn me on

You can give me more and more counting up the score


You can turn me upside down inside out

You can make me feel the real deal uh uh

I can give it to you any time because you're mine, ouch


Sexbomb, aw baby

Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb

And you can give it to me when I need to be turned on

No, no Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb

And baby you can turn me on turn me on

And baby you can turn me on turn me on

Baby you can turn me on turn me on

Ooh baby you can turn me on turn me on

Baby you can turn me on oh

Baby you can turn me on oh

Baby you can turn me on

Well baby you can turn me on

4、Caught Up(对她着迷)----Usher(亚瑟小子)

I′m the kind of brotha

Who been doin′ it my way

Gettin′ my bread for years

In my career

And every lover

In and out my life

I hear love and left the tears

Without a care

Until I met this girl who turned the tables around

She caught me by surprise

I never thought I′d be the one breaking down

I cant figure it out why

I′m so Caught up Caught up Caught up

I don′t know what it is

But it seems shes got me twisted

I′m so Caught up

Got me feelin′ it Caught up

I′m losin′ control

This girls got a hold on me

Let me go baby

Now listen

My momma told me

Be careful who you do cuz karma.es back around

Same ol′ song

But I was so sure

That it wouldnt happen to me

Cuz I know how to put it down

But I was so wrong

This girl was mean

She really turned me out

Her body was so tight

I′m lookin′ for her in the daytime with a flashlight

My homies say this girl is crampin′ my style

And I can′t figure it out but

I′m so Caught up

Got me feelin′ it Caught up

I don′t know what it is

But it seems shes got me twisted

I′m so Caught up Caught up Caught up

I′m losin′ control

This girls got a hold

I′m so Caught up

Really feelin′ it Caught up

I don′t know what it is

But it seems shes got me twisted

I′m so Caught up

Really feelin′ it Caught up

I′m losin′ control

This girls got a hold on me

And I think I like it baby

Oh nooo, oh no Ooh, yeaah, oh my

This girl was mean

She really turned me out Yeah, yeah, yeah, suga

My homies say this girl is crampin′ my style

I′m so Caught up Caught up

Don′t know what it is

But it seems shes got me twisted

I′m so Caught up

Really feelin′ it Caught up

I′m losin′ control

This girls got a hold

I′m so Caught up

Im so Caught up

I don′t know what it is

But it seems shes got me twisted

I′m I′m

Really feelin′ it Caught up

I′m losin′ control

This girls got a hold on me

5、China girl-----演唱:Sweetbox(糖果盒子)

Life hold my breath

I am drowning in my dread

The wind is getting strong

the wind is getting stronger

Theres no second chance

when the devils make you dance

The sky is getting dark

the sky is getting dark

Cant you see cant you see

we were never meant to be

Its no secret that Im your china girl

Dont you know dont you know

that its time for me to go

Its no secret that Im your china girl

No turning back, no questions left to ask

The tide is getting high

the tide is getting higher

Im not afraid, I decided on this fate

Its time to face the storm

its time to face the storm

Cant you see cant you see

we were never meant to be

Its no secret that Im your china girl

Dont you know dont you know

that its time for me to go

Its no secret that Im your china girl

You live your learn

and right now my storming thatll burn

But I wont hide the blame was mine

Life hold my breath

Life hold my breath

The wind is getting strong

the wind is getting stronger

Theres no second chance

when the devils make you dance

The sky is getting dark

the sky is getting dark

Cant you see cant you see

we were never meant to be

Its no secret that Im your china girl

Dont you know dont you know

that its time for me to go

Its no secret that Im your china girl

Cant you see cant you see

we were never meant to be

Its no secret that Im your china girl

Dont you know dont you know

that its time for me to go

Its no secret that Im your china girl

Its no secret that Im your china girl

6、The day you went away---Lene Marlin(琳恩。玛莲)M2m (窈窕美眉)也唱过- the day you went away专辑:Shades Of Purple

Well I wonder could it be

When I was dreaming about you baby

You were dreaming of me

Call me crazy Call me blind

To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time

Did I lose my love to someone better

And does she love you like I do

I do, you know I really really do

Well hey

So much I need to say

Been lonely since the day

The day you went away

So sad but true

For me there's only you

Been crying since the day

I remember date and time

September twenty second

Sunday twenty five after nine

In the doorway with your case

No longer shouting at each other

There were tears on our faces

And we were letting go of something special

Something we'll never have again

I know, I guess I really really know

Why do we never know what we've got till it's gone

How could I carry on

Cause I've been missing you so much I have to say

7、How Deep Is Your Love所属专辑:《One Night Only》:Bee Gees

I know your eyes in the morning sun

I feel you touch me in the pouring rain

And the moment that you wander far from me

I wanna feel you in my arms again

Then you come to me on a summer breeze

Keep me warm in your love

Then you softly leave

And its me you need to show

How deep is your love

How deep is your love

I really mean to learn

Cause were living in a world of fools

Breaking us down

When they all should let us be

We belong to you and me I believe in you

You know the door to my very soul

Youre the light in my deepest darkest hour

Youre my saviour when I fall

And you may not think I care for you

When you know down inside that I really do

And its me you need to show

How deep is your love

How deep is your love I really mean to learn

Cause were living in a world of fools

Breaking us down

When they all should let us be

We belong to you and me

How deep is your love I really mean to learn

Cause were living in a world of fools

Breaking us down

When they all should let us be

We belong to you and me

8、One Love 歌手:Blue(蓝色组合)

It's kinda funny

How life can change

Can flip 180 in a matter of days

Sometimes love works in

Mysterious ways

One day U wake up

Gone without a trace

I refuse to give up

I refuse to give in

You're my everythin'

I don't wanna give up

I don't wanna give in

So everybody sing

One love for the mother's pride

One love for the times we cried

One love gotta stay alive...I will survive

One love for the city streets

One love for the hip hop beats

One love oh I do believe

One love is all we need

Late at night I'm still wide awake

Feelin' this is one more than I can take

I thought my heart could

Never break

Now I know that's one big mistake

I refuse to give up

I refuse to give in

You're my everythin'

I don't wanna give up

I don't wanna give in

Everybody sing

One love for the mother's pride

One love for the times we cried

One love gotta stay alive...I will survive

One love for the city streets

One love for the hip hop beats

One love oh I do believe

One love is all we need

Baby just love me love me love me

Baby just hold me hold me hold me

Ooooh love me love me love me

Oh yeah..one love

Baby just love me love me love me

Baby just hold me hold me hold me

Ooooh love me love me love me

One love for the mother's pride

One love for the times we cried

One love gotta stay alive...I will survive

One love for the city streets

One love for the hip hop beats

One love oh I do believe

One love is all we need

One love for the mother's pride

One love for the times we cried

One love gotta stay alive...I will survive

One love for the city streets

One love for the hip hop beats

One love oh I do believe

One love is all we need

9、every time---Britney Spears(布兰妮)

Notice me

Take my hand

Why are we strangers when our love is strong

Why carry on without me?

Every time I try to fly

I fall without my wings

I feel so small

I guess I need you baby

And every time I see you in my dreams

I see your face,it's haunting me

I guess I need you baby

I make believe that you are here

It's the only way I see clear

What have I done?

You seem to move on easy

I may have made it rain

Please forgive me

My weakness caused you pain

And this song is my sorry Ohhhh

At night I pray

That soon your face will fade away

And every time I try to fly

I fall without my wings

I feel so small

I guess I need you baby

And every time I see you in my dreams

I see your face,you're haunting me

I guess I need you baby

Every time

10、Magic key one(神奇钥匙)—

由歌手one-l和cool-t组成的乐队T宝宝One T,



To my days change my ways

This sudden end to my days

Makes me wish I''d changed my ways

Spent more time with the posse

One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me

From up here, life seems so small

what''s the

meaning of it all?

Miss the way it used to be

One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me

Where in the world could I be?

Homies looking so cool, cool, I''m cool-t!

Tuxedos made of snow

Is there something I should know?

Mom and Pop and little bro

Dead and gone so long ago

Could this be paradise at last?

The first test I''ve ever passed

Music''s the odyssey

It''s here for you, for me

Just listen find the magic key

Music''s the odyssey

It''s here for you, for me

Just listen let your life be free

Blissful days, what you gonna do?

Still I miss my old t-crew

Can''t afterlive without''em

I just wish they only knew!

May they have lived without a home

But my homies love me kept me warm

Taught me to forget ''bout the game

Money, hatred, hunger, pain

This sudden end to my days

Makes me wish I''d changed my ways

Spent more time with the posse

One-t, Nine-t, Bull-t, me

Music''s the odyssey

It''s here for you, for me

Just listen find the magic key (yours truly)

Music''s the odyssey (yeah)

It''s here for you, for me (magic key)

Just listen like your life be free

Missing you, missing you

Missing you, magic crew

Missing you, missing you

Missing you, magic crew

Had a meeting with my maker

The superhuman baker

He popped me in the oven

And set the dial to lovin''

Now I watch over my boys

Help''em keep on making noise

Never pictured me with wings

Guess I''ve heard of stranger things

Music''s the odyssey

It''s here for you, for me

Just listen find the magic key (Cool T yours truly)

Music''s the odyssey (aha aha)

It''s here for you, for me (yeah yeah)

Just listen like your life be free (Cool T yours truly)

Music''s the odyssey

It''s here for you, for me

Just listen find the magic key

Listen up!

Music''s the odyssey

It''s here for you, for me

Just listen let your life be free

Listen up!

11、That's Why (You Go Away)

Michael Learns To Rock(迈克学摇滚)

Baby won`t you tell me why there is sadness in your eyes

I don`t wanna say goodbye to you

Love is one big illusion I should try to forget

but there is something left in my head





You`re the one who set it up now you`re the one to make it stop

I`m the one who`s feeling lost right now

Now you want me to forget every little thing you said

but there is something left in my head






I won`t forget the way you`re kissing

The feeling`s so strong were lasting for so long

But I`m not the man your heart is missing

That`s why you go away I know





You were never satisfied no matter how I tried

Now you wanna say goodbye to me

Love is one big illusion I should try to forget

but there is something left in my head





Sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere

Don`t know which way to go

There ain`t so much to say now between us

There ain`t so much for you

There ain`t so much for me anymore




你没什么话要说 我也没什么话好说

12、We Will Rock You歌词 ----------Queen皇后乐队 2006世足杯

buddy you're a boy make a big noise

playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day

you got mud on yo' face

you big disgrace

kickin' your can all over the place


'we will we will rock you

we will we will rock you'

buddy you're a young man hard man

shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world some day

you got blood on yo' face

you big disgrace

wavin' your banner all over the place

'we will we will rock you'


'we will we will rock you'

buddy you're an old man poor man

pleadin' with your eyes gonna make you some peace some


you got mud on your face

you big disgrace

somebody better put you back into your place

'we will we will rock you'


'we will we will rock you'


'we will we will rock you'

'we will we will rock you'


13、Who Do You Think You Are----Cascada –辣妹合唱团

Why can I still belevie in tomorrow,

when all i have tried was just in vain.

Is it worth the fight i couldn't

start believing that those feelings

who died could face the pain.

I don't need no diamond rings, alibis no more.


Who do you think you are?

cuz once again you broke my heart

I know that love went just to far

its hard to catch a falling star

but now I finally realize, your a brown eyed angel in disguise

just one step too far so tell me

who do you think you are?

you and I were on our way together

but this life passed bye, these days are gone

all the tears i've cried they thaught me nothing lasts forever

I been blind for just too long

cuz I don't need no diamond rings,alibis no more.


Who do you think you are?

cuz once again you broke my heart

I know that love went just to far

its hard to catch a falling star

but now I finally realize, your a brown eyed angel in disguise

just one step too far so tell me

who do you think you are?who do you think you are?)


Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away.

歌 在昨日,我所有的烦恼似乎已远去

词 Now it looks as though they're here to stay.

转 而现在,烦恼好像依然环我周围

自 Oh, I believe in yesterday.

音 oh,我只相信昨天

魁 (歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com)

网 Suddenly, I'M not half the man I used to be

i 突然间,我已不再是从前的我

n There's a shadow hanging over me.

k 昨日的阴影笼罩在我身上

u Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

i oh,转眼间我就回到昨日

· (歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com)

c Why she had to go

o 为何她一定要离去

m I don't know she wouldn't say.


I said something wrong,


Now I long for yesterday.


(歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com)

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.


Now I need a place to hide away.


Oh, I believe in yesterday. oh,怀念昨日

Why she had to go


I don't know she wouldn't say.


I said something wrong,


Now I long for yesterday.


(歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com)

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.


Now I need a place to hide away.


Oh, I believe in yesterday.


Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm.

15、《stop stop stop - 圣女合唱团 Lrc歌词》

No I didn't trust him不 我还没有信赖他,

But he rushed me to feel但是他已经催眠了我的感觉

Tried me mesmerize to me with his all sex appeal 尝试我对我以及他所有的性感施催眠术

Told me everything that I was longing to hear告诉我每件事物都是我想得到的

Shining and handsome光泽和英俊

My souvenir作为我的纪念品

And then all of sudden于是只在转瞬之间

I have fallen in love,我已深陷爱河

He would put me down他会贬低我,

But I still place him above(在我心里)他却始终高于一切

Tired of searching for the love that still lives in him试图寻找依然深藏在他内心的爱

Given my everything给予我的每一件事物

Like a souvenir都是一个纪念品

Given up my heart

In the name of the memory借助美好的回忆放弃我的原则

Fallen down like rain就像天上落下的雨,

He could feel every drop他可以感受到每一点(爱)

Now I know I have现在我知道有

Have the courage to tell him有勇气告诉他

Tell him to


Given up my heart

In the name of the memory借助美好的回忆放弃我的原则

Fallen down like rain就像天上落下的雨

He could taste every drop他可以感受到每一点(爱)

Now I know I have现在我知道有

Have the courage to tell him有勇气告诉他

Tell him to


I become invisible我会消失

I melt away at night我在那晚上离开

Dreams for once so colorful

Become black and white 曾经那么多绚丽多彩的梦境如今化作黑白

Loving once so wonderful

Is no longer here曾经如此美妙的爱情如今都已不再

So I will keep this feeling

Like a souvenir因此我将这美好的心情当作纪念品保存起来

Given up my heart

In the name of the memory借助美好的回忆放弃我的原则

Fallen down like rain

He could feel every drop就像天上落下的雨他能够感受每一点

Now I know I have现在我知道有

Have the courage to tell him有勇气告诉他

Tell him to


Given up my heart

In the name of the memory借助美好的回忆放弃我的原则

Fallen down like rain

He could taste every drop就像天上落下的雨他能够感受每一点

Now I know I have

Have the courage to tell him现在我知道有勇气告诉他

Tell him to


www.99Lrc.com =>速配歌词 配词

Given up my heart

In the name of the memory

Fallen down like rain

He could taste every drop

Now I know I have

Have the courage to tell him

Tell him to


Given up my heart

In the name of the memory

Fallen down like rain

He could feel every drop

Now I know I have Have the courage to tell him Tell him to stop!stop!stop!

16、lemon tree

德国“愚人花园” Fools Garden惊世作

当Peter Freudenthaler和Volker Hinkel1991年在弗茨海姆组建“愚人花园” (Fools Garden)的时候,他们怎能预料到,这棵音乐之树"Lemon Tree"有一天会举 世闻名。

"Lemon Tree",——这种生长在德国黑森林北部的柠檬树在全球遍地开花。歌曲被翻 译成40多种语言,唱片的销量超过六百万张,“愚人花园”的全球巡演也赢得了世界 的喝彩。

当然,在这棵柠檬大树欣欣向荣地不息繁衍之时,乐队不断创作的其他歌曲也十 分出彩。在“愚人花园”的巡演"The Best of Tour"中他们将演绎这些多年创作的精 华:不只是乐队建成超过15年来在全球最火热的金曲"柠檬树"(Lemon Tree),历 年的电台榜首歌曲如"苏西"(Suzy),"狂野岁月"(Wild Days),"或许" (Probably),“一切皆有可能”(It can happen),“梦想”(Dreaming)以及“献身之 人”(Man of Devotion)也在他们登台曲目之列。

愚人花园乐队(Fools Garden)成立于1991年,这支德国乐队凭经一曲“柠檬树” (Lemon Tree)红遍整个欧洲和亚洲(苏慧伦在96年翻唱了这首歌,也让更多的中 国听众对他们有了初步的认识)。乐队成立初期的固定成员为Peter Freudenthaler,Volker Hinkel(吉他),Thomas Mangold(贝斯),Roland Röhl (键盘),以及鼓手Ralf Wochele.他们的首张专辑《Once in a Blue Moon》发行于 1993年,两年之后发行了《Dish of the Day》,红遍亚洲的金曲“柠檬树”就出自这张 专辑。1997年乐队发行了另一张专辑《Go and ask Peggy for the Principal Thing》,在紧接着的五年中又连续发行了《For Sale》(2000),《25 Miles to Kissimmee》(2003)和《Ready for the Real Life》(2005)。从1991年到2007年,乐 队不断地成长蜕变,不断新的尝试,现在的愚人花园乐队带给我们的不仅是一如既 往诙谐幽默的歌词与活泼清新的旋律,更是成熟的音乐与平和的生活态度。

i'm sitting here in a boring room

it's just another rainy sunday afternoon

i'm wasting my time i got nothing to do

i'm hanging aroung i'm waiting for you

but nothing ever happens

and i wonder

i'm driving around in my car

i'm driving too fast i'm driving to far

i'd like to change my point of view

i feel so lonely i'm waiting for you

but nothing ever happens

and i wonder

i wonder how i wonder why

yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky

and all that i can see

is just a yellow lemon tree

i'm turning my head up and down

i'm turning turning turning turning turning around

and all that i can see

is just another lemon tree

say, dadadada di dada...

i'm sitting here i miss the power

i'd like to go out taking a shower

but there's heavy cloud inside my head

i feel so tired put myself into bed

where nothing ever happens

and i wonder

i stand arrounding there is the joy(?)

baby, it how i get another toy(?)

and everything ever heppens(?)

and you wonder

i wonder how i wonder why

yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky

and all that i can see

is just a yellow lemon tree

i'm turning my head up and down

i'm turning turning turning turning turning around

and all that i can see

is just another lemon tree

say, dadadada di dada...

i wonder how i wonder why

yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky

and all that i can see

is just another lemon tree

i'm turning my head up and down

i'm turning turning turning turning turning around

and all that i can see

is just a yellow lemon tree

and i wonder, i wonder i wonder how i wonder why

yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky

and all that i can see...

is just another lemon tree

isolation - is not good for me

isolation - i don't want to sit on a lemon tree

i'm stepping around in desert of joy

baby anyhow i'll get another toy

and everything will happen

and you'll woonder

17、Every Breath You Take-----sting(斯汀)

Every breath you take

Every move you make

Every bond you break

Every step you take

I'll be watching you

Every single day

Every word you say

Every game you play

Every night you stay

I'll be watching you

O can't you see

You belong to me

How my poor heart aches with every step you take

Every move you make

Every vow you break

Every smile you fake

Every claim you stake

I'll be watching you

Since you've gone I been lost without a trace

I dream at night I can only see your face

I look around but it's you I can't replace

I feel so cold and I long for your embrace

I keep crying baby, baby please

Every move you make

Every vow you break

Every smile you fake

Every claim you stake

I'll be watching you

18、Casablanca –Bertie Higgins

fell in love with you

watching casablanca

back row at the driven show

in the flickering light

pop-corn and cokes beneath the stars

became champagne and caviare

making love on the long hot summer's night

i thought you fell in love with me

watching casablanca

holding hand beneath the paddle fan

in rick's candle lit cafe

hiding in the shadows from the spots

a rocky moon light in your arms

making magic in the movies

in your old chevrolet

oh'a kiss is still a kiss in casablanca

a kiss in not a kiss without your sigh

please come back to me in casablanca

i love you more and more each day

as time goes by


i guess there are many broken hearts

in casablanca

you know i've really been there

so i don't know

i guess our love story will never be seen

on the big wide silver screen

but it hurt as bad

when i had to watch you go


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101012/134762.html


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