
Trading For A Living by Dr. Alexander Elder - a book I amreading:
Some quotes from the book:
You can succeed in trading only if you handle it as a seriousintellectual pursuit. Emotional trading is lethal. To help ensuresuccess, practice defensive money management. A good trader watcheshis capital carefully, as a professional scuba diver watches hisair supply.
Successful trading stands on three pillars: psychology, marketanalysis and trading systems, and moneymanagement.
Trading without proper money management is like trying tocross a desert barefoot.
"Markets need a fresh supply of losers just as builders ofancient pyramids of Egypt needed a fresh supply of slaves."
"Shop for the lowest possible commissions. Do not shy aboutbargaining for lower rates."
"If you know how to trade, you can make your own hours, liveand work wherever you pleases, and never answers to a boss. Tradingis a fascinating pursuit: chess, poker, and a crossword rolled intoone. ... many traders are loners who abandon the certainty of thepresent and take a leap into the unknown."
"A successful New York trader said to me: "If I become half apercent smarter each year, I'll be a genius by the time I die."His drive to improve himself is the hallmark of asuccessful trader.
"A loser is not undercapitalized - his mind isunderdeveloped."
"The market is not your mother. It consists of tough men andwomen who look for ways to take money from you instead of pouringmilk into your mouth."
"The goal of technical analysis is to discover the balance ofpower between bulls and bears and bet on the winning group.If the bulls are much stronger, you should buyand hold.If bears are much stronger, you should sell and sellshort. If both camps are about equal in strength, a wise traderstands aside. He lets bullies fight with eachother and puts on a trade only when he'sreasonably sure who is likely to win."....