e.g.①The Greeks believed thatindividuals must be responsible theirown actions.
A)withB) ofC) forD) to
[解析] “beresponsible for”是固定搭配,意思是“对某事负贡”,但是也有”beresponsible to”这一词组,其意思是“向某人负责”。经比较,C)为正确答案。同时,我们也可以根据这两个词组总结出下面这种表达法:beresponsible to sb. for sth.(为某事向某人负责)。
e.g.②Theyshuttheir town house and moved to the country for thesummer.
A)downB) upC) inD) off
e.g.③It will bea great advantage to be able to speak a foreign language,especially if you arebusiness.
A)toB) onC) inD) with
[解析] 此题的意思比较明了,应该选B),“onbusiness”是“出差”、“有公干”的意思。另外,“inbusiness”是“做生意”、“经商”的意思,如:He isin business for himself.(他自己经商。)He isin the rice business.(他做大米生意。)
[学习指导] 这类考题主要是考查考生的词汇量,特别是对词组的掌握程度。因此,平时要养成多读、多记、多比较的习惯,培养语感,做到“脱口而出”。另外,要看懂全句的意思,搞清楚句中所需要的是哪个词组。在平时的学习中采用对比法、归类法、典型句子记忆法,可以收到令人满意的效果。
be familiarwith 和 be familiarto
You may befamiliar with some of my work. It's currently orbitingJupiter’s largest moon Taking high-resolution digitalphotographs.
Some of thiswill be familiar to some of you who've have had biology inhigh school or other places, you know something aboutDNA.
be satisfiedwith 和 besatisfactory to
compare …with 和compare …to
The children arefamiliar with this story.
This story isfamiliar to the children.
The boss issatisfied with your work.
Your work issatisfactory to your boss.
Let me compareyour composition with his.
We often compareour society to a stage.
used to…, beused to…, supply … for… , supply… with…等。
1. The 7:30 newsgenerallyinternational news and a national network newsprogram.
A) consistsof B)is consisted of C) are consistedofD) areconsisted with
2. I find iteasier toconversation with British people by talking about theweather.
A) enterB) enter toC) enter intoD) enter upon
3. Just liketrade and specialization, economics and polities alwaysgo.
A) hand overhand B)hand in hand C) hand byhandD) hand to hand
4. Withthe development of our construction, more and more new buildingstheold ones.
A) are takingplaceB) are taking place of
C) are making placeforD) are taking the place of
5. You’d betterbe silent about the accidentask for trouble.
A) so as nottoB) so as to notC) not so as toD)so not as to
6. Here’s mytelephone number. Let's keep in.
A)relationB) connection C)friendshipD)touch
7. I can't carrythis box. Will youme a favor, please?
A) makeB) giveC) doD) show
8. The West Lake isthat many people go there for a visit every year.
A) such beautifulplaceB) so a beautiful place
C) so beautiful aplaceD) such beautiful a place
9. I was justabout tothe maths problem .when my friend came .to helpme.
A) giveinB) give upC) put upD) give out
10. We mustoften listen to the news on TV and read newspaper in ordertothe present situation.
A) keep upwithC) go hand in hand B) catch upwithD)keep our way
e.g.① It is truethat your mental abilities are at their best7 the ages of 18 and 25.
A)betweenB) amongC) fromD) along
[解析] 由于是针对年龄而言,所以首先应排除的是D),因为“along”的意思是“沿着(某、某方向)”。C)也不对,因为它的搭配往往是“from…to…”。“among”是表示“在(很多的)中间”,也不能用于此处。只有A)是正确答案,它表示“在18岁到25岁之间”。
e.g.②When he isreading, he concentrates on meanings given by thetexton the variety of possible meanings of individualwords.
A)rather thanB) other thanC) thanD) more than
[解析] 这道题句子较长,结构较复杂,四个选项具有迷惑性。首先看看整个句子,里面不含形容词或副词的比较级,故要排除C)。B)是一个有意误导的选项,因为没有这种用法,只有“noother than”。那么剩下A)和D)两项,A)“rather than"表示“宁要……而不要……”,“ratherthan"后面接的是不要或不愿意做的事。D)的“morethan”表示“前面的事比后面的事做得多些”,“morethan"后面的事情不是不要或不做,而是做得少些而已。我们再看看全句的意思,便可确定选择D),其中文意思是:“当他阅读时,他把更多的注意力集中在理解全文的意思上,而不是专门注意个别单词的意义。”
e.g.③I think youhave talked too much; what you need now is more action andtalk.
A)fewB) littleC) fewerD) less
[解析] 本句的意思一目了然,即:你应该多行动(做事)少说话。根据句子意思及对应原则,比较级“more”应该对应一个比较级“更少”,而A)和B)不是比较级,首先排除它们。又根据“talk”在此是表示抽象意义“说话”;是不可数名词,故应选择D)。
e.g.④born inthe north, the author was brought up in thesouth.
A)SinceB) WhenC) AlthoughD) As
[解析] 此句的前一部分应看做是状语从句的省略形式,其完整形式为“…he was bornin the north"。有这样一种规定:在用as if,if, once, though/although,unless,until,where,when,whether等引导的从句中,若谓语动词为be,而主语又与主句中的主语相同时,从句中的主语和谓语动词be通常省略。知道前一部分是状语从句,再将前、后部分连贯进来,想想全句的意思,就能选出正确答案C)。
e.g.⑤allthe electronic devices , computers have the greatest significancein modem technology .
A)OnB) ByC) WithD) Of
[解析] 从句型及四个选项看,此句的前一部分是介词短语作状语,后一部分是主句,句中的“greatest”告诉我们:这是一个含有最高级的句子,那么前一部分就是最高级句子常带的“of…”短语作状语,故答案为D)。
e.g.⑥ He saidthat he hadto do with the accident, so he should not bequestioned.
A)somethingB)everythingC) nothingD) anything
[解析] 本句是一个并列句,由so连接两个分句。第一个分句实际上是表明原因的,第二个分句是结果。在第一个分句不完整的情况下,我们先将后面分句的意思弄清楚:“他不应该被审问”。根据这个意思,前面分句中应该填入“nothing”,组成词组“hadnothing to do with”,意思是“与……无关”。
[学习指导] 词义的选择与词组的固定搭配相类似,也是考查考生对词汇的掌握情况。相对而言,词义考查的难度还要大些。它不能像背词组那样完全背出来,而是要求在长期的实践中(比如做练习、读文章)熟悉一些习惯用法,准确掌握词义(特别是近义词),还要求理解句子的能力相当强,不受一些插入成分的干扰。
longbefore很久以前(=a long timeago)
no morethan…只,仅仅(强调“少”)
not morethan…不超过(暗含“不到”的意思)
be afraid ofsb./sth.害怕某人或某物
be afraid ofdoing sth.害怕(担心)发生某种情况
be afraid todo sth.害怕(不敢)做某事
arisevi.发生,出现(=comeinto existence)
have sb.do…让某人做某事
have sth. todo…有某事要做
have sb.doing… 让某人(正)做某事
have sth.doing…让某事/物处于某种状态
have sth.Done让某事由别人做;遇到某种情况
be going todo…打算和准备做某事
be todo…安排、计划、决定、命令做某事
be about to do;be on the point of doing
have goneto…已去了某地
have beento…去过了某地
have beenin…呆在某地
would like todo…很愿意做某事
feel likedoing…想要做某事(心里想做或由于身体不舒服引起的自然感觉
be likely todo…可能、大概会发生某事
It's thefirst time that…第一次(对现在而言,从句用现在完成时)
It was thefirst time that…第一次(对过去而言,从句用过去完成时)
It's (high)time that是……的时候了(从句用虚拟语气)
11.My father hasbeen out on business forand hewill come backnext week.
A)sometime, some timeB) some time, sometime
C)sometimes , sometimeD) sometime, sometimes
12. I asked himto see the film, but he told me he had seen the film.
A)long agoB) before long
C)long beforeD) two months ago
13. In the pastthe villagers had towater from the river far away .
A)takeB) bringC) getD) carry
14.Heme that he didn'tanything at the meeting.
A) told,sayB) told, speakC) said, talkD) talked,tell
15. Thisincident,lead to a serious consequence .
A) would liketoB) will like to
C) is likelytoD) will feel like to
16. You can havethe broken biketomorrow because I have the caroutside.Please hurry .
A) repair,wait B)repaired, waiting C) repairing,waited D)repaired, waited
17.I will nottell her about that because I am afraidher.
A) ofhurtingB) to hurtC) hurtingD) that hurt
18. Hiscomposition is well written afew spelling mistakes,
A) exceptB) except thatC) except toD) except for
19. Hefromhis seat andhis glass to me.
A) rose,arose B)arose, roseC) rose, raisedD)raised, rose
20.Thisdictionary is like that onethey were published in the same year.
A) withthatB) in thatC) at thatD)for that
1--5 A C B DA6--10 D C C B A11--15 B CD A C16--20 B AD C B