古代朝鲜学者的《授时历》研究* 我国古代有一位学者


古代朝鲜学者的《授时历》研究* 我国古代有一位学者

【专 题 号】K5




Shi Yunli

(Research Division of the History of Science,University of Sc-ience and Technology of China,Hefei,230026)

【作者简介】石云里 中国科学技术大学自然科学史研究室,合肥,230026


This paper made a systematic study on several Korean classi-cs on the Shou Shi Li in an attempt to reveal the level reached by ancient Korean astronomers in their absorption and assimi-lation of this Chinese Calendar,and found that(1)the ready ta-bles in the Su-si-ryok Chop-pop Ipsong were calculated indepe-ndently by Kang Po according to the rules of the Shou Shi Li but were more convenient in practical use than the ready tabl-es in the Shou Shi Li Li Cheng;(2)although the epoch and elem-ent parameters in the Chil-Chon San Nea-Pyon(CCSNP)were taken mainly from the Shou-Shi Li,its calculating method and the st-yle of compilation were adopted mainly from the Da-Tong Li Tong-Gui;(3)the new table in CCSNPshowing the half-a-day lengths in different seasons as seen at Han-Yang were calculated by u-sing the method for the calculation of this kind of table for different places mentioned in the Shou-Shi Li,which conforms with formula of spherical astronomy;(4)the author of the Jiao-Shi Tui-Bu Fa had produced the general formulae for the compu-tation of the ready tables used in the calculation of the solar and lunar equations,indicating that the Korean Astronomers in the early Yi dynasty had grasped the caculative principle of Shou-Shi Li and the method of interpolation needed in it.

【关 键 词】授时历/朝鲜/中朝交流Shou Shi Li/Korean astronomy/Sino-Korean exchange


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101012/131264.html


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