
Photograph by Melissa Farlow摄影:梅丽莎?法洛(Melissa Farlow)
The lacy leaves and wandering branches of a Japanese maple lend drama to the grounds of the Biltmore Estate near Asheville, North Carolina. Built in 1895 by George Washington Vanderbilt, the Biltmore is the largest private residence in the United States and includes more than 75 acres (30 hectares) of manicured gardens.
Grizzly, Alaska阿拉斯加的灰熊
Photograph by Alaska Stock Images摄影:阿拉斯加库存图片
Autumn paints the valleys of Denali National Park in Alaska, home to more than 650 species of flowering plants—and many animal species. Fall brings changing patterns of color and motion to much of the United States, which covers lands from the tropics to the Arctic.
Maple Tree, Utah犹他州的槭树
Photograph by Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures摄影:提姆?斐兹哈里斯(Tim Fitzharris)/明登图片
Red maple leaves and gold on a cottonwood announce the arrival of fall in the pink sandstone canyons of Zion National Park in Utah. Both tree species hug water sources in this arid land of high plateaus and rock towers.红枫叶和棉白杨树上的金黄色宣布了秋天已经来到了犹他州锡安国家公园各个粉红色的砂岩峡谷。这两个树种持有着这片干旱的高原和岩石山的水资源。
Eagle Lake, Maine缅因州的鹰湖
Photograph by Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures摄影:提姆?斐兹哈里斯(Tim Fitzharris)/明登图片
Autumn’s grandeur spreads across Eagle Lake on Mount Desert Island, one of several coastal islands that make up Acadia National Park in Maine. Eagle Lake, which supplies water to nearby Bar Harbor, is deep, clear, and relatively free of plant life.
光彩夺目的秋天在荒漠山岛(Mount Desert Island)上的鹰湖蔓延开来了。荒漠山岛是组成缅因州阿卡迪亚国家公园的几个沿海岛屿中的一个。鹰湖向附近的巴尔港供水。鹰湖的水深而清晰,植物在那儿生活相对来说比较自由。
Aspen Trees, Colorado科罗拉多的颤杨树
Photograph by Carr Clifton/Minden Pictures摄影:卡尔?克利夫顿(Carr Clifton)/明登图片
Quaking aspens like these in the Elk Mountains of western Colorado, whose leaves tremble in the slightest wind, are common across North America. Known for tolerating poor soils and cold climates, aspens flash yellow against their white bark in an unmistakable sign of coming winter.
Marcellina Mountain, Colorado科罗拉多的玛塞丽娜山
Photograph by Tim Fitzharris/Minden Pictures摄影:提姆?斐兹哈里斯(Tim Fitzharris)/明登图片
Colorado’s Raggeds Wilderness—named for peaks like Marcellina Mountain—turns to gold in autumn. The wilderness covers nearly 65,000 acres (26,000 hectares) of the White River and Gunnison National Forests. It includes some of the world’s largest stands of fast-growing aspen trees, which can gain 5 feet (1.5 meters) in a year.
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia弗吉尼亚的雪伦多亚河谷
Photograph by Medford Taylor摄影:梅德福特?泰勒
Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley is ablaze with fall colors—the yellow and orange of poplars, birches, striped maples, and hickories, punctuated with the red of sugar and red maples. The valley runs 200 miles (300 kilometers) across the Blue Ridge and Allegheny Mountains. Barn and field echo the nickname given to the valley during the Civil War—Breadbasket of the Confederacy.
弗吉尼亚的雪伦多亚河谷(Shenandoah Valley)绽放着秋天的各种色彩——美国鹅掌楸木,白桦、条纹槭和山核桃的黄色和橙色被糖槭和红槭的红叶点缀着。该河谷横跨蓝岭山脉和阿勒格尼山脉,长约200英里(约300公里)。粮仓和牧场重复着南北战争时期所赋予的绰号——南部联邦的粮仓。
Denali State Park, Alaska阿拉斯加的德纳里州立公园
Photograph by Alaska Stock Images摄影:阿拉斯加库存图片
Hikers in Denali State Park, just east of the national park, take in awe-inspiring views of the Alaska Range. They follow Little Coal Creek Trail through alpine meadows overlooking a river bright with glacial silt.
Central Park, New York纽约的中央公园
Photograph by Melissa Farlow摄影:梅丽莎?法洛(Melissa Farlow)
Autumn softens this aerial view of New York City’s Central Park, the first public park built in the U.S. With roughly 25 million visitors each year, it is also the most frequented park. Yet the park's 843 acres (341 hectares), seven bodies of water, and more than 30 bridges and arches offer a vital sense of calm and space in the city that never sleeps.
Portland, Maine缅因的波特兰
Photograph by Bill Curtsinger摄影:比尔?克特辛格(Bill Curtsinger)
Autumn winds stop a girl on a sidewalk in Portland, Maine. The leaves that surround her are from maples, oaks, and dozens of other species, the result of an aggressive tree-planting program in the 1970s. Long called the “Forest City,” Portland maintains at least 20,000 trees today, including about a hundred elm trees that survived a 1960s outbreak of Dutch Elm disease.