GRE阅读答疑 新gre阅读36套

Of Homer‘s two epic poems, the Odyssey hasalways

been more popular than the Iliad, perhaps becauseit

includes more features of mythology that areaccessible

to readers. Its subject (to use MaynardMack‘s

5 categories) is “life-as-spectacle,” for readers,diverted

by its various incidents, observe its heroOdysseus

primarily from without; the tragic Iliad, however,presents

“life-as- experience”:readers are asked to identify with

the mind of Achilles, whose motivations render hima

10 not particularly likable hero. In addition, the Iliad,more

than the Odyssey, suggests the complexity of thegods’

involvement in human actions, and to the extentthat

modern readers find this complexity aneedless

complication, the Iliad is less satisfying thanthe

15 Odyssey, with its simpler ‘scheme’ of divinejustice.

Finally, since the Iliad presents a historicallyverifiable

action, Troy‘s siege, the poem raiseshistorical

questions that are absent from the Odyssey’sblithely

imaginative world.

12. It can be inferred from the passage that areader of

the Iliad is likely to have troubleidentifying with the

poem‘s hero for which of the followingreasons?

(A) The hero is eventually revealed to beunheroic.

(B) The hero can be observed by thereader

only from without.

(C) The hero‘s psychology is nothistorically


(D) The hero‘s emotions often do notseem

appealing to the reader.

(E) The hero‘s emotions are notsufficiently

various to engage the reader‘sattention.



我把答案定位在line 8- 9,但是文中只是说读者被要求去识别,没有提到是否困难啊?为什么选D

题干理解错误,从文中课推断出来Iliad 的读者可能会在与poem‘s heroIliad的主人公)identifying with时有困难是出于以下哪种原因?

identifying withto feel that you are similar tosomeone in some way and that you can understand them or theirsituation because of this。在此处:理解或体谅、同情

全篇文章中,关于readerpoem‘s heroidentifyingwith只有8-9行:readers are asked to identify withthe mind of Achilles, whose motivations render him a notparticularly likable hero.后半句表明hero不是likablehero,表negative态度,到选项中选择negative态度的选项,Aherounheroic,文中说hero 不招人喜欢,但没说unheroic,故错。B,说的是Odyssey,参看第7行,如此处没读懂,考试时only也过于绝对化,多数情况下也不懵这个答案。CNot Given D. NotGiven.


Jean Wagner‘s most enduringcontribution to the

study of Afro-American poetry is hisinsistence that it be

analyzed in a religious, as well assecular, frame of

reference. The appropriateness ofsuch an approach may

5 seem self-evident for a traditioncommencing with

spirituals and owing its early forms,rhythms, vocabulary,

and evangelical fervor to Wesleyanhymnals. But before

Wagner a secular outlook thatanalyzed Black poetry

solely within the context ofpolitical and social protest

10 was dominant in the field.

It is Wagner who first demonstratedthe essential

fusion of racial and religiousfeeling in Afro-American

poetry. The two, he argued, form asymbiotic union in

which religious feelings are oftenapplied to racial issues

15 and racial problems are oftenprojected onto a

metaphysical plane. Wagner found thismost eloquently

illustrated in the Black spiritual,where the desire for

freedom in this world and the hopefor salvation in the

next are inextricablyintertwined.

3. It can be inferred from the passage that,before

Wagner, most students of Afro-American poetrydid

which of the following?

(A) Contributed appreciably to the transferof

political protest from Afro-American poetryto

direct political action.

(B) Ignored at least some of the historical rootsof

Afro-American poetry.

(C) Analyzed fully the aspects of socialprotest

to be found in such traditional forms ofAfro-

American poetry as the Black spiritual.

(D) Regarded as unimportant thedevelopment

of fervent emotionalism in a portion ofAfro-

American poetry.

(E) Concentrated on the complexrelations

between the technical elements in Afro-

American poetry and its politicalcontent.


文中说:But before Wagner a secular outlookthat analyzed Black poetry solely within the context of politicaland social protest was dominant in the field.

所以我默认选项的意思应该是之前的学生没有以政治和社会的抗争背景去分析Black poetry,但是答案选的是B。

定位准确,不过理解错误了,But before Wagner a secular outlook that analyzed Blackpoetry solely within the context of political and socialprotest was dominant in the field.但是在Wagner之前,a secularoutlook(定语从句修饰outlookwas dominant in thefield.也就是说在Wagner之前,就关注political andsocial而不关注别的,也就是B,至少忽略(不关注)historical

Islamic law is a particularlyinstructive example of "sacred law".

  Islamic law is a phenomenon sodifferent from

  all other forms oflaw—notwithstanding, of course,

  a considerable and inevitable numberof coincidences

  5 with one or the other of them asfar as subject matter

  and positive enactment areconcerned—that its study

  is indispensable in order toappreciate adequately

  the full range of possible legalphenomena. Even the

  two other representatives of sacredlaw that are historically and

  10 geographically nearest to it,Jewish law and Roman

  Catholic canon law, are perceptiblydifferent.

   Both Jewish law andcanon law are more uniform

  than Islamic law. Though historicallythere is

  a discernible break between Jewishlaw of the sovereign

  15 state of ancient Israel and of theDiaspora (the dispersion

  of Jewish people after the conquestof Israel), the spirit

  of the legal matter in later parts ofthe Old Testament

  is very close to that of the Talmud,one of the primary

  codifications of Jewish law in theDiaspora. Islam, on the

  20 other hand, represented a radicalbreakaway from the

  Arab paganism that preceded it;Islamic law is the result of

  an examination, from a religiousangle, of legal subject matter

  that was far from uniform, comprisingas it did the various

  components of the laws of pre-IslamicArabia and

  25 numerous legal elements taken overfrom the non-Arab

  peoples of the conquered territories.All this was unified

  by being subjected to the same kindof religious scrutiny,

  the impact of which varied greatly,being almost

  nonexistent in some fields, and inothers originating novel

  30 institutions. This central dualityof legal subject matter

  and religious norm is additional tothe variety of legal,

  ethical, and ritual rules that istypical of sacred law.

   In its relation to thesecular state, Islamic law differed

  from both Jewish and canon law.Jewish law was

  35 buttressed by the cohesion of thecommunity, reinforced

  by pressure from outside; its rulesare the direct

  expression of this feeling ofcohesion, tending toward

  the accommodation of dissent. Canonand Islamic law,

  on the contrary, were dominated bythe dualism of religion and

GRE阅读答疑 新gre阅读36套

  40 state, where the state was not, incontrast with Judaism,

  an alien power but the politicalexpression of the same

  religion. But the conflict betweenstate and religion took

  different forms; in Christianity itappeared as the struggle

  for political power on the part of atightly organized

  45 ecclesiastical hierarchy, andcanon law was one of its

  political weapons. Islamic law, onthe other hand, was

  never supported by an organizedinstitution; consequently,

  there never developed an overt trialof strength. There

  merely existed discordance betweenapplication of the

  50 sacred law and many of theregulations framed by Islamic

  states; this antagonism variedaccording to place and time.

4. It can be inferred from the passage thatthe

application of Islamic law in Islamic stateshas

(A) systematically been opposed by groupswho

believe it is contrary to theirinterests

(B) suffered irreparably from the lack offirm

institutional backing

(C) frequently been at odds with thelegal

activity of government institutions

(D) remained unaffected by the politicalforces

operating alongside it

(E) benefited from the fact that itnever

experienced a direct confrontation with

the state

这个题目我定位在line 49 到文章结束;

文章的discordance,为什么与at odds对应?为什么选C

定位49-51discordance between application ofthe sacred law and many of the regulations framed by Islamicstates.法的实施与国家条例有discordance不一致,C说法的实施经常与政府机构的合法活动at odds不一致。



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