Ihopeeverythinggoeswell everything is well

This afternoon I went to the clinic and came across my seniorschoolmate Miss Yang. She

is optimistic and active in my mind, a very particular girl. Sheworks in a firework company of

Liuyang. I remember when I saw her last year, she was fresh andenergetic, but this time she

became skinny. Poor girl! I am worried about her.She told methat she was sick from last March. At first she received treatmentin Liuyang People's Hospital for sometime, but it didn't work. Thenshe went to Xiangya Hospital. After general check-up, she finallyknew what disease she got. She has to have an operation. But it'snot the best time for her to receive the operation as she istoo

thin and weak at present. What she has to do now is trying toput on weight to increase the body's

immune system. I hope the operation will besuccessful and I hope she will recover soon. From

her and from a lot of people, including my own experience, Isense that health is priceless again

and again. So we should care about ourselves and dear onesaround us.

At night, my husband called me. From his voice, I could tellthat he missed his parents and was

worried about his mother's health. He was also a little nervousabout the two important

examinations though he is confident of them. He told me that oneof his good friends wasgoing

to America, and many of his friends havegotvery good positions. Compared to them, hethought he was not as successful as them. I comforted him. Hedidn't have to worry about

anything. Mother is well and I will care about her. He studiesand works hard all the time. I am sure he will be very successfulone day. In fact, I think teaching ina colleageis not a very bad job.

Maybe as a man, he has more responsibility and ambition than me.He hopes he can have a

good position and wants to make a difference. I told him torelieve himself. These days, I won't

disturb him. Ialso give him someadvice.He can do as my sister is doing. She isbusying writing

the thesis for a Doctor's degree. To avoidbeing disturbed by all kinds of things, she has stopped connectionwith the outside world for a month, including my parents, absorbedin the thesis. So

when one is busy preparing for something, it's better for him orher to be dedicated to the urgent

work , ignoring all kinds of trifles. Meanwhile, having a goodstate of mind is very crucial.

Hope both of them can pass April smoothly and achieve theirdreams. Anyway, I think life is a

long process, we all have to experience all kinds ofexaminations in our life. We will face some

challenges then we will catch the opportunities after hard work.Failure is the mother of success.

So we had better not afraid of any difficulties and failures, ifwe can stick to our dreams and work hard, we will make it sooner orlater. 2010.4.7


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