《Heartbreakhotel》伤心旅馆 中英文歌词对照 heartbreak hotel mv

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因为猫王有一首歌的名字和这首歌名字是一样的,所以很多人都以为Heartbreakhotel是猫王的歌,其实除了歌名以外,这完全是MJ创作的歌曲,一般人不知道的原因可能是因为这首歌好像还有另外一个名字叫thisplace hotel.而且这首歌的CD版和现场版感觉很不同,都很不错,值得一听。


Live and sin心中忏悔
Ten years ago on this day, my heart wasyearning十年前的今天我在苦苦企盼
I promised I would never ever bereturning我告诉自己将永不返那个伤心之地
Where my baby broke my heart and left meyearning那里她将我深深伤害 留我独自等待

As we walked into the room, there werefaces当我们走进房间
Saring, glaring, tearing throughme许多张脸转向我有人惊恐 有人怒视 有人哭泣
Someone said welcome to yourdoom突然一个声音传来: 欢迎来到你的末日
Then they smiled with eyes that looked as if they knewme那一张张脸开始笑逐颜开仿佛他们早已认识我
This is scaringme这让我不寒而栗

We walked up the stairs still concealinggloom我赶紧向楼上跑去掩饰着慌张
There were two girls sitting in Myroom两个女子正坐在我房间
She walked up to myface她向我慢慢走来
And said this is the place说
You said meet you right here atnoon“这就是你说我们正午见面的地方”

Heartbreak hotel 伤心旅馆
Welcome to Heartbreak hotel欢迎来到伤心旅馆
this place is Heartbreakhotel这就是伤心旅馆

Hope is dead希望破灭
She thought that I had cheated for anotherlover她认为我背着她有了别的爱人
I turn my back to see that I amundercover我转身发现我正被监视
Now I can't convince this girl there ain't noother现在我却不能让我的她相信我的清白

Someone's evil to hurt mysoul某人是恶魔,要伤害我的灵魂
Every smile's trial thought inbeguile每一个微笑都暗藏着阴谋
To hurt me 要伤害我
Then the man next door hadtold接着隔壁的男人告诉说
He's been here in tears for fifteenyears他已在这里流泪了十五年
This is scaring me 这吓坏了我

We came to this place, where the viciousdwell我们来到这个邪恶驻生之地
And found that wicked women run this strangehotel那个恶毒的女人经营着这个奇怪的旅馆
There was Sefra andSue,苏菲和苏
Every girl that Iknew每个我认识的女孩
And my baby said love isthrough我的她却说我们之间结束了

This is heartbreak hotel 这就是伤心旅馆
Welcome to heartbreak hotel欢迎来到伤心旅馆
So keep in heartbreakhotel你将永远被困在这里
《Heartbreakhotel》(伤心旅馆)中英文歌词对照 heartbreak hotel mv
This place is heartbreakhotel这就是伤心旅馆

Someone stabbedmyheart有人用刀扎进我心

This is heartbreakhotel这就是伤心旅馆
(Heartbreak hotel), hee
Ten years agotoday十年前的今天
(Heartbreak hotel)
This is heartbreak hotel
(Heartbreak hotel),
(Repeat and fade out)


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101012/121955.html


《庄子》寓言故事文白对照 庄子寓言故事及寓意

《庄子》寓言故事(文白对照)2008-04-29 21:31:27|分类: 道家文化 阅读493 评论2 字号:大中小订阅庄子(约公元前368-前288),名周,战国中期宋国蒙(今河南商丘附近)人,曾为漆园史,后拒绝楚威王的重聘书,终身不当官,过着闲适的生活,是当时道家的主要代

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莫文蔚的《阴天》的真实含义 阴天 莫文蔚mv

谁会想到仅仅是一首歌,它背后却隐藏着这样一个秘密?当你在哼吟着它时是否感到了一丝诡异?整首歌都在反复叙述着一个仪式——一个招鬼仪式。  由于歌词相当隐讳,我不能作出完全和绝对正确地解释,那位朋友发现了更多的秘密可以补充。  

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