Agreement of Landscape Design Service
设计内容 :DesignContent:
委托方(甲方):Party A:
承接方(乙方):Party B:
1.合同依据Bases of theAgreement
2.项目概况General Descriptionof the Project
3.设计依据Bases of theDesign
4.设计范围Scope of theDesign
5.双方权利义务Rights andObligations
6.费用、付款及设计成果Fees, Paymentand Delivery of Documents
7.违约责任Liability for Breachof the Agreement
8.合同生效、终止及结束Execution andTermination
9.一般条款 Miscellaneous
1:合同依据Bases of the Agreement
ThisAgreement is entered into in accordance with the followinglaws:
ContractLaw of People’s Republic of China, Construction Law of the People'sRepublic of China
“Administration Regulations for Engineering ConstructionProjects and Geological Surveys” and other relevant laws, codes andregulations
1.3相关建设工程审批文件。The approveddocuments concerning Project construction.
2:项目概况General Description
Theproject total property area of ㎡, landscape area of ㎡.
3:设计依据 Bases of theDesign
3.1合同所规定的内容。Contentsstipulated in the Agreement.
Firstfloor plan, property line, master plan, design sub area graphicetc. proved by Party A.
4:设计范围 DesignScope
5:双方权利义务Rights and Obligations
5.1甲方权利义务Rights andObligations of Party A
Party Ashall provide necessary documents and information to Party B as thebases of the Project design performed by Party B and shall assumethe responsibility for their integrity and exactness.
Party Ashall pay Party B for the Project design in accordance with theAgreement. If material modification is made by Party B according tothe order of Party A, which causes additional expense, Party Ashall pay Party B the additional incurred fees. The amount of suchadditional fees shall be negotiated in good faith by bothParties.
Party Ashall check and accept the design documents in writing in timeafter receipt. And Party A shall indicate its revise comments andtime requirement.
Party Aassignsasits Principal of the Project, and Party B assigns asits Principal of the project, Party B may not change its Principalor main architect without 7-day prior written notification to andwritten approval of Party A.
Party Awill arrange for communication between each design firm of theParties and apply for the commissioning of the Project.
If theparent company of Party A refuses to approve the design or theProject is suspended, Party A shall pay Party B based on the amountof the design work performed by Party B and delivered to Party A inaccordance with the relevant articles of this Agreement.
If theschedule of the Project is delayed because of Party A, the designwork delivery date shall be postponed accordingly.
Any andall intellectual property rights, the amplification rights of suchintellectual proprietary rights and their derivatives created by aParty or both Parties in relation to design, and use of the designwork shall be the sole and exclusive property of PartyA. Party Bcan publish or apply for awards as author in the study and researchfields with prior approval of Party A. With the agreement of PartyB, Party A has the right to use, allow others to use, modify orallow others to modify, or transfer Party B’s design work to anythird Party. Party B shall not copy, modify, transfer, use orprovide the design work provided to Party A to any third Party touse in any way without prior written approval of Party A. If PartyB breaches this article, Party A has the right to terminate theAgreement. Upon termination of the Agreement, Party B shall returnall the fees paid by Party A and reimburse any and all costs andlosses caused.
5.2乙方权利义务Rights andObligations of Party B
Party Bshall perform the design in accordance with this Agreement andrelevant rules and regulations and assume responsibility for thefeasibility, exactness and rationality of the economy of the designworks. Party B shall use its best effort to make the design work inaccordance with Party A’s general landscape concept. To ensureaccordance with the specifications, Party B shall make sufficientcommunication with Party A.
Within oneweek of executing this Agreement, Party B shall deliver to Party Athe detailed plan of design services, including not limited to,schedule, list of principals of the Project, main architects,architects, and other necessary persons involved; resumes of thosepersons, and contact telephone numbers. Party B shall assignprofessional and experienced persons with highly creativity toperform the design and shall not change them during performance ofthe Agreement.
Party Bshall communicate with Party A regarding Party A’s schedulerequirements, attend landscape scheme conferences or meetings,review the construction drawings to insure the consistency of thefinal design work, and periodically assist Party A in selectingmain landscape decorations materials.
Party Bshall notify Party A in a timely fashion for any and all necessaryassistance needed from Party A. Party B shall assist Party A byexplaining the design work upon the request of or as required byParty A.
Withoutprior written approval of Party A, Party B shall not start anyadditional design work phases, including but not limited to,confirmation or modification of the Project’s general layout ormain landscape elements, or material adjustment on the amount ofthe construction or investment. Minor changes orproblems with completed design work shall not preclude beginning anew or additional design phase.
Party Bshall correct and amend any and all errors or omissions of thedesign work at its own expense. If Party B redoes the design workbecause of its own error or omission, all additional fees incurredshall be assumed by Party B. All costs and losses caused bydelivery delay or errors or omissions in the design work shall bereimbursed by Party B or may be deducted from any payments due andpayable to Party B.
5.2.7成本控制Control of thecosts
Party Bshall use its best efforts to make all design concepts or scheme ofthe economically rationale; otherwise, Party B shall modify thedesign at Party A’s request.
5.2.8聘请顾问或协助部门Appointment ofcounselor or request for assistance
Party Bmay appoint a counselor to assist in the Projectdesign.Any reasonable fees caused by such appointment shall be paid byParty A on the condition that Party B shall remain liable for theDesign according to the Agreement. Without prior written approvalof Party A, Party B shall not assign its obligations to any thirdParty. IfParty A appoints a counselor on benefit of itself, Party A shallpay for such fees.
5.2.9乙方负责原定设计范围内的必要修改设计,包括调整设计及补充设计。在乙方执行设 计任务期间,甲方如有较小修改设计、变更设计,乙方将不另行收费,甲方如有重大变更设计,甲、乙双方应立即签订补充协议,费用另计,乙方应及时安排变更设计,不得影响工程施工进行。(注:重大变更设计是指设计范围的修改和景观方案的重大调整,并造成乙方五个工作日以上的工作量的)
Party Bshall modify the design within the scope of this Agreement,including but not limited to, modification, adjustment andamendment.If the modification is minor, the fees shall be included in thefees described in Article 6; if material modification is madebecause of Party A, Party A shall pay for such services provided byParty B and both Parties shall negotiate to determine the amount ofextra fees payable “Material modification” means the changes in thedesign or adjustments of the landscaping scheme requiring Party Bto spend five or more additional working days.
“Confidential information” shall mean (a) any information,including but not limited to, the information of the Project,drawings, management information, personnel, research, developmentcontents and design in relation to the Agreement, disclosed to orlearned by Party B pursuant to this Agreement. Party B acknowledgesthat in the course of the performance of the Agreement, it mayobtain confidential information from Party A. Party B will, at alltimes, both during the term of this Agreement and at all timesthereafter, keep in confidence and trust all of the Party A’sconfidential information received by it. Party B will not use theconfidential information other than as necessary to perform itsobligations or exercise its rights under this Agreement.
Party Bwarrants that the design work and the methods used to fulfill thedesign work do not infringe any third Party intellectual propertyright or other rights of any third Party. If such infringementoccurs, Party A has the right to terminate the Agreement or requestParty B to make alternative design. Notwithstanding the foregoing,Party A has the right to request Party B to reimburse Party A anyand all costs and losses caused.
Party Bwarrants that the design works delivered by Party B do not breachany demands or targets of this Agreement, relevant laws andregulations, or architecture tradition. If any such breach occurs,Party B shall reimburse any and all costs and lossescaused.
If Party Brefuses to correct any defect of the design works, Party A has theright to suspend the relevant payment until Party B corrects thedefect.
6:费用、付款及设计成果交付Fees, Payment and Delivery
The totalfee for the Project is $255,000.00, which includes but is notlimited to concept design, design development, constructiondocuments review and constructive administration.
6.1.1 此费用包括项目进行期间,乙方与甲方会晤或查看现场12次,每次2天的所有费用。
Theservice fee is inclusive of a maximum of twenty two-day trips inconnection with this project, including airfares.
6.2设计进度、费用和支付方式如下:scheduleof the Design and Payment
All taxesand duties to be paid due to this service shall be borne by PartyA. Party A shall pay Party B for its services in accordance withthe following chart after receipting of the relevant invoice andacceptance of the design work.
7:违约责任Liability for Breach
If the Agreement is terminated because of Party A, Party A shallpay Party B for the work completed in accordance with the amount ofthe work. If the Project is resumed, the Parties can renegotiatethe fees or sign a new Agreement. If the Project is suspended orthe parent company of Party A refuses to approve the Project, PartyA shall pay Party B for the work completed.
If Party Adelays the payment due to its own fault more than 60 days, Party Bhas the right to suspend design work with a written notification toParty A.
If Party Bfails to fulfill this Agreement or this Agreement is terminated byParty A due to Party B’s default, Party B shall pay Party A 10% ofthe total fees described in article 6 as compensation for breach ofthe Agreement. If Party B has finished part of the design work, theParties shall settle the payment and deal with the design work inaccordance with article 8.3.2; if Party B does not start work,Party B shall return to Party A all the fees paid by PartyA.
7.4由于乙方自身原因,延误了按本合同规定的设计文件交付时间,超过三天的,则每延误一天,应减收该项目相应阶段应收设计费的0.3‰;但乙方不因为邮政造成的延误负责;延误超过15 天的,甲方有权解除本合同并要求乙方支付合同总金额的10%违约金。
If Party Bis unable to submit the design work on schedule, a late fee equalto 0.03 percent of the fees for relevant phase of the design willincur for each day of the delay. If such a delay is over 15 days,Party A has the right to terminate the Agreement immediately andrequest Party B pay 10 percent of the total fees of the Agreementas compensation for breach of the Agreement.
If thedesign work fails to meet the requirements of Party A, Party Bshall revise the design work within the period allowed by PartyA. IfParty B fails to provide satisfactory the design work after twotries attempts, Party A has the right to terminate the Agreementand Party B shall assume the liability stipulated in article7.3.
8:合同生效、终止与结束 Execution andtermination
ThisAgreement will take effect upon signing of the both Parties. Thedate of last signature shall be taken as the date of effectivenessof the Agreement.
Withoutprejudice any other applicable remedies under this Agreement andapplicable laws, Party A has the right to terminate this Agreementwithout any liability for the events as follows:
Party B’sbecoming insolvent, filing a petition for relief under anybankruptcy, insolvency or similar law;
Party B’sdisplacing its assets or incapability to perform theAgreement;
Party B’sbreach of other obligations under this Agreement, and failure tocure the breach within the limited period of Party A;
or, otherconditions where Party A has the right to terminate the Agreementas stipulated in the Agreement and under applicable laws
8.3合同终止后果Results ofTermination
8.3.1 本合同终止后,乙方应当于甲方指定期间内返还甲方所有商业秘密资料、信息,不能返还的予以销毁。
Upontermination of the Agreement, Party B shall return or destroy allthe confidential information of Party A held by Party B.
If theAgreement is terminated due to Party B’s default or the design workhas been paid for by Party A, Party A has the entire ownership andintellectual property rights of the design work submitted to PartyA.
TheParties guarantee that they have full power and authority to enterinto this Agreement and to carry out their obligations under thisAgreement.
EntireAgreement:This Agreement together with its attached exhibitsis the entire understanding between the Parties on this Projectdesign, and merges all prior discussions, negotiations andagreements between them, whether oral or written, express orimplied. No alterations or modifications of this Agreement shall bebinding upon either Party unless made in writing and signed by anauthorized representative of each.
Thenon-performance or delay in performance by either Party, of anyobligation under the Agreement shall be excused if and to theextent that such non-performance, delay or responsibility is causedby an event of Force Majeure. Upon the occurrence of any event ofForce Majeure, the Party suffering therefore shall immediately givethe other Party written notice thereof including a statementdescribing the event of Force Majeure and its effect upon theperformance of the Agreement. The suffering Party can terminate theAgreement by 15-day prior notification of the other Party inwriting without any liability. The Force Majeure includes orders ofthe government, policy and regulations of PRC, war, and naturaldisaster (such as earthquake and flood).
If Party Aterminates the Agreement due to Force Majeure, all work completedby Party B and delivered to Party A shall be paid for in accordancewith the Agreement. Upon settlement of the relevant fees, Party Ahas the ownership and intellectual property rights of the designwork.
Notice:Unless otherwise providedherein, all notices or communications to be made and related tothis Agreement must be sent by facsimile, mail, courier, or e-mail,which takes effect when dispatched to the address listed below inthis Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any notices orcommunications sent by express courier shall be effective on thedate Part A’s receipt of dispatch.
ThisAgreement shall be construed and governed by the law of thePeople’s Republic of China. Any disputes concerning theconstruction or interpretation of this Agreement or a Party’sperformance of its obligations hereunder, which are not resolvedthrough good faith consultation between the Parties, may thereafterbe submitted by either Party to the non-exclusive jurisdiction ofthe Shenzhen District Courts.
Uponsignature of both Parties, the Parties agree to be bound by all thearticles of the Agreement from the date of signature. Furthermore,such signature can be deemed as that each Party has the full powerand authority to perform this Agreement.
Thedocuments provided by Party A in accordance with the Agreement havethe same effect with the Agreement. In the event that there areconflicts between the Agreement and the documents above, theAgreement shall prevail.
Should anyother issues occur, the two sides may enter into a supplementaryagreement which shall be legally binding. In the event that thereis any conflict between the supplementary agreement and thisAgreement, the Agreement shall prevail.
ThisAgreement is made in four copies, each of which is original andequally authentic. Each Party will preserve two copies.
In theevent of any difference in interpretation or understanding becauseof language, the Chinese version of this agreement shallprevail.
委托方(甲方): PartyA: