===========《如何阅读读一本书》附录一 建议阅读书目=========
1. Homer (9th centuryB.C.?)
· Iliad
· Odyssey
2. The Old Testament
3. Aeschylus (c.525-456 B.C. )
· Tragedies
4. Sophocles (c.495-406 B.C. )
5. Herodotus (c.484-425 B.C. )
· History (of thePersian Wars)
6. Euripides (c.485-406 B.C. )
.Tragedies (esp.Medea, Hippolytus, The Bacchae)
欧里庇得斯-----------悲剧 特别:美狄亚、希波吕托斯、酒神的伴侣
欧里庇得斯(公元前480-约公元前 406,希腊剧作家,其现存的19部戏剧表明他在处理传统神话中的重要创新,如引入现实主义、对女性心理的兴趣以及对变态心理的描写;代表作有:《美狄亚》、《希波吕托斯》、《厄勒克特拉》、《特洛伊妇女》和《酒神的伴侣》)
7. Thucydides (c.460-400 B.C. )
· History of thePeloponnesian War
8. Hippocrates (c.460-377? B.C. )
.Medical writings
9. Aristophanes (c.448-380 B.C. )
· Comedies (esp.The Clouds, The Birds, The Frogs)
阿里斯托芬-----------喜剧 特别:云、鸟、青蛙
(c. 450– c. 385 bc),Greek comic dramatist. His surviving plays are characterized by exuberantlanguage and the satirization of leading contemporary figures. Notable works:Lysistrata, the Birds, the Frogs
10. Plato (c. 427-347B.C.)
· Dialogues (esp.The Republic, Symposium, Phaedo, Meno, Apology, Phaedrus, Protagoras, Gorgias,Sophist, Theaetetus )
(c.429–c.347 BC),Greek philosopher. A disciple of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle, hefounded the Academy in Athens. His theory of “ideas” or “forms” contrasts abstractentities or universals with their objects or particulars in the material world.His philosophical writings are presented in the form of dialogues, and hispolitical theories appear in the Republic.
11. Aristotle (384-322B.C. )
.Works (esp.Organon, Physics, Metaphysics,
On the Soul, TheNichomachean Ethics, Politics,
Rhetoric, Poetics)
亚里士多德-----------全部作品 特别:工具论、物理学、形而上学、论灵魂、尼各马科伦理学、政治学、修辞术、诗学
A pupil of Plato andtutor to Alexander the Great, he founded a school (the Lyceum) outside Athens.He is one of the most influential thinkers in the history of Western thoughtand his work was central to Arabic and medieval philosophy. His surviving workscover a vast range of subjects, including logic, ethics, metaphysics, politics,natural science, and physics
12. Epicurus (c.341-270 B.C. )
·Letter toHerodotus
·Letter toMenoeceus
(341–270 bc), Greekphilosopher, founder of Epicureanism. His physics is based on Democritus'theory of a materialist universe composed of indestructible atoms moving in avoid, unregulated by divine providence
13. Euclid (fl.c. 300B.C. )
· Elements (ofGeometry)
(c.300 bc), Greekmathematician. His great work Elements of Geometry, which covered planegeometry, the theory of numbers, irrationals, and solid geometry, was thestandard work until other kinds of geometry were discovered in the 19th century
14. Archimedes (c.287-212 B.C. )
.Works ( esp. On theEquilibrium of Planes,
On FloatingBodies, The Sand-Reckoner)
阿基米德-----------所有著作 特别:论平板的平衡、论浮体、沙粒计算
(c. 287–212 bc),Greek mathematician and inventor, of Syracuse. He is famous for his discoveryof Archimedes’ principle (legend hasit that he made this discovery while taking a bath, and ran through the streetsshouting 'Eureka!’); among his mathematical discoveries are the ratio of the radius ofa circle to its circumference, and formulas for the surface area and volume ofa sphere and of a cylinder
15. Apollonius ofPerga (fl.c. 240 B.C.)
.On Conic Sections
阿波罗尼奥斯(apollonius of perga) 约公元前262年生于佩尔格;约公元前190年卒.数学.
16. Cicero (106-43B.C. )
Works ( esp.Orations, On Friendship, On Old Age)
Marcus Tullius (106–43bc), Roman statesman, orator, and writer. As an orator and writer Ciceroestablished a model for Latin prose; his surviving works include speeches,treatises on rhetoric, philosophical works, and letters. A supporter of Pompeyagainst Julius Caesar, in the Philippics (43 bc) he attacked Mark Antony, whohad him put to death
17. Lucretius (c.95-55 B.C.)
.On the Nature ofThings
(c.94–c.55 bc), Romanpoet and philosopher; full name Titus Lucretius Carus. His didactic hexametricpoem On the Nature of Things is an exposition of the materialist atomistphysics of Epicurus, which aims to give peace of mind by showing that fear ofthe gods and of death is without foundation
18. Virgil (70-19 B.C.)
· Works
维吉尔-----------著作 英文版特别:牧歌、农事诗、田园诗、埃涅阿斯纪
(70–19 bc), Romanpoet; Latin name Publius Vergilius Maro. He wrote three major works: theEclogues, ten pastoral poems, blending traditional themes of Greek bucolicpoetry with contemporary political and literary themes; the Georgics, adidactic poem on farming; and the Aeneid (see Aeneid).. (see Aeneid)
19. Horace (65-8 B.C.)
·Works ( esp. Odesand Epodes, The Art of Poetry )
贺拉斯 -----------长短句、颂歌集、诗艺
(65–8 bc), Roman poetof the Augustan period; full name Quintus Horatius Flaccus. A notable satiristand literary critic, he is best known for his Odes, much imitated by laterages, especially by the poets of 17th-century England. His other works includeSatires and Ars Poetica
20. Livy (59 B.C.-A.D.17)
History of Rome
(59 bc–ad 17), Romanhistorian; Latin name Titus Livius. His history of Rome from its foundation tohis own time contained 142 books, of which thirty-five survive (including theearliest history of the war with Hannibal)
李维(公元前59–公元17,罗马历史学家,拉丁名Titus Livius,他所著的《罗马史》有142本,包括从罗马建立到他所处时期历史,现存35本[包括最早的汉尼拔战争史])
21. Ovid (43 B.C.-A.D.17)
Works (esp.Aletan1or,phoses)
奥维德-----------著作 特别:变形记
(43 bc–c.17 ad),Roman poet; full name Publius Ovidius Naso. He is particularly known for hiselegiac love poems (such as the Amores and the Ars Amatoria) and for theMetamorphoses, a hexametric epic which retells Greek and Roman myths
22. Plutarch (c.45-120)
· Lives of theNoble Grecians and Romans
(c.46–c.120), Greekbiographer and philosopher; Latin name Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus. He ischiefly known for Parallel Lives, a collection of biographies of prominentGreeks and Romans
23. Tacitus (c.55-117)
· Histories
· Annals
(c.56–c.120 ad),Roman historian; full name Publius, or Gaius, Cornelius Tacitus. His Annals(covering the years 14–68) and Histories (69–96) are major works on the historyof the Roman Empire
24. Nicomachus ofGerasa (fl.c. 100 A.D.)
· Introduction toArithn1etic
25. Epictetus (c.60-120)
· Discourses
(c.55–c.135 ad),Greek philosopher, who preached the common brotherhood of man and advocated aStoic philosophy
26. Ptolemy (c.100-178; fl. 127-151)
· Almagest
(2nd century) Greekastronomer and geographer. His teachings had enormous influence on medievalthought, the geocentric view of the cosmos being adopted as Christian doctrineuntil the late Renaissance. Ptolemy's Geography, giving lists of places withtheir longitudes and latitudes, was also a standard work for centuries, despiteits inaccuracies
27. Lucian (c. l2O-c.190)
Works (esp. TheWay to Write History,
The True History,The Sale of Creeds)
28. Marcus Aurelius(121-180)
· Aleditations
29. Galen (c. 130-200)
.On the NaturalFaculties
盖伦(Claudius, 约 130-约 200, 希腊医师、医药书著述家)
30. The New Testament
31. Plotinus (205-270)
.The Enneads
(c.205–70),philosopher, probably of Roman descent. He was the founder and leading exponentof Neoplatonism; his writings were published after his death by his pupilPorphyry
32. St. Augustine(354-430)
Works (esp. On theTeacher, .Confessions,
.The City of God,.Christian Doctrine)
圣·奥古斯丁-----------著作 特别:论教师、忏悔录、天主之城、论基督教教义
奥古斯丁(①姓氏 ②Saint, 354-430, 罗马帝国基督教思想家; 北非希波主教)
33. The Song of Roland(12th century?)
34. The Nibelungenlied(13th century)
(The Volsunga Sagais the Scandinavian version
of the samelegend.)
35. The Saga of BurntNjal
36. St. Thomas Aquinas(c. 1225-1274)
.Summa Theologica
37. Dante Alighieri(1265-1321)
Works (esp. TheNew Life, On Monarchy,
· The DivineComedy)
但丁-----------著作 特别:新生活、君主国、神曲
(1265–1321), Italianpoet; full name Dante Alighieri. His reputation rests chiefly on The DivineComedy (c.1309–20), an epic poem describing his spiritual journey through Helland Purgatory and finally to Paradise. His love for Beatrice Portinari isdescribed in Vita nuova (c.1290–4)
但丁(1265–1321,意大利诗人,全名但丁-阿利吉亚利,主要以《神曲》[约1309–1320] 而闻名,这部史诗描绘了他历经地狱和炼狱最终到达天堂的精神之旅;《新生》[约1290–1294]表现了他对比阿特丽斯-波尔提那利的爱)
38. Geoffrey Chaucer(c. 1340-1400)
Works (esp.Troilus and Criseyde,
Canterbury Tales)
乔叟-----------著作 特别:特罗勒斯与克丽西德、坎特伯雷故事集
Geoffrey(c.1342–1400), English poet. His most famous work, the Canterbury Tales(c.1387–1400), is a cycle of linked tales told by a group of pilgrims. Hisskills of characterization, humour, and versatility established him as thefirst great English poet. Other notable works: Troilus and Criseyde (1385)
39. Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519)
芬奇(①姓氏 ②Leonardo da, 1452-1519, 达·芬奇, 意大利的画家、雕刻家 、建筑家 、科学家)
40. NiccoloMachiavelli (1469-1527)
· The Prince
Discourses on theFirst Ten Books of Livy
Niccolò di Bernardo dei (1469–1527), Italian statesman and politicalphilosopher. His best-known work is The Prince (1532), which advises rulersthat the acquisition and effective use of power may necessitate unethicalmethods
马基雅弗利,尼克科洛-狄-伯纳多- 德(1469–1527,意大利政治家和政治哲学家;其最有名的著作《君主论》[1532]建议统治者为获取和掌握权力可能必须不择手段)
41. Desiderius Erasmus(c. 1469-1536)
The Praise ofFolly
Desiderius(c.1469–1536), Dutch humanist and scholar; Dutch name Gerhard Gerhards. He wasthe foremost Renaissance scholar of northern Europe, paving the way for theReformation with his satires on the Church, including the Colloquia Familiaria(1518). However, he opposed the violence of the Reformation and condemnedLuther in De Libero Arbitrio (1523)
42. NicolausCopernicus (1473-1543)
· On theRevolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
哥白尼-----------天体运行论(De Revolutionibus)
Nicolaus (1473–1543),Polish astronomer; Latinized name of Mikotaj Kopernik. He proposed a model ofthe solar system in which the planets orbited in perfect circles around the sunand his work ultimately led to the overthrow of the established geocentriccosmology. He published his astronomical theories in De Revolutionibus OrbiumCoelestium (1543)
43. Sir Thomas More(c. 1478-1535)
an imagined place orstate of things in which everything is perfect. The word was first used in thebook Utopia (1516) by Sir Thomas More
[常utopia ]理想的完美境界; 空想的社会改良计划(源出英国空想社会主义者托·摩尔所作《乌托邦》一书)
44. Martin Luther(1483-1546)
Three Treatises
Martin (1483–1546),German Protestant theologian, the principal figure of the German Reformation.He preached the doctrine of justification by faith rather than by works andattacked the sale of indulgences (1517) and papal authority. In 1521 he wasexcommunicated at the Diet of Worms. His translation of the Bible into HighGerman (1522–34) contributed significantly to the development of Germanliterature in the vernacular
45. Franois Rabelais(c. 1495-1553)
· Gargantua andPantagruel
Franois(c.1494–1553), French satirist. His writings are noted for their earthy humour,their parody of medieval learning and literature, and their affirmation ofhumanist values. Notable works: Pantagruel (c. 1532)Gargantua (1534)
拉伯雷(约1494—1553,法国讽刺作家,作品朴实幽默,对中世纪学术与文艺加以嘲弄,对人文主义价值观予以肯定;代表作品:《巨人传》 [约1532],《高康大》 [1534])
46. John Calvin(1509-1564)
Institutes of theChristian Religion
John (1509–64),French Protestant theologian and reformer. On becoming a Protestant he fled toSwitzerland, where he attempted to reorder society on reformed Christianprinciples and established the first Presbyterian government, in Geneva. HisInstitutes of the Christian Religion (1536) was the first systematic account ofreformed Christian doctrine
加尔文,约翰(1509–1564,法国新教神学家和改革家,一成为新教徒之后便逃到瑞士,在那里试图根据改革后的基督教原则重整社会,并在日内瓦建立了第一个长老会政府,其《基督教原理》[1536] 是首部系统阐述改革后的基督教教义之著作)
47. Michel de Montaigne(1533-1592)
· Essays
Michel (Eyquem) de(1533–92), French essayist. Widely regarded as the originator of the modernessay, he wrote about prominent personalities and ideas of his age in hissceptical Essays (1580; 1588)
蒙田,米歇尔-(埃康)-德(1533—1592,法国散文作家。被认为是现代散文创始人,就其时代显著的个性与思潮撰有质疑性的《随笔集》 [1580; 1588])
48. William Gilbert(1540-1603)
· On the Loadstoneand Magnetic Bodies
William (1544–1603),English physician and physicist. He discovered how to make magnets, and coinedthe term magnetic pole. His book De Magnete (1600) is an important early workon physics
49. Miguel deCervantes (1547-1616)
· Don Quixote
Miguel de(1547–1616), Spanish novelist and dramatist; full name Miguel de CervantesSaavedra. His most famous work is Don Quixote (1605–15), a satire on chivalricromances that greatly influenced the development of the novel
50. Edmund Spenser (c.1552-1599)
The Faerie Queene
Edmund (c.1552–99),English poet. He is best known for his allegorical romance the Faerie Queene(1590; 1596), celebrating Queen Elizabeth I and written in the Spenserianstanza
51. Francis Bacon(1561-1626)
· Advancement ofLearning
· Novum Organum
· New Atlantis
Francis, BaronVerulam and Viscount St Albans (1561–1626), English statesman and philosopher.As a scientist he advocated the inductive method; his views were instrumentalin the founding of the Royal Society 1660. Notable works: The Advancement ofLearning (1605) and Novum Organum (1620)
培根,弗兰西斯(维鲁伦男爵和圣奥尔本斯子爵)(1561—1626,英国政治家和哲学家。作为科学家他提倡归纳法;其观点有助于1660年皇家学会的成立。代表作有: 《学术的进展》[1605]和 《新工具》[1620])
52. WilliamShakespeare (1564-1616)
His plays are writtenmostly in blank verse and include comedies, such as A Midsummer Night's Dreamand As You Like It; historical plays, including Richard III and Henry V; theGreek and Roman plays, which include Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra;enigmatic comedies such as All's Well that Ends Well and Measure for Measure;the great tragedies, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth; and the group oftragicomedies with which he ended his career, such as The Winter's Tale and TheTempest. He also wrote more than 150 sonnets, published in 1609
53. Galileo Galilei(1564-1642)
The StarryMessenger
· DialoguesConcerning Two New Sciences
54. Johannes Kepler(1571-1630)
· Epitome ofCopernican Astronomy
.Concerning theHarmonies of the World
Johannes (1571–1630),German astronomer. His analysis of Tycho Brahe's planetary observations led himto discover the three laws governing orbital motion
55. William Harvey(1578-1657)
.On the Motion ofthe Heart and Blood in Animals
.On theCirculation of the Blood
.On the Generationof Animals
William (1578–1657),English physician, discoverer of the circulation of the blood. In De MotuCordis (1628) Harvey described the motion of the heart and concluded that theblood left through the arteries and returned to the heart through the veinsafter it had passed through the flesh
哈维,威廉(1578–1657, 英格兰内科医生,血液循环的发现者,在其著作《心血运动论》[1628]中描述了心脏的跳动,得出结论认为血液经动脉流出心脏,又在通过肌肉后经静脉流回心脏)
56. Thomas Hobbes(1588-1679)
.The Leviathan
Thomas (1588–1679),English philosopher. Hobbes was a materialist, claiming that there was no moreto the mind than the physical motions discovered by science, and he believedthat human action was motivated entirely by selfish concerns, notably fear ofdeath. In Leviathan (1651) he argued that absolute monarchy was the mostrational, hence desirable, form of government
57. Rene Descartes(1596-1650)
· Rules for theDirection of the Mind
· Discourse onMethod
· Geometry
· Meditations onFirst Philosophy
, René (1596–1650), French philosopher, mathematician, and man of science.He concluded that everything was open to doubt except conscious experience andexistence as a necessary condition of this: “Cogito, ergo sum” (I think,therefore I am). In mathematics, he developed the use of coordinates to locatea point in two or three dimensions.
58. John Milton(1608-1674)
Works (esp. .theminor poems, · Areopagitica,
· Paradise Lost, · Samson Agonistes)
米尔顿-----------著作 特别:英文小诗歌、失乐园、力士参孙、论出版自由
John (1608–74),English poet. His three major works, completed after he had gone blind (1652),show his mastery of blank verse: they are the epic poems Paradise Lost (1667,revised 1674) and Paradise Regained (1671), and the verse drama SamsonAgonistes (1671)
弥尔顿,约翰(1608–1674,英国诗人;三部主要作品都创作于他双目失明 [1652]后,展现了驾驭无韵诗体的娴熟技巧;这三部作品是:史诗《失乐园》 [1667,1674年修订]和《复乐园》 [1671]以及诗剧《力士参孙》[1671])
59. Moliere(1622-1673)
Comedies (esp. TheMiser, The School for Wives,
The Misanthrope,The Doctor in Spite of Him-self, Tartuffe)
60. Blaise Pascal(1623-1662)
· The ProvincialLetters
· Pensees
· Scientifictreatises
Blaise (1623–62),French mathematician, physicist, and religious philosopher. He founded thetheory of probabilities and developed a forerunner of integral calculus, but isbest known for deriving the principle that the pressure of a fluid at rest istransmitted equally in all directions. His Lettres Provinciales (1656–7) andPensées (1670) argue for his Jansenist Christianity
61. Christiaan Huygens(1629-1695)
.Treatise on Light
62. Benedict deSpinoza (1632-1677)
· Ethics
Baruch (or Benedict)de (1632–77), Dutch philosopher, of Portuguese-Jewish descent. Spinoza espouseda pantheistic system, seeing 'God or nature’ as a single infinite substance, with mind and matter being twoincommensurable ways of conceiving the one reality
63. John Locke(1632-1704)
·Letter ConcemingToleration
·Of CivilGovernment" (second treatise in Two Treatises on Govemment )
·Essay ConcemingHuman Understanding
ThoughtsConceming Education
John (1632–1704),English philosopher, a founder of empiricism and political liberalism. His TwoTreatises of Government (1690) argues that the authority of rulers has a humanorigin and is limited. In An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690) heargued that all knowledge is derived from sense-experience
洛克,约翰(1632–1704,英国哲学家,经验主义和政治自由主义创始人。他在《政府二条约》 [1690]中提出统治者的权威源自人,并且是有限的。在《人类理解论》 [1690]中提出所有的知识都是从感知经验中产生的)
64. Jean BaptisteRacine (1639-1699)
Tragedies ( esp.Andromache, Phaedra)
拉辛-----------悲剧 特别:安德罗玛克、菲德拉
Jean (1639–99),French dramatist, the principal tragedian of the French classical period.Central to most of his tragedies is a perception of the blind folly of humanpassion, continually enslaved and unsatisfied. Notable works: Andromaque (1667)and Phèdre (1677)
65. Isaac Newton(1642-1727)
· MathematicalPrinciples of Natural Philosophy
· Optics
Sir Isaac(1642–1727), English mathematician and physicist, considered the greatestsingle influence on theoretical physics until Einstein
66. Gottfried Wilhelmvon Leibniz (1646-1716)
Discourse onMetaphysics
New EssaysConceming Human Understanding
Gottfried Wilhelm(1646–1716), German rationalist philosopher, mathematician, and logician. Heargued that the world is composed of single units (monads), each of which isself-contained but acts in harmony with every other, as ordained by God, and sothis world is the best of all possible worlds. Leibniz also made the importantdistinction between necessary and contingent truths and devised a method ofcalculus independently of Newton
莱布尼兹,格特弗里 德-威廉(1646–1716,德国理性主义哲学家、数学家和逻辑学家;他认为世界由单个个体(单子)组成,根据上帝旨意,每个单子都独立存在又与其他单子和谐一致,因此他认为这个世界是可能存在的最好世界;同时,他区别必然真理和偶然真理,并且未受牛顿影响发明了微积分演算法)
67. Daniel Defoe(1660-1731)
Robinson Crusoe
Daniel (1660–1731),English novelist and journalist. His best-known novel, Robinson Crusoe (1719),is loosely based on the true story of the shipwrecked sailor Alexander Selkirk;it has a claim to being the first English novel. Other Notable works: MollFlanders (novel, 1722) and A Journal of the Plague Year (historical fiction,1722)
68. Jonathan Swift(16ffl-1745)
· A Tale of a Tub
· Journal toStella
· Gulliver'sTravels
· A ModestProposal
乔纳森·斯威夫特(英语:Jonathan Swift,1667年11月30日-1745年10月19日)英国-爱尔兰作家。讽刺文学大师,以《格理弗游记》和《一只桶的故事》等作品闻名于世。
69. William Congreve(lfflO-I729)
The Way of theWorld
William (1670–1729),English dramatist. A close associate of Swift, Pope, and Steele, he wrote playssuch as Love for Love (1695) and The Way of the World (1700), which epitomizethe wit and satire of Restoration comedy
70. George Berkeley(1685-1753)
· Principles ofHuman Knowledge
George (1685–1753),Irish philosopher and bishop. He argued that material objects exist solely bybeing perceived, so there are only minds and mental events. Since God perceiveseverything all the time, objects have a continuous existence in the mind ofGod. Notable works: A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge(1710)
71. Alexander Pope(1688-1744)
Essay on Criticism
Rape of the Lock
Essay on Man
Alexander(1688–1744), English poet. A major figure of the Augustan age, he is famous forhis caustic wit and metrical skill, in particular his use of the heroiccouplet. Notable works: The Rape of the Lock (1712; enlarged 1714); An Essay onMan (1733–4)
蒲柏,亚历山大(1688—1744,英国诗人,奥古斯都时代文学的主要人物,以其刻薄机智和韵律技巧,尤其是对英雄偶句诗体的运用而闻名;代表作品:《夺发记》 [1712;1714年扩写],《论人》 [1733—1734])
72. Charles deSecondat, Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1755 )
Persian Letters
Charles Louis deSecondat, Baron de La Brède et de(1689–1755), French political philosopher. His reputation rests chiefly onL'Esprit des lois (1748), a comparative study of political systems in which hechampioned the separation of judicial, legislative, and executive powers asbeing most conducive to individual liberty
孟德斯鸠,查尔斯-路易斯-德塞孔德特,德拉布雷德厄德男爵(1689—1755,法国政治哲学家;主要以《论法的精神》 [1748]著名,该书对比研究各种政治体制,主张立法、行政、司法三权分立可最有效促进个人自由)
73. "Voltaire(1694-1778)
Letters on theEnglish

(1694–1778), Frenchwriter, dramatist, and poet; pseudonym of Franois-Marie Arouet. He was aleading figure of the Enlightenment, and frequently came into conflict with theEstablishment as a result of his radical views and satirical writings. Notableworks: Lettres philosophiques (1734) and the satire Candide (1759)
74. Henry Fielding (1707-1754)
· Joseph Andrews
.Tom Jones
Henry (1707–54),English novelist. He provoked the introduction of censorship in theatres withhis political satire The Historical Register for 1736. He then turned towriting picaresque novels, notably Joseph Andrews (1742) and Tom Jones (1749).Fielding was also responsible for the formation of the Bow Street Runners in1749
75. "SamuelJohnson (1709-1784)
The Vanity ofHuman Wishes
The Lives of thePoets (esp. the essays on Milton and Pope)
Samuel (1709–84),English lexicographer, writer, critic, and conversationalist; known as DrJohnson. A leading figure in the literary London of his day, he is notedparticularly for his Dictionary of the English Language (1755), edition ofShakespeare (1765), and The Lives of the English Poets (1777). James Boswell'sbiography of Johnson records details of his life and conversation
约翰逊,塞缪尔(1709—1784,英国辞典编纂家、作家、批评家、雄辩家;通称约翰逊博士;作为当时伦敦文学界的重要人物,他所编纂的《英语辞典》[1755]、莎士比亚作品 [1765]和《英国诗人传》[1777]使他闻名遐迩;詹姆斯-博斯韦尔的《塞缪尔-约翰逊传》详细记录了他的生平和谈话)
76. "David Hume(1711-1776)
· Treatise ofHuman Nature
· Essays Moral andPolitical
· An InquiryConceming Human Understanding
休姆,戴维(1711–1776,苏格兰哲学家,经济学家和历史学家,认为知识中不可能存在确定性,声称所有的理性材料都来自经验;主要作品:《人性论》 [1739–1740]和《英格兰史》 [1754–1762])
77. "Jean JacquesRousseau (1712-1778)
.On the Origin ofInequality
.On PoliticalEconomy
.The SocialContract
Jean-Jacques(1712–78), French philosopher and writer, born in Switzerland. He believed thatcivilization warps the fundamental goodness of human nature, but that the illeffects can be moderated by active participation in democratic consensualpolitics. Notable works: Emile (1762) and The Social Contract (1762)
卢梭,让–雅克(1712—1778,法国哲学家、作家,生于瑞士;他认为文明扭曲了人的本性之善,但是这种恶果可以通过积极参与民主政治得到改变,代表作品:《爱弥尔》 [1762]和《社会契约论》 [1762])
78. Laurence Sterne(1713-1768)
· Tristram Shandy
· A SentimentalJourney Through France and Italy
劳伦斯·斯特恩(Lawrence Sterne, 1713-1768), 是一位十分奇特的小说家。他出生于爱尔兰的科龙梅尔。由于父亲是名军人,斯特恩从小就过着不安定的游荡生活。1733年,他进入剑桥耶稣学院学习。毕业后做了二十三年牧师,1759年,他在四十六岁的时候开始创作小说巨著《商第传》,共写了九卷(1759—1767)。1768年,他的另一部重要小说作品《感伤旅行》问世。之后不久,他便染病不治身亡,《商第传》的写作也因此中断。
79. Adam Smith(1723-1790)
The Theory of theMoral Sentiments
.Inquiry into theNature and Causes of the
Wealth of Nations
80. "ImmanuelKant (1724--1804)
.Critique of PureReason
.FundamentalPrinciples of the Metaphysics of Morals
.Critique ofPractical Reason
.The Science ofRight
.Critique ofJudgment
Perpetual Peace
Immanuel(1724–1804), German philosopher. In the Critique of Pure Reason (1781) he counteredHume's sceptical empiricism by arguing that any affirmation or denial regardingthe ultimate nature of reality ('noumenon’) makes no sense. All we can know are the objects of experience('phenomena’), interpreted by space and time and ordered according to twelvekey concepts. Kant's Critique of Practical Reason (1788) affirms the existenceof an absolute moral law—the categorical imperative
康德,伊曼纽尔(1724–1804,德国哲学家,在《纯粹理性批判》[1781]中,他驳斥了休姆的经验主义怀疑论,主张任何关于本体本质的肯定或否定都是毫无意义的,我们所能知道的一切只不过是经验的对象或曰“现象”,它们是用时间和空间来解释,且依照十二种主要概念加以整理;康德的《实践理性批判》 [1788]肯定了绝对道德法则,即绝对命令的存在)
81. Edward Gibbon(1737-1794)
The Decline andFaU of the Roman Empire
爱德华·吉本(Edward Gibbon,1737年5月8日─1794年1月16日),英国作家、历史学家,启蒙运动的杰出代表之一。《罗马帝国衰亡史》的作者。
82. James Boswell(1740-1795)
Journal ( esp.London Journal)
.Life of SamuelJohnson Ll.D.
James (1740–95),Scottish author, companion and biographer of Samuel Johnson. He is known forJournal of a Tour to the Hebrides (1785)and The Life of Samuel Johnson (1791)
83. Antoine LaurentLavoisier (1743-1794)
· Elements ofChemistry
Antoine Laurent(1743–94), French scientist, regarded as the father of modern chemistry. Hecaused a revolution in chemistry by his description of combustion as thecombination of substances with air, or more specifically the gas oxygen
84. John Jay(1745-1829), James Madison (1751-1836), and Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804)
· FederalistPapers
(together with the· Articles of Confederation,
the .Constitutionof the United States, and the
· Declaration ofIndependence)
85. Jeremy Bentham(1748-1832)
Introduction tothe Principles of Morals and
Theory of Fictions
Jeremy (1748 – 1832),English philosopher and jurist, the first major proponent of utilitarianism.Notable works: Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789)
86. Johann Wolfgangvon Goethe (1749-1832)
· Faust
Poetry and Truth
Johann Wolfgang von(1749–1832), German poet, dramatist, and scholar. Involved at first with theSturm und Drang movement, Goethe changed to a more measured and classicalstyle, as in the 'Wilhelm Meister’ novels (1796–1829). Notable dramas: Gotz von Berlichingen (1773),Tasso (1790), and Faust (1808–32)
87. Jean BaptisteJoseph Fourier (1768-1830)
· AnalyticalTheory of Heat
Jean Baptiste Joseph(1768–1830), French mathematician. His studies involved him in the solution ofpartial differential equations by the method of separation of variables andsuperposition; this led him to analyse the series and integrals that are nowknown by his name
88. Georg WilhelmFriedrich Hegel (1770-1831)
Phenomenology ofSpirit
· Philosophy ofRight
· Lectures on thePhilosophy of History
Georg WilhelmFriedrich (1770–1831), German philosopher. In his Science of Logic (1812–16)Hegel described the three-stage process of dialectical reasoning, on which Marxbased his theory of dialectical materialism. He believed that history, theevolution of ideas, and human consciousness all develop through idealistdialectical processes as part of the Absolute or God coming to know itself
89. William Wordsworth(1770-1850)
Poems (esp.Lyrical BaUads, Lucy poems, sonnets;
The Prelude )
William (1770–1850),English poet. Much of his work was inspired by the Lake District. His LyricalBallads (1798), which was composed with Coleridge and included 'Tintern Abbey’, was alandmark in romanticism. Other notable poems: 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ (sonnet, 1815) and The Prelude (1850).He was appointed Poet Laureate in 1843
华兹华斯,威廉(1770–1850,英国诗人,其许多作品的灵感均来自湖泊地区;他与柯尔律治一道写就的,包括《丁登寺》在内的《抒情歌谣集》[1798]是浪漫主义的里程碑;其他代表作品有十四行诗《我好似一朵孤独的流云》 [1815]和《序曲》 [1850],1843年被封为桂冠诗人)
90. Samuel TaylorColeridge (1772-1834)
Poems (esp."Kubla Khan," Rime of the Ancient Mariner)
Biographia Literaria
塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治 --
Samuel Taylor(1772–1834), English poet, critic, and philosopher. His Lyrical Ballads (1798),written with William Wordsworth, marked the start of English romanticism andincluded 'The Rime of the AncientMariner’. Other notable poems: 'Christabel’ and 'Kubla Khan’ (both 1816)
柯尔律治,塞缪尔·泰勒(1772—1834,英国诗人、评论家和哲学家,他和威廉·华兹华斯合著的《抒情歌谣集》[1798] 标志着英国文学浪漫主义的开端,其中包括《古舟子咏》;其他代表性诗作:《克丽斯特贝尔》和《忽必烈汗》[均1816])
91. Jane Austen(1775-1817)
Pride andPreiudice
Jane (1775–1817),English novelist. Her major novels are Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride andPrejudice (1813), Mansfield Park (1814), Emma (1815), Northanger Abbey (1818),and Persuasion (1818). They are notable for skilful characterization, dry wit,and penetrating social observation
奥斯丁,简(1775—1817,英国小说家,主要作品有: 《理智与情感》[1811],《傲慢与偏见》[1813],《曼斯菲尔德花园》[1814],《爱玛》[1815],《诺桑觉寺》和《劝导》[1818],均以人物刻画细腻、笔调风趣和对社会深刻的洞察而闻名)
92. "Karl vonClausewitz (1780-1831)
On War
93. Stendhal(1783-1842)
The Red and theBlack
The Charterhouseof Parma
On Love
(1783–1842), Frenchnovelist; pseudonym of Marie Henri Beyle. His two best-known novels are LeRouge et le noir (1830), relating the rise and fall of a young man from theprovinces, and La Chartreuse de Parme (1839)
94. George Gordon,Lord Byron (1788-1824)
Don Juan
George Gordon, 6thBaron (1788–1824), English poet. Byron's poetry exerted considerable influenceon the romantic movement, particularly on the Continent.Having joined the fightfor Greek independence, he died of malaria before seeing serious action.Notable works: Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1812–18) and Don Juan (1819–24)
拜伦,乔治·戈登,男爵(第六)(1788—1824,英国诗人,其诗对浪漫主义运动,尤其对欧洲大陆有很深的影响;参加了希腊独立战争,但在大战前死于疟疾;代表作品:《恰尔德·哈罗尔德游记》[1812—1818] 及《唐璜》[1819—1824])
95. ArthurSchopenhauer (1788-1860)
Studies inPessimism
Arthur (1788–1860),German philosopher. According to his philosophy, as expressed in The World asWill and Idea, the will is identified with ultimate reality and happiness isonly achieved by abnegating the will (as desire)
96. Michael Faraday(1791-1867)
Chemical Historyofa Candle
· ExperimentalResearches in Electricity
Michael (1791–1867),English physicist and chemist. He contributed significantly to the field ofelectromagnetism, discovering electromagnetic induction and demonstratingelectromagnetic rotation (the key to the electric dynamo and motor). Faradayalso discovered the laws of electrolysis and set the foundations for the classicalfield theory of electromagnetic behaviour
97. Charles Lyell(1797-1875)
Principles ofGeology
Sir Charles (1797–1875),Scottish geologist. His textbook Principles of Geology (1830–3) influenced ageneration of geologists and held that the earth's features were shaped over along period of time by natural processes, thus clearing the way for Darwin'stheory of evolution
赖尔,查尔斯爵士(1797–1875,苏格兰地质学家,他写的教材《地质学原理》 [1830–1833]影响了整整一代地质学者,他断言地球的地貌特征是长时间自然作用形成的,这为达尔文的进化论铺平了道路)
98. Auguste Comte(1798-1857)
The PositivePhilosophy
Auguste (1798–1857),French philosopher, one of the founders of sociology. Comte's positivistphilosophy attempted to define the laws of social evolution and to found agenuine social science that could be used for social reconstruction
99. Honore de Balzac(1799-1850)
Pere Gorlot
Eugenie Grandet
Honoré de (1799–1850), French novelist. He is chiefly remembered for hisseries of ninety-one interconnected novels and stories known collectively as LaComédie humaine, which includes Eugénie Grandet (1833) and Le Père Goriot (1835)
100. Ralph WaldoEmerson (1803-1882)
Representative Men
Ralph Waldo(1803–82), American philosopher and poet. He evolved the concept ofTranscendentalism, which found expression in his essay Nature (1836)
101. NathanielHawthorne (1804-1864)
The Scarlet Letter
纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne,1804年7月4日—1864年5月19日)19世纪美国小说家。其代表作品《红字》已成为世界文学的经典之一。
102. Alexis deTocqueville (1805-1859)
Democracy inAmerica
托克维尔(1805-1859),法国历史学家、社会学家。主要代表作有《论美国的民主》第一卷、《论美国的民主》第二卷、《旧制度与大革命〉。出身贵族世家,经历过五个“朝代”(法兰西第一帝国、波旁复辟王朝、七月王朝、法兰西第二共和国、法兰西第二帝国)。前期热心于政治,1838年出任众议院议员,1848年二月革命后参与制订第二共和国宪法,1849年一度出任外交部长。 1851年路易·波拿巴建立第二帝国,托克维尔对政治日益失望,从政治舞台上逐渐淡出,并逐渐认识到自己“擅长思想胜于行动”。
103. John Stuart Mill(1806-1873)
A System of Logic
.On Liberty
· RepresentativeGovernment
· Utilitarianism
· The Subiectionof Women
· Autobiography
John Stuart(1806–73), English philosopher and economist. Mill is best known for hispolitical and moral works, especially On Liberty (1859), which argued for theimportance of individuality, and Utilitarianism (1861), which extensivelydeveloped Bentham's theory
穆勒,约翰·斯图亚特(1806–1873,英国哲学家、经济学家;以政治和道德作品最为著名,尤其是《论自由》 [1859,该书论述了个性的重要 性]和《功利主义》 [1861,该书全面发展了边沁的理 论])
104. Charles Darwin(181882)
.The Origin ofSpecies
.The Descent ofMan
Charles (Robert)(1809–82), English natural historian and geologist, proponent of the theory ofevolution by natural selection. Darwin was the naturalist on HMS Beagle for hervoyage around the southern hemisphere (1831–6), during which he collected thematerial which became the basis for his ideas on natural selection. His worksOn the Origin of Species (1859) and The Descent of Man (1871) had a fundamentaleffect on our concepts of nature and humanity's place within it
105. Charles Dickens(1812-1870)
Works ( esp.Pickwick Papers, David Copperfield,
Hard Times)
查尔斯狄更斯-----------著作 特别:匹克威克外传、大卫·科波维尔、艰难时世
迪更斯(①姓氏 ②Charles, 1812-1870, 英国著名现实主义小说家)
106. Claude Bernard(1813-1878)
Introduction tothe Study of Experimental
Claude (1813 – 78),French physiologist. Bernard showed the role of the pancreas in digestion, themethod of regulation of body temperature, and the function of nerves supplyingthe internal organs
107. Henry DavidThoreau (1817-1862)
Civil Disobedience
梭罗 -----------论公民的不服从、瓦尔登湖
Henry David(1817–62), American essayist and poet, and a key figure in Transcendentalism.He is best known for his book Walden, or Life in the Woods (1854), an accountof a two-year experiment in self-sufficiency
108. Karl Marx(1818-1883)
· Capital(together with the .Communist Manifesto)
Karl (Heinrich)(1818–83), German political philosopher and economist, resident in England from1849. The founder of modern communism with Friedrich Engels, he collaboratedwith him in the writing of the Communist Manifesto (1848), and enlarged it intoa series of books, most notably the three-volume Das Kapital
马克思,卡尔(·海因里希)(1818–1883,德国政治哲学家和政治经济学家,1849年起定居英国,与弗雷德里希·恩格斯共同创立现代共产主义,并合作撰写《共产党宣言》 [1848],又将其扩充成为一系列著作,尤以三卷本的《资本论》著称)
109. George Eliot (1819-1880)
Adam Bede
George (1819–80),English novelist; pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans. Her novels of provincial lifeare characterized by their exploration of moral problems and their developmentof the psychological analysis that marks the modern novel. Notable works: AdamBede (1859), The Mill on the Floss (1860), and Middlemarch (1871–2)
110. Herman Melville(1819-1891)
.Moby Dick
Billy Budd
Herman (1819–91),American novelist and short-story writer. His experiences on a whaling shipformed the basis of several novels, notably Moby Dick (1851). Other notableworks: Billy Budd (first published in 1924)
梅尔维尔,赫尔曼(1819—1891,美国长篇和短篇小说家;在捕鲸船上的经历构成他数部小说的基础,其中尤以《白鲸》著名 [1851];其他代表作品有《毕利·伯德》[1924年首次出版])
111. Fyodor Dostoevsky(1821-1881)
Crime andPunishment
The Idiot
.The BrothersKaramazov
Fyodor (Mikhailovich)(1821–81), Russian novelist. Dostoevsky's novels reveal his psychologicalinsight, savage humour, and concern with the religious, political, and moralproblems posed by human suffering. Notable novels: Crime and Punishment (1866),The Idiot (1868), and The Brothers Karamazov (1880)
112. Gustave Flaubert(1821-1880)
Madame Bovary
Three Stories
Gustave (1821–80),French novelist and short-story writer. A dominant figure in the French realistschool, he achieved fame with his first published novel, Madame Bovary (1857).Its portrayal of the adulteries and suicide of a provincial doctor's wifecaused Flaubert to be tried for immorality (and acquitted)
113. Henrik Ibsen(1828-1906)
Plays (esp. HeddaGabler, A Dorfs House,
The Wild Duck)
易卜生-----------戏剧 特别:海达·高布乐、玩偶之家、野鸭
Henrik (1828–1906),Norwegian dramatist. He is credited with being the first major dramatist towrite tragedy about ordinary people in prose. Ibsen's later works, such as TheMaster Builder (1892), deal increasingly with the forces of the unconscious andwere admired by Sigmund Freud. Other notable works: Peer Gynt (1867), A Doll'sHouse (1879), Ghosts (1881)
易卜生,亨利克(1828—1906,挪威戏剧家;被认为是首位以散文体描写普通人悲剧的主要戏剧家;其晚期作品,如《建筑师索尔尼斯》 [1892