1. The primatologist has argued thatsustained observation of a few animals provides betterbehavioral data than does intermittent observation of manyanimals.
(A) provides betterbehavioral data than does intermittent observation of manyanimals
(B) provides betterbehavioral data than many animals are observedintermittently
(C) providing betterbehavioral data than does intermittent observation of manyanimals
(D) do provide betterbehavioral data than intermittent observation of many animalsdo
(E) in contrast tointermittent observation of many animals, provides betterbehavioral data
2. In a recent year, more tourists fromthe United States visited museums in Great Britain thanCanada.
(A) Canada
(B) Canadadid
(C) compared toCanada's
(D) Canadian ones
(E) inCanada
3. The campus newspaperdoes not print as much world news as does myhometown;
(A) as does myhometown
(B) as does myhometown newspaper
(C) compared to whatmy hometown does
(D) like my hometownnewspaper does
(E) like the one in myhometown does
4. The duties of afirefighter are often as dangerous as a policeofficer.
(A) as a policeofficer
(B) as those of apolice officer
(C) like a policeofficer
(D) such as a policeofficer
(E) like a policeofficer's
5. Finding a widevariety of financial services in a small city is usually not aseasy as it is in metropolitan areas.
(A) it is
(B) is that
(C) forthose
(D) forthat
(E) arethose
6. Today the primaryrole of advertising may be to appeal and persuade rather thanwhat it once did, educating and informing.
(A) what it once did,educating and informing
(B) what it once did,which was educating and informing
(C) what it once was, education andinformation
(D) educating andinforming, what it once did
(E) what it once was,to educate and inform
7. The programmersalways talked of having too much to do, but in truth they had alesser amount of work to to than theircolleagues.
(A) they had a lesseramount of work to do than
(B) their work was theleast among
(C) they were havingless work to do than
(D) the amount of workthey had to do was the least of
(E) they had less work to dothan
8. Film audiences inthe 1950's saw more musicals than the 1960's and1970's.
(A) than
(B) than did
(C) than the films of
(D) than with the audiences in
(E) than did audiences in
9. The revolt againstVictorianism was perhaps even more marked in poetry than eitherfiction or drama.
(A) either fiction ordrama
(B) either fiction or in drama
(C) either in fiction or drama
(D) in either fiction or drama
(E) in either fiction or indrama
10. The eerie songsof humpback whales, often lower in pitch and longer thanbirds, are intriguing toscientists partly because whales have no functional vocalcords,
(A) The eerie songs of humpback whales,often lower in pitch and longer than birds,
(B) The eerie songs of humpback whales,which are often lower in pitch and last longer thanbirds,
(C) Humpback whales' eerie songs, oftenpitched lower and longer that that of birds,
(D) The eerie songs of humpback whalesoften lower in pitch and lasting longer than those ofbirds,
(E) Often being lower in pitch and lastinglonger than birds, the eerie songs of humpback whales
11. Inthe United States, the industrial useof plastics is greater than steel, aluminum,and
copper combined. Noerror
12. Becausethey painted scenes of lifeas ordinary people lived it, rather than scenes frommyths,
many nineteenth-century American artistsdiffered from earlier times. No error
13. Lions and tigersmay be identical in size, but the tiger is thefiercer animal and the lion the
strongest. No error
14. The novel Pride andPrejudice by Jane Austen was once more widely readand was more
popular in high schools in the United Statesthan Charlotte Bronte. No error
15. It is fareasier to ride a bicycle than explaining in wordsexactly how a bicycle is ridden.
No error
16. Thereis probably no storymore dramatic than baseball’s great hitter andright
fielder, Hank Aaron. Noerror.
17. A mixture of jazzand classical idioms, the music of Gershwin was more innovativethan most of his contemporaries.
(A) than most of hiscontemporaries
(B) than most of his contemporarieswere
(C) than were most of hiscontemporaries
(D) than that of most of hiscontemporaries
(E) than most of his contemporaries, asfar as music is concerned
18. Twice as many birdspecies inhabit Ecuador as in NorthAmerica.
(A) as in
(B) as inhabit
(C) instead of in
(D) when compared to
(E) than
19. Because of itsinnovativeness and its effective presentation, Mary’sscience
project received more judge’s votesat the exhibit than did Jim. Noerror
20. At the art show,Amy enjoyed looking at her friend Mark’s innovativepaintings,
which she thought were more original thanthe other artists. No error
21. Justhow critical an improvedbalance of trade is to a healthy economy has neverbeen more
clearer than it is now. No error
22. For many a brilliant architect,being free to innovate is more important than being wellpaid.
(A) being free to innovate is moreimportant than
(B) having freedom of innovation ismore important than
(C) there is more importance in thefreedom to innovate than
(D) freedom to innovate has moreimportance than
(E) to have the freedom to innovateis more important than
23. In the early songs of the Beatles,one hears plaintive Blues-inspired melodies that would seem to bemore a product of rural southern America than an Englishindustrial city.
(A) a product of rural southernAmerica than an English industrial city
(B) a product from rural southernAmerica than that of an English industrial city
(C) produced in rural southernAmerica than by an English industrial city
(D) a product out of rural southernAmerica than from an English industrial city
(E) a product of rural southernAmerica than of an English industrial city
24. Someone living in a technological,consumption-oriented culture probably taxes the environment at arate many times that of a country such asMyanmar.
(A) that of a country such asMyanmar
(B) that of someone living in acountry like Myanmar
(C) what you find in Myanmar, forinstance
(D) the rate in a country such asMyanmar
(E) a citizen of Myanmar, forinstance
25. Unlike the hollow body of anacoustic guitar, which acts as a sound box to project sound,the solid-body electric guitar is almost soundless without the aidof an amplification system.
(A) the hollow body of an acousticguitar, which acts
(B) the hollow body that an acousticguitar has, it acts
(C) an acoustic guitar’s hollow body,acting
(D) an acoustic guitar, whose hollowbody acts
(E) an acoustic guitar and its hollowbody, acting
26. About 35 percent of the world’sorange juice is produced by Florida, compared withBrazil, the world’s largest orange producer, which hasnearly 50 percent.
(A) Brazil, the world’s largestorange producer, which has nearly 50 percent
(B) Brazil, with nearly 50 percent,it is the world’s largest orange producer
(C) nearly 50 percent that areproduced by Brazil as the world’s largest orangeproducer
(D) the production of Brazil, theworld’s largest orange producer, with nearly 50 percent
(E) nearly 50 percent produced byBrazil, the world’s largest orange producer
27. Winston knew that if he practicedoften enough he would one day be able to play the piano as well ashis brother’s playing.
(A) his brother’s playing
(B) that of his brother
(C) his brother’s
(D) his brother could
(E) what his brother did
28. This legend about Admiral Nelson,like other naval heroes, are based only partially onfact.
(A) like other naval heroes,are
(B) like those of other naval heroes,are
(C) like other naval heroes,is
(D) like legends about other navalheroes, are
(E) like legends about other navalheroes, is
29. Scientist Brain has studied two-andthree-year-olds’ “spoken stories,” often more color-fullyimagined than elementary school children, and recorded them inhis book The Folk stories of Children.
A) often more color-fully imaginedthan elementary school children
B) which are often more colorfullyimagined than elementary school children
C) often more color-fully imaginedthan that of elementary school children
D) often more color-fully imaginedthan those of elementary school children
E) though often more colorfullyimagined than elementary school children’s
30. The villagersfound the visitors equally as fascinating as their customswere mystifying.
(A) equally asfascinating as their customs were
(B) equallyfascinating and their customs;
(C) as fascinating andtheir customs
(D) as fascinating astheir customs were
(E) as fascinating andtheir customs were