The rise and fall of the Lemurian civilization cannot be accurately documented, though many have gone in quest of this mythological continent. Lost civilizations have been known to rise and fall - or just appear and disappear without explanation. As with Atlantis one can only speculate as to what happened, based on archaeological evidence, legends, theories pieced together by researchers, and for some, metaphysical channelings.
The exact location of Lemuria varies with different researchers and authors, though it is part of the mysteries of the Pacific region flowing into the American continent, just as Atlantis is linked to the Atlantic land areas that stretch to the Mediterrean Sea. Wherever you believe the location of Lemuria to be, it is linked with the Ring of Fire. This area has become active with a Tsunami in December 26, 2004, powerful earthquakes and volcanoes that continue, after being dormant for many years. It would seem that the legends of ancient Lemuria speak to us once again with warning signs - as they supposedly did to the Lemurians - before the continent - or group of islands - fell into the sea.
The fate of Lemuria, also known as Pacifica, Mu, and what Cayce called Zu or Oz, is not unlike that proposed for Atlantis. It is much like the destiny of humanity foreseen in our timeline by prophets of old and modern-day clairvoyants. The legends are all the same ... a thriving, advanced culture that suddenly manifested out of nowhere. Their origins and downfall are linked to destruction when their continent sank beneath the 'sea' due to natural cataclyms and human imbalance.
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等级:管理员 帖子:4016 积分:7214 威望:17 精华:17 注册:2003-9-28 0:37:39 利莫里亚(姆大陆) Post By:2006-4-27 23:33:27 [只看该作者]
Possible Physical Evidence of Lemuria
Stone monuments of mysterious origin dot the entire Pacific, from Japan's underwater site at Yonaguni, to cryptic Petroglyphs on Hawaii's Big Island, to Easter Island among sacred and megalithic sites.

Many believe that Easter Island was part of Lemuria. Its hundreds of colossal stone statues and written language point to an advanced culture, yet it appeared on the world's most remote spot. The legends of Easter Island speak of Hiva which sank beneath the waves as people fled.
Samoans called a similar place Bolutu. It was stocked with trees and plants bearing fruits and flowers, which were immediately replaced when picked. On Bolutu men could walk through trees, houses, and other physical objects without any resistance.
The Maoris of New Zealand still talk about arriving long ago from a sinking island called Hawaiki a vast and mountainous place on the other side of the water.
Does the discovery of the Hobbit of Flores - in October 2004 - two months before the tsunami and earthquakes - in any way link to Lemuria?
There are various dates for the Lemurian timeline - some placing it millions of years ago - while others define the Lemurian era as roughly 75,000 to 20,000 B.C. - prior to Atlantis. Others speculate that Atlantis and Lemuria co-existed for thousands of years.
利莫里亚的时间有各种不同的说法—— 一些把它放置在数百万年以前——其他的就把利莫里亚时期定义在公元前75,000到公元前20,000年之间——比亚特兰蒂斯更加早。其他的就推测亚特兰蒂斯与利莫里亚共存了数千年。
The idea of the Lemurian continent first appeared in the works of Augustus Le Plongeon, (1826-1908) a 19th century researcher and writer who conducted investigations of the Maya ruins in the Yucatan. He announced that he had translated ancient Mayan writings, which allegedly showed that the Maya of Yucatan were older than the later civilizations of Atlantis and Egypt, and additionally told the story of an even older continent of Mu, whose survivors founded the Maya civilization. Later students of the Ancient Maya writings argue that Le Plongeon's "translations" were based on little more than his vivid imagination.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-27 23:56:31编辑过]
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等级:管理员 帖子:4016 积分:7214 威望:17 精华:17 注册:2003-9-28 0:37:39 Post By:2006-4-27 23:36:20 [只看该作者]
Metaphysics and Metaphors
Reality is Myth and Metaphor - Magic and Mirrors - stories created in 'time' for the experiencer - projected through the eye or lens of the camera into the matrix to be perceived consciously as if virtual reality. ALL is projected illusion in the Alchemy of Time and Consciousness - ALL are parallel running programs through which we consciously experience simultaneously.
Programs have inserts. If a civilization is an insert in a grid program - that could explain why fully evolved civilizations suddenly spring up out of nowhere - the 'sea of creation' - the flow of the collective unconsciousnes - or the consciousness grid that creates realities. If time is an illusion - all programs are running simultaneously. Therefore you are experiencing many civilizations at the same time. This often explains the feeling of Deja vu - or why some souls are drawn to live in a specific region and feel at home there.
Sumer is an example of a programmed insert that sprang out of nowhere as an advanced civilization - then disappeared.
There are those who believe that Lemuria suddenly appeared with a full-blown culture. This has spawned many interesting theories, including visits from extraterrestrials who introduced a new species of genetically engineered humans to replace their slow-witted ancestors. This too links with other creational theories about humans being seeded by gods or aliens.
Most of what is written is a metaphor - linking to the patterns of creation - sacred geometry. It is about spiraling consciousness that moves from higher frequencies of thought - a higher harmonic - to slower - lower frequencies as we experiencing many places at the same time. All realities are created based on the numeric blueprint of sacred geometry - consciousness - the Golden Mean - Phi Ratio.
大多数所写的都是隐喻——与创世的模式相连——神的几何学。这是从更高的思想频率而来的螺旋型意识—— 一个更高的谐波——减慢——降低频率,就像我们在同一时间经历很多地方一样。所有的真实性都是建立神圣几何学的数学蓝图的基础上——意识——中庸之道——菲尔比率。
Let's examine the metaphors in the theories below ....
Channelers speak of Lemurians as originally coming from higher frequency - then descending into third dimension for a physical experience. TThis parallels our human experience through the spiraling patterns of consciousness and a feeling of change that is taking hold with human conscousness at this time. We were originally higher frequency beings in spirit form who have descended into physical beings to experience linear time and emotion.
Planet Earth is the third planet from the sun. It is physical - Reality experienced in third dimension - 3D. Some researchers consider the Lemurians the 'third root race'. They believe that we are the fourth root race - 4=4th dimension=time] soon to become the 'fifth root race' as we move into a Golden Age.
地球行星是来自太阳的第三颗行星。这是第三密度——3D的真实体验。一些研究者认为利莫里亚是“种族的第三根源”。他们认为我们已经有第四根源 -4=第四维度=时间,很快就成为了“族类的第五根源”,因为我们已经进入一个黄金时期。
The descended Lemurians allegedly remained here for thousands of years - which seems odd - as they did not mark time in years as we do. All of the timelines would be wrong.
Their continent sank into the sea killing the physical souls. This is a metaphor for the souls returning to the sea of consciousness - the Lemurian grid program insert - and seeking new experiences in new forms of light or physical embodiment.
Many see the end of a program - and the evolution of consciousness as the movement into a Golden Age - gold being a metaphor for Alchemy of Consciousness into awareness - the blue [electricity - the blueprint of our reality] and the gold [metal - magnetics.]
Lemuria sank into the sea - ocean = flow of the collective unconsciousnes - which are the grids that comprise our realities on many levels. To 'sink into the sea' is to move one's consciousness from one reality to another. Power movement of water - tsunami of consciousness - the creational flood stories - amphibious gods from the sea - consciousness frozen in time or an 'Ice Age' between programs. Then we have the - meltdown of the polar icecaps. Electromagnetic energy - poles - polarity - bi-polar experiences - pole shifts on the planet and in conscousness - at Zero Point.
The volcanoes erupted. Volcanoes have cones.
This is a metaphor for cones/tones of creation ...
erupting to end one program and create another.
12 around 1 to create grids programs in which your soul experiences.
Duality Atlantis and Lemuria - inserts created by electromagnetic energy grids - duality of experience. Does one continent represent the feminine energies and the other the masculine?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-27 23:39:22编辑过]
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等级:管理员 帖子:4016 积分:7214 威望:17 精华:17 注册:2003-9-28 0:37:39 Post By:2006-4-27 23:44:03 [只看该作者]
Mythology and Metaphysics
Return to the Goddess / Priestess / Feminine / higher frequency energies - Lemuria is often called Mu which sounds a lot like '' which takes us to 'cow goddesses' - in particular Hathor an ancient Egyptian creational force. In Gaul we find Damona, Goddess of fertility and healing. Her name means "divine cow". Cow Goddesses were linked to fertility and abundance. In the Celtic realms we find the Goddess of the river, Boyne which means 'Mistress of the white cows'. Boann is a Goddess of bounty and fertility whose totem is the sacred white cow.
回归到女神/女祭司/女性/更高频率的能量——利莫里亚经常被称作姆(Mu)大陆,发音有点像“牛叫声(Moo)”,让我们想起了“牛女神”——尤其是古埃及的创造女神哈索尔。在高卢,我们发现了罗马传说中的达蒙,丰产和健康的女神。她的名字意思是“神圣的牛”,牛女神与肥沃与丰富相连。在凯尔特区域,我们发现了河女神,Boyne意思是“白水牛的女主人”, Boann是慷慨和肥沃的女神,图腾标记是神圣的白水牛。
Lemurian Pyramids
As with most ancient and lost civilizations - Lemurians would build pyramids or ziggurats - step pyramids - linking them to their gods who live above [on higher frequency]. These would be places of worship and sacrifice, or landing areas for spaceships. Pyramidal structures symbolize spiraling consciousness and ascension to the place of the gods and goddesses who reside 'above' our reality in a higher plane of existence. Is there a link for the Lemurian and the Mayan pyramids?
Some speculate that the Lemurians were at some point telepathically linked to the Dolphins.
Their tones were called "Dolphin Codes."
Lemurian Seed Crystals
Another theory is based on the notion of 'seed crystals' in which the knowledge and story of Lemuria was encoded and stored in seed crystals just before Lemuria fell. Later - in our timeline - the crystals would be discovered and their messages revealed helping those who find them reember their fated destiny and how it parallels our experience. Are these crystals linked to the Mayan or other Crystal Skulls?
In conclusion - I believe that the story of Lemuria - and other lost and ancient civilizations - and religious ideologies are part of humanity's quest to remember that we are not physical beings searching for our spiritual selves - in as much as we are soul sparks of light having a physical experience - which is about the end / evolve back into higher frequencies of consciousness and total understanding of the nature of reality.