据彭博亿万富翁指数显示,印度信实集团(Reliance India)董事长穆克什·安巴尼(MukeshAmbani)的个人财富以223亿美元资产净值成为亚洲首富,名列世界富豪第19位。
(Microsoftco-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates, 56, held on to secondspot on the world list with a net worth of $61 billion.He wasfollowed by US investment guru and head of the Berkshire Hathawayconglomerate Warren Buffett, 81, with a net worth of $44billion.)

Mukesh Ambani richest among 48 Indianbillionaires
Mukesh Ambani said that India is a land of billion opportunitiesand not a billion problems. Mar 8,2012
WASHINGTON: Reliance India chairman Mukesh Ambani with a net worthof $22.3 billion emerged as the world's richest Indian in theForbes list of billionaires featuring 48 Indians.
India's top ten included Savitri Jindal & family(world rank 80), Sunil Mittal & family (113), KumarBirla (116) Anil Ambani (118) Dilip Shanghvi (124) Shashi& Ravi Ruia (133) and Kushal Pal Singh(153).
Ambani, despite losing $4.7 billion in the past year, was ranked19th richest person on the planet with Mexican telecom tycoonCarlos Slim retaining his position at the top for the third year ina row with a fortune estimated at $69 billion.