1.Ok,fairenough..you are right, I'm no good with words .but you know a goodfriend of mine once told me just because people treat you like avillain, or an orge or just some losers. But it doesn't mean youare one .what matters most is what you think of yourself .Ifthere's something you really want ,or someone you want to be.Theonly person standing in your way is you .what I mean is each of youis standing in your own way .
2.Incidentally ,I want to tell you somethingwhich may not make any sense .But I should say it just so that oneday you might remember it ,and maybe ,it will make you feel better.At a certain point in your life .probaaly whentoo much of it has gone by .you will open your eyes,and seeyourself for who you are .especially for everything that made youso different from all the awful normals .And you will say toyourself "but i am this person "And in that statement ,thatcorrection. there will be a kind of confiidence ,a kind of love.
3.The bottom line is success is not for thefaint of heart . You must be imaginative creative .you must trythings that may not work .And you must not let anyone define yourlimits because of where you come from .Your only limt is your soul.Anone can do it ,but only fearless can be great .
4.What I need to say is .sometimes ,you thinkyou don't have hope .but you keep on anyway And then you know youhave it ;
5.So.don't give up。 You''ve got to takeresponsibility for your life .You can't follow others forerer.cause life's too short to be anybodyese .The point I would like tomake is that not everybody can be the same Be yourself
以上内容均整理美国偶像剧1.《Shrek3》2.《Phoebe in wonderland 》3.《Ratatouille》4..Phoebe inwonderland》5.《Step up 2》
Justbeyourself beyourself

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