ShandongHaiyangNuclearPowerStation山东海阳核电站 gc powerstation过期

Shandong Haiyang Nuclear Power Station
ShandongHaiyangNuclearPowerStation(山东海阳核电站) gc powerstation过期
Shandong Haiyang Nuclear Power Station locates in Shandong YantaiCity,the site which proved to be an excellent geographical place issurrounded by the sea.

Haiyang nuclear power project adopts third-generation nuclear powertechnology,the AP1000 nuclear technology. Due to the use of thepassive safety systems, the technology can be more substantial tosimplify the system and reduce the number of devices to improve thesafety and economy.
Shandong Haiyang Nuclear Power Station is planning to build 6million-kilowatt PWR units, leaving the two expansion room for atotal installed capacity of 8.7 million kilowatts.Oncecompleted,Shandong Haiyang Nuclear Power Station will becomeChina's largest nuclear power generation project by far. At thesame time,it will improve Shandong's power supply situation andpromote the rapid development of the local economy.

Construction history
The Project's Address selection began in 1983,about 30 years tonow.In 1983, Shandong conducted 16 sites on the Yellow Sea coastfrom which to determine the six preferred sites.Haiyang stood outfrom the competitors.On September 10, 2004, China Power InvestmentHoldings established Shandong Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., to carry outto carry out and promote the construction work of the ShandongHaiyang nuclear power project. The company,as the owner of units ofthe Haiyang nuclear power project,is responsible for the project'spre-development construction, production operations and nuclearsafety management. In April 2007, the NationalDevelopment agreed to Shandong Haiyang nuclear power project tocarry out preparatory work. On December 26, 2007, the Haiyangnuclear power project received the groundbreaking order and wasofficially launched on May 31.
It is believed that after the accomplishment of the first phase ofthe Haiyang nuclear power project,the annual generation capacitywill reach 17.5 billion kwh which will greatly optimize the theShandong power structure and ease the power tensions. At the sametime, due to the large amount of investment,the project willsignificantly stimulate local economic development, create morejobs,and enrich domestic demand. It is estimated that,including thepre-expansion of nuclear power generating units, the total capacityof 1.25 million kilowatts AP1000 nuclear power plant will reducecarbon dioxide emissions by more than 5,000 tons than the otherpower plants of the same installed capacity , and reduce nitrogenoxide emissions by about 15 million tons.As a clean and greenenergy base, Haiyang nuclear power project construction will beeffective in promoting low-carbon development, clean developmentand will attach great importance to achieve the goalof carbon emissions in 2020. Haiyang nuclearpower project construction, will surely speed up the localizationprocess of China's third-generation nuclear power technology,improve the ability of nuclear power equipment manufacturing andconstructing.It will also make a contribution to the adjustment ofthe national energy structure, promoting the healthy andsustainable development of economy and society.

The construction status and the AP1000nuclear power technology
On March 17,2012, the world's first third generation AP1000 nuclear main tubingwas shipped to Shandong Haiyang Nuclear Power Station. The adventof the AP1000 main tubing set by the Second Heavy Machinery GroupCompany witnessed that China had got rid of the dependence onforeign countries in key facilities,paving the way for the thirdgeneration of nuclear power plant construction.At present, Chinahas mastered the core manufacturing technology of the AP1000 maintubing and has formed a stable manufacturing process and qualityassurance measures.
AP1000 nuclear power technology is an advanced passive pressurizedwater reactor nuclear power technology.The nuclear fuel made ofuranium undergo fission and generate a lot of heat in the reactorequipment and then bring out the heat by water under high pressure.The steam generated in the steam generator drives the steamturbine rotate accompanied by generator, meanwhile,the electricitygenerated steadily. AP1000 nuclear power technology's greatestfeature is the design of concise, easiness of operating,and full use of the many "non-passive safetysystem".It improves the safety of nuclear power plantsand significantly reduces the cost of nuclearpower plant construction, as well as long-term operations.


As one of China's first third-generation nuclear powertechnology projects,Haiyang nuclear power project undertakes themission that China will master third-generation nuclear powertechnology engineering, equipment manufacturing technology andestablish nuclear power technology standard system. It willeventually enable China to acquire the ability of self-designed,self-built, self-management, self-operating and make national levelof nuclear power technology to reach the advanced level of theworld nuclear power as soon as possible.



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