IT IS THISDAY AGREED between (hereinafter called the “Owner) ofthe(hereinaftercalled the “Vessel”) AND (herein called the“Charterer”) that thetransportation herein provided for will be performed subject to the terms andconditionsofthisCharterParty,which includes this Preamble and Part I and Part II. In the eventof a conflict, the provisions of Part I will prevail over thosecontained in Part II.
1. WARANTY– VOYAGE – CARGO. The vessel, classed as specified in Part Ihereof, and to be so maintained during the currency of thisCharter, shall, with all convenient dispatch, proceed as ordered toLoading Port(s) named in accordance with Clause 4 hereof, or sonear thereunto as she may safely (always afloat), and beingseaworthy, and having all pipes, pumps and heater coils in goodworking order, and being in every respect fitted for the voyage, sofar as the foregoing conditions can be attained by the exercise ofdue diligence, perils of the sea and any other cause of whatsoeverkind beyond the Owner’s and/or Master’s control excepted, shallload (always afloat), from the factors of the Charterer a full andcomplete cargo of petroleum and/or its products in bulk, notexceeding what she can reasonably stow and carry over and above herbunker fuel, consumable stores, boiler feed, culinary and drinkingwater and complement and their effects (sufficient space to be leftin the tanks to provide for the expansion of the cargo), and beingso loaded shall forthwith proceed, as ordered on signing Bills ofLading, direct to the Discharging Port(s), or so near thereunto asshe may safely get (always afloat), and deliver said cargo. Ifheating of the cargo is requested by the Charterer, the Owner shallexercise due diligence to maintain the temperaturesrequested.
2.FREIGHT. Freight shall be at the rate stipulated in Part I andshall be computed on intake quantity (except deade freight as perClause 3) as shown on the Inspector’s Certificate of Inspection.Payment of freight shall be made by Charterer without discount upondelivery of cargo at destination, less any disbursements oradvances made to the Master or Owner’s agents at ports of loadingand/or discharge and cost of insurance thereon. No deduction offreight shall be made for water and/or sediment contained in thecargo. The services of the Petroleum Inspector shall be arrangedand paid for by the Charterer who shall furnish theOwner with a copy of the Inspector’s Certificate.
运费 运费应按第一部分规定的费率,根据检验人员的检验证书上记载的装船数量(不包括第3条规定的亏舱费)计算。运费应在卸货港交付货物时,由承租人无折扣地支付,但扣减在装货港和/或卸货港为船东或船东的代理人支付的任何费用或垫款及其保险费。运费不得因货物中含有水分和/或沉淀物而作扣减。油量检验人应由承租人安排并支付费用。承租人应向船东提供一份检验证书副本。
3. DEADFREIGHT. Should the Charterer fail to supply a full cargo, thevessel may, at the Master’s option, and shall, upon request of theCharterer, proceed on her voyage, provided that the tanks in whichcargo is loaded are sufficiently filled to put her in seaworthycondition. In that event however, deadfreight shall be paid at therate specified in Part I hereof on the difference between theintake quantity and the quantity the Vessel would have carried ifloaded to her minimum permissible freeboard for thevoyage.
亏舱费 如承租人未提供满舱满载货物,由船长选择,经承租人要求,船舶可以开始其航次,只要载货油舱所装货物足以使本船处于适航状态即可。但在此种情况下,应按第一部分规定的费率,根据已装船数量与本船达到本航次最低允许干舷高度时所能载运的数量之差,支付亏舱费。
(a) The Charterer shallname the loading port or ports at least twenty-four (24)prior tothe Vessel’s readiness to sail from the last previous port ofdischarge, or from bunkering port for the voyage, or upon singingthis Charter if the Vessel has already sailed. However, Charterershall have the option of ordering the Vessel to the followingdestination for wireless orders:
(b) Iflawful and consistent with Part I and with the Bills of Lading theCharterer shall have the option of nominating a discharging port orports by radio to the Master on or before the Vessel’s arrival ator off the following places:
(c ) Anyextra expense incurred in connection with any change in loading ordischarging ports (so named) shall be paid for by the Chraterer andany time thereby lost to the vessel shall count a usedlaytime.
5.LAYDAYS.Laytime shall not commence before the date stipulated in Part I,except with the Charterer’s sanction. Should the Vessel not beready to load by 4:00 o’clock P.M. (local time) on the cancellingdate stipulated in Part I the Charterer shall have the option ofcancelling this Charter by giving Owner notice of such cancellationwithin twenty-four (24) hours after such cancellation date;otherwise this Charter to remain in full force andeffect.
6.NOTICE OF READINESS. Upon arrival atcustomary anchorage at each port of loading or discharge, theMaster or his agent shall give the Charterer or his agent notice byletter, telegraph, wireless or telephone that the Vessel is readyto load or discharge cargo, berth or no berth and laytime, ashereinafter provided, shall commence upon the expiration of six (6)hours after receipt of such notice, or upon the Vessel’s arrival inberth (i.e, finished mooring when at a sealoading or dischargingterminal and all fast when loading or discharging alongside a wharf),whichever first occurs. However, where delay is caused to Vesselgetting into berth after giving notice of readiness for any reasonover whichCharterer has no control, such delay shall not count as usedlaytime.
准备就绪通知书 本船到达每一装货港或卸货港习惯锚泊地点,船长或其代理人应用信件、电报、无线电或电话通知承租人或其代理人本船已作好装货或卸货准备,而不论本船靠泊与否。装卸时间(见后规定)从收到通知书6小时后或者本船到达泊位(即在海上装货或卸货泊位靠完泊或在码头边装货或卸货时,系妥缆绳)之时起算,以较早者为准。如本船递交装卸准备就绪通知书后因承租人不能控制的原因延误本船进入泊位,此种延误不应计为实用装卸时间。
7.HOURS FOR LOADING AND DISCHARGING. The number of runninghours specified as laytime in Part I shall be permitted theCharterer as laytime for loading and discharging cargo; but anydelay due to the Vessel’s condition or breakdown or inability ofthe Vessel’s facilities to load or discharge cargo within the timeallowed shall not count as used laytime. If regulations of theOwner or port authorities prohibit loading or discharging of thecargo at night, time so lost shall not count as used laytime; ifthe Charterer, shipper or consignee prohibits loading ordischarging at night, time so lost shall count as used laytime.Time consumed by the vessel in moving from loading or dischargeport anchorage to her loading or discharge berth, dischargingballast water or slops, will not count as used laytime.
装货和卸货时数 第一部分规定的连续小时数应是允许承租人使用的装货和卸货时间,但因本船的条件或本船设备损坏而不能在规定时间内完成装货或卸货而造成的任何延误不应计为实用装卸时间。如船东或港口当局的规则禁止夜间装货或卸货,因而损失的时间不应计为实用装卸时间。如承租人、托运人或收货人禁止夜间装货或卸货,因而损失的时间应计为实用装卸时间。本船从装货港或卸货港锚地移至装货或卸货泊位所用的时间和排除压载水及污水所用的时间,不应计为实用装卸时间。
8.DEMURRAGE.Charterer shall pay demurrage per running hour and pro rata for apart thereof at the rate specified in Part I for all time thatloading and discharging and used laytime as elsewhere hereinprovided exceeds the allowed laytime elsewhere herein specified. Ifhowever, demurrage shall be incurred at ports of loading and/ordischarge by reason of fire, explosion, storm or by a strike,lockout, stoppage or restraint of labor or by breakdown ofmachinery or equipment in or about the plant of the Charterer,supplier, shipper or consignee of the cargo, the rate of demurrageshall be reduced one-half of the amount stated in Part I perrunning hour or pro-rata for part of an hour for demurrage soincurred. The Charterer shall not be liable for any demurrage fordelay caused by strike, lockout, stoppage or restraint of labor forMaster, officers and crew of the Vessel or tugboat orpilots.
滞期费 如果装货和卸货所用的时间及本合同规定的其他实用装卸时间超过本合同规定的可用装卸时间,承租人应根据第一部分规定的费率,按每一连续小时(不足一小时按比例计算)支付滞期费。但是,如装货港和/或卸货港出现的滞期系承租人、供货人、货物托运人或收货人工厂内外火灾、爆炸、风暴或由于罢工、关厂、停工或劳动限制或因机器或设备损坏所致,滞期费率应减第一部分规定的每连续小时(不足一小时按比例计算)滞期费的一半。对本船船长、船员或拖轮或引航员的罢工、停业、停工或劳动限制造成的延误,承租人不负责滞期费。
9. SAFEBERTHING – SHIFTING. The vessel shall load and discharge at anysafe place or wharf, or alongside vessels or lighters reachable onher arrival, which shall be designated and procured by theCharterer, provided the Vessel can proceed thereto, lie at, anddepart therefrom always safely afloat, any lighterage being at theexpense, risk and peril of the Charterer. The Charterer shall havethe right of shifting the Vessel at ports of loading and/ordischarge from one safe berth to another on payment of all towageand pilotage shifting to next berth, charges for running lines onarrival at and leaving that berth, additional agency charges andexpense, customs overtime and fees, and any other extra portcharges or port expenses incurred by reason of using more than oneberth. Time consumed on account of shifting shall count as usedlaytime except as otherwise provided in Clause 15.
10.PUMPING AND OUT. The cargo shall be pumped into the Vessel at theexpense, risk and peril of the Charterer, and shall be pumped outof the Vessel at the expense of the Vessel, but at the risk andperil of the Vessel only so far as the Vessel’s permanent hoseconnections, where delivery of the cargo shall be taken by theCharterer or its consignee. If required by Charterer, Vessel afterdischarging is to clear shore pipe lines of cargo by pumping waterthrough them and time consumed for this purpose shall apply againstallowed laytime. The Vessel shall supply her pumps and thenecessary power for discharging in all ports, as well as necessaryhands. However, should the Vessel be prevented from supplying suchpower by reason of regulations prohibiting fires on board, theCharterer or consignee shall supply, at its expense, all powernecessary for discharging as well as loading, but the Owner shallpay for power supplied to the Vessel for other purposes. If cargois loaded from lighters, the Vessel shall furnish steam atCharterer’s expense for pumping cargo into the Vessel, if requestedby the Charterer, providing the Vessel has facilities forgenerating steam and is permitted to have fires on board. Allovertime of officers and crew incurred in loading and/ordischarging shall be for account of the Vessel.
泵入与泵出 货物泵入本船的费用、风险和危险应由承租人承担;货物泵出本船的费用由本船承担,但本船承担风险和危险仅以本船永久性输油管连接处为限,承租人或收货人在该处接取货物。如经承租人要求,本船卸货后应向岸上输油管泵水以清洗输油管,因此所用时间应计为实用装卸时间。本船在各国应提供卸货所用泵和必要的动力及人员。但如有关规则禁止船上明火而使本船无法提供此种动力,则承租人或收货人应提供卸货以及装货所需动力并承担费用,但为其他用途提供给本船的动力的费用,应由船东支付。如货物从驳船上装入本船,经承租人要求,本船应提供将货物泵入本船所需的蒸汽,其费用由承租人承担,但以本船具有产生蒸汽之设备及允许在船上明火为条件。在装货和/或卸货期间船员的加班费由本船承担。
11.HOSES : MOORING AT SEA TERMINALS. Hoses for loading and dischargingshall be furnished by the Charterer and shall be connected anddisconnected by the Charterer, or, at the option of the Owner, bythe Owner at the Charterer’s risk and expense. Laytime shallcontinue until the hoses have been disconnected. When Vessel loadsor discharges at sea terminal, the Vessel shall be properlyequipped at Owner’s expense for loading or discharging at suchplace, including suitable ground tackle, mooring lines andequipment for handling submarine hoses.
12. DUES– TAXES – WHARFAGE. The Charterer shallpay all taxes, dues and other charges on the cargo, including butnot limited to customs overtime on the cargo, VenezuelanHabilitation Tax, C.I.M. Taxes at Le Harve and Portuguese Impostode Comercio Maritime. The Charterer shall also pay all taxes onfreight at loading or discharging ports and any unusual taxes,assessments and governmental charges which are not presently ineffect but which may be imposed in the future on the Vessel orfreight. The Owner shall pay all dues and other charges on theVessel (Whether or not such dues or charges are assessed on thebasis of quantity of cargo), including but not limited to Frenchdroits de quai and Spanish derramas taxes. The Vessel shall be freeof charges for the use of any wharf, dock, place or mooringfacility arranged by the Charterer for the purpose of loading ordischarging cargo; however, the Owner shall be responsible forcharges for such berth when used solely for Vessel’s purposes, suchas awaiting Owner’s orders, tank cleaning repairs, etc before,during or after loading or discharging .
13. (a).CARGOES EXCLUDED VAPOR PRESSURE. Cargo shall not be shipped whichhas a vapor pressure at one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (100 deg F.)in excess of thirteen and one-half pounds (13.5 lbs) as determinedby the current A.S.T.M Method (Reid) D-323.
除外 蒸气压力的货物货物如在华氏100度时,按美国材料试验协会现行规程(Reid)D一323测试的蒸气压力超过13.5磅,则不得装船。
(b) FLASHPOINT. Cargo having a flash point under one hundred and fifteendegrees Fahrenheit (115 deg.F) (Closed up) A.S.T.M. Method D-56shall not be loaded from lighters but this clause shall notrestrict the Charterer from loading or topping off Crude Oilfrom Vessels or barges inside or outside the bar at any port or placewhere bar conditions exist.
闪点 货物如按美国材料试验协会规程D-56测试的闪点(闭口)低于华氏115度,则不得从驳船上装入本船,但此款规定并不限制承租人在有浅滩的港口或地点,在浅滩以内或以外从其他船舶或驳船将原油装入本船或装满油舱。
14.(a). ICE.In the case port of loading or discharge should be inaccessibleowing to ice, the Vessel shall direct her course according toMaster’s judgement, notifying by telegraph or radio, if available,the Charterers, shipper or consignee, who is bound to telegraph orradio orders for another port, which is free from ice and wherethere are facilities for the loading orreception of the cargo in bulk. The whole of the time occupied fromthe time the Vessel is diverted by reason of the ice until herarrival at an ice-free port of loading or discharge, as the casemay be, shall be paid for by the Charterer at the demurrage ratestipulated in Part I.
冰冻 如装货港或卸货港因冰冻本船不能驶入,本船应按船长的判断确定航线,如可行,应用电报或无线电通知承租人、托运人或收货人。承租人、托运人或收货人应用电报或无线电指定另一不冻且有装载或接收散装货油设备的港口。从本船因冰冻原因而开始改向至驶抵不冻的装货港或卸货港(视情况而定)所用时间,应由承租人按第一部分规定的滞期费率支付费用。
(b) If onaccount of ice the Master considers it dangerous to enter or remainat any loading or discharging place for fear of the Vessel beingfrozen in or damaged, the Master shall communicate by telegraph orradio, if available, with the Charterer, shipper or consignee ofthe cargo, who shall telegraph or radio him in reply, giving ordersto proceed to another port as per Clause 14(a) where there is nodanger of ice and where there are the necessary facilities for theloading or reception of the cargo in bulk, or to remain at theoriginal port at their risk, and in either case Charterer to payfor the time that the Vessel may be delayed at the demurrage ratestipulated in Part I.
15.TWO OR MORE PORTS COUNTING AS ONE. To the extent that thefreight rate standard of reference specified in Part I F hereofprovides for special groupings or combinations or ports orterminals, any two or more ports or terminals within each suchgrouping or combination shall count as one port for purposes ofcalculating freight and demurrage only, subject to the followingconditions :
两港或多港按一港计算 参照本租船合同第一部分F项订明的运费率标准,在规定的港口或泊位的特殊集合或组合的范围内,每一集合或组合中的任何两个或多个港口或泊位应按一个港口或泊位计算运费和滞期费,并且符合下列条件:
(a)Charterer shall pay freight at the highest rate payable under PartI F hereof for a voyage between the loading and discharge portsused by charterer.
(b) Allcharges normally incurred by reason of using more than one berthshall be for Charterer’s account as provided in Clause 9hereof.
(c) Timeconsumed shifting between the ports or terminals within theparticular grouping or combination shall not count as usedlaytime.
(d) Timeconsumed shifting between berths within one of the portsorterminals of the particular grouping or combination shall count asused laytime.
16.GENERAL CARGO. The Charterer shall not be permitted to ship anypackaged goods or non-liquid bulk cargo of any description; thecargo the Vessel is to load under this Charter is to consist only ofliquid bulk cargo as specified in Clause 1.
普通货 承运人不得装运任何种类的包装货或非液态散装货。本船根据本租船合同装载的货物应仅为第1条规定的液态散装货物。
17.(a)QUARANTINE. Should the Charterer send the Vessel to any port orplace where a quarantine exists any delay thereby caused to theVessel shall count as used laytime; but should the quarantine notbe declared until the vessel is on passage to such port, theCharterer shall not be liable for any resulting delay.
(b)FUMIGATION. If the Vessel, prior to or after entering upon thisCharter, has docked or docks at any wharf which is not rat-free orsteomyia-free, she shall, before proceeding to a rat-free orstegomiya-free wharf, be fumigated by the Owner at his expense,except that if the Charterer ordered the Vessel to an infectedwharf the Charterer shall bear the expense offumigation.
18.CLEANING.The Owner shall clean the tanks, pipes and pumps of the Vessel tothe satisfaction of the Charterer’s Inspector. The Vessel shall notbe responsible for any admixture if more than one quality of oil isshipped, nor for leakage, contamination or deterioration in qualityof the cargo unless the admixture, leakage, contamination ordeterioration results from (a) unseaworthiness existing at the timeof loading or at the inception of the voyage which was discoverableby the exercise of due diligence, or (b) error or fault of theservants of the Owner in the loading, care or discharge of thecargo.
清洗 船东应清洗本船油舱、管路及油泵,直至承租人的检验人满意。如装运的油类品质超过一种,本船对因此产生的掺混不负责任,也不对货物渗漏、污染或变质负责,除非货物掺混、渗漏、污染或变质起因于(1)本船装货时或开始航行时存在经谨慎处理能发现的不适航,或者(2)船东的受雇人在货物装载、照管和卸载中有过错。
19.GENERAL EXCEPTIONS CLAUSE. The Vessel, herMaster and Owner shall not, unless otherwise in this Charterexpressly provided, be responsible for any loss or damage, or delayor failure in performing hereunder, arising or resulting from : -any act, neglect, default or barratry of the Master, pilots,mariners or other servants of the Owner in the navigation ormanagement of the Vessel; fire, unless caused by the personaldesign or neglect of the Owner; collision , stranding or peril,danger or accident of the sea or other navigable waters;saving or attempting to save life or property ; wastage in weightor bulk, or any other loss or damage arising from inherent defect,quality or vice of the cargo; any act or omission of the Chartereror Owner, shipper or consignee of the cargo, their agents orrepresentatives; insufficiency of packing; insufficiency orinadequacy of marks; explosion, bursting or boliers, breakage ofshafts, or any latent defect in hull, equipment or machinery;unseaworthiness of the Vessel unless caused by want of duediligence on the part of the Owner to make the Vessel seaworthy orto have her properly manned, equipped and supplied; or from anyother cause of whatsoever kind arising without the actual fault orprivity of the Owner. And neither the Vessel nor Master or Owner,nor the Charterer, shall, unless otherwise in this Charterexpressly provided, be responsible for any loss or damage or delayor failure in performing hereunder, arising or resulting from : -Act of God; act or war; perils of the seas; act of public enemies,pirates or assailing thieves; arrest or restraint of princes,rulers or people; or seizure under legal process provided bond ispromptly furnished to release the Vessel or cargo; strike orlockout or stoppage or restraint of labor from whatever cause,either partial or general; or riot or civil commotion.
一般免责条款 除本租船合同另有明文规定外,本船、船长和船东对下列原因引起或造成的任何灭失、损害、延误或不履行本合同均不负责:--船长、引航员、船员或其他船东受雇人在驾驶船舶或管理船舶中的行为、疏忽、不履行职责或故意行为;火灾,除非因船东本人设计或疏忽所致;碰撞、搁浅,或海上或其他通航水域的风险、危险或意外事故;救助或企图救助人命或财产,重量或体积的减少或其他因货物固有缺陷、质量或瑕疵引起的灭失或损害;承租人或货主、托运人或收货人、他们的代理人或代表的任何行为或不为;标志不充分或不当;锅炉爆炸;轴断裂或任何船体或船机的潜在缺陷;本船不适航,但因船东未尽谨慎处理使船舶适航,适当配备船员、装备船舶和配备供应品所致时除外;或者任何其他非船东实际过失或私谋引起的原因。除合同另有明文规定外,无论是本船或船长或船东,还是承租人,对下列原因引起或造成的灭失、损害、延误或不履行本合同,概不负责:--天灾;战争行为;海上风险、海盗或海上窃贼;君主、当权者或人民的扣押或拘禁;或依法扣押,但迅速提供担保使本船或货物得以获释;不论何种原因引起的局部或全面的罢工或闭工或停工或劳动制;暴动或骚乱。
(a) TheMaster shall, upon request, sign Bills of Lading in the formappearing below for all cargo shipped but without prejudice to therights of the Owner and Charterer under the terms of this Charter.The Master shall not be required to sign Bills of Lading for anyport which, the Vessel cannot enter, remain at and leave in safetyand always afloat nor for any blockaded port.
(b) Thecarriage of cargo under this Charter Party and under all Bills ofLading issued for the cargo shall be subject to the statutoryprovisions and other terms set forth of specified insub-paragraphs (i ) through (vii) ofthis clause and such terms shall be incorporated verbatim or bedeemed incorporated by the reference in any such Bill of Lading. Insuch sub-paragraphs and in any Act referred to therein, the word“carrier” shall include the Owner and the Chartered Owner of theVessel.
(i)CLAUSEPARAMOUNT. This Bill of Lading shall effect subject to theprovisions of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Acts of the UnitedStates, approved April 16, 1936, except that if this Bills ofLading is issued at a place where any other Act, ordinance orlegislation gives statutory effect to the International Conventionfor the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Bills of Lading atBrussels, August 1924, then this Bill of Lading shall have effect,subject to the provisions of such Act, ordinance or legislation.The applicable Act, ordinance or legislation (hereinafter calledthe “Act”) shall be deemed to be incorporated herein and nothingherein contained shall be deemed a surrender by the Owner of anyits rights or immunities or an increase of any of itsresponsibilities or liabilities under the Act. If any term of thisBill of Lading be repugnant to the Act to any extent, such termshall be void to that extent but no further.
首要条款 本提单应受1936年4月16日通过的美国海上货物运输法的约束。但如在本提单签发地,其他法案、法令或立法赋予1924年8月布鲁塞尔统一提单若干规则的国际公约以成文法效力,则本提单应受此种法案、法令或立法规定的约束。此种所适用的法案、法令或立法(以下称“法案”)应视为并入本提单,并且,本提单中的任何规定都不应视为船东放弃根据法案所享有的任何权利或豁免,或增加其根据法案应承担的义务或责任。如本提单中的条款与法案相抵触,则此种条款无效,但以所抵触的部分为限。
(ii)JASON CLAUSE. In the event ofaccident, danger, damage or disaster before or after thecommencement of the voyage, resulting from any cause whatsoever,whether due to negligence or not, for which, or for the consequenceof which, the Owner is not responsible, by statute, contract orotherwise, the cargo shippers, consignees or owners of the cargoshall contribute with the Owner in General Average to the paymentof any sacrifices, losses or expenses of a General Average naturethat may be made or incurred and shall pay salvage and specialcharges incurred in respect of the cargo. If a salving ship isowned or operated by the Owner, salvage shall be paid for as if thesaid salving ship or ships belonged to strangers. Such deposit asthe Owner or his agents may deem sufficient to cover the estimatedcontribution of the cargo and any salvage and special chargesthereon shall, if required, be made by the cargo, shippers,consignees or Owners or the cargo to the carrier beforedelivery.
杰逊条款 如在航次开始之前或之后,由于无论是疏忽与否的任何原因而引起事故、危险、损害或灾难,而根据法令、合同或其他规定,船东对此或其后果概不负责,则货物、托运人、收货人或货物所有人应在共同海损中与船东一起分摊可能构成或可能发生的具有共同海损性质的牺牲、损失或费用,并应支付有关货物所发生的救助报酬和特殊费用。如救助船为承运人所有或由其经营,其救助报酬应犹如该救助船系为他人所有一样全额支付。船东或其代理人认为足以支付货物的预计分摊款额及其救助报酬和特殊费用的保证金,如经要求,应由货物托运人、收货人或货物所有人在提货之前付给船东。
(iii) GENERALAVERAGE.General Average shall be adjusted, stated and settled according toYork/Antwerp Rules 1950 and, as to matters not provided for bythose rules, according to the laws and usages at the port of NewYork or at the port of London, whichever place is specified in PartI of this Charter. If a General Average statement is required, itshall be prepared at such port or place in the United States orUnited Kingdom, whichever country is specified in Part I of thisCharter, as may be selected by the Owner, unless otherwise mutuallyagreed, by an Adjuster appointment by the Owner and approved by theCharterer. Such Adjuster shall attend to the settlement and thecollection of the General Average, subject to customary charges.General Average Agreements and/or security shall be furnished byOwner and/or Charterer, and/or Owner and/or Consignee of cargo, ifrequested. Any cash deposit being made as security to pay GeneralAverage and/or salvage shall be remitted to the Average Adjusterand shall be held by him at his risk in a special account in a dulyauthorized and licensed bank at the place where the General Averagestatement is prepared.
共同海损 共同海损应按1974年约克一安特卫普规则理算、解释和解决。有关该规则未规定的事宜,按纽约港或伦敦港(以第一部分中订明者为准)的法律和习惯处理。如要求编制共同海损理算书,则应在美国或英国(以第一部分中订明者为准)由船东选择的港口或地点(除双方另有协议外)指定并经承租人认可的理算师编制。该理算师须专心于共同海损的解决和分摊的收集,并收取习惯费用。如经要求,船东和/或承租人,和/或货主和/或收货人应提供共同海损协议和/或担保。作为共同海损和/或救助报酬担保而交存的任何现金,应汇给海损理算师并由其保存并承担风险,存入编制共同海损理算书地点的经适当授权的有证银行的特别账户。
(iv) BOTH TOBLAME. Ifthe Vessel comes into collision with another ship as a result ofthe negligence of the ship and any act, neglect or default or theMaster, mariner, pilot or the servants of the Owner in thenavigation or in the management of the Vessel, the owners of thecargo carried hereunder shall indemnify the Owner against all lossor liability to the other or non-carrying ship or her owners in sofar as such loss or liability represents loss of, or damage to, orany claim whatsoever of the owners of said cargo, paid or payableby the other or recovered by the other or non-carrying ship or herowners as part of their claim against the carrying ship or owner.The forgoing provisions shall also apply where the owners,operators or those in charge of any ships or objects other than, orin addition to, the colliding ships or object are at fault inrespect of a collision or contract.
双方有责碰撞条款 如本船由于他船疏忽以及本船船长、船员、引航员或船东的受雇人在驾驶或管理船舶中的行为、疏忽或不履行职责而与他船碰撞,则根据本合同承运的货物的所有人,应就船东的一切损失或其对他船亦即非载货船舶或其所有人的赔偿责任;给船东以补偿,但此种补偿应以上述损失或赔偿责任所体现的已由或应由他船亦即非载货船舶或其所有人付给上述货物的所有人的货物灭失或损坏或其提出的任何索赔的数额为限,且这种损失或赔偿责任已由他船亦即非载货船舶作为其向载货船舶或船东提出的索赔的一部分,将其抵消、扣除或追回。如果非属相碰船舶或物体的、或在相碰船舶或物体之外的任何船舶或物体的所有人、经营人或主管人在碰撞、触碰、搁浅或其他事故中犯有过失时,上述规定亦应适用。
(v)LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Any provision of thisCharter to the contrary notwithstanding, the Owner shall have thebenefit of all limitations of, and exemptions from, liabilityaccorded to the Owner or chartered owner of vessels by any statuteor rule of law for the time being in force.
责任限制 即使本租船合同另有相反规定,船东仍享有现行法律或法规赋予船东或承租船东的各种赔偿责任限制和免责的利益。
(vi) WAR RISKS.战争险
(a) If any port ofloading or discharge named in this Charter Party or to which theVessel may properly be ordered pursuant to the terms of the Billsof Lading be blockaded, or
(b) IfOwing to any war, hostilities, warlike operations, civil war, civilcommotions, revolutions or the operation of international law (a)entry to any such port of loading or of discharge or the loading ordischarge of cargo at any such port be considered by the Master orOwners in his or their discretion dangerous or prohibited or (b) itbe considered by Master or Owners in his or their discretiondangerous or impossible for the vessel to reach any such port ofloading or discharge – the Charterers shall have the right toorder the cargo or such part of it as may be affected to be loadedor discharged at any other safe port of loading or of dischargewithin the range of loading or discharging ports respectivelyestablished under the provisions of the Charter Party (providedsuch other port is not blockaded or that entry thereto or loadingor discharge of cargo thereat is not in the Master’s or Owner’sdiscretion dangerous or prohibited). If in respect of a portof discharge no orders be received from the Charterers within 48hours after they or their agents have received from the Owners arequest for the nomination of a substitute port, the Owners shallthen be at liberty to discharge the cargo at any safe port whichthey or the Master may in their or his discretion decide on(whether within the range of discharging ports established underthe provisions of the Charter Party or not) and such dischargeshall be deemed to be due fulfillment of the contract or contractsof affreightment so far as cargo so discharged is concerned. In theevent of the cargo being loaded or discharged at any such otherport within the respective range of loading or discharging portsestablished under the provisions of the Charter Party, the CharterParty shall be read in respect of freight and all other conditionswhatsoever as if the voyage performed were that originallydesignated. In the event, however, that the Vessel discharges thecargo at a port outside the range of discharging ports establishedunder the provisions of the Charter Party, freight shall be paid asfor the voyage originally designated and all extra expensesinvolved in reaching the actual port of discharge and ordischarging the cargo thereat shall be paid by the Chartereres orcargo Owners. In the latter event the Owners shall have a lien onthe cargo for all such extra expenses.
(c) TheVessel shall have liberty to comply with any directions orrecommendations as to departure, arrival, routes, ports of call,stoppages, destinations, zones, waters, delivery or any otherwisewhatsoever given by the government of the nations under whose flagthe Vessel sails or any other government or local authorityincluding any de facto government or local authority or by anyperson or body acting or purporting to act as or with the authorityof any such government or authority or by any committee or personhaving under the terms of the war risks insurance on the vessel theright to give any such directions or recommendations. If by reasonof or in compliance with any such directions or recommendations,anything is done or is not done such shall not be deemed adeviation.
If byreason of or in compliance with any such direction orrecommendation the Vessel does not proceed to the port or ports ofdischarge originally designated or to which she may have been orderedpursuant to the terms of the Bills of Lading, the Vessel mayproceed to any safe port of discharge which the Master or Owners inhis or their discretion may decide on and there discharge thecargo. Such discharge shall be deemed to be due fulfillment of thecontract or contracts of afreightment and the Owners shall beentitled to freight as if discharge has been effected at the portor ports originally designated or to which the vessel may have beenordered pursuant to the terms of the Bills of Lading. All extraexpenses involved in reaching and discharging the cargo at any suchother port of discharge shall be paid by the Charterers and/orCargo Owners and the Owners shall have a lien on the cargo forfreight and all such expenses.
(vii)DEVIATION CLAUSE. The Vessel shall haveliberty to call at any ports in any order, to sail with or withoutpilots, to tow or to be towed, to go to the assistance of vesselsin distress, to deviate for the purpose of saving life or propertyor of landing any ill or injured person on board, and to call forfuel at any port or ports in or out of the regular course of thevoyage. Any salvage shall be for the sole benefit of theOwner.
绕航条款 本船可自由以任何顺序挂靠任何港口,有无引航员在船均可航行,可自由拖带或被拖带,援助遇难船舶,为救助人命或财产或使船上有病或受伤人员登岸而绕航,以及为添加燃油而挂靠位于正常航线之上或之外的任何港口。任何救助报酬仅由船东受益。
21.LIEN. The Owner shall have an absolute lien on the cargo for allfreight, deadfreight, demurrage and costs, including attorney fees,of recovering the same, which lien shall continue after delivery ofthe cargo into the possession of the Charterer, or of the holdersof any Bills of Lading covering the same or of anystorageman.
留置权 船东得因所有运费、亏舱费、滞期费和为得到此种费用而花的包括律师费在内的各种费用而对货物享有绝对留置权。此留置权应延续至货物交与承租人或此货物的提单持有人或仓库保管人占有之后。
22.AGENTS.The Owner shall appoint Vessel’s agents at all ports.
代理人 船东应在所有港口指定本船的代理人。
23.BREACH.Damages for breach of this Charter shall include allprovable damages, and all costs suit and attorney fees incurred inany action hereunder.
违约 违反本租船合同的损害应包括各种能证明的损害,以及因此进行的诉讼中发生的一切诉讼费和律师费。
24.ARBITRATION. Any and all differences and disputes of whatsoevernature arising out of this Charter shall be put to arbitration inthe City of New York or in the City of London whichever place isspecified in Part I of this charter pursuant to the laws relatingto arbitration there in force, before a board of three persons,consisting of one arbitrator to be appointed by the Owner, one bythe Charterer, and one by the two so chosen. The decision of anytwo of the three on any point or points shall be final. Eitherparty hereto may call for such arbitration by service upon anyofficer of the other, wherever he may be found, of a written noticespecifying the name and address of the arbitrator chosen by thefirst moving party and a brief description of the disputes ordifferences which such party desires to put to arbitration. If theother party shall not, by notice served upon an officer of thefirst moving party within twenty days of the service of such firstnotice, appoint its arbitrator to arbitrate the dispute ordifferences specified, then the first moving party shall have theright without further notice to appoint a second arbitrator, whoshall be a disinterested person with precisely the same force andeffect as if said second arbitrator has been appointed by the otherparty. In the event that the two arbitrator fail to appoint a thirdarbitrator within twenty days of the appointment of the secondarbitrator, either arbitrator may apply to a judge of any court ofmaritime jurisdiction in the city above mentioned for theappointment of a third arbitrator, and the appointment of sucharbitrator by such Judge on such application shall have preciselythe same force and effect as if such arbitrator had been appointedby the two arbitrators. Until such time as the arbitrators finallyclose the hearings either party shall have the right by writtennotice served on the arbitrators and on an officer of the otherparty to specify further disputes or differences under this Charterfor hearing and determination. Awards made in pursuance to thisclause may include costs, including a reasonable allowance forattorney’s fees, and judgement may be entered upon any award madehereunder in any Court having jurisdiction in thepremises.
仲裁 因本租船合同引起的任何性质的分歧和争议,均应在纽约或伦敦(以第一部分订明者为准)提交由三人组成的仲裁庭,依据当地实施的有关仲裁的法律进行仲裁。其中一名仲裁员由船东指定,一名由承租人指定,另一名由所指定的两名仲裁员选定。三人中任何两人就任何问题作出的决定应是终局的。任何一方均可向另一方的一名高级职员(不论其在何处)送达书面通知而提请此种仲裁。通知中应指明首先提议的一方指定的仲裁员的姓名和地址及该方希望提交仲裁的争议或争执的简要说明。如另一方未在收到首次通知后20天之内向首先提议的一方的一名高级职员送达通知,指定仲裁员对载明的争议进行仲裁,则最初提议的一方将有权指定第二名仲裁员,而无需进一步通知另一方。该仲裁员应是一公正人,如同由另一方指定的一样,具有完全相同的效力。如在指定第二名仲裁员后20天之内,两名仲裁员未能选定第三名仲裁员,则其中任何一名仲裁员均可申请上述城市中具有海事管辖权的法院的法官指定第三名仲裁员。该法院根据此种申请指定的仲裁员,如同其系两名仲裁员选定时一样,具有完全相同的效力。在仲裁员裁决终结之前,任何一方均有权向仲裁员及另一方的一名高级职员送达通知,说明进一步提交审理和裁断的分歧或争议。根据本条做出的裁决可列明各种费用,包括合理的律师费用,并且,对因此作出的裁定,前述有管辖权的法院可作出判决。
25.SUBLET.Charterer shall have the right to sublet the Vessel. However,Charterer shall always remain responsible for the fulfillment ofthis Charter in all its terms and conditions.
转租 承租人有权转租本船,但承租人始终负有按本租船合同的一切条款和条件履行本合同的责任。
26. OILPOLLUTION CLAUSE. Owner agreesparticipate in Charterer’s program covering oil pollutionavoidance. Such program prohibits discharge overboard of all oilywater, oily ballast or oil in any form of a persistent nature,except under extreme circumstances whereby the safety of theVessel, cargo or life at sea would be inperiled.
Uponnotice being given to the Owner that Oil Pollution Avoidancecontrols are required, the Owner will instruct the Master to retainon board the vessel all oily residues from consolidated tankwashings, dirty ballast, etc in one compartment, after separationof all possible water has taken place. All water separated to bedischarged overboard.
If theCharterer requires that demulsifiers shall be used for theseparation of oil/water, such demulsifiers shall be obtained by theOwner and paid by Charterer.
The oilresidues will be pumped ashore at the loading or dischargingterminal, either as segregated oil, dirty ballast or co-mingledwith cargo as it is possible for Charterers to arrange. If it isnecessary to retain the residue on board co-mingled with orsegregated from the cargo to be loaded, Charterers shall pay forany deadfreight so incurred.
Should itbe determined that the residue is to be co-mingled or segregated onboard, the Master shall arrange that the quantity of tank washingsbe measured in conjunction with cargo suppliers and a note of thequantity measured made in the vessel’s ullage record.
TheCharterer agrees to pay freight as per the terms of the CharterParty on any consolidated tank washings, dirty ballast, etc.,retained on board under Charterer’s instructions during the loadedportion of the voyage up to a maximum of 1 % of the totaldeadweight of the vessel that could be legally carried for suchvoyage. Any extra expenses incurred by the vessel at loading ordischarging port in pumping ashore oil residues shall be forCharterer’s account, and extra time, if any, consumed for thisoperation shall count as used laytime.
油污条款 船东同意参与承租人的防止油污计划。此项计划禁止向船外排放带油的污水、压舱水或任何持久性油类,但本船货物或海上人命安全遭受危险的紧急情况除外。
Shipped inapparent good order and condition by Steamship on board Motor shipWhereof is Master, at the port of to be delivered at the port of orso near thereto as the Vessel can safely get, always afloat, untoor order on payment of freight at the rate of Contract
Thisshipment is carried under and pursuant to the terms of the charterdated NewYork/London between and, as Charterer, and all the termswhatsoever of the said charter except the rate and payment offreight specified therein apply to and govern the rights of theparties concerned in this shipment.
In witnesswhereof the Master has signed Bills of Lading Of this tenor anddate, one of which being accomplished, the others will bevoid.
Dated atthis dayof签发日期: