联合国儿童基金会(UnitedNations International Children's Emergency Fund,简称UNICEF),原名联合国国际儿童紧急救助基金会,于1946年12月11日创建,其目的是满足战后欧洲与中国儿童的紧急需求。1950年起,它的工作扩展到满足全球所有发展中国家儿童和母亲的长期需求。1953年,UNICEF成为联合国系统的永久成员,隶属联合国系统,受联合国大会的委托,致力于实现全球各国儿童的生存、发展、受保护和参与的权利。
UnitedNations Children's Fund was created by the United Nations GeneralAssemblyon December 11, 1946, to provide emergency food andhealthcare to children in countries that had been devastated byWorld War II. In 1953, UNICEF became a permanent part of the UnitedNations System and its name was shortened from the original UnitedNationsInternational Children's Emergency Fund but it has continued to beknown by the popular acronym based on this old name. Headquarteredin New York City, UNICEF provideslong-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children andmothers in developing countries.It is one of the members of the United Nations Development Groupand its Executive Committee.
UNICEFrelies on contributions from governments and private donors andUNICEF'stotal income for 2006 was $2,781,000,000. Governments contributetwo thirds of the organization'sresources; private groups and some 6 million individuals contributethe rest through the NationalCommittees. UNICEF's programs emphasize developing community-levelservices to promote the health and well-being of children. UNICEFwas awarded the NobelPeace Prize in 1965 and the Prince of Asturias Award of Concord in2006.
1.Your advertisement made me unable to wait to write this applicationfor the post because I think I have the qualifications you areseeking.
2.I am writing to apply for the advertised post of …
3.I would like to apply for admission to your college.
4. Iwould like to further my studies in … department of your honoreduniversity.
5. Iwould like to apply for the graduate program of … in youruniversity.
6. Iwould like to apply for the scholarship that your department offersto students from other countries.
7.I am writing to you in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity tofurther my study in … towards a master’s degree in youruniversity.
8. Iwould like to apply for admission to your graduate school of..
1.Looking forward to your favorable reply.
2.I hope you will kindly send me an application form.
3.Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forwardto hearing from you.
4.I greatly appreciate any of your favorable consideration of myapplication.
5.I would be very grateful if you would consider my application andcould send me some information about the scholarship.
6.Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to yourreply.
7.I would be grateful if you can grant me an early reply about theresult of my application.
8.If any scholarships are available, I would appreciate it if youwould send me the necessary application forms.
9. Ihope my academic background will meet your general entrancerequirements for graduate study.
1. I have obtained my BA in … from University.
2. I am a senior student now and expect my graduation next summerfrom … University.
3. I major in … and did some research work during my undergraduateyears.
4.Sincegraduation I have been working in … which specializesin…
5. Now I am particularly interested in…
6. Would you please send me the necessary application forms and anyfurther details about …
7. I hope to further continue my research on …
8. Enclosed please find two letters of recommendation and mytranscript.
9. I am interested in your MA programs in …, and wish to enter thisprogram. My background is as follows: …
1. In reply to your advertisement in ~,I respectfully offer myservices for the situation.
2. With reference to your advertisement in ~ for a / an ~,I offermyself for the post.
3. Please consider me an applicant for the position which youadvertised in ~.
4. Having noticed the enclosed advertisement in ~,I wish to applyfor the position referred to.
5. In answer to your advertisement in ~ for a ~,I wish to tender myservices.
6. Your advertisement for a ~ in ~ has interested me. I feel I canfill that position.
7.Shall you need an experienced ~ for your ~ nextsummer?
8. I have been for over five years in the employment of a / an ~company
9. I have been in the business for the last ~ years, and worked asthe director of the…department.
10. I've had ~ years' experience with a company as a ~.
11. For the last ~ years, I have been and still am a / an~.
12. I'm ~ years of age, female / male, and have had ~ years'experience in a limited company's ~ office
13. I should be very glad to have a personal interview and canfurnish references if desired.
14. If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to call inperson, on any day and at any time you may appoint.
15. Should you think favorably of my application, kindly grant mean interview.
16. I trust that you'll give this application your favorableconsideration.
17. Should you give me a trial, I'll do my utmost to afford youevery satisfaction.
Hello!I’m Li Ming, a student from Mingqi High School of Shanghai. As I’vealways been interested in charity, I’m writing to you in the hopethat I could be given the 2,000-yuan fund to carry out my projectto help children in poverty-stricken areas.
Mypoverty-relief program is divided into three parts. In the initialstage, I’ll try to purchase textbooks for subjects such as Englishand Maths. Given that new books are usually expensive, I’ll be onthe look-out for good-quality second-hand books. The second stageof my program is to recruit high school students who have a strongdesire to help pupils in poor areas. Surely they should be armedwith relative knowledge to be qualified teachers. Lastly, we willset out forprimary schools, which are selectedand contacted in advance, to carry out our program.
Asto how to allocate the money, I’d like to use 1,000 for textbooks,and the rest to pay for the travelling fee ofvolunteers.
Iam looking forward to your reply, thanks!
1.be interested in 对…感兴趣
2.write to someone in the hope that 写信给某人以期(实现某愿望)
3.carry out 履行
4.poverty-stricken 贫困的
5.poverty-relief 扶贫的
6.given 考虑到
7.be on the look-out for 寻找
8.meet more demands 满足更多的需求
9.recruit 招募
10.qualified 有资格的
11.set out for 出发前往
12.in advance 提前
13.allocate 分配
Myname is Li Ming and I’m a student from Mingqi High School. As Ihave grownup in the city, lending a hand to my rural peer group hasalways been my dream. I’m writing to apply forthe poverty-relief program launched by the International ChildrenFundthat I have heard about recently.
Infact, there are still a large number of school-age children whohave no access to good education in the undeveloped regions of ourcountry. So, I sincerely hope that I cando something to make adifference by making full use of your program. If I can get thesupporting money, first, I will use some parts of it to buy thetextbooks they need. Since the fund is limited, I will try to buysome second-hand reading materials for their free-timereading. Besides, I have to keep a small sum of money in order topay the postalcharges.
Lastbut not least, I will feel honored if I can get the fund to startthe poverty-reliefprogram in our country and I will try my best touse the fund. I’m looking forward to your reply!
Yours,Li Ming
1. lend a hand to 帮助…
2.apply for 申请
3.the poverty-relief program launched by the International ChildrenFund由国际儿童基金会发起的扶贫项目
4.school-age children 学龄儿童
5.have no access to good education接受不到良好的教育
6.undeveloped region 欠发达地区
7.make a difference 有影响
8.make use of 利用
9.a small sum of money 一小笔钱
10.postal charge 邮费
Directions:write an English composition in 120-150 words according to theinstructions given below in Chinese.

DearMr. / Ms,
Ihave heard that our school is seeking for some home stays forexchange students who came from Canada.I guess my family meets the requirements and I would love toapply forit.
Myhouse is close to the Central Business District. From my house, onecan enjoy agood bird view of our city, as it is on the 42nd floor.What’s more, I will arrange sightseeingfor the exchange students to have a deep impression of our culturaldeposits and greatdevelopment.
Myfather works in a foreign-owned enterprise and my mother is anEnglish teacher. In view of this, our family will have no troublecommunicating with them. Besides, we even have a guest room in ourhouse, which allows the exchange student to have his or her ownspace.
Inconclusion, I definitely have the confidence of being a wonderfulhost to the exchangestudents. It is a great honor if I get this chance to show them theculture and modernization of our city and to leave them a deepimpression of hospitality.
Iam writing to you in the hope of attaining the opportunity ofaccommodating exchange students from Canada. I think my family canprovide them withdecent conditions and my reasonsare as follows.
Firstly,my family lives in the downtown of Shanghai. Therefore, we haveeasy access to all kinds of transportations, such as subway, bus,and plane, thereby greatly facilitate the exchange students’traveling.
Secondly,my parents are local Shanghai residents, indicating that they canafford advantageous advices for foreign students on where to go andwhat to do during their fortnight-stay, thus enabling them to makefull use of their sojourn.
Lastbut not least, my family is living in a large detached house, so wehave sufficient vacant rooms for them, which I believe is mostdesired for tired travelers who’ve gone all the way from Canada toChina.
Therefore,I am confident to provide the exchange students with comfortableliving conditions. And I would really appreciate if you could giveme the chance. Thank you for reading my application.