Itisbeensolong... it has been

It is been so long fromlast time I wrote a blog.The reason why I can remenber to writethis blog, it is because that when i was reading a book which iscalld(Du Zhe)that I realize that I am supposed to write ablog,excuse me for forgetting to write a blog..

Now let's return from thisdigression. It is saturday today, I got no carer today(publicholiday).It was a boring day, I got up at 9 or 10 am, I can'tremember exactly, I received a phone called from my friend, I waswaken up from the ring tone of my phone. he asked me to visit hisown businiss which is called fish and chips store. From theconversation that he suggested me to wait his phonecall untilwhenever heis available.Iwaswaken from the call, I don't wanna go back tosleep.

The first ofallI had a breakfast which is calledcereal,after breakfast I cleaned my bedroom and washed my clothsand handed up.After day routine, I decided thatiwas not to going to friend's business. secondlyafter diciding the desision, I took my sudoku book toseatedon the balcony and starting solve thepuzzles.

Totally that was a kind of valueable day ofthis week


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