本合同系中译英 翻译:张云军
Translated from Chinese toEnglish
by Mr. Chang Yunejune.
签署日期 Date of
发包人:(以下简称甲方)Employer : (Hereinafter referenced to as party A )
承包人:(以下简称乙方)Contractor: (Hereinafter referenced to as party B )
WHEREAS party A is ready to contract the project ofexcavation / transport offoundation trench earthwork (hereinafter referenced to asproject ) to party B for execution andcompletion;
WHEREAS party B possess the qualification of constructionand is ready to contract the project execution andcompletion.
WHEREAS physical circumstances of this project; thestipulations of LAW OF CONTRACT, LAW OF CONSTRUCTION and otherrelated laws and regulations, in addition to the principles ofequality, voluntary, fairness and honesty.
NOWTHEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the covenantsherein, terms and provisions contained, the parties hereto makemutual agreement on this project as follows:
第1条:工程概况ArticleoneProject Overview
Project Name: excavation/ transport of foundation trench earthwork
1.2工程地点: ProjectPlace
1.3工程内容: ProjectContent
Earthwork excavation / transportation within 30cm depthfrom +2.3m to cushion the bottom above; excavation / transportationof concrete of breaking pile head; treatment,excavation/transportation of obstacles underground and protectionof cultural relics in the period of earth excavation; paving andrepairing of temporary road within excavation site and dumpingsite, and other issues related to the earthwork.
Project Scale: excavation / transport of foundation trenchearthwork,including cooperation of the execution of trenchmaintenance company and meet the requirementthereof.
Excavator, dump truckand bulldozer and other machines which are used for excavation /transportation of trench earthwork will be prepared by party Bitself. Earth should be transported to the places which, within theproject site, are appointed by party A, including temporary siteand other place appointed by party A for stacking, backfill, thedistance about 3 Km. Earth pile in the waste soil site is within 4meters, for which the cost is taken into the earthwork unitprice.
1.5工程造价:Project Cost
Quantity of earthwork excavation is subject to theexcavated scale of party A’s survey and setting line and determinethe depth thereof by combining with the approval of bottomelevation of execution schedule. Quantity of earthwork is madesettlement on actual works and the specific calculation thereof issubject to the effective area multiplied by the excavation depthwithin the designated scale. The elevation prior to and afterexcavation will be terminated jointly by parties hereto.Comprehensive unit price of earth work is Yuan/ cubic meter, which, being exclusive of taxes, include the pricesof excavation, transportation and stack using machinery under partyA’s requirement.
第2条:承包方式ArticleTwoContracting Means
本工程采取固定总价承包方式。 Fixedprice is practicable to this project.
第3条:工期 ArticleThreeProject Period
Project period of trench earthwork is provisionallyscheduled for 30 days which from the date of commencement by partyA’s notice, where delay of work’s period due to party A’s reasonwhich is confirmed by party A, may be duly postponed. Provided thatif failure of completion or suspension of project arising out of orrelating to alteration of design and / or other reasons beyondparty B ‘s ability to resist or overcome, the completion date shallbe duly postponed.
第4条:付款方式 ArticleFourPayment
订立合同后乙方设备进场并开始施工时,甲方支付10% 工程款 ,进度至第二层支撑底时付款至30% ,工程完工付款至50% ,余款在此后三个月内付清。
Initial payment of 10% of total cost is effected by party Aafter conclusion of this contract and party B’s equipment enteringinto site for execution, 30% of cost payment will be effected onthe progress to supporting bottom of second layer, 50% of costpayment will be effected on completion of project and the balancewill be paid off within three months thereafter.
第5条:工程变更 ArticleFiveAlteration of Project
Parties hereto should carry out the execution pursuant tothe approved document and drawings of this project, where innecessary to change or alter design during construction, thealteration procedure should be processed by parties hereto and theproject cost should, at the date of completion settlement, be madeadjustment thereof.
Provided that if work period is effected or delayed by suchalteration or the liabilities of party A or design company, workperiod should be duly postponed, however where due to party B’sliability, work period can not be postponed.
第6条:各方义务与责任 ArticleSixLiabilities and Responsibilities of Parties
6.1甲方义务:Liabilities andresponsibilities of party A
Active and reasonable preparation of excavation is made toensure party B’s utilization rate of machinery andequipment.
Party A should, prior to party B entering into the site,make the accese of site smooth to public road and connect water,electricity and telecommunication line to the site, for which therelevant expense shall be account of party B.
Prior to commencement of work conduct the design briefingand joint check-up of drawings of all aspects of foundation trenchto party B in addition to submission of data of engineering geologyand underground pipeline, and process the inspection of levelpoint, control points of coordinates on-site under witness ofparties hereto and project supervisor.
Thebuilding materials for the road which is for mud transportingvehicle access shall be supplied by party A and the machinery forbuilding road shall be supplied by party B. The work quantity ofmachinery will be confirmed on-site by party A, the measured dataon-site by joint survey of parties hereto will be deemed as thebasis of settlement.
Responsible for foundation trench support, the execution,supervision and daily maintenance of deep well, if, any increaseddifficulty of construction or extension of project time due to thereasons of party A’s support of trench or failure of lower water,the added cost of project shall be on account of party A, and partyA should make compensation for party B’s all loss which arisingtherefrom.
6.2乙方义务:Liabilities and responsibilities of partyB
Conduct active cooperation with party A’s arrangement andmeet the requirements of the safety, schedule and quality of entirefoundation trench project.
Party B should undertake the liability of safety duringconstruction, bear the expense for accident in work and makecompensation for the loss arising therefrom to party A.
Dispatch surveyor to carry out the measure andsetting line of excavation scope in addition to the check-up ofbottom elevation during excavation.
Party B should responsible for dispatching sufficientmanpower, material resource including labor and machinery toparticipate in the construction, and as per party A’s requirementat any time increase or decrease the deployment of vehicles andmachinery to conduct excavation on the working areas which arerequired separately by party A so as to satisfy project progress ofemployer.
第8条:质量验收标准 ArticleSixStandard of Quality Acceptance
10.1 本合同双方签字盖章后生效,工程竣工验收,交付签证,款项结清后失效,本合同一式份,
10.2 本合同如有未尽事宜,甲乙双方协商解决。
Alldisputes arising from the execution of, or in connection with, thiscontract shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation. Incase no settlement can be reached through negotiation. The caseshall be then submitted to _____ (a third party), in accordancewith its arbitral rules of procedure. The decision shall beaccepted as final and binding upon both parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties hereto has caused thiscontract to be executed by its duly authorized representative onthe date first set forth above.
甲方(盖章):Party A ( Seal)乙方(盖章):Party B ( Seal)
Legal Representative or Deputy for Party ALegal Representative or Deputy for Party B
土方工程施工方案Construction scheme of earthwork
第一套方案:Scheme No. One
土方工程施工方案 Construction Plan forFoundation Pit
一、工程概况 General Situation of project
Inthe project, foundation and its elevations of foundation base are-4.1m、-3.9m、-3.75m. Purchases of civilworks already subcontracted respectively. Our company needs to dosome works relating to cleaning base foundation, detecting bydrill, inspecting foundation subsoil and backfilling in theproject.
二、土方清土 Cleaning of earthwork
本工程机械挖土标高控制在基底 300mm处,余下土方改用人工清槽至基底标高,标高误差和平整度均严格按规范标准执行。挖土接近坑底时,由现场专职测量员用水平仪将水准标高引测至坑底。将水平仪置于坑底,每隔4~6m设置一标高控制点,纵横向组成标高控制网,以准确控制基坑标高。
Inthis project, excavating elevation made by machine should becontrolled in the place of 300mm of base foundation. The restearthwork should be cleaned by people until it reaches basefoundation elevation. Elevation deviation and plainness should bestrictly executed according to relevant standards. When excavatingthe soil closing to the bottom of pit, professional measurer shouldhave level elevation to be made projection measurement to bottom ofpit by using water level gauge. Water level gauge should be putinto the bottom of pit; one elevation control point should be madeevery 4 to 6m. Elevation control network will be made by transverseand longitudinal directions in order to accurately controlelevation of base foundation.
三、土方钎探及验槽 Detecting by drill and inspecting foundationsubsoil
Thearrangement pattern of probe hole of earthwork drill should bedetermined in accordance with groove width. If groove width is morethan 200cm, cinquefoil pattern should be adopted and its spacinginterval is 1.5m, hole depth is 2.0m.
Ifdrill can not continue, it is better to ask for instruction fromchief of engineering department. Drill can be shifted to anotherplace properly. You’d better drill and fill hammer blow timescasually.
Onthe plan of arranging drill hole, the number of hard or soft holesshould be marked so that designer and surveyor can analyze andhandle them.
After detection by drill is finished, inspection offoundation subsoil should be made and cushion coat should beconstructed promptly.
四、土方回填 Earthwork backfilling
Inthis project, the positions of earthwork backfilling includebackfilling of foundation trench soil and subsoil on the raftfoundation.
1、基槽回填土施工Construction of backfillingfoundation trench soil
Waterproof protection of basement shouldbe qualified by acceptance of concealed work;
The cleaning of sundries and water infoundation trench should be finished;
Post-pouring strip on concrete exteriorwall should be plugged. The sketch is as follows:
(2)施工工艺流程Technological process ofconstruction
基坑(槽)清理→检验土质 →分层填土→夯打密实 →找平验收(环刀取样)
Cleaning foundation pit (trench) → testingsoil → filling soil inlayer → hammeringcompactly→leveling, inspecting and accepting (ringsampling)
(3)土方回填施工要点Main points of earthwork backfillingconstruction
1)压实系数0.95。Compaction coefficient is 0.95.
Before construction, compaction test should be made.Optimum moisture content and compacting times should be determinedin accordance with test result.
3)回填土应分层铺摊,蛙式打夯机每层需铺土厚度为200~250 mm;人工打夯处不大于200mm。每层铺摊后随之耙平。回填土每层至少夯打三遍。打夯应一夯压半夯,夯夯相连,行行相连,纵横交叉。
Backfilling soil should be spread in layer. Frog hammerneeds thickness of spreading soil is 200mm to 250mm every layer;hand hammer needs thickness of spreading soil is not more than200mm. After soil of every layer is spread, it should be rakedsmooth. Backfilling soil of every layer should be hammered at lestthree times. When hammering, one hammer should press half hammer;hammer connecting with other hammer, crisscross.
After backfilling soil of every layer is filled, ringsampling should be done according to specification. Dry density ofbackfilling soil should be tested. Only meets the requirement,another soil can be spread on this layer. After all soil is filled,stretched wire method of aligning on the surface should be made. Ifthe place is higher than permissible error, it should be leveleddown based on wire. If the place is lower than standard height, isshould be backfilled and hammered.
土方工程施工方案 Construction Plan forFoundation Pit
1、工程概况Overview ofProject
Elevations of terrace slab, beam and caps are different andcap density is large, with small spacing after excavation, so eacharea is fully excavated to bottom of beam bedding course (beamswith higher or lower elevations shall be treated otherwise), thenthe cap foundation trenches are dug (spacing between caps in sameaxis is very small). Large scale excavation is done with capfoundation trench excavation. Earth between caps shall be retainedas far as possible to reduce earth works and backfillworks.
工作面按支模与排水每边50cm 左右考虑,同时放坡系数考虑为1:0.3。
50cmis left for drainage and form board at each side and the slopinggradient is 1:0.3.
Excavated soil is transported through dump trucks (equippedas per demand) to north and south ends of the site or the placeappointed by the proprietor.
Excavated soil is transported through dump trucks to thesides of foundation trench and backfilled through backhoeexcavators and tower cranes. Backfilled soil is compacted layer bylayer through vibrating hammers and frog hammers. Ring sampler testis carried out as per code requirements and compactioncoefficient λc≥0.92 shall be ensured. If excavator works in thefoundation trench, soil not less than 800mm shall be paved over capand terrace beam and walkway plates shall be added forprotection.
Notemporary roads are built for soil transport vehicles and walkwayplates are used to pave temporary service roads.
Openand hidden creek soil, if any, shall be removed and replaced withgood plain soil and compacted layer by layer or replaced with sandor concrete.
2、土方开挖施工准备Preparations for earthwork construction
Construction schemes and drawings shall be checked andstudied know excavation routes, sequence, range, elevation offoundation trench, slope gradient, drainage measures and locationsof sump holes, moreover, axes, elevations and gray lines shall bechecked.
Information about topography, ground and undergroundbarriers (cables, pipelines and so on) within working section shallbe familiar. Construction site and roads shall be leveled to ensuresmooth traffic for soil transport vehicles, if necessary, temporaryroads shall be paved using walkway plates.
Preparations shall be made for drainage and gutter shall betrimmed.
Excavators and transport vehicles shall be prepared andworkers and team order shall be well organized and materials likeshovel, pickax and safe guard articles shall beprepared.
测量放线及测量桩点的保护:Protectionof lines and piles:
Before excavation, all gauge piles for buildings withinsite shall be accurately measured. If displacement of gauge pilesand control pegs occurs during construction of pile foundation,treatment scheme shall be made with the cooperation of supervisionunit and development unit.
Roads nearby site and in-site temporary facilities shall bepositioned and marked for observation.
Before excavation of foundation trench, sidelines forearthwork shall be drawn as per construction drawings and buildingaxes and excavation flow shall be determined.
Toprevent earth digging machines affecting piles, positions of allpile axes and reference points within excavation range areprojected to outside places and protected with steel bracketsbrushed with white paint.
After all piles and reference points are verified, theyshall be checked regularly by surveyor to ensure the accuracy ofcontrol points.
夜间施工照明的准备:Preparationsfor illumination for construction at night
During excavation offoundation trench, power is mainly consumed by night illuminationand minor overhaul in the site.
Allpower is led out from the distribution box and led to area ofexcavation through portable small jack box. Power for constructionshall be charged by specially appointed electrician and workers areforbidden to move power lines discretionarily.
Power lines for night illumination in construction siteshall be elevated through steel pipe stands and a number of 5KWdysprosium lamps shall be installed.
3、土方开挖Earth excavation
本工程土方开挖主要为地坪梁垫层底以上基坑大开挖、承台基坑或沟槽开挖,开挖时先边后内,先远后近,先挖上层,后挖下层,沿灰线按施工顺序开挖,并按支模与排水工作面每边50cm 、放坡系数1:0.3控制基坑尺寸与边坡。挖土接近至标高时,用水准仪跟测,严禁超挖,及时钉设基坑垫层标高点。露出的工程桩头及时撒白灰做标志,以确保挖土机不碰撞工程桩。由于部分工程桩高于设计标高、露出基坑上面,桩间采用小型挖掘机开挖,人工配合。开挖过程中,要注意随时补撒灰线,以确保基坑几何尺寸正确。每台挖土机配备清槽工4-5人,根据基坑内标高点清槽,将清槽余土抛至挖土机工作半径之内,随挖土机进度一次清至设计标高。
Earth works includes large scale excavation of foundationtrench above bottom of terrace beam bedding course and excavationof cap foundation trench. The excavation is performed from side toinside, from far to near, from top to bottom and along gray lines.50cm is left for drainage and form board at each side and thesloping gradient is 1:0.3. When digging to elevation, level is usedto survey to strictly prevent over-excavation. Elevation points ofbedding course in foundation trench shall be nailed. Exposed pileheads shall be timely marked with whitewash to prevent beingimpacted by excavators. Since some piles are higher than designedelevation and exposed out of foundation trench, small excavatorsare used to dig soil among piles, with manual operation forcooperation. Gray lines shall be supplemented during excavation toguarantee correct dimensions of foundation trench. 4-5 workersshall be assigned for each excavator for cleaning up trench. Trenchshall be cleaned up as per elevation points and the residual soilshall be thrown into range of working radius of excavator and thetrench shall be excavated to the designed elevation in singletime.
2-3dump trucks are equipped for each excavator for transporting soilto appointed points within site or points appointed by theproprietor. Two PC220-7backhoe excavators and one bulldozer areprovided to pile up soil at each point and special persons areappointed to direct traffic to ensure security.
After trench bottom is cleaned up and procedures forinspecting trench and concealed works are finished, construction ofbedding course shall be speeded up.
土方开挖注意事项Matters need attention
Slope shall be timely trimmed during excavation andgradient shall be regularly observed, if there is any abnormalsituation, construction shall be stopped and the situation shall bereported to superior department for taking measures to reinforcethe slope to improve its stability.
Treatment of settlement of foundation soil: soil shall beregularly observed to see whether it meets design requirementsduring excavation. If hidden creek exists under cap or elevatorfoundation or there is no old soil, silt and disturbed soil shallbe completely dug out and backfilled with concrete or graded sandand stone.
Drainage facilities shall be provided to drain rain waterand surface water from foundation trench.
Construction of foundation shall be speeded up to shortenconstruction period and exposure time to prevent soilrebound.
Excavation speed shall be slowed down when digging toelevation of trench bottom to prevent machines from touching pilesand disturbance of bottom soil.
Enough lights shall be provided during excavation andelectricians shall be on duty day and night.
Earthwork quality requirements and quality assurancemeasures
Slope and side lines shall conform to requirements; slopegradient is 1:0.3; steep slope shall be avoided; bottom soil shallnot be disturbed.
质量保证措施:Quality assurancemeasures:
Technical preparations and technical explanation shall bewell organized before commencement and construction technicians(section chief) and surveyors shall be familiar with drawings andmaster locations and dimensions of piles and reference points forsurveying.
Special surveyors shall be assigned to control quality,timely redraw gray lines and project excavation lines to trenchbottom. Elevation shall be controlled to prevent over-excavation.Height marks of whitewash shall be not less than two within 5msector excavation area. Pile heads shall be marked with whitewashto prevent being impacted by excavators.
Soilat trench end shall be excavated first during excavation of slopeand excavator shall advance along the center line aiming at thelower slope line. The slope shall be trimmed before earthexcavation.
Enough workers shall be assigned during earth excavationand 4~5 workers are assigned to each excavator forcleaning up trench and trimming slope and moving soil into workingradius of excavator, in this way, foundation trench is excavated atsingle time, which saves labor and reduces cost.
After earth excavation, concrete cushion shall be poured intime.
5、土方回填Backfilling of earthwork
Backfill can be executed after the acceptance of foundationcap.
Principally manual backfill is assisted by small machinery,backfilling soil is tamped in layers by frogrammers.
Trash and materials like formwork and rebar in foundationpit should be removed before backfilling.
Tamping in layers should be executed from peripheral toinside. Thickness of every layer should be no more than 300mm.Cutting ring test should be taken for backfillsoil.
Soilis backfilled with machine and manpower. Soil is transportedthrough dump trucks and paved with excavators and compacted withvibration and frog hammers layer by layer. Places unreachable bymachine are backfilled manually and compacted. If excavator works inthe foundation trench, soil not less than 800mm shall be paved overcap and terrace beam and walkway plates shall be added forprotection.
Soilis backfilled from trench bottom to top and compacted layer bylayer. Lines shall be marked on side walls of trench forcontrolling height of backfilled soil and soil layer is 20cm. Soilis backfilled simultaneously from two opposite sides or four sidesand compacted layer by layer. Deeper trench shall be backfilled toelevation of shallower trench and compacted first then it isbackfilled and compacted with shallow trench. If backfilling bystages and layers is necessary, the crossing section shall be madeinto staircase shape and the overlapping length of each layer shallnot be less than two times of backfilling thickness of each layerand the joints of upper and lower layer shall be staggered for atleast 1.0m.
Ifsoil with elastic deformation (commonly referred to as rubber soil)is discovered during compaction, it shall be removed and backfilledwith dry soil or soil with many sands.
Preparations shall be performed for rain prevention anddrainage to prvent surface water from flowing into foundationtrench. Backfill shall not be done during rainy days, if it isnecessary, the work shall be accomplished by sections as quick aspossible. Backfill materials like fragmental stone, sandy soil andcement are favorable. If the backfilled soil is immersed by water,the slime shall be shoveled off and backfilled.
Ringsampler test is carried out as per code requirements and compactioncoefficient λc≥0.92 shall be ensured.
回填土质量要求Quality requirements of backfill
Accumulated water, silt, saturated soil and sundries in thefoundation trench shall be removed beforebackfilling.
Backfill: raw soil with qualified water content is used;silt, mool and soil with organic impurities are not used; graindiameter shall not be more than 50mm. Water content shall becontrolled with optimum moisture content. Layer thickness is 300mm.surface planeness is 20mm.
Backfill shall be selected strictly as per requirements andwater content and compaction frequency shall be controlled toprevent settlement of backfill. Drainage measures, layer thickness,water content and compaction degree shall be checked duringbackfilling.
Backfill works shall be qualified and conform to standardsof quality evaluation. Standards for quality inspection andacceptance: elevation -50mm and compaction coefficient bylayer ≥0.92.
基坑降排水Foundation trench dewatering and draining
Groundwater level is high in this project and water bearingbed is destroyed during excavation and underground continuouslypermeates into foundation trench. Surface water also flows intofoundation trench in case of rain. Therefore, dewatering anddraining measures shall be taken for ground and trench to preventslope collapse and reduction of ground bearing capacity toguarantee the construction progress.
Opendraining ditches (300mm width, 300mm depth, gradient 0.1%) arebuilt at sides of foundation trench and sump holes (500×500×800)are built in southwest corner of each cap foundation trench orevery 20-30m in the foundation ditch and special workers areappointed to pump the accumulated water. The water is treatedthrough second-stage sedimentation and discharged into nearbyrivers (municipal rain water pipe network has not been constructed)to keep foundation trench dry.