MaterialsLetters的5道关卡 5 letters of surname

Materials Letters对文章篇幅严格限制在4页以内,图表不超过5幅,字数在2000字以内(以3幅图计算,增加一副图必须少200字,若5幅图则限制在1600字以内),否则文章肯定berejected。


Tofacilitate rapid publication, it is essential to precisely followthese instructions. Failure to do so can result in a delay orrejection of the manuscript forpublication.

To ensureatimely review you will be required to answer the followingquestions before your paper will be considered forreview.

Has yourpaper, or part of your paper, been published before, or is itcurrently submitted for review to anotherjournal?

Yes___ No____ (If yes, then do not submit your paper toMaterials Letters.)

Is the totalnumber of words less than 200?

Yes___ No___ (If greater than 2000, pleasereduce the number of words.)

Is thenumber of figures greater than 5?

MaterialsLetters的5道关卡 5 letters of surname

Yes___ No___ (If yes, then the paper will automatically berejected.)

Are thex-ray diffraction patterns indexed?

Yes___ No___ (If your x-ray patterns are not indexed, the paperwill be rejected for publication.)

Do themicrographs have professional quality scalemarkers?

Yes___ No___ (Please replace the black bar on SEM & TEMmicrographs with a professional quality scalemarker.)


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