Bring短语用法辨析 初中英语短语辨析视频


与bring构成的常见的短语有:bring about, bring back, bringdown, bring in , bring out, bring up, bring … …to a stop, bring ……to anend/close等,它们之间的用法很容易混淆.本文拟就这几个短语的特殊用法分别归纳如下,以飨读者。

1. bringabout带来,造成;使(船等)掉过头来

The openpolicy has brought about great changes.开放政策带来了巨大变革。

What has broughtabout his illness?


The driver broughtabout his taxi and picked up three passengers.


2bring back带回来,拿回来;使回忆起来;使恢复

Please bringme back the key to the bicycle.请单车钥匙带回来(给我)。

His story broughtback to them the days when they were in JinggangshanMountain.


The doctorbrought the patient back to health soon.不久医生就使这位病人恢复了健康。

Mrs. Webb, 26, issaid to be the first woman in Britain to have her hearing broughtback by acupuncture.



They have alreadybrought down the price of computers of this type.


The companydecided to bring down some of the oldworkshops.公司决定拆掉一些旧厂房。

4.bring in收割(庄稼等);生产,产出;挣得;引进/

They havebrought in a good cotton harvest this year.他们今年获得了棉花丰收。

The workersbrought in a wage of 800 Yuan per month.工人们每月八百余元工资。

5 bring out出版,生产;拿出,取出;说出;使显出,使(意义)明白表达出来

They professorbrought out three bottles, and filled them with oil, castor oil andvinegar.


The factorybrought out a new type oftractor.这家工厂生产一种新型拖拉机。

He was soexcited that he could hardly brought out athank-you.他激动得连一声“谢谢你”都说不出口。

When are youbringing out your daughter?你什么时候带女儿出来社交?

一个非常好的句子:A good wife can bringout the best quanlities in a husband.

6. bringup抚养,培养,教育,使成长;呕吐;提出

Jackie has brought up by hisbeloved uncle. 杰克是由他那敬爱的叔叔抚养成人的。

This is the place where I wasborn and brought up.这就是生我养我的地方。

The woman suddenly fell ill andbrought up what she ate.那妇女突然病例并呕吐不止。

Bring短语用法辨析 初中英语短语辨析视频

The chairman brought up aproblem for discussion/consideration.主席提出一个问题供大家讨论/考虑。

7bring……to astop使停止,使停住

The driverbrought the Audi car to a sudden stop.那司机把他的奥迪车突然停下来。

8bring……to a close/ an end结束,使完结

At last theybrought the Marathon meeting to a close.他们终于结束了马拉松式的会议。


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