新东方许泽传 2013.10
★ 四级词汇: 119 个
★★ 六级词汇: 50 个
★★★ 雅思、托福及以上词汇: 75 个
★★★ ritualn.惯例
★★★ take a leap offaith 信心剧增
Every morning it's the same. Juice, shoes, backpack, the morningritual. And with it comes the uneasy feeling. No matter who we areor what neighborhood we live in, each morning, wanting to believein our schools......we take a leap of faith.每个早晨都是一样:果汁,鞋子,书包,早晨的老一套,还有一种不舒服的感觉,不管我们是谁,或者我们住在哪里,每个早晨,都希望相信我们的学校……我们没有把握地相信着。
★★★ documentary n.纪录片
★★ dedicate vt.致力于,献身
★★ embody v.体现
In 1999, I made a documentary about public schoolteachers......and I spent an entire school year watching themdedicate their lives to children.- These teachers embodied a hopeand carried with them a promise that the idea of public schoolcould work.1999年,我拍摄了一部关于公立学校老师的纪录片……我花了一整个学年,看着他们为孩子付出了全部的精力,这些老师表现出希望和对他们的承诺,承诺公立学校一样可以很好。
★ betrayvt.违背
And so every morning, betraying the ideals I thought I lived by,I drive past three public schools as I take my kids to a privateschool. 所以每个清晨,违背着我本来觉得我一直相信的事,我开车经过三所公立学校,把我的孩子们送到私立学校。
★★★ pin one's hopes on sth.寄希望于
★ bouncev.弹跳
★★ randoma.随机的
★ sequencen.次序
But I'm lucky. I have a choice. Other families pin their hopesto a bouncing ball, a hand pulling a card from a box, or a computerthat generates numbers in random sequence. Because when there's agreat public school, there aren't enough spaces, and so we dowhat's fair: We place our children and their future in the hands ofluck.但我是幸运的,我可以选择,其他的家庭把他们的希望寄托于那个跳跃的小球,一只从盒子里抽卡片的手或者随机选择数字的电脑。因为如果有一所很好的公立学校没有足够的空间给所有的孩子,所以我们做了公平的决定:我们把孩子的未来交给运气来决定。
★★ prediction n.预言
★ peern.同龄人
★ perspective n.观点,看法
★ heartless a.残酷的,无情的
Kids look at the world and they make certain predictions basedon the evidence they are receiving from their peers, from theirparents and from their teachers. From their perspective, the worldis a heartless, cold-blooded place, because they realize they'vebeen given the short end of the stick, and they don't know why.孩子们看着这个世界,他们作出的各种预测,基于来自同龄人、父母和老师的信息。在他们看来,这个世界非常残酷冷血,因为他们意识到他们的情况很糟糕,并且不知道原因。
★★★ envision v.想象
I never did envision having children. It's... It's something,cause they grow so fast, and you just see so many different thingswith them. 我从未想过要抚养孩子,这…很复杂,因为他们长得那么快,你会在他们身上发现很多不同的事。
★ careern.事业
When you go to college, you learn, you get your education, andyou don't get a job, you get a career, that there's a difference.你上了大学以后,你学到东西,获得良好的教育,你得到的就不是一份工作,而是你的事业,这就不一样了。
★★★ empty lipservice 说得好听的空话
★★★ bickering n.争吵
★ conservative a.保守的
★★ Republican a.共和党的
★★ DemocraticParty 民主党
★★★ liberal wing自由派
★ putaside 撇开
★★★ partisan a.党派的
In January of 2002, after decades of empty lip service andpolitical bickering, it seemed for a moment that what had provedimpossible might suddenly be possible. Two men, a conservativeRepublican president and a leader of the liberal wing of theDemocratic Party, were ready to put aside their partisandifferences for the sake of America's children.2002年一月,在那些空头支票一样的承诺几十年以后,以及那些政治口角,似乎有一阵,那些不可能的事变得有些可能了。两个人,一个共和党的主席和一个民主党的领袖,准备放党派分歧于一边,为了美国的孩子。
★★ proficient a.熟练的,精通的
★ scoren.得分,分数
In Alabama, only 1 8 percent of eighth graders are proficient inmath, and next door in Mississippi, it's only 1 4 percent. And it'snot just Southern states. New Jersey, 40 percent. Connecticut, 35percent. New York, 30 percent. Arizona, 26 percent. And inCalifornia, just 24 percent of eighth graders are proficient inmath. When eighth graders across the country were tested forreading, most scored between 20 and 35 percent of grade level. Theworst scores for reading are in Washington, D.C., our nation'scapital.在阿拉巴马州,只有18%的八年级生熟练掌握数学,隔壁的密西西比州,只有14%。不只是南方的州,新泽西州,40%,康涅狄格州,35%,纽约州,30%,亚利桑那州,26%。在加利福尼亚州,只有24%的八年级生能熟练使用数学。当全国的八年级生在接收阅读测试的时候,大多数的达标率都是20%到35%,阅读分数最差的是华盛顿特区,我们国家的首都。
★★★ veterinarian n.兽医
★ surgeonn.外科医生
I want to go to a medical college or a veterinarian college tostudy about people and animals, because I really want to become asurgeon. 我想上医学院,或者兽医学校,学习人类和动物,因为我真的很想成为一个外科医生。
★★★ algebra n.代数
★★ proficient a.熟练的,精通的
Daisy's path to medical school begins with eighth grade algebra,which she'll need to take when she moves up to Stevenson MiddleSchool. By the time she leaves Stevenson, only 13 percent of herclassmates will be proficient in math.Daisy打算去医学院的想法从八年级学代数的时候开始,她需要学这个以进入Stevenson中学,她离开Stevenson的时候,她的同学中只有13%的人可以熟练地掌握数学。
★ suburbn.郊区
★ rurala.乡村的
★ elementaryschool 小学
★ dropoutn.中途退学
Balfanz began to see a pattern: in cities, suburbs and ruralareas, failing elementary and middle schools, feeding poorlyeducated students into local high schools, where they last one ortwo years. In his research, he found over 2,000 dropout factories.Balfaz博士认识到这个问题:在市区、郊区、乡村,失败的小学和中学给本地高中输送的都是学习状况很差的学生,他们一般只能坚持一两年,在他的研究里,他发现了超过2000所这样的“辍学工厂”。
★★★ sophomoren.大二学生
Between ninth and tenth grade at this school, they go from 1,200freshmen to 300 to 400 sophomores. So, we lose, you know, 800 kidsbetween ninth and tenth grade.在九年级和十年级之间,从1200个新生变成了三四百个二年级生,所以,我们在九年级和十年级之间失去了80个孩子。
★ drop out 退出,放弃
★★ diploman.文凭
Millions of kids are walking the streets who have no vestedinterest in living. They dropped out of school. They have nodiplomas. They have no skills.几百万的孩子在街上游荡,生活没有明确目标,他们从学校退学,没有学位,没有技能。
★ aspirationn.志向
Most of the kids had no aspirations. They had no clue where theywere going. 这里大多数孩子都没有理想和抱负,也不知道他们要去哪里。
★ dropoutn.退学学生
★★★ inmaten.囚犯
Sixty-eight percent of inmates in Pennsylvania are high schooldropouts. The state spends $33,000 a year on eachprisoner......which makes the total cost of the average prison term$1 32,000. The average private school cost $8,300 a year. So, forthe same amount, we could have sent a prison inmate to a privateschool from kindergarten through 12th grade, and still had over$24,000 left for college.宾夕法尼亚州68%的囚犯都是从高中辍学了的,州政府每年在每个囚犯身上的花费是33000美元……也就是说每个改造周期(四年)的花费是132000美元,私立学校的平均花费是每年8300美元。所以,同样数目的钱,我们可以把一个囚犯送去私立学校,从幼儿园读到12年级,还可以省下24000美元给大学。
★ recreation n.娱乐
★ securityn.安全措施
It's a very expensive hotel, man. You gotta feed them threemeals a day. You have to provide recreation. You have to providesecurity. You have to provide medical care. These guys don't paytaxes. They don't work. It's money that goes one way only.这可是个非常昂贵的宾馆,你得提供一日三餐,还得提供娱乐活动,安保设施,还要提供医疗保障,这些人不纳税,不工作,钱只有源源不断地花出去。
★ pledgev.发誓
★★★ allegiance n.忠诚,拥护
★★★ indivisible a.不可分割的
★ libertyn.自由
★ justicen.公正
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God,indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.我向美利坚合众国的国旗宣誓我的拥护和忠诚,向它代表的这个共和政体,在上帝保护下的国家,不可分割的整体,人人自由平等。
★ automatically ad.自动地
★ be enrolled in v.被编入
This is Sousa. It's a middle school. This is basically ourneighborhood school. So when our children leaves Kimball, theywould automatically be enrolled in Sousa.这是Sousa中学,是个初中,这就是我们社区的中学了,所以孩子们从Kimball小学毕业以后,他们会自动升入Sousa初中。
★★★ sinkholen.排水沟
★ oddsn.可能性
Most will go to John Philip Sousa, which the Washington Postcalled "an academic sinkhole." If Anthony goes to Sousa, odds are,he will enter high school three to five grade levels behind.大多数孩子会升入John PhilipSousa中学,被华盛顿邮报评为“污水池”的一个学校,如果Anthony去了Sousa中学,他应该会在进入高中的时候,比平均水准低三到五个等级。
★ count on依靠,指望
★★★ crappya.劣质的,蹩脚的
You wake up every morning and you know that 46,000 kids arecounting on you, and that most of them are getting a really crappyeducation right now, and you have the ability to do something aboutthat. 你每天早上醒来,想到有46000个孩子指望着你,他们之中的大多数人,正在接受着很差的教育,你有能力来做出改变。
★★★ mayoral a.市长的
★ appointvt.任命
★★★ chancellorn.校长,高级官员
Within the last hour, I signed a mayoral order to appointMichelle Rhee as acting chancellor of the District of ColumbiaPublic Schools. 在刚过去的一个小时里,我签署了一份市长令,任命MichelleRhee为华盛顿特区公立学校的校长。
★★★ frenzyn.疯狂
In 2007, the education world went into a frenzy over thepossibility that Michelle Rhee and D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty couldactually turn around the school district.2007年,教育界陷入激烈的讨论,关于Michelle Rhee和华盛顿特区的市长Adrian Fenty能否实际上改善教育的现状。
★ principaln.校长
★★ superintendent n.主管,负责人
Fenty picked somebody who had never gotten a Ph.D., who had onlybeen a teacher three years, hadn't been a principal, hadn't been asuperintendent anywhere else, and said she was going to tear up thedistrict. Fenty市长选了一个没有博士学位的人,只当了三年老师,也没有当过校长、负责人,说她会彻底改变这里。
★★ superintendent n.主管,负责人
★★ predecessorn.前任
★ radicala.彻底的
Michelle Rhee is the seventh superintendent of the D.C. schoolsin just ten years. Each of her predecessors promised radicalchange, and that this time, they could turn their schools around.MichelleRhee已经是第七任校长了,在短短10年间,每个之前的校长都承诺会有大的改进,他们可以完全改善学校的现状。
★ federalgovernment 联邦政府
★ conflicting a.相矛盾的
★★ autonomous a.独立自主的
★ boardn.委员会
★★ tangleda.纠缠的,混乱的
★ agendan.议程
Here's why: The federal government passes laws and sends moneyto the states, but the states fund schools, too, and set their own,often-conflicting standards. And there are more than 1 4,000autonomous school boards......making school governance
a tangled mess of conflicting regulations and mixed agendas.原因是:联邦政府通过了法律把教育经费分给各个州,但是各个州也在成立学校,自己的学校,通常就会引发一些相矛盾的标准。有超过14000个自己学校的入学考试……让学校管理变得很混乱,因为那些矛盾的管理规章和混在一起的日程。
★ boardn.委员会
★★ superintendent n.主管,负责人
★★★ impediment n.障碍物
★★ collectively ad.共同地
★★★ Goliathn.巨人
You've got local school boards, people from the StateDepartments of Education, Federal Department of Education, districtsuperintendents and their huge staffs. This whole collection ofpeople, which is sometimes called "The Blob," like out of somehorror movie, has been an impediment to reform. No individual isnecessarily
to blame, but collectively, they are the Goliath of the system.你有来自当地学校的,州教育部的,还有联邦教育部,区负责人,还有他们庞大的人员的各种压力,我们所做的这些想让我们学校变得更好的事,正在变得阻碍他们的进行,这一群人,有时候也被称为“小团体”,就像一些恐怖电影,已经开始阻碍改革,没有哪个单独的人会被责怪,但放在一起,他们是整个系统的阻碍。(Goliath,圣经中被牧羊人大卫杀死的巨人,比喻阻碍)
★ proceedv.接着做
★★★ screw up 弄糟,破坏
Right. The city government gives the District of Columbia PublicSchools, the Central Office, a pile of money, to your point. Andthe Central Office then proceeds to screw everything up.是的,政府给了特区公立学校的中央办公室一大笔钱。你说对了,而办公室接着搞砸所有的事情。
★ tacklev.处理
★★ bureaucracyn.官僚主义
★ uttera.完全的
★★★ accountability n.责任
Michelle Rhee's first move would be to tackle the problems ofher vast bureaucracy. I mean, this district did not become the waythat it is by accident. There's a complete and utter lack ofaccountability for the job that we're supposed to be doing, whichis producing results for kids. MichelleRhee的第一步就是解决庞大的官僚冗余问题,我是说,特区教育变成这样并非偶然,这完全是因为对自己教育孩子的工作没有责任感。
★ curriculumn.总课程
A bad teacher covers only 50 percent of the required curriculumin a school year. A good teacher can cover 1 50 percent.一个差老师在一学年里只能教50%的规定课程,一个好老师可以教150%。
★★★ back pay 欠薪
★★★ provision n.规定,条款
★ contractn.合同
★★★ tenuren.终身职位
★ guaranteev.确保
Howard Fuller fired the worst teachers in the video, but wasforced to rehire them with a year's back pay because of a provisionin the teachers' contract called "tenure," which guaranteed theirjobs for life. HowardFuller把视频里最差的老师解雇了,但是他被迫用一年的欠薪来把他们重新聘用,因为教师的合同里有个条款叫“长期聘用”,保证他们终生都有这份工作。
★★★ tenuren.终身职位
★★ arbitrary a.任意的,专制的
★ grantv.授予
★★★ gruelinga.繁重而累人的
★★★ vettingprocess 审批程序
★ automatic a.自动的
The idea of tenure started in universities. It was meant toprotect professors from getting fired for arbitrary or politicalreasons. In universities, professors are only granted tenure aftermany years of teaching and a grueling vetting process, and manydon't receive it. But for public school teachers, tenure has becomeautomatic.这个“终生聘用”制度来源于大学,本来是要保护教授们不被解雇,因为主观或政治原因。在大学里,教授们只有在教书多年后,才有“终身聘用”,而且会有很严格的审查,很多人都无法得到。但是对于公立学校的老师们来说,终身制变成了自动的条款。
★★★ tenuren.终身职位
★★ irrelevanta.不相关的

★★★ lousya.糟糕的
You can get tenure basically if you continue to breathe for twoyears, you'll get it, and whether or not you can help children istotally irrelevant to whether or not...And once you get tenure, wecannot get rid of you. Almost no matter what you do, you are therefor life, even if it's proven you're a lousy teacher.你可以轻松地获得终身制,只要工作两年就行。不管你能否帮助孩子们都毫无干系。一旦你得到了这个终身制,学校就不能解雇你,基本上不管你做了什么,你都可以在那里呆一辈子,即使你是个很差劲的老师。
★ on strike 罢工
★ tolerablea.可忍受的
American educators, organizing into unions, on strike againstconditions they consider no longer tolerable.美国的教育界人士,形成了联盟,来反抗那些他们无法接受的条款。
★★★ recourse n.依靠
★★ routinelyad.通常地
★ take advantageof 利用
★★★ infantilize vt.将成人当作婴儿对待
Teachers had little protection or recourse from a system thatroutinely took advantage of them. Teachers organized becausethey're in that situation where they're infantilized and told whatto do. And yet, in their classroom, they know they have these hugeresponsibilities, and so they said, "Look, how am I going to getthe power?"老师们没有保障和求助对像,教育系统一直在压榨他们,教师们联合起来,因为他们处在被命令、被要求怎么做的情况里。在教室里,他们知道他们有如此大的责任,所以他们说,“我怎么样才能有这些力量?”
★ advocatev.提倡
If you care about the students you teach, if you wanna make adifference in their lives, if you wanna advocate for what theybelieve in, you have to go where the decision-makers are.如果你关心你教的学生,如果你想让他们的人生做出改变,如果你想拥护他们的信仰,你得去找那些决议者。
★★★ DemocraticParty美国民主党
★★ subsidiaryn.附属机构
★★★ Republican Party美国共和党
At the national level, the Democratic Party was a wholly ownedsubsidiary of the teachers' unions on education policy. Now, at thestate level, where a lot of policy is made, the Republican Partywas also, and continues to be, very tied in with the teachers'unions.在国家范围内,民主党完全是教师联盟在教育政策上的附属物,现在,在州的范围内,很多政策被制定,共和党也一直跟教师联盟联系紧密。
★ distinctionn.区别
The teachers' unions, in general, have taken a position that Idon't think is actually in their own interest, but the positionthat they've taken is that we shouldn't make any distinctions amongteachers. A teacher is a teacher is a teacher.教师联盟总的来说已经选好了立场,而我觉得这立场也不是为了他们的利益,但是他们的立场就是,我们不应该区别对待老师,老师就是老师。
★ evaluation n.评估
★★★ colloquially ad.用通俗语地
So, this is an evaluation process for all teachers. It's calledthe Professional Performance Evaluation Process, or colloquiallythe P-PEP. 这是给所有教师的一个评估程序,叫做“职业行为评估测试”,简称P-PEP
★ initiala.最初的
★ observation n.观察
★ principaln.校长
It has 23 steps. There is an initial conference at the beginningof the year. Weekly assistance must be provided. Then theobservation has to occur, it has to be a certain number of minutes.Then there's a post conference which needs to happen after theobservation. Over those 90 days, the principal must do three moreobservations.有23步,首先在年初要召开初步会议,每周给那些老师提供援助,然后要听一段时间的课,听课后又要开总结会,这样90天后,校长必须再听3节课。
★★ be subjectto 遭受
★★★ grievance n.抱怨,申诉
There's lots of forms and dates and deadlines that have to befollowed, and if a single date is missed, for whatever reason, theentire process can be subject to grievance.有很多表格、完成期限需要遵守,哪怕错过了一个日期,不管出于什么原因,就会有人抱怨整个程序有问题。
★★ bureaucratn.官僚主义者
Jason Kamras is not just a cold-hearted bureaucrat. In 2005, hewas named teacher of the year. JasonKamras并不只是个冷血刻板的当官的,2005年,他被评为年度教师。
★★★ contradictory a.相互矛盾的
★★ menacen.威胁
★★★ impediment n.障碍物
It's very, very important to hold two contradictory ideas inyour head at the same time. Teachers are great, a nationaltreasure. Teachers' unions are, generally speaking, a menace and animpediment to reform.把这两个相反的想法同时考虑是非常重要的,教师们很重要,他们是国家的财富,教师联盟总的来说,对改革是威胁和阻碍。
★★ superintendent n.主管,负责人
★ assignv.分配,指派
I'm a superintendent. I'm assigning kids over to a school. Theday I send them over there, I know they aren't gonna learn nothing,'cause nobody learned anything over there in 20 years.我是一个负责人,我给孩子们分配学校,我把他们送进学校的那天,就知道他们什么也学不到,因为过去20年都没有人能学到什么。
★★★ provisionn.规定,条款
This is one of my, what they call 'two-80-T'." What that is, isa provision in the contract that provided what we call the "danceof the lemons." 这是我的 2-80-T,那时合同里一项条款的序号,它导致了所谓的“柠檬舞”的产生。
★ principaln.校长
★★ chronicallyad.长期地
Principals have their lemons. These are teachers who arechronically bad.
★★★ tenuren.终身职位
★★★ disciplinary hearing纪律听证会
★ offensen.违反,过错
★ excessivea.过分的,极度的
★★★ sexual abuse性虐待
★ accusev.指责,控告
★★ incompetencen.无能力,不胜任
★★ reassignmentn.再次分配
Tenured teachers awaiting disciplinary hearings on offensesranging from excessive lateness to sexual abuse, along with thoseaccused of incompetence, are sent to the reassignment center orwhat the rest of the world calls the "Rubber Room."因为频繁迟到、性骚扰等各种过错而等待惩戒听证会的有终身任期的教师,和被指责不负责任的教师一起,被送到调职中心,也就是所谓的“橡胶室”
★ eliminate v.淘汰
If, in fact, we could just eliminate the bottom six to tenpercent of our teachers and replace them with an average teacher,we could bring the average U.S. student up to the level of Finland,which is at the top of the world today.实际上,我们只要淘汰队伍中垫底的6%到10%的教师,代之以平均水平的教师,就能够把美国学生的平均水平提高到芬兰的水平,即世界领先水平。
★ attorneyn.律师
★★★ credentialn.证书
For doctors, one in 57 lose their medical licenses. One in 97attorneys lose their law licenses. But for teachers, only one in2,500 have ever lost their teaching credentials.对于医生来说,57个就有一个丢掉行医执照,97个律师中就有一个丢掉律师执照,但对于教师来说,只有2500分之一丢掉了教师资格证。
★ decenta.像样的
★ craftn.手艺
It took me three years to become a decent teacher before Ireally learned my craft, and in about five years, I was a masterteacher. 我用了三年才成为了一个比较像样的老师,学会了这门手艺,大概5年后,我才成为特级教师。
★ infinitea.极大的
★ resistv.抵抗
★ defeatv.击败
When Geoffrey Canada pushed for change, he was met at every stepby a system with an infinite power to resist and defeat hisreforms. Geoffrey Canada推行改革时,每走一步都会碰到来自体系的巨大阻力,击败他的改革。
★★★ charter school特许学校
★ controversial a.有争议的
★★★ lotteryn.彩票抽奖
Charter schools were a controversial experiment: public schoolswith public money, but independently run. When there's limitedspace, by law the school must hold a lottery.特许学校是一个有争议的尝试:公立学校,公立资金,但独立运行,当学校空间有限,根据法律学校必须通过摇号来决定。
★★ petitionv.(向政府)正式请求
★★★ charter school特许学校
Geoffrey Canada petitioned to start a charter school in theworst-performing district in New York State.Geoffrey Canada请求在纽约州目前教育状况最差的一个区开办一所特许学校。
★ guarantee vt.保证
Your child comes to this school, we will guarantee that we willget your child into college. We will be with you, with your child,from the moment they enter our school to the moment they graduatefrom college.你的孩子来到这所学校,我们保证会将你的孩子送进大学。我们会和你,和你的孩子一直在一起,从他们进入学校的这一刻起,到他们从大学毕业。
★★ tuitionn.学费
Bianca's school is directly across the street from their home.Every month, Nakia pays $500 tuition. It's a struggle. It's astruggle, but it's a choice that I made. It's my responsibility tomy child.Bianca的学校就在家对面,每个月,Nakia都要交500美元的学费。这很艰难,这很难,但我做了这个决定,这是我对孩子应有的责任。
★ controversyn.争论
★★★ chancellor n.校长,高级官员
There's nothing short of a firestorm surrounding the future ofthe D.C. Public School system. At the center of the controversy,new schools chancellor, Michelle Rhee.对于华盛顿的公立学校系统来说,它已经处在一个大爆发的状态,而争议的中心人物就是新任校长Michelle Rhee。
★ principaln.校长
★★ terminate v.停止,终止
★★ outragen.愤怒
D.C. School Chancellor Michelle Rhee will not name names, butmore than 30 school principals are being terminated this week. Noshortage of outrage tonight among parents and teachers caught up inthe district's plan to close nearly two dozen public schools.Fifty-seven teachers and 77 support staff are having to reapply fortheir jobs. 华盛顿公立学校校长MichelleRhee虽然不会公布详细名单,但本周已经有30多所学校的校长被免职,今晚家长和教师们都难以抑制地愤慨,特区已经关闭了将近30所公立学校,57名教师和77名工作人员被迫得重新申请他们的工作。
★ turn a blind eyeto 熟视无睹
★★ injusticen.不公平
★ harmonyn.和谐,融洽
★ amongstprep.在……中
There is this unbelievable willingness to turn a blind eye tothe injustices that are happening to kids every single day in ourschools in the name of harmony amongst adults.学校每天都会有对孩子们不公平的待遇睁一只眼闭一只眼的情形,而这居然是为了成年人之间的和谐。
★ be exposed to接触到
As I grew up going to college and was exposed to more, only thendid I realize how
much I was cheated as a child in my education.我长大以后,上了大学,认识到了更多事。只有在那时,我才发现小时候上学的时候受了多少骗。
★ overwhelmed a.不堪重负的
★★★ individualizeda.个体化的,个性化的
Teachers are really overwhelmed, 'cause it's really hard to giveeach one that, you know, individualized attention. So it's morework for them to have these kinds of meetings. If they can avoidthem, unfortunately, you have some teachers that will avoid them ifthey can.老师们确实不堪重负,因为真的很难做到给每个人单独的指导,所以这种一对一的辅导对于他们来说是加重负担,所以很不幸,如果可以不管,有些老师就会尽力避免单独辅导孩子。
★★ hoverv.盘旋,徘徊
★★★ mediocrea.普通的,中等的
Let's say you live in a district with a hundred public schools.Most are like Francisco's, not terrible, but not great. A fifthwill be failing, and more will be hovering between mediocre andfailing.假设你住在一个有100所公立学校的地方,大多数像Francisco的学校,不差,也不好,五分之一的学校很差,更多的学校在普通和差之间。
★ mainstream n.主流
★ defyv.违背
★ oddsn.几率,可能性
There's usually one mainstream school that's defying the odds.With a great principal and outstanding teachers, it can produceamazing results, but you can't go there unless you live in thatneighborhood.通常只有一所学校不同于其他,有一个很好的校长,很好的老师们,成果喜人,但是如果你不住在附近,是不能上这个学校的。
★★★ ordealn.煎熬
★★★ important formativeexperience 影响最大的经历
★★★ laureate n.得奖者
Public school was not an ordeal we had to survive, but ratherthe single most important formative experience in our lives. Since1 900, U.S. public schools have produced more than a hundred Nobellaureates, ten presidents and countless numbers of great Americans.公立学校不是我们需要承受的煎熬,而应该是我们生命中最重要的体验。20世纪以来,美国的公立学校,培养了超过100位诺贝尔奖得主,10位总统,以及数不胜数的伟人。
★ rankv.排名
Since the 1 970s, U.S. schools have failed to keep pace with therest of the world. Among 30 developed countries, we rank 25th inmath and 21st in science.自1970年以来,美国的学校就已经跟不上世界的步伐。在30个发达国家里,我们的数学排25,科学排21。
★★ mortgagen.抵押
People move into an area, and they know they're paying a lot ofmoney for their mortgage, for their house, so they assume that theschool must be just as nice as their house.人们搬到一个新的社区,他们知道他们花了很多钱在贷款和房子上,所以他们都想,学校应该和他们的房子一样好。
★★★ periodic table 元素周期表
What side of the periodic table are metals found on? Now you'reasking me? I can't answer that, love, it's been too long.金属在元素周期表的靠哪边?你在问我吗? 亲爱的,我回答不上来,已经过去太久了。
★★★ be slated to提名……做候选人
★ boarding school寄宿学校
Woodside High, where Emily is slated to go next year, looks likea private boarding school, and Newsweek ranked it in the top sixpercent of American high schools.Woodside高中,Emily明年要上的高中就像一个私立学校,《新闻周报》也把它列为全美前6%的高中。
★ fancya.精致的
★ facilityn.设备
★ gymnasium n.健身房
★★★ lotteryn.彩票抽奖
Summit Prep is located in an industrial neighborhood. It doesn'thave the fancy facilities of Woodside. It doesn't even have agymnasium. But over 400 families are entering the lottery here andhoping for a spot because of something else it doesn't have.Summit预科学校坐落在一个工业区,它没有Woodside学校那么好的设施,甚至都没有体育馆,但是有超过400个家庭都在申请这个学校,希望能进入这所学校,因为它有特别之处。
★ arbitrarya.任意的
★★ subjective a.主观的
★★★ obedience n.服从 ← obey
Many families and their children are unaware that their academicfuture will be decided by a school official who will place them ona track. Tracking is often determined by test results, but researchshows that students are also tracked by arbitrary or subjectivefactors like neatness, politeness and obedience to authority.很多家庭和他们的孩子并没有意识到,他们未来的学习生涯是由学校给他们分的班决定的,而分班通常由考试结果决定。但是研究结果显示,学生也因为行为被分班,或者一些主观因素,比如打扮整洁、为人礼貌,遵守校规校纪。
★★ mediatev.调解
The California State University system is designed to accept thetop one-third of high school graduates, but most are not prepared.They have to remediate 50 to60 percent of all incoming freshmen before they can take collegelevel classes.加州州立大学系统本来是为了接收高中里前三分之一的学生,但他们大多数都没有准备好入学,他们需要把所有新生中50%到60%的人重新测试,在他们可以开始上大学的课程之前。
★★★ randomizev.使随机化
The computer just randomizes the numbers in an order. Say 54-Ais like the 99th student to get into Summit, then they have a listof all the numbers who aren't gonna get in but who are on thewaiting list.电脑会把序号随机打乱,据说54-A是第99个进入Summit学校的,然后他们会有一个表列出不能进入的人,他们在等待名单上。
★ qualified a.有资格的
★ recruitv.招收
At the end of 2009, the unemployment rate was almost tenpercent, but the high-tech industry could not find enough qualifiedpeople to fill their jobs. Instead, they had to go halfway aroundthe world to recruit the engineers and programmers they needed.2009年底,失业率差不多是10%,但是高科技行业仍旧缺乏有足够资格的人才,所以他们不得不跑遍大半个地球招聘公司需要的工程师和程序员。
★ sustainv.维持
★★ innovationn.创新
We cannot sustain an economy based on innovation unless we havecitizens well-educated in math, science and engineering. If we failat this, we won't be able to compete in the global economy.我们要想保持创新型经济体制,就必须培养出在数学、科学和工程领域具备高素质的人才。如果我们做不到,我们就无法在全球经济竞争中有优势。
★★ triplea.三倍的
Eighth graders at KIPP LA Prep get triple the classroom time inmath and science, and by the time they finish eighth grade, theywill have doubled their math and reading scores.KIPP预科学校的8年级生有三倍的时间给数学和科学,在他们学完8年级以后,他们的数学和阅读成绩都会翻倍。
★★ tuitionn.学费
★ ceremonyn.仪式,典礼
Today is her graduation, and she's not allowed to go because Ido owe some tuition, and they will not allow her to go to theceremonies. 今天她要毕业了,但是她不能参加,因为我还欠一些学费,他们就不让她参加毕业典礼。
★ principaln.校长
★★★ penalize v.处罚
★ certificaten.证书
★ reportcard n.成绩单
★ ceremonyn.仪式,典礼
★ harsha.残酷的
And I spoke to the principal about this and I asked him, whypenalize her for my responsibility? I can understand them notgiving her her certificate or not giving her her report card, butto not let her be a part of the ceremony is just... it's harsh.我向校长说了,我问他,为什么因为我的问题而惩罚她?我可以理解他们不给她毕业证明或者成绩单,但是不让她参加毕业典礼,太残酷了。
★ progressive a.进步的
For decades, tests have shown an achievement gap between richand poor children, and that over time, despite everything we'vetried, nothing seems to make it any better. Even progressiveeducators began to believe that the gap could never be closed.几十年来,测试结果显示富有和贫穷的孩子有很大区别,而不管我们如何努力,结果毫无改善,即便是改革教育家也开始相信这鸿沟无法消失。
★★★ sound barrier声障
★ approachvt.接近
★★ shattervi.粉碎
★★★ shredvi.撕碎
In 1 947, many felt that the sound barrier could never bebroken. Even men of science believed that our fastest planes wouldbreak apart when they approached the speed of sound. The glasswould shatter and the metal would shred.1947年,许多人认为声障永远无法被打破,即使是科学家也相信我们最快的飞机在接近声速的时候会四分五裂,玻璃和金属都会变得粉碎。
★★ memorizevt.记住
★★★ multiplication table乘法表
She noticed that her kids had trouble learning math terms, butcould memorize a rap song. So she turned her multiplication tablesinto a song. 她发现孩子们学数学很难,但可以记住一首说唱歌曲,所以她把乘法表编成了一首歌。
★★ pipelinen.渠道
He created an educational pipeline, which started at birth,following each child through every stage of their development,whatever it took. 他创造了一条教育的途径,从出生开始,跟踪了每个孩子,在他们每个学习阶段,不管需要花费多少。
★ fundamental n.基本原则
★★★ relentless a.坚持不懈的
★ singulara.单一的
★ emphasisn.重点,强调
Both KIPP and Canada used the same fundamentals. They increasedclassroom hours, held school on Saturdays and even in thesummertime, put relentless focus on achievement with a singularemphasis on a pathway to college.KIPP和Canada都有一样的原则,他们增加了上课时间,周六也上课,甚至暑假,唯一的目标就是上大学。
★★★ charismatica.有魅力的
But the experts refused to accept that this was anything morethan a few charismatic leaders, an idea that could never berepeated or brought to scale.但是专家们认为,这无非是领导人的个人魅力,这个学校的理念永远无法复制和推广。
★ residentn.居民
★★ proficient a.精通的,熟练的
★ on trackto 正在,处于良性发展
In Geoffrey Canada's program, there are 8,000 students. In aneighborhood where less than one out of ten residents have acollege degree, nine out of ten are proficient in math and are ontrack to go to a four-year college. 在GeoffreyCanada的学校中,有8000个学生,他们居住的社区,只有不到10%的居民拥有大学文凭,而这些孩子90%精通数学,并正准备入读正规四年制大学。
★★★ accountability n.责任
★★ fabulousa.难以置信的
We know that if you apply the right accountability standards,you can get fabulous results. 我们知道如果你运用了正确的标准,可以得到很好的结果。
★★ shattervt.粉碎
The students at KIPP and Geoffrey Canada's schools don't just dobetter than other poor kids. They do better than everyone, closingthe achievement gap and shattering the myth that those kids can'tlearn. KIPP的学生,以及GeoffreyCanada的学生,不仅仅只是比其他穷苦的学生学得好,他们比所有人都学得好,缩小了差距,打破了这些孩子学不好的神话。
★ oddsn.可能性
--- What are the odds of getting in?
--- I don't know.
--- 会有多大的可能性进去?
--- 我不知道
★ fundamental a.基本的
★★★ charterschool 特许学校
★ extendv.延长
★ evaluatev.评估
★ alterv.修改
★★★ tenuren.终身职位
But when she tried more fundamental changes, the kind she saw insuccessful charter schools, the more she ran up against the system.She couldn't extend the school day, effectively evaluate herteachers or alter the terms of tenure.但当她试着做一些更根本的改革时,她越是看到特许学校的成功,就越是与当前制度背道而驰,她不能延长上学的时间,不能有效地评估老师,或者改变教师终身制的体系。
★ proposev.提出
★ radicala.彻底的
So in the summer of 2008, Rhee proposed a radical change in theway the D.C. school district and the union had done business foralmost a century.所以在2008年夏天,Ree建议彻底推翻华盛顿学区与教师公会之间延续了近100年的一个传统。
★ proposaln.提议
★ modesta.(数量)较少的
★★★ meritpay 绩效工资
Instead of demanding the end of tenure, Rhee made a proposalthat would give teachers a choice. Keep tenure and get a modestraise, or give up tenure and earn potentially twice as much inmerit pay. Ree没有要求废除终身任期,而是提出让教师们选择,保持终身任期拿着普通的薪水,或是放弃终身任期挣他们现在两倍的钱。
★ formulan.方案
★★★ intractable a.棘手的,难处理的
It seemed that Rhee had come up with a magic formula to solvethe most intractable problem in all of education. If she succeeded,it could open the way for even broader reforms.似乎Rhee已经找到了神奇的方法来解决所有教育中的大难题,如果她成功了,还可以带来更多的改革。
★ proposaln.提议
★ undermine v.破坏,损害
What we're against is proposals that divide people, and thatundermine education. 我们反对的是这个提议把人们区别对待,这个提议暗中腐蚀了教育。
★★★ mentalityn.心态,心理
★★★ mindsetn.思维模式
★★ flipv.翻转变换
★ privilege n.特权
The mentality is that they have a right to that job. I believethat that mindset has to be completely flipped on its head, andunless you can show that you're bringing positive results for kids,then you cannot have the privilege of teaching in our schools andteaching ourchildren.他们觉得做这份工作是自己的权利,我认为他们的观念模式必须完全改变,除非你能证明你给孩子带来了积极影响,否则你就无权在我们学校任教。
★ ultimatelyad.最终
★ compensatev.补偿,弥补
★ proposaln.提议
We ultimately wanna have the most highly effective and highlycompensated educator force in the country. We wanna make sure thatwe recognize and reward our effective teachers, and I think thatthis proposal will go a long way to doing that.我们最终希望有最有效的方法,高报酬的教育者,在进行工作,我们想保证我们可以看到好老师,并奖励他们,我想这个提案会在这个方向一直做下去。
★★ coherenta.连贯的
Now I see in a lot more coherent ways why things are the waythey are. It all becomes about theadults.现在我以更清楚连贯的方式来看待这些事情为什么会是这样,都是因为成年人。
★ obligationn.责任,义务
Now that we know it's possible to give every child a greateducation, what is our obligation to other people's children?现在我们知道,让每个孩子得到好的教育是有可能的,那我们对别人孩子的责任是什么?
★ assignv.分配
★★★ lotteryn.彩票抽奖
★ preference n.优先考虑
★★ randoma.随机的
I've assigned every student a lottery ID number. And you have aone-preference if you live in district and a two-preference if youlive out of district. I looked at 400 random numbers compared toeach other, and ran it about a hundred times, and they nevermatched.我给每个学生都编了一个抽签的号码,如果你是本地人,会有第一优先,非本地的则是第二优先。我把这400个随机的号码互相比对,摇上100次,也不会有重复。
★★★ lotteryn.彩票抽奖
★★ random selection 随机选择
We must conduct the lottery and it's a random selection. You seethe cages up here.
It's a random selection. You all have your numbers, right? OK.我们要进行抽签,这是随机的选择,你看到了这个笼子,这是一个随机的选择,你们都拿到了自己的号码对吗?好的。
★ applausen.掌声
Thank you to all of you for being here. Give yourselves a roundof applause. Thank you. 谢谢大家的参加,给自己一点掌声,谢谢你们。
★ confirm v.确认
For families who are on the waiting list, you should receive atsome time the early part of next week, confirming where you are onthe waiting list. 对于候补名单上的家庭,你们会在下周的早些时候,收到在候补名单的证明。
★★★ fortitude n.勇气
The question is, do we have the fortitude that it would take asa city and as a country to make the difficult decisions that wouldbe necessary? 问题是,我们有没有勇气,需要耗费一座城市、一个国家的精力,来做这些必要但艰难的决定?