“适者生存”这一名言并不是查尔斯·达尔文创造的。 查尔斯达尔文大学

Charles Darwin didn't coin the famous phrase 'survival of thefittest'!

“适者生存”这一名言并不是查尔斯·达尔文创造的。 查尔斯达尔文大学

Charles Darwin, famous for coming up with the theory of evolutionafter observing a variety of species around the world, did notactually coin the phrase 'survival of the fittest'.

Of course, the phrase basically sums up how most people understandthe theory of evolution - the strongest survive, and the weakerones die.

Because the phrase is so associated with evolution, people assumethat Charles Darwin coined the phrase to help explain his theory -when in actuality a man by the name of Herbert Spencer came up withthe phrase!

Herbert Spencer, was born in 1820 and died at the ripe age of 83,in the year 1903. He is a well known figure in the philosophyworld, as well as those who study evolution - because it is saidthat he started writing about evolution long before Darwin did!


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